
121 lines
5.3 KiB

# The puppet sets 1_node mode and removes absent nodes if there are any ones.
# It expects that facters mdm_ips and tb_ips are correctly set to current cluster state
define cleanup_mdm () {
$mdm_name = $title
scaleio::mdm {"Remove MDM ${mdm_name}":
ensure => 'absent',
sio_name => $mdm_name,
# The only mdm with minimal IP from current MDMs does cleaunp
$scaleio = hiera('scaleio')
if $scaleio['metadata']['enabled'] {
if ! $scaleio['existing_cluster'] {
$all_nodes = hiera('nodes')
$controller_ips_array = split($::controller_ips, ',')
# names of mdm and tb are IPs in fuel
$current_mdms = split($::managers_ips, ',')
$current_tbs = split($::tb_ips, ',')
$mdms_present = intersection($current_mdms, $controller_ips_array)
$mdms_present_str = join($mdms_present, ',')
$mdms_absent = difference($current_mdms, $mdms_present)
$tbs_present = intersection($current_tbs, $controller_ips_array)
$tbs_absent = difference($current_tbs, $tbs_present)
$controllers_count = count($controller_ips_array)
if $controllers_count < 3 {
# 1 node mode
$to_add_mdm_count = 1 - count($mdms_present)
$to_add_tb_count = 0
} else {
# 3 node mode
if $controllers_count < 5 {
$to_add_mdm_count = 2 - count($mdms_present)
$to_add_tb_count = 1 - count($tbs_present)
} else {
# 5 node mode
$to_add_mdm_count = 3 - count($mdms_present)
$to_add_tb_count = 2 - count($tbs_present)
$nodes_present = concat(intersection($current_mdms, $controller_ips_array), $tbs_present)
$available_nodes = difference($controller_ips_array, intersection($nodes_present, $controller_ips_array))
if $to_add_tb_count > 0 and count($available_nodes) >= $to_add_tb_count {
$last_tb_index = count($available_nodes) - 1
$first_tb_index = $last_tb_index - $to_add_tb_count + 1
$tbs_present_tmp = intersection($current_tbs, $controller_ips_array) # use tmp because concat modifys first param
$new_tb_ips = join(concat($tbs_present_tmp, values_at($available_nodes, "${first_tb_index}-${last_tb_index}")), ',')
} else {
$new_tb_ips = join($tbs_present, ',')
if $to_add_mdm_count > 0 and count($available_nodes) >= $to_add_mdm_count {
$last_mdm_index = $to_add_mdm_count - 1
$mdms_present_tmp = intersection($current_mdms, $controller_ips_array) # use tmp because concat modifys first param
$new_mdms_ips = join(concat($mdms_present_tmp, values_at($available_nodes, "0-${last_mdm_index}")), ',')
} else {
$new_mdms_ips = join($mdms_present, ',')
$is_primary_controller = !empty(filter_nodes(filter_nodes($all_nodes, 'name', $::hostname), 'role', 'primary-controller'))
notify {"ScaleIO cluster: resize: controller_ips_array='${controller_ips_array}', current_mdms='${current_mdms}', current_tbs='${current_tbs}'": }
if !empty($mdms_absent) or !empty($tbs_absent) {
notify {"ScaleIO cluster: change: mdms_present='${mdms_present}', mdms_absent='${mdms_absent}', tbs_present='${tbs_present}', tbs_absent='${tbs_absent}'": }
# primary-controller will do cleanup
if $is_primary_controller {
$active_mdms = split($::scaleio_mdm_ips, ',')
$slaves_names = join(delete($active_mdms, $active_mdms[0]), ',') # first is current master
$to_remove_mdms = concat(split(join($mdms_absent, ','), ','), $tbs_absent) # join/split because concat affects first argument
scaleio::login {'Normal':
password => $scaleio['password']
} ->
scaleio::cluster {'Resize cluster mode to 1_node and remove other MDMs':
ensure => 'absent',
cluster_mode => 1,
slave_names => $slaves_names,
tb_names => $::scaleio_tb_ips,
require => Scaleio::Login['Normal'],
before => File_line['SCALEIO_mdm_ips']
} ->
cleanup_mdm {$to_remove_mdms:
before => File_line['SCALEIO_mdm_ips']
} else {
notify {"ScaleIO cluster: resize: Not primary controller ${::hostname}": }
} else {
notify {'ScaleIO cluster: resize: nothing to resize': }
file_line {'SCALEIO_mdm_ips':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_mdm_ips=",
line => "SCALEIO_mdm_ips=${mdms_present_str}",
} ->
file_line {'SCALEIO_managers_ips':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_managers_ips=",
line => "SCALEIO_managers_ips=${new_mdms_ips}",
} ->
file_line {'SCALEIO_tb_ips':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_tb_ips=",
line => "SCALEIO_tb_ips=${new_tb_ips}",
# only primary-controller needs discovery of sds/sdc
if $is_primary_controller {
file_line {'SCALEIO_discovery_allowed':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/environment',
match => "^SCALEIO_discovery_allowed=",
line => "SCALEIO_discovery_allowed=yes",
require => File_line['SCALEIO_tb_ips']
} else {
notify{'Skip configuring cluster because of using existing cluster': }