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# Copyright 2016 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_versionedobjects import base
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields
from glare.common import exception
from glare.common import utils
from glare.db import artifact_api
from glare.i18n import _
from glare.objects.meta import fields as glare_fields
from glare.objects.meta import validators
from glare.objects.meta import wrappers
global_artifact_opts = [
cfg.IntOpt('max_uploaded_data', default=-1, # disabled
help=_("Defines how many bytes of data user can upload to "
"storage. This parameter is global and doesn't take "
"into account data of what type was uploaded. "
"Value -1 means no limit.")),
cfg.IntOpt('max_artifact_number', default=-1, # disabled
help=_("Defines how many artifacts user can have. This "
"parameter is global and doesn't take "
"into account artifacts of what type were created. "
"Value -1 means no limit.")),
cfg.BoolOpt('delayed_delete', default=False,
help=_("If False defines that artifacts must be deleted "
"immediately after the user call. Otherwise they just "
"will be marked as deleted so they can be scrubbed "
"by some other tool in the background.")),
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseArtifact(base.VersionedObject):
"""BaseArtifact is a central place in Glare. It execute Glare business
logic operations and checks in like:
1) Check if artifact satisfies all requirements and can be activated
2) Check that artifact is not deactivated and download blobs
BaseArtifact interacts with database and saves/request artifact info
from specified database API. Base Artifact is an abstract class so
all concrete classes must be inherited from that class. Concrete classes
must define custom fields in addition to BaseArtifact fields and db_api
that must be used for interaction with database.
STATUS = ('drafted', 'active', 'deactivated', 'deleted')
Field = wrappers.Field.init
DictField = wrappers.DictField.init
ListField = wrappers.ListField.init
Blob = wrappers.BlobField.init
fields = {
'id': Field(fields.StringField, system=True,
validators=[validators.UUID()], nullable=False,
sortable=True, description="Artifact UUID."),
'name': Field(fields.StringField, required_on_activate=False,
nullable=False, sortable=True,
description="Artifact Name."),
'owner': Field(fields.StringField, system=True,
required_on_activate=False, nullable=False,
sortable=True, description="ID of user/tenant who "
"uploaded artifact."),
'status': Field(fields.StringField, default='drafted',
nullable=False, sortable=True, mutable=True,
description="Artifact status."),
'created_at': Field(fields.DateTimeField, system=True,
nullable=False, sortable=True,
description="Datetime when artifact has "
"been created."),
'updated_at': Field(fields.DateTimeField, system=True,
nullable=False, sortable=True, mutable=True,
description="Datetime when artifact has "
"been updated last time."),
'activated_at': Field(fields.DateTimeField, system=True,
required_on_activate=False, sortable=True,
description="Datetime when artifact has became "
'description': Field(fields.StringField, mutable=True,
required_on_activate=False, default="",
description="Artifact description."),
'tags': ListField(fields.String, mutable=True,
# tags are filtered without any operators
validators.ForbiddenChars([',', '/']),
description="List of tags added to Artifact."),
'metadata': DictField(fields.String, required_on_activate=False,
description="Key-value dict with useful "
"information about an artifact."),
'visibility': Field(fields.StringField, default='private',
nullable=False, sortable=True, mutable=True,
['private', 'public'])],
description="Artifact visibility that defines "
"if artifact can be available to "
"other users."),
'version': Field(glare_fields.VersionField, required_on_activate=False,
default=DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_VERSION, nullable=False,
sortable=True, validators=[validators.Version()],
description="Artifact version(semver).")
common_artifact_type_opts = [
cfg.IntOpt('max_uploaded_data', min=-1, default=-1,
help=_("Defines how many bytes of data of this type user "
"can upload to storage. Value -1 means no limit.")),
cfg.IntOpt('max_artifact_number', min=-1, default=-1,
help=_("Defines how many artifacts of this type user can "
"have. Value -1 means no limit.")),
"If False defines that artifacts must be deleted "
"immediately after the user call. Otherwise they just "
"will be marked as deleted so they can be scrubbed "
"by some other tool in the background. "
"Redefines global parameter of the same name "
"from [DEFAULT] section.")),
choices=('file', 'filesystem', 'http', 'https', 'swift',
'swift+http', 'swift+https', 'swift+config', 'rbd',
'sheepdog', 'cinder', 'vsphere', 'database'),
The default scheme to use for storing artifacts of this
Provide a string value representing the default scheme to
use for storing artifact data. If not set, Glare uses
default_store parameter from [glance_store] section.
