Failover ======== Verify deleting of Fuel NSX-T plugin is impossible if it's used by created cluster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID ## nsxt_uninstall_negative Description ########### It is impossible to remove plugin while at least one environment exists. Complexity ########## smoke Steps ##### 1. Install NSX-T plugin on master node. 2. Create a new environment with enabled NSX-T plugin. 3. Try to delete plugin via cli from master node:: fuel plugins --remove nsxt==1.0.0 Expected result ############### Alert: "400 Client Error: Bad Request (Can't delete plugin which is enabled for some environment.)" should be displayed. Check plugin functionality after shutdown primary controller. ------------------------------------------------------------- ID ## nsxt_shutdown_controller Description ########### Check plugin functionality after shutdown primary controller. Complexity ########## core Steps ##### 1. Log in to the Fuel with preinstalled plugin and deployed enviroment with 3 controllers. 2. Log in to Horizon. 3. Create vcenter VM and check connectivity to outside world from VM. 4. Shutdown primary controller. 5. Ensure that VIPs are moved to other controller. 6. Ensure taht there is a connectivity to outside world from created VM. 7. Create a new network and attach it to default router. 8. Create a vcenter VM with new network and check network connectivity via ICMP. Expected result ############### Networking works correct after failure of primary controller. Check cluster functionality after reboot vcenter. ------------------------------------------------- ID ## nsxt_reboot_vcenter Description ########### Test verifies that system functionality is ok when vcenter has been rebooted. Complexity ########## core Steps ##### 1. Log in to the Fuel with preinstalled plugin and deployed enviroment. 2. Log in to Horizon. 3. Launch vcenter instance VM_1 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.tiny. 4. Launch vcenter instance VM_2 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.tiny. 5. Check connection between VMs, send ping from VM_1 to VM_2 and vice verse. 6. Reboot vcenter:: vmrun -T ws-shared -h https://localhost:443/sdk -u vmware -p pass reset "[standard] vcenter/vcenter.vmx" 7. Check that controller lost connection with vCenter. 8. Wait for vCenter is online. 9. Ensure that all instances from vCenter are displayed in dashboard. 10. Ensure there is connectivity between vcenter1's and vcenter2's VMs. 11. Run OSTF. Expected result ############### Cluster should be deployed and all OSTF test cases should be passed. Ping should get response.