
29 lines
933 B

# The puppet configure ScaleIO MDM IPs in environment for existing ScaleIO cluster.
#TODO: move it from this file and from environment.pp into modules
define env_fact($role, $fact, $value) {
file_line { "Append a SCALEIO_${role}_${fact} line to /etc/environment":
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_${role}_${fact}=",
line => "SCALEIO_${role}_${fact}=${value}",
$scaleio = hiera('scaleio')
if $scaleio['metadata']['enabled'] {
if $scaleio['existing_cluster'] {
$ips = $::scaleio_mdm_ips_from_gateway
if ! $ips or $ips == '' {
fail('Cannot request MDM IPs from existing cluster. Check Gateway address/port and user name with password.')
env_fact{"Environment fact: role mdm, ips from existing cluster ${ips}":
role => 'controller',
fact => 'ips',
value => $ips
} else {
notify{'ScaleIO plugin disabled': }