NOTE: The value given for this configuration option must
be a valid scheme for a store registered with the ``stores``
configuration option.
Possible values:
* file
* filesystem
* http
* https
* swift
* swift+http
* swift+https
* swift+config
* rbd
* sheepdog
* cinder
* vsphere
* database
artifact_type_opts = []
def list_artifact_type_opts(cls):
return cls.artifact_type_opts + cls.common_artifact_type_opts
db_api = artifact_api.ArtifactAPI()
def is_blob(cls, field_name):
"""Helper to check that a field is a blob.
:param field_name: name of the field
:return: True if the field is a blob, False otherwise
return isinstance(cls.fields.get(field_name), glare_fields.BlobField)
def is_blob_dict(cls, field_name):
"""Helper to check that field is a blob dict.
:param field_name: name of the field
:return: True if the field is a blob dict, False otherwise
return (isinstance(cls.fields.get(field_name), glare_fields.Dict) and
cls.fields[field_name].element_type ==
def init_artifact(cls, context, values):
"""Initialize an empty versioned object with values.
Initialize vo object with default values and values specified by user.
Also reset all changes of initialized object so user can track own
:param context: user context
:param values: values needs to be set
:return: artifact with initialized values
af = cls(context)
# setup default values for all non specified fields
default_fields = []
for field in af.fields:
if field not in values:
if default_fields:
# apply values specified by user
for name, value in values.items():
setattr(af, name, value)
return af
def get_type_name(cls):
"""Return type name that allows to find artifact type in Glare
Type name allows to find artifact type definition in Glare registry.
:return: string that identifies current artifact type
raise NotImplementedError()
def create(self, context):
"""Create new artifact in Glare repo.
:param context: user context
:return: created artifact object
values = self.obj_changes_to_primitive()
values['type_name'] = self.get_type_name()
LOG.debug("Sending request to create artifact of type '%(type_name)s'."
" New values are %(values)s",
{'type_name': self.get_type_name(), 'values': values})
af_vals =, None, values)
return self.init_artifact(context, af_vals)
def save(self, context):
"""Save artifact in Glare repo.
:param context: user context
:return: updated artifact object
values = self.obj_changes_to_primitive()
LOG.debug("Sending request to update artifact '%(af_id)s'. "
"New values are %(values)s",
{'af_id':, 'values': values})
updated_af =,, values)
return self.init_artifact(context, updated_af)
def show(cls, context, artifact_id, get_any_artifact=False):
"""Return Artifact from Glare repo
:param context: user context
:param artifact_id: id of requested artifact
:return: requested artifact object
if cls.get_type_name() != 'all':
type_name = cls.get_type_name()
type_name = None
af = cls.db_api.get(context, type_name, artifact_id, get_any_artifact)
return cls.init_artifact(context, af)
def _get_field_type(cls, obj):
"""Get string representation of field type for filters."""
if isinstance(obj, fields.IntegerField) or obj is fields.Integer:
return 'int'
elif isinstance(obj, fields.FloatField) or obj is fields.Float:
return 'numeric'
elif isinstance(obj, fields.FlexibleBooleanField) or \
obj is fields.FlexibleBoolean:
return 'bool'
return 'string'
def _parse_sort_values(cls, sort):
"""Prepare sorting parameters for database."""
new_sort = []
for key, direction in sort:
if key not in cls.fields:
msg = _("The field %s doesn't exist.") % key
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
# check if field can be sorted
if not cls.fields[key].sortable:
msg = _("The field %s is not sortable.") % key
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
new_sort.append((key, direction, cls._get_field_type(
return new_sort
def _validate_filter_ops(cls, filter_name, op):
field = cls.fields.get(filter_name)
if op not in field.filter_ops:
msg = (_("Unsupported filter type '%(key)s'."
