
162 lines
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# Copyright 2013 Cloudscaling Group, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from gceapi.api import base_api
from gceapi.api import clients
from gceapi.api import image_api
from gceapi.api import operation_api
from gceapi.api import operation_util
from gceapi.api import scopes
from gceapi.api import utils
from gceapi import exception
GB = 1024 ** 3
class API(base_api.API):
"""GCE Disk API."""
KIND = "disk"
_status_map = {
"creating": "CREATING",
"downloading": "CREATING",
"available": "READY",
"attaching": "READY",
"in-use": "READY",
# "deleting": "",
"error": "FAILED",
# "error_deleting": "",
"backing-up": "READY",
"restoring-backup": "READY",
# "error_restoring": ""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(API, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_type(self):
return self.KIND
def get_item(self, context, name, scope=None):
client = clients.cinder(context)
volumes = client.volumes.list(search_opts={"display_name": name})
volumes = self._filter_volumes_by_zone(volumes, scope)
volumes = [utils.to_dict(item) for item in volumes]
if not volumes or len(volumes) != 1:
raise exception.NotFound
return self._prepare_item(client, volumes[0])
def get_items(self, context, scope=None):
client = clients.cinder(context)
volumes = client.volumes.list()
volumes = self._filter_volumes_by_zone(volumes, scope)
volumes = [utils.to_dict(item) for item in volumes]
for volume in volumes:
self._prepare_item(client, volume)
return volumes
def get_scopes(self, context, item):
return [scopes.ZoneScope(item["availability_zone"])]
def _prepare_item(self, client, item):
snapshot = None
snapshot_id = item["snapshot_id"]
if snapshot_id:
snapshot = utils.to_dict(client.volume_snapshots.get(snapshot_id))
item["snapshot"] = snapshot
item["status"] = self._status_map.get(item["status"], item["status"])
item["name"] = item["display_name"]
image = item.get("volume_image_metadata")
if image:
item["image_name"] = image["image_name"]
return item
def _filter_volumes_by_zone(self, volumes, scope):
if scope is None:
return volumes
return filter(
lambda volume: volume.availability_zone == scope.get_name(),
def delete_item(self, context, name, scope=None):
client = clients.cinder(context).volumes
volumes = client.list(search_opts={"display_name": name})
if not volumes or len(volumes) != 1:
raise exception.NotFound
def add_item(self, context, name, body, scope=None):
sizeGb = int(body['sizeGb']) if 'sizeGb' in body else None
snapshot_uri = body.get("sourceSnapshot")
image_uri = body.get("sourceImage")
snapshot_id = None
image_id = None
client = clients.cinder(context)
if snapshot_uri:
snapshot_name = utils._extract_name_from_url(snapshot_uri)
snapshots = client.volume_snapshots.list(
search_opts={"display_name": snapshot_name})
if not snapshots or len(snapshots) != 1:
raise exception.NotFound
snapshot_id = snapshots[0].id
elif image_uri:
image_name = utils._extract_name_from_url(image_uri)
image = image_api.API().get_item(context, image_name, scope)
image_id = image['id']
# Cinder API doesn't get size from image, so we do this
image_size_in_gb = (int(image['size']) + GB - 1) / GB
if not sizeGb or sizeGb < image_size_in_gb:
sizeGb = image_size_in_gb
operation_util.start_operation(context, self._get_add_item_progress)
volume = client.volumes.create(
sizeGb, snapshot_id=snapshot_id,
operation_util.set_item_id(context, volume.id)
return self._prepare_item(client, utils.to_dict(volume))
def _get_add_item_progress(self, context, volume_id):
client = clients.cinder(context)
volume = client.volumes.get(volume_id)
except clients.cinderclient.exceptions.NotFound:
return operation_api.gef_final_progress()
if (volume.status not in ["creating", "downloading"]):
return operation_api.gef_final_progress(volume.status == "error")
def _get_delete_item_progress(self, context, volume_id):
client = clients.cinder(context)
volume = client.volumes.get(volume_id)
except clients.cinderclient.exceptions.NotFound:
return operation_api.gef_final_progress()
if volume.status not in ["deleting", "deleted"]:
return operation_api.gef_final_progress(True)