
412 lines
17 KiB

# Protection domains and Storage Pools.
# The puppet configures ScaleIO cluster - adds MDMs, SDSs, sets up
#Helpers for array processing
define mdm_standby() {
$ip = $title
notify {"Configure Standby MDM ${ip}": } ->
scaleio::mdm {"Standby MDM ${ip}":
ensure => 'present',
ensure_properties => 'present',
sio_name => $ip,
role => 'manager',
ips => $ip,
management_ips => $ip,
define mdm_tb() {
$ip = $title
notify {"Configure Tie-Breaker MDM ${ip}": } ->
scaleio::mdm {"Tie-Breaker MDM ${ip}":
ensure => 'present',
ensure_properties => 'present',
sio_name => $ip,
role => 'tb',
ips => $ip,
management_ips => undef,
define storage_pool_ensure(
) {
$sp_name = $title
if $::scaleio_storage_pools and $::scaleio_storage_pools != '' {
$current_pools = split($::scaleio_storage_pools, ',')
} else {
$current_pools = []
if ! ("${protection_domain}:${sp_name}" in $current_pools) {
if $sp_name in $rmcache_passthrough_pools or $sp_name in $rmcache_cached_pools {
$rmcache_usage = 'use'
if $sp_name in $rmcache_passthrough_pools {
$rmcache_write_handling_mode = 'passthrough'
} else {
$rmcache_write_handling_mode = 'cached'
} else {
$rmcache_usage = 'dont_use'
$rmcache_write_handling_mode = undef
if $sp_name in $rfcache_storage_pools_array {
$rfcache_usage = 'use'
} else {
$rfcache_usage = 'dont_use'
notify {"storage_pool_ensure ${protection_domain}:${sp_name}: zero_padding=${zero_padding}, checksum=${checksum_mode}, scanner=${scanner_mode}, spare=${spare_policy}, rfcache=${rfcache_usage}":
} ->
scaleio::storage_pool {"Storage Pool ${protection_domain}:${sp_name}":
sio_name => $sp_name,
protection_domain => $protection_domain,
zero_padding_policy => $zero_padding,
checksum_mode => $checksum_mode,
scanner_mode => $scanner_mode,
spare_percentage => $spare_policy,
rfcache_usage => $rfcache_usage,
rmcache_usage => $rmcache_usage,
rmcache_write_handling_mode => $rmcache_write_handling_mode,
} else {
notify {"Skip storage pool ${sp_name} because it is already exists in ${::scaleio_storage_pools}": }
define sds_ensure(
$storage_pools, # if sds_devices_config==undef then storage_pools and device_paths are used,
$device_paths, # this is FUELs w/o plugin's roles support, so all SDSes have the same config
$sds_devices_config, # for FUELs with plugin's roles support, config could be different for SDSes
) {
$sds_name = $title
$sds_node_ = filter_nodes($sds_nodes, 'name', $sds_name)
$sds_node = $sds_node_[0]
#ips for data path traffic
$storage_ips = $sds_node['storage_address']
$storage_ip_roles = 'sdc_only'
#ips for communication with MDM and SDS<=>SDS
$mgmt_ips = $sds_node['internal_address']
$mgmt_ip_roles = 'sds_only'
if count(split($storage_ips, ',')) != 1 or count(split($mgmt_ips, ',')) != 1 {
fail("TODO: behaviour changed: address becomes comma-separated list ${storage_ips} or ${mgmt_ips}, so it is needed to add the generation of ip roles")
if $mgmt_ips == $storage_ips {
$sds_ips = "${storage_ips}"
$sds_ip_roles = 'all'
else {
$sds_ips = "${storage_ips},${mgmt_ips}"
$sds_ip_roles = "${storage_ip_roles},${mgmt_ip_roles}"