"The following filters are supported "
"%(filters)s") % {
'key': op, 'filters': str(field.filter_ops)})
raise exception.BadRequest(message=msg)
def _parse_filter_values(cls, filters):
# input format for filters is list of tuples:
# (filter_name, filter_value)
# output format for filters is list of tuples:
# (field_name, key_name, op, field_type, value)
new_filters = []
for filter_name, filter_value in filters:
if filter_name in ('tags-any', 'tags'):
if ':' in filter_value:
msg = _("Tags are filtered without operator")
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
(filter_name, None, None, None, filter_value))
key_name = None
if '.' in filter_name:
filter_name, key_name = filter_name.rsplit('.', 1)
if not isinstance(cls.fields.get(filter_name),
msg = _("Field %s is not Dict") % filter_name
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
if cls.fields.get(filter_name) is None:
msg = _("Unable filter '%s'") % filter_name
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
field_type = cls.fields.get(filter_name)
if isinstance(field_type, glare_fields.List) or isinstance(
field_type, glare_fields.Dict) and key_name is not None:
field_type = field_type.element_type
op, val = utils.split_filter_op(filter_value)
if isinstance(field_type, glare_fields.Dict):
if op not in ['eq', 'in']:
msg = (_("Unsupported filter type '%s'. The following "
"filters are supported: eq, in") % op)
raise exception.BadRequest(message=msg)
if op == 'in':
filter_name, utils.split_filter_value_for_quotes(
val), op, None, None))
filter_name, val, op, None, None))
cls._validate_filter_ops(filter_name, op)
if op == 'in':
value = [field_type.coerce(cls(), filter_name, value)
for value in
value = field_type.coerce(cls(), filter_name, val)
(filter_name, key_name, op,
cls._get_field_type(field_type), value))
except ValueError:
msg = _("Invalid filter value: %s") % str(val)
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
return new_filters
def list(cls, context, filters=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort=None, latest=False, list_all_artifacts=False):
"""Return list of artifacts requested by user.
:param context: user context
:param filters: filters that need to be applied to artifact
:param marker: the artifact that considered as begin of the list
so all artifacts before marker (including marker itself) will not be
added to artifact list
:param limit: maximum number of items in the list
:param sort: sorting options
:param latest: flag that indicates, that only artifacts with highest
versions should be returned in output
:param list_all_artifacts: flag that indicate, if the list should
return artifact from all tenants (True),
or from the specific tenant (False)
:return: list of artifact objects
default_sort_parameters = (
('created_at', 'desc', None), ('id', 'asc', None))
# Parse sort parameters and update them with defaults
sort = [] if sort is None else cls._parse_sort_values(sort)
for default_sort in default_sort_parameters:
for s in sort:
# If the default sort parameter already in the list - skip it
if s[0] == default_sort[0]:
default_filter_parameters = [
('status', None, 'neq', None, 'deleted')]
if cls.get_type_name() != 'all':
('type_name', None, 'eq', None, cls.get_type_name()))
# Parse filter parameters and update them with defaults
filters = [] if filters is None else cls._parse_filter_values(filters)
for default_filter in default_filter_parameters:
if default_filter not in filters:
artifacts_data = cls.db_api.list(context, filters, marker, limit,
sort, latest, list_all_artifacts)
artifacts_data["artifacts"] = [cls.init_artifact(context, af)
for af in artifacts_data["artifacts"]]
return artifacts_data
def delete(cls, context, af):
"""Delete artifact and all its blobs from Glare.
:param context: user context
:param af: artifact object targeted for deletion
# marking artifact as deleted,, {'status': 'deleted'})
# collect all uploaded blobs
blobs = {}
for name in af.fields:
if cls.is_blob(name) or cls.is_blob_dict(name):
field = getattr(af, name)
if field:
blobs[name] = field
LOG.debug("Marked artifact %(artifact)s as deleted.",
return blobs
def get_max_blob_size(cls, field_name):
"""Get the maximum allowed blob size in bytes.
:param field_name: blob or blob dict field name
:return: maximum blob size in bytes
return getattr(cls.fields[field_name], 'max_blob_size')
def get_max_folder_size(cls, field_name):
"""Get the maximum allowed folder size in bytes.
:param field_name: folder (blob dict) field name
:return: maximum folder size in bytes
return getattr(cls.fields[field_name], 'max_folder_size')
def update_blob(cls, context, af_id, field_name, values):
"""Update blob info in database.
