
363 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 Libresoft
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Authors : Gregorio Robles <>
# Authors : Germán Póo-Caamaño <>
# This file contains associations parameters regarding filetypes
# (documentation, develompent, multimedia, images...)
# format:
# filetype <type> <regex> [<comment>]
# Order:
# The list should keep an order, so filetypes can be counted properly.
# ie. we want -> 'build' instead of 'code'.
# If there is an filetype which is not in order but has values, it will
# be added at the end.
order image,translation,ui,multimedia,package,build,code,documentation,devel-doc
# Code files (headers and the like included
# (most common languages first
filetype code \.c$ # C
filetype code \.pc$ # C
filetype code \.ec$ # C
filetype code \.ecp$ # C
filetype code \.C$ # C++
filetype code \.cpp$ # C++
filetype code \.c\+\+$ # C++
filetype code \.cxx$ # C++
filetype code \.cc$ # C++
filetype code \.pcc$ # C++
filetype code \.cpy$ # C++
filetype code \.h$ # C or C++ header
filetype code \.hh$ # C++ header
filetype code \.hpp$ # C++ header
filetype code \.hxx$ # C++ header
filetype code \.sh$ # Shell
filetype code \.pl$ # Perl
filetype code \.pm$ # Perl
filetype code \.pod$ # Perl
filetype code \.perl$ # Perl
filetype code \.cgi$ # CGI
filetype code \.php$ # PHP
filetype code \.php3$ # PHP
filetype code \.php4$ # PHP
filetype code \.inc$ # PHP
filetype code \.py$ # Python
filetype code \.java$ # Java
filetype code \.class$ # Java Class (or at least a class in some OOPL
filetype code \.ada$ # ADA
filetype code \.ads$ # ADA
filetype code \.adb$ # ADA
filetype code \.pad$ # ADA
filetype code \.s$ # Assembly
filetype code \.S$ # Assembly
filetype code \.asm$ # Assembly
filetype code \.awk$ # awk
filetype code \.cs$ # C#
filetype code \.csh$ # CShell (including tcsh
filetype code \.cob$ # COBOL
filetype code \.cbl$ # COBOL
filetype code \.COB$ # COBOL
filetype code \.CBL$ # COBOL
filetype code \.exp$ # Expect
filetype code \.l$ # (F lex
filetype code \.ll$ # (F lex
filetype code \.lex$ # (F lex
filetype code \.f$ # Fortran
filetype code \.f77$ # Fortran
filetype code \.F$ # Fortran
filetype code \.hs$ # Haskell
filetype code \.lhs$ # Not preprocessed Haskell
filetype code \.el$ # LISP (including Scheme
filetype code \.scm$ # LISP (including Scheme
filetype code \.lsp$ # LISP (including Scheme
filetype code \.jl$ # LISP (including Scheme
filetype code \.ml$ # ML
filetype code \.ml3$ # ML
filetype code \.m3$ # Modula3
filetype code \.i3$ # Modula3
filetype code \.m$ # Objective-C
filetype code \.p$ # Pascal
filetype code \.pas$ # Pascal
filetype code \.rb$ # Ruby
filetype code \.sed$ # sed
filetype code \.tcl$ # TCL
filetype code \.tk$ # TCL
filetype code \.itk$ # TCL
filetype code \.y$ # Yacc
filetype code \.yy$ # Yacc
filetype code \.idl$ # CORBA IDL
filetype code \.gnorba$ # GNOME CORBA IDL
filetype code \.oafinfo$ # GNOME OAF
filetype code \.mcopclass$ # MCOP IDL compiler generated class
filetype code \.autoforms$ # Autoform
filetype code \.atf$ # Autoform
filetype code \.gnuplot$
filetype code \.xs$ # Shared library? Seen a lot of them in gnome-perl
filetype code \.js$ # JavaScript (and who knows, maybe more
filetype code \.patch$
filetype code \.diff$ # Sometimes patches appear this way
filetype code \.ids$ # Not really sure what this means
filetype code \.upd$ # ¿¿¿??? (from Kcontrol
filetype code $.ad$ # ¿¿¿??? (from Kdisplay and mc