if $sds_devices_config {
$cfg = $sds_devices_config[$sds_name]
if $cfg {
notify{"sds ${sds_name} config: ${cfg}": }
$pool_devices = $cfg ? { false => undef, default => convert_sds_config($cfg) }
if $pool_devices {
$sds_pools = $pool_devices[0]
$sds_device = $pool_devices[1]
} else {
warn("sds ${sds_name} there is empty pools and devices in configuration")
$sds_pools = undef
$sds_device = undef
if $cfg['rfcache_devices'] and $cfg['rfcache_devices'] != '' {
$sds_rfcache_devices = $cfg['rfcache_devices']
} else {
$sds_rfcache_devices = undef
} else {
warn("sds ${sds_name} there is no sds config in DB")
$sds_pools = undef
$sds_device = undef
$sds_rfcache_devices = undef
} else {
$sds_pools = $storage_pools
$sds_device = $device_paths
$sds_rfcache_devices = $rfcache_devices
notify { "sds ${sds_name}: pools:devices:rfcache: '${sds_pools}': '${sds_device}': '${sds_rfcache_devices}'": } ->
scaleio::sds {$sds_name:
ensure => 'present',
sio_name => $sds_name,
protection_domain => $protection_domain,
ips => $sds_ips,
ip_roles => $sds_ip_roles,
storage_pools => $sds_pools,
device_paths => $sds_device,
rfcache_devices => $sds_rfcache_devices,
define cleanup_sdc () {
$sdc_ip = $title
scaleio::sdc {"Remove SDC ${sdc_ip}":
ensure => 'absent',
ip => $sdc_ip,
define cleanup_sds () {
$sds_name = $title
scaleio::sds {"Remove SDS ${sds_name}":
ensure => 'absent',
sio_name => $sds_name,
# The only first mdm which is proposed to be the first master does cluster configuration
$scaleio = hiera('scaleio')
if $scaleio['metadata']['enabled'] {
if ! $scaleio['existing_cluster'] {
if $::managers_ips {
$all_nodes = hiera('nodes')
# primary controller configures cluster
if ! empty(filter_nodes(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'name', $::hostname), 'role', 'primary-controller')) {
$use_plugin_roles = $scaleio['enable_sds_role']
if ! $use_plugin_roles {
$storage_nodes = filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'compute')
if $scaleio['sds_on_controller'] {
$controller_nodes = filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'controller')
$pr_controller_nodes = filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'primary-controller')
$sds_nodes = concat(concat($pr_controller_nodes, $controller_nodes), $storage_nodes)
} else {
$sds_nodes = $storage_nodes
} else {
$sds_nodes = concat(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'scaleio-storage-tier1'), filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'scaleio-storage-tier2'))
$sds_nodes_names = keys(nodes_to_hash($sds_nodes, 'name', 'internal_address'))
$sds_nodes_count = count($sds_nodes_names)
$sdc_nodes =concat(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'compute'), filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'cinder'))
$sdc_nodes_ips = values(nodes_to_hash($sdc_nodes, 'name', 'internal_address'))
$mdm_ip_array = split($::managers_ips, ',')
$tb_ip_array = split($::tb_ips, ',')
$mdm_count = count($mdm_ip_array)
$tb_count = count($tb_ip_array)
if $mdm_count < 2 or $tb_count == 0 {
$cluster_mode = 1
$standby_ips = []
