#!/bin/bash # Add here any the actions which are required before plugin build # like packages building, packages downloading from mirrors and so on. # The script should return 0 if there were no errors. set -eux ROOT="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))" PLUGIN_MOD_DIR="$ROOT/deployment_scripts/puppet/modules/upstream" MODULE_NAME='nsxt' # Download upstream puppet modules that are not in fuel-library/ find "$ROOT/deployment_scripts/puppet/modules" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ! -name $MODULE_NAME -prune -exec rm -fr {} \; "$ROOT"/update_modules.sh -d "$PLUGIN_MOD_DIR" # Remove .git directory rm -fr $(find "${PLUGIN_MOD_DIR:?}" -name '.git' ) mv "$PLUGIN_MOD_DIR"/* "$(dirname $PLUGIN_MOD_DIR)" # Download puppet modules that are in fuel-library/ TARBALL_VERSION='stable/mitaka' REPO_PATH="https://github.com/openstack/fuel-library/tarball/${TARBALL_VERSION}" # wget -qO- "$REPO_PATH" | tar --wildcards -C "$PLUGIN_MOD_DIR" --strip-components=3 -zxvf - "openstack-fuel-library-*/deployment/puppet/" mv "$PLUGIN_MOD_DIR"/osnailyfacter/lib/puppet/parser/functions/get_ssl_property.rb "$(dirname $PLUGIN_MOD_DIR)"/$MODULE_NAME/lib/puppet/parser/functions # clean rm -fr "$PLUGIN_MOD_DIR"