filetype code $.i$ # Appears in the kbindings for Qt
filetype code $.pri$ # from Qt
filetype code \.schema$ # Not really sure what this means
filetype code \.fd$ # Something to do with latex
filetype code \.cls$ # Something to do with latex
filetype code \.pro$ # Postscript generation
filetype code \.ppd$ # PDF generation
filetype code \.dlg$ # Not really sure what this means
filetype code \.plugin$ # Plug-in file
filetype code \.dsp # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File
filetype code \.vim$ # vim syntax file
filetype code \.trm$ # gnuplot term file
filetype code \.font$ # Font mapping
filetype code \.ccg$ # C++ files - Found in gtkmm*
filetype code \.hg$ # C++ headers - Found in gtkmm*
filetype code \.dtd # XML Document Type Definition
filetype code \.bat # DOS batch files
filetype code \.vala # Vala
filetype code \.py\.in$
filetype code \.rhtml$ # eRuby
filetype code \.sql$ # SQL script
# Development documentation files (for hacking generally
filetype devel-doc ^readme.*$
filetype devel-doc ^changelog.*
filetype devel-doc ^todo.*$
filetype devel-doc ^credits.*$
filetype devel-doc ^authors.*$
filetype devel-doc ^changes.*$
filetype devel-doc ^news.*$
filetype devel-doc ^install.*$
filetype devel-doc ^hacking.*$
filetype devel-doc ^copyright.*$
filetype devel-doc ^licen(s|c)e.*$
filetype devel-doc ^copying.*$
filetype devel-doc manifest$
filetype devel-doc faq$
filetype devel-doc building$
filetype devel-doc howto$
filetype devel-doc design$
filetype devel-doc \.files$
filetype devel-doc files$
filetype devel-doc subdirs$
filetype devel-doc maintainers$
filetype devel-doc developers$
filetype devel-doc contributors$
filetype devel-doc thanks$
filetype devel-doc releasing$
filetype devel-doc test$
filetype devel-doc testing$
filetype devel-doc build$
filetype devel-doc comments?$
filetype devel-doc bugs$
filetype devel-doc buglist$
filetype devel-doc problems$
filetype devel-doc debug$
filetype devel-doc hacks$
filetype devel-doc hacking$
filetype devel-doc versions?$
filetype devel-doc mappings$
filetype devel-doc tips$
filetype devel-doc ideas?$
filetype devel-doc spec$
filetype devel-doc compiling$
filetype devel-doc notes$
filetype devel-doc missing$
filetype devel-doc done$
filetype devel-doc \.omf$ # XML-based format used in GNOME
filetype devel-doc \.lsm$
filetype devel-doc ^doxyfile$
filetype devel-doc \.kdevprj$
filetype devel-doc \.directory$
filetype devel-doc \.dox$
filetype devel-doc \.doap$
# Building, compiling, configuration and CVS admin files
filetype build \.in.*$
filetype build configure.*$
filetype build makefile.*$
filetype build config\.sub$
filetype build config\.guess$
filetype build config\.status$
filetype build ltmain\.sh$
filetype build autogen\.sh$
filetype build config$
filetype build conf$
filetype build cvsignore$
filetype build \.cfg$
filetype build \.m4$
filetype build \.mk$
filetype build \.mak$
filetype build \.make$
filetype build \.mbx$
filetype build \.protocol$
filetype build \.version$
filetype build mkinstalldirs$
filetype build install-sh$
filetype build rules$
filetype build \.kdelnk$
filetype build \.menu$
filetype build linguas$ # Build translations
filetype build potfiles.*$ # Build translations
filetype build \.shlibs$ # Shared libraries
# filetype build %debian%
# filetype build %specs/%
filetype build \.spec$ # It seems they are necessary for RPM build
filetype build \.def$ # build bootstrap for DLLs on win32