$slave_names = undef
$tb_names = undef
} else {
# primary controller IP is first in the list in case of first deploy and it creates cluster.
# it's guaranied by the tasks environment.pp and resize_cluster.pp
# in case of re-deploy the first ip is current master ip
$standby_ips = delete($mdm_ip_array, $mdm_ip_array[0])
if $mdm_count < 3 or $tb_count == 1 {
$cluster_mode = 3
$slave_names = join(values_at($standby_ips, "0-0"), ',')
$tb_names = join(values_at($tb_ip_array, "0-0"), ',')
} else {
$cluster_mode = 5
# incase of switch 3 to 5 nodes add only standby mdm/tb
$to_add_slaves = difference(values_at($standby_ips, "0-1"), intersection(values_at($standby_ips, "0-1"), split($::scaleio_mdm_ips, ',')))
$to_add_tb = difference(values_at($tb_ip_array, "0-1"), intersection(values_at($tb_ip_array, "0-1"), split($::scaleio_tb_ips, ',')))
$slave_names = join($to_add_slaves, ',')
$tb_names = join($to_add_tb, ',')
$password = $scaleio['password']
if $scaleio['protection_domain_nodes'] {
$protection_domain_number = ($sds_nodes_count + $scaleio['protection_domain_nodes'] - 1) / $scaleio['protection_domain_nodes']
} else {
$protection_domain_number = 1
$protection_domain = $protection_domain_number ? {
0 => $scaleio['protection_domain'],
1 => $scaleio['protection_domain'],
default => "${scaleio['protection_domain']}_${protection_domain_number}"
# parse config from centralized DB if exists
if $::scaleio_sds_config and $::scaleio_sds_config != '' {
$sds_devices_config = parsejson($::scaleio_sds_config)
else {
$sds_devices_config = undef
if $scaleio['device_paths'] and $scaleio['device_paths'] != '' {
# if devices come from settings, remove probable trailing commas
$paths = join(split($scaleio['device_paths'], ','), ',')
} else {
$paths = undef
if $scaleio['storage_pools'] and $scaleio['storage_pools'] != '' {
# if storage pools come from settings remove probable trailing commas
$pools_array = split($scaleio['storage_pools'], ',')
$pools = join($pools_array, ',')
} else {
$pools_array = get_pools_from_sds_config($sds_devices_config)
$pools = undef
$zero_padding = $scaleio['zero_padding'] ? {
false => 'disable',
default => 'enable'
$scanner_mode = $scaleio['scanner_mode'] ? {
false => 'disable',
default => 'enable'
$checksum_mode = $scaleio['checksum_mode'] ? {
false => 'disable',
default => 'enable'
$spare_policy = $scaleio['spare_policy'] ? {
false => undef,
default => $scaleio['spare_policy']
if $scaleio['rmcache_usage'] {
if $scaleio['rmcache_passthrough_pools'] and $scaleio['rmcache_passthrough_pools'] != '' {
$rmcache_passthrough_pools = split($scaleio['rmcache_passthrough_pools'], ',')
} else {
$rmcache_passthrough_pools = []
if $scaleio['rmcache_cached_pools'] and $scaleio['rmcache_cached_pools'] != '' {
$rmcache_cached_pools = split($scaleio['rmcache_cached_pools'], ',')
} else {
$rmcache_cached_pools = []
} else {
$rmcache_passthrough_pools = []
$rmcache_cached_pools = []
if $scaleio['rfcache_devices'] and $scaleio['rfcache_devices'] != '' {
$rfcache_devices = $scaleio['rfcache_devices']
} else {
$rfcache_devices = undef
if $scaleio['cached_storage_pools'] and $scaleio['cached_storage_pools'] != '' {
$rfcache_storage_pools_array = split($scaleio['cached_storage_pools'], ',')
} else {
$rfcache_storage_pools_array = []
if $scaleio['capacity_high_alert_threshold'] and $scaleio['capacity_high_alert_threshold'] != '' {
$capacity_high_alert_threshold = $scaleio['capacity_high_alert_threshold']
} else {
$capacity_high_alert_threshold = undef
if $scaleio['capacity_critical_alert_threshold'] and $scaleio['capacity_critical_alert_threshold'] != '' {
$capacity_critical_alert_threshold = $scaleio['capacity_critical_alert_threshold']
} else {
$capacity_critical_alert_threshold = undef
