require 'socket' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..', 'nsxtutils') Puppet::Type.type(:nsxt_create_transport_node).provide(:nsxt_create_transport_node, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Nsxtutils) do # need this for work nsxtcli method, otherwise not work commands :nsxcli => 'nsxcli' def create host_switch_profile_ids = [{'key' => 'UplinkHostSwitchProfile', 'value' => @resource[:uplink_profile_id] }] pnics = create_pnics_array(@resource[:pnics]) node_id = get_node_id display_name = Socket.gethostname # the host switch name of the transport zone must match the host switch name to create transport nodes host_switch_name = get_host_switch_name(@resource[:managers], @resource[:transport_zone_id]) request = {'display_name' => display_name, 'node_id' => node_id, 'host_switches' => [{'host_switch_name' => host_switch_name, 'static_ip_pool_id' => @resource[:static_ip_pool_id], 'host_switch_profile_ids' => host_switch_profile_ids, 'pnics' => pnics}], 'transport_zone_endpoints' => [{'transport_zone_id' => @resource[:transport_zone_id]}] } # puppet retrun string if provide array parametr with single element # transport_zone_profile_ids = @resource[:transport_zone_profile_ids] if not transport_zone_profile_ids.instance_of? Array transport_zone_profile_ids = [transport_zone_profile_ids] end if not transport_zone_profile_ids[0].to_s.empty? request['transport_zone_endpoints'].push(transport_zone_profile_ids) end debug("Attempting to create a transport node") @resource[:managers].each do |manager| api_url = "https://#{manager}/api/v1/transport-nodes" begin response = post_nsxt_api(api_url, @resource[:username], @resource[:password], request.to_json, @resource[:ca_file]) rescue => error raise Puppet::Error,("\nFailed to create the transport node: #{error.message}\n") end if not response.to_s.empty? # 12 retry x 15 sleep time = 3 minutes timeout retry_count = 12 while retry_count > 0 if exists? notice("Node '#{node_id}' added to NSX-T as transport node") return true else retry_count -= 1 sleep 15 end end end end raise Puppet::Error,("\nFailed to create the transport node, status in NSX-T manager not updated\n") end def exists? connected_managers = nsxtcli("get controllers") if connected_managers.include? "connected" node_id = get_node_id if not node_id.empty? @resource[:managers].each do |manager| if check_node_lcp_connected(manager, node_id) debug("Node '#{node_id}' connected to controllers and LCP connectivity status UP on '#{manager}'") return true end end else raise Puppet::Error,("\nFailed to create the transport node:\nNode not registered in management plane\n") end end debug("Node NOT connected to NSX-T controllers") return false end def destroy debug("Attempting to delete a transport node") node_id = get_node_id @resource[:managers].each do |manager| transport_node_id = get_transport_node_id(manager, node_id, @resource[:ca_file]) if not transport_node_id.empty? api_url = "https://#{manager}/api/v1/transport-nodes/#{transport_node_id}" begin response = delete_nsxt_api(api_url, @resource[:username], @resource[:password], @resource[:ca_file]) rescue => error raise Puppet::Error,("\nFailed to delete the transport node: #{error.message}\n") end if response # 12 retry x 15 sleep time = 3 minutes timeout retry_count = 12 while retry_count > 0 if not exists? notice("Transport node '#{node_id}' delete from NSX-T") return true else retry_count -= 1 sleep 15 end end end end end raise Puppet::Error,("\nFailed to delete the transport node.\n") end def check_node_lcp_connected(manager, node_id) api_url = "https://#{manager}/api/v1/fabric/nodes/#{node_id}/status" response = get_nsxt_api(api_url, @resource[:username], @resource[:password], @resource[:ca_file]) if not response.to_s.empty? if response['lcp_connectivity_status'] == 'UP' debug("Node '#{node_id}' LCP status UP on '#{manager}'") return true else debug("Node LCP status '#{response['lcp_connectivity_status']}' on '#{manager}'") if not response['lcp_connectivity_status_details'].empty? response['lcp_connectivity_status_details'].each do |details| debug("On #{details['control_node_ip']} status: #{details['status']} failure_status: #{details['failure_status']}") end end end else debug("Node LCP status NOT UP on '#{manager}'") end return false end def get_host_switch_name(managers, transport_zone_id) managers.each do |manager| debug("Attempt to get host_switch_name for '#{transport_zone_id}' transport zone from '#{manager}' manager") api_url = "https://#{manager}/api/v1/transport-zones/#{transport_zone_id}" response = get_nsxt_api(api_url, @resource[:username], @resource[:password], @resource[:ca_file]) if not response.to_s.empty? return response['host_switch_name'] end end raise Puppet::Error,("\nCannot get host_switch_name for '#{transport_zone_id}' transport zone.\n") end def create_pnics_array(pnics) result_pnic_pairs = [] # if not pnics.instance_of? Array pnics = [pnics] end pnics.each do |pnic_pair| device,uplink = pnic_pair.split(':') result_pnic_pairs.push({'device_name' => device.strip, 'uplink_name' => uplink.strip}) end return result_pnic_pairs end end