:param context: user context
:param af_id: id of modified artifact
:param field_name: blob or blob dict field name
:param values: updated blob values
:return: updated artifact definition in Glare
af_upd = cls.db_api.update_blob(context, af_id, {field_name: values})
return cls.init_artifact(context, af_upd)
# Next comes a collection of hooks for various operations
def pre_create_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_create_hook(cls, context, af):
def pre_update_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_update_hook(cls, context, af):
def pre_activate_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_activate_hook(cls, context, af):
def pre_publish_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_publish_hook(cls, context, af):
def pre_deactivate_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_deactivate_hook(cls, context, af):
def pre_reactivate_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_reactivate_hook(cls, context, af):
def pre_upload_hook(cls, context, af, field_name, blob_key, fd):
return fd
def post_upload_hook(cls, context, af, field_name, blob_key):
def pre_add_location_hook(
cls, context, af, field_name, blob_key, location):
def post_add_location_hook(cls, context, af, field_name, blob_key):
def pre_download_hook(cls, context, af, field_name, blob_key):
def post_download_hook(cls, context, af, field_name, blob_key, fd):
return fd
def pre_delete_hook(cls, context, af):
def post_delete_hook(cls, context, af):
def format_all(cls, values):
"""Specify output format for 'all' artifact meta-type
:param values: dict with values that need to be formatted
return values
def to_notification(self):
"""Return notification body that can be send to listeners.
:return: dict with notification information
return {
'type': self.get_type_name(),
'description': self.description,
'version': self.version,
'visibility': self.visibility,
'status': self.status,
'created_at': self.created_at,
'updated_at': self.updated_at,
'activated_at': self.activated_at,
'owner': self.owner
def to_dict(self):
"""Convert oslo versioned object to dictionary.
:return: dict with field names and field values
return self.obj_to_primitive()['']
def obj_changes_to_primitive(self):
changes = self.obj_get_changes()
res = {}
for key, val in changes.items():
if val is not None and hasattr(val, 'to_primitive'):
res[key] = val.to_primitive()
res[key] = val
return res
def _schema_field(cls, field, field_name=''):
field_type = utils.get_schema_type(field)
schema = {}
# generate schema for validators
for val in getattr(field, 'validators', []):
schema['type'] = (field_type
if not field.nullable else [field_type, 'null'])
schema['glareType'] = utils.get_glare_type(field)
output_blob_schema = {
'type': ['object', 'null'],
'properties': {
'size': {'type': ['number', 'null']},
'md5': {'type': ['string', 'null']},
'sha1': {'type': ['string', 'null']},
'sha256': {'type': ['string', 'null']},
'external': {'type': 'boolean'},
'status': {'type': 'string',
'enum': list(
'content_type': {'type': 'string'},
'required': ['size', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'external', 'status',
'additionalProperties': False
if field.system:
schema['readOnly'] = True
if isinstance(field, glare_fields.Dict):
element_type = utils.get_schema_type(field.element_type)
property_validators = schema.pop('propertyValidators', [])
if field.element_type is glare_fields.BlobFieldType:
schema['additionalProperties'] = output_blob_schema
if schema.get('properties'):
properties = {}
required = schema.pop('required', [])
for key in schema.pop('properties'):
properties[key] = {
'type': (element_type
if key in required
else [element_type, 'null'])}
for val in property_validators:
schema['properties'] = properties
schema['additionalProperties'] = False
schema['additionalProperties'] = {'type': element_type}
for val in property_validators:
if isinstance(field, glare_fields.List):
items_validators = schema.pop('itemValidators', [])
schema['items'] = {
'type': utils.get_schema_type(field.element_type)}
for val in items_validators:
if isinstance(field, glare_fields.BlobField):
if isinstance(field, fields.DateTimeField):
schema['format'] = 'date-time'
if field_name == 'status':
schema['enum'] = cls.STATUS
if field.description:
schema['description'] = field.description
if field.mutable:
schema['mutable'] = True
if field.sortable:
schema['sortable'] = True
if not field.required_on_activate:
schema['required_on_activate'] = False
if field._default is not None:
schema['default'] = field._default
schema['filter_ops'] = field.filter_ops
return schema
def gen_schemas(cls):
"""Return json schema representation of the artifact type."""
schemas_prop = {}
for field_name, field in cls.fields.items():
schemas_prop[field_name] = cls._schema_field(
field, field_name=field_name)
schemas = {'properties': schemas_prop,
'name': cls.get_type_name(),
'version': cls.VERSION,
'title': 'Artifact type %s of version %s' %
(cls.get_type_name(), cls.VERSION),
'type': 'object',
'required': ['name']}
return schemas