
175 lines
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# The puppet reset mdm ips into initial state for next cluster detection on controllers.
# On client nodes just all controllers are used as mdm ips because no way to detect cluster there.
define env_fact($role, $fact, $value) {
file_line { "Append a SCALEIO_${role}_${fact} line to /etc/environment":
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_${role}_${fact}=",
line => "SCALEIO_${role}_${fact}=${value}",
$scaleio = hiera('scaleio')
if $scaleio['metadata']['enabled'] {
notify{'ScaleIO plugin enabled': }
# The following exec allows interrupt for debugging at the very beginning of the plugin deployment
# because Fuel doesn't provide any tools for this and deployment can last for more than two hours.
# Timeouts in tasks.yaml and in the deployment_tasks.yaml (which in 6.1 is not user-exposed and
# can be found for example in astute docker container during deloyment) should be set to high values.
# It'll be invoked only if /tmp/scaleio_debug file exists on particular node and you can use
# "touch /tmp/go" when you're ready to resume.
exec { "Wait on debug interrupt: use touch /tmp/go to resume":
command => "bash -c 'while [ ! -f /tmp/go ]; do :; done'",
path => [ '/bin/' ],
onlyif => "ls /tmp/scaleio_debug",
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
fail('This is a temporary limitation. ScaleIO supports only Ubuntu for now.')
'Debian': {
# nothing to do
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} operatingsystem: ${::operatingsystem}, module ${module_name} only support osfamily RedHat and Debian")
$all_nodes = hiera('nodes')
if ! $scaleio['skip_checks'] and empty(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'cinder')) {
fail('At least one Node with Cinder role is required')
if $scaleio['existing_cluster'] {
# Existing ScaleIO cluster attaching
notify{'Use existing ScaleIO cluster': }
env_fact{"Environment fact: role gateway, ips: ${scaleio['gateway_ip']}":
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'ips',
value => $scaleio['gateway_ip']
} ->
env_fact{"Environment fact: role gateway, user: ${scaleio['gateway_user']}":
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'user',
value => $scaleio['gateway_user']
} ->
env_fact{"Environment fact: role gateway, password: ${scaleio['password']}":
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'password',
value => $scaleio['password']
} ->
env_fact{"Environment fact: role gateway, port: ${scaleio['gateway_port']}":
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'port',
value => $scaleio['gateway_port']
} ->
env_fact{"Environment fact: role storage, pools: ${scaleio['existing_storage_pools']}":
role => 'storage',
fact => 'pools',
value => $scaleio['existing_storage_pools']
# mdm_ips are requested from gateways in separate manifest because no way to pass args to facter
else {
# New ScaleIO cluster deployment
notify{'Deploy ScaleIO cluster': }
$controllers_nodes = filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'controller')
$primary_controller_nodes = filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'primary-controller')
#use management network for ScaleIO components communications
# order of ips should be equal on all nodes:
# - first ip must be primary controller, others should be sorted have defined order
$controllers_ips_ = ipsort(values(nodes_to_hash($controllers_nodes, 'name', 'internal_address')))
$controller_ips_array = concat(values(nodes_to_hash($primary_controller_nodes, 'name', 'internal_address')), $controllers_ips_)
$ctrl_ips = join($controller_ips_array, ',')
notify{"ScaleIO cluster: ctrl_ips=${ctrl_ips}": }
# Check SDS count
$use_plugin_roles = $scaleio['enable_sds_role']
if ! $use_plugin_roles {
$controller_sds_count = $scaleio['sds_on_controller'] ? {
true => count($controller_ips_array),
default => 0
$total_sds_count = count(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'compute')) + $controller_sds_count
if $total_sds_count < 3 {
$sds_check_msg = 'There should be at least 3 nodes with SDSs, either add Compute node or use Controllers as SDS.'
} else {
$tier1_sds_count = count(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'scaleio-storage-tier1'))
$tier2_sds_count = count(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'role', 'scaleio-storage-tier2'))
if $tier1_sds_count != 0 and $tier1_sds_count < 3 {
$sds_check_msg = 'There are less than 3 nodes with Scaleio Storage Tier1 role.'
if $tier2_sds_count != 0 and $tier2_sds_count < 3 {
$sds_check_msg = 'There are less than 3 nodes with Scaleio Storage Tier2 role.'
if $sds_check_msg {
if ! $scaleio['skip_checks'] {
} else{
$nodes = filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'name', $::hostname)
if ! empty(concat(filter_nodes($nodes, 'role', 'controller'), filter_nodes($nodes, 'role', 'primary-controller'))) {
if $::memorysize_mb < 2900 {
if ! $scaleio['skip_checks'] {
fail("Controller node requires at least 3000MB but there is ${::memorysize_mb}")
} else {
warning("Controller node requires at least 3000MB but there is ${::memorysize_mb}")
if $::sds_storage_small_devices {
if ! $scaleio['skip_checks'] {
fail("Storage devices minimal size is 100GB. The following devices do not meet this requirement ${::sds_storage_small_devices}")
} else {
warning("Storage devices minimal size is 100GB. The following devices do not meet this requirement ${::sds_storage_small_devices}")
# mdm ips and tb ips must be emtpy to avoid queries from ScaleIO about SDC/SDS,
# the next task (cluster discovering) will set them into correct values.
env_fact{'Environment fact: mdm ips':
role => 'mdm',
fact => 'ips',
value => ''
} ->
env_fact{'Environment fact: managers ips':
role => 'managers',
fact => 'ips',
value => ''
} ->
env_fact{'Environment fact: tb ips':
role => 'tb',
fact => 'ips',
value => ''
} ->
env_fact{'Environment fact: gateway ips':
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'ips',
value => $ctrl_ips
} ->
env_fact{'Environment fact: controller ips':
role => 'controller',
fact => 'ips',
value => $ctrl_ips
} ->
env_fact{'Environment fact: role gateway, user: admin':
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'user',
value => 'admin'
} ->
env_fact{'Environment fact: role gateway, port: 4443':
role => 'gateway',
fact => 'port',
value => 4443
} ->
env_fact{"Environment fact: role storage, pools: ${scaleio['storage_pools']}":
role => 'storage',
fact => 'pools',
value => $scaleio['storage_pools']
} else {
notify{'ScaleIO plugin disabled': }