notify {"Configure cluster MDM: ${master_mdm}": } ->
scaleio::login {'Normal':
password => $password,
require => File_line['SCALEIO_discovery_allowed']
if $::scaleio_sdc_ips {
$current_sdc_ips = split($::scaleio_sdc_ips, ',')
$to_keep_sdc = intersection($current_sdc_ips, $sdc_nodes_ips)
$to_remove_sdc = difference($current_sdc_ips, $to_keep_sdc)
# todo: not clear is it safe: actually task sdc is run before cluster task,
# so there to_add_sdc_ips is always empty, because all SDCs
# are already registered in cluster and are returned from facter scaleio_current_sdc_list
notify {"SDC change current='${::scaleio_current_sdc_list}', to_add='${to_add_sdc_ips}', to_remove='${to_remove_sdc}'": } ->
cleanup_sdc {$to_remove_sdc:
require => Scaleio::Login['Normal'],
if $::scaleio_sds_names {
$current_sds_names = split($::scaleio_sds_names, ',')
$to_keep_sds = intersection($current_sds_names, $sds_nodes_names)
$to_add_sds_names = difference($sds_nodes_names, $to_keep_sds)
$to_remove_sds = difference($current_sds_names, $to_keep_sds)
notify {"SDS change current='${::scaleio_sds_names}' new='${new_sds_names}' to_remove='${to_remove_sds}'": } ->
cleanup_sds {$to_remove_sds:
require => Scaleio::Login['Normal'],
} else {
$to_add_sds_names = $sds_nodes_names
if $cluster_mode != 1 {
mdm_standby {$standby_ips:
require => Scaleio::Login['Normal'],
} ->
mdm_tb{$tb_ip_array:} ->
scaleio::cluster {'Configure cluster mode':
ensure => 'present',
cluster_mode => $cluster_mode,
slave_names => $slave_names,
tb_names => $tb_names,
require => Scaleio::Login['Normal'],
$protection_domain_resource_name = "Ensure protection domain ${protection_domain}"
scaleio::protection_domain {$protection_domain_resource_name:
sio_name => $protection_domain,
require => Scaleio::Login['Normal'],
} ->
storage_pool_ensure {$pools_array:
protection_domain => $protection_domain,
zero_padding => $zero_padding,
scanner_mode => $scanner_mode,
checksum_mode => $checksum_mode,
spare_policy => $spare_policy,
rfcache_storage_pools_array => $rfcache_storage_pools_array,
rmcache_passthrough_pools => $rmcache_passthrough_pools,
rmcache_cached_pools => $rmcache_cached_pools,
} ->
sds_ensure {$to_add_sds_names:
sds_nodes => $sds_nodes,
protection_domain => $protection_domain,
storage_pools => $pools,
device_paths => $paths,
rfcache_devices => $rfcache_devices,
sds_devices_config => $sds_devices_config,
require => Scaleio::Protection_domain[$protection_domain_resource_name],
if $capacity_high_alert_threshold and $capacity_critical_alert_threshold {
scaleio::cluster {'Configure alerts':
ensure => 'present',
capacity_high_alert_threshold => $capacity_high_alert_threshold,
capacity_critical_alert_threshold => $capacity_critical_alert_threshold,
require => Scaleio::Protection_domain[$protection_domain_resource_name],
# Apply high performance profile to SDC-es
# Use first sdc ip because underlined puppet uses all_sdc parameters
if ! empty($sdc_nodes_ips) {
scaleio::sdc {'Set performance settings for all available SDCs':
ip => $sdc_nodes_ips[0],
require => Scaleio::Protection_domain[$protection_domain_resource_name],
} else {
notify {"Not Master MDM IP ${master_mdm}": }
file_line {'SCALEIO_mdm_ips':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_mdm_ips=",
line => "SCALEIO_mdm_ips=${::managers_ips}",
} ->
# forbid requesting sdc/sds from discovery facters,
# this is a workaround of the ScaleIO problem -
# these requests hangs in some reason if cluster is in degraded state
file_line {'SCALEIO_discovery_allowed':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_discovery_allowed=",
line => "SCALEIO_discovery_allowed=no",
} else {
fail('Empty MDM IPs configuration')
} else {
notify{'Skip configuring cluster because of using existing cluster': }