# Documentation files
# filetype documentation doc/%
# filetype documentation %HOWTO%
filetype documentation \.html$
filetype documentation \.txt$
filetype documentation \.ps(\.gz|\.bz2)?$
filetype documentation \.dvi(\.gz|\.bz2)?$
filetype documentation \.lyx$
filetype documentation \.tex$
filetype documentation \.texi$
filetype documentation \.pdf(\.gz|\.bz2)?$
filetype documentation \.djvu$
filetype documentation \.epub$
filetype documentation \.sgml$
filetype documentation \.docbook$
filetype documentation \.wml$
filetype documentation \.xhtml$
filetype documentation \.phtml$
filetype documentation \.shtml$
filetype documentation \.htm$
filetype documentation \.rdf$
filetype documentation \.phtm$
filetype documentation \.tmpl$
filetype documentation \.ref$ # References
filetype documentation \.css$
# filetype documentation %tutorial%
filetype documentation \.templates$
filetype documentation \.dsl$
filetype documentation \.ent$
filetype documentation \.xml$
filetype documentation \.xmi$
filetype documentation \.xsl$
filetype documentation \.entities$
filetype documentation \.[1-7]$ # Man pages
filetype documentation \.man$
filetype documentation \.manpages$
filetype documentation \.doc$
filetype documentation \.rtf$
filetype documentation \.wpd$
filetype documentation \.qt3$
filetype documentation man\d?/.*\.\d$
filetype documentation \.docs$
filetype documentation \.sdw$ # Writer document
filetype documentation \.odt$ # document
filetype documentation \.en$ # Files in English language
filetype documentation \.de$ # Files in German
filetype documentation \.es$ # Files in Spanish
filetype documentation \.fr$ # Files in French
filetype documentation \.it$ # Files in Italian
filetype documentation \.cz$ # Files in Czech
filetype documentation \.page$ # Mallard
filetype documentation \.page.stub$ # Mallard stub
# Images
filetype image \.png$
filetype image \.jpg$
filetype image \.jpeg$
filetype image \.bmp$
filetype image \.gif$
filetype image \.xbm$
filetype image \.eps$
filetype image \.mng$
filetype image \.pnm$
filetype image \.pbm$
filetype image \.ppm$
filetype image \.pgm$
filetype image \.gbr$
filetype image \.svg$
filetype image \.fig$
filetype image \.tif$
filetype image \.swf$
filetype image \.svgz$
filetype image \.shape$ # XML files used for shapes for instance in Kivio
filetype image \.sml$ # XML files used for shapes for instance in Kivio
filetype image \.bdf$ # vfontcap - Vector Font Capability Database (VFlib Version 2
filetype image \.ico$
filetype image \.dia$ # We consider .dia as images, I dont want them in unknown
# Translation files
filetype translation \.po$
filetype translation \.pot$
filetype translation \.charset$
filetype translation \.mo$
# User interface files
filetype ui \.desktop$
filetype ui \.ui$
filetype ui \.xpm$
filetype ui \.xcf$
filetype ui \.3ds$
filetype ui \.theme$
filetype ui \.kimap$
filetype ui \.glade$
filetype ui \.gtkbuilder$
filetype ui rc$
# Sound files
filetype multimedia \.mp3$
filetype multimedia \.ogg$
filetype multimedia \.wav$
filetype multimedia \.au$
filetype multimedia \.mid$
filetype multimedia \.vorbis$
filetype multimedia \.midi$
filetype multimedia \.arts$
# Packages (yes, there are people who upload packages to the repo)
filetype package \.tar$
filetype package \.tar.gz$
filetype package \.tar.bz2$
filetype package \.tar.xz$
filetype package \.tgz$
filetype package \.deb$
filetype package \.rpm$
filetype package \.srpm$
filetype package \.ebuild$