Test case for DataBaseModelGenerator

This commit provides unit test case for

Change-Id: I7e6276bc7601f878bde021302267c22932bc5be1
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Jin Li 2017-01-11 16:19:47 -08:00
parent 8ba391dd77
commit c5f334fa1a
1 changed files with 228 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
# Copyright 2016, AT&T
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from mock import patch
import six
from gluon.particleGenerator.DataBaseModelGenerator import\
DataBaseModelProcessor as DBMProcessor
from gluon.tests.particleGenerator import base as partgen_base
class DataBaseModelGeneratorTestCase(partgen_base.ParticleGeneratorTestCase):
# Create sample models: GluonInternalPort and foo
# GluonInternalPort has foreign key reference to foo
def setUp(self):
super(DataBaseModelGeneratorTestCase, self).setUp()
self.model = \
{'name': 'ports',
'parent': {'type': 'root'}
{'description': 'UUID of bound VM',
'type': 'uuid'
'Name of compute or network service (if bound)',
'length': 128,
'type': 'string'
{'description': 'UUID of port',
'primary': True,
'required': True,
'type': 'uuid'
'Pointer to backend service instance (name)',
'required': True,
'type': 'string',
'length': 128
{'type': 'foo',
'description': 'foreign key reference'
{'name': 'foos',
'parent': {'type': 'root'}
{'type': 'uuid',
'description': 'UUID of foo',
'required': True,
'primary': True
self.table_data = self.model.get('api_objects')\
test get_db_models
def test_get_db_models(self):
dbm_processor = DBMProcessor()
api_name = "foo"
model = mock.Mock()
dbm_processor.db_models[api_name] = model
observed = dbm_processor.get_db_models(api_name)
self.assertEqual(model, observed)
test add_model
def test_add_model(self):
dbm_processor = DBMProcessor()
mock_model = mock.Mock()
self.assertEqual(mock_model, dbm_processor.data)
test get_table_class
def test_get_table_class(self):
api_name = "foo"
table_name = "bar"
mock_model = mock.Mock()
dbm_processor = DBMProcessor()
dbm_processor.db_models[api_name] = {table_name: mock_model}
observed = dbm_processor.get_table_class(api_name, table_name)
self.assertEqual(mock_model, observed)
expected_exception = None
dbm_processor.get_table_class(api_name, "wrong_table_name")
except Exception as e:
expected_exception = e
dbm_processor.get_table_class("wrong_api_name", "wrong_table_name")
except Exception as e:
expected_exception = e
test build_sqla_models
# Should raise exception if data is None
def test_build_sqla_models_data_None(self, mock_dec_base):
dbm_processor = DBMProcessor()
api_name = 'foo'
dbm_processor.build_sqla_models(api_name, base=None)
except(Exception) as e:
'Cannot create Database Model from empty model.')
# A sunny day full test
# Use sample models in self.model which contains two models:
# GluonInternalPort and foo.
# After running build_sqla_models with self.model as input
# two classes should be generated.
# Inspect these two class to assert they are generated correctly
# is this a bug?
# when table_name starts with uppercase, then there will be two underscores
# between api name and table name. For example, the GluonInternalPort model
# has table_name = "gluon_api__gluon_internal_port"
def test_build_sqla_models(self):
dbm_processor = DBMProcessor()
api_name = 'gluonApi'
port_table_name = 'GluonInternalPort'
foo_table_name = 'foo'
dbm_processor.build_sqla_models(api_name, base=None)
# ** for the GluonInternalPort model **
# A class for GluonInternalPort should have been generated
GluonInternalPort_class = \
# FIXME __tablename__ has two underscores between api and table name
expected_table_name = "gluon_api__gluon_internal_port"
# The class name is in this form "api_name" + "table_name"
expected_class_name = api_name + "_" + port_table_name
self.assertEqual(GluonInternalPort_class.__name__, expected_class_name)
# The _tname is the table_name
self.assertEqual(GluonInternalPort_class.__tname__, port_table_name)
# The _service_name is the api_name
self.assertEqual(GluonInternalPort_class._service_name, api_name)
# The class should have all the attributes from GluonInternalPort table
GluonInternalPort_class_attrs = dir(GluonInternalPort_class)
for col_name, col_desc in \
self.assertIn(col_name, GluonInternalPort_class_attrs)
# ** for the foo model **
# A class for foo should have been generated
foo_class = dbm_processor.db_models[api_name][foo_table_name]
# __tablename__ is de_camel(api_name + "_" + table_name)
expected_table_name = "gluon_api_foo"
# The class name is in this form "api_name" + "table_name"
expected_class_name = api_name + "_" + foo_table_name
self.assertEqual(foo_class.__name__, expected_class_name)
# The _tname is the table_name
self.assertEqual(foo_class.__tname__, foo_table_name)
# The _service_name is the api_name
self.assertEqual(foo_class._service_name, api_name)
# The class should have all the attributes from GluonInternalPort table
foo_class_attrs = dir(foo_class)
for col_name, col_desc in \
self.assertIn(col_name, foo_class_attrs)
test get_primary_key
# id is the primary key in our sample table_data
def test_get_primary_key_pk(self):
observed = DBMProcessor.get_primary_key(self.table_data)
self.assertEqual("id", observed)
# test table_data without primay key, should set "uuid" by default
def test_get_primary_key_no_pk(self):
table_data = {'attributes': {}}
observed = DBMProcessor.get_primary_key(table_data)
self.assertEqual("uuid", observed)