
97 lines
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package misc
import (
//CallAPI sends an HTTP request using "method" to "url".
//For uploading / sending file, caller needs to set the "content". Otherwise,
//set it to zero length []byte. If Header fields need to be set, then set it in
// "h". "h" needs to be even numbered, i.e. pairs of field name and the field
//fileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile("fileName.ext");
//resp, err := CallAPI("PUT", "http://domain/hello/", &fileContent,
//"Name", "world")
//is similar to: curl -X PUT -H "Name: world" -T fileName.ext
func CallAPI(method, url string, content *[]byte, h ...string) (*http.Response, error) {
if len(h)%2 == 1 { //odd #
return nil, errors.New("syntax err: # header != # of values")
//I think the above err check is unnecessary and wastes cpu cycle, since
//len(h) is not determined at run time. If the coder puts in odd # of args,
//the integration testing should catch it.
//But hey, things happen, so I decided to add it anyway, although you can
//comment it out, if you are confident in your test suites.
var req *http.Request
var err error
req, err = http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(h)-1; i = i + 2 {
req.Header.Set(h[i], h[i+1])
req.ContentLength = int64(len(*content))
if req.ContentLength > 0 {
req.Body = readCloser{bytes.NewReader(*content)}
//req.Body = *(new(io.ReadCloser)) //these 3 lines do not work but I am
//req.Body.Read(content) //keeping them here in case I wonder why
//req.Body.Close() //I did not implement it this way :)
return (new(http.Client)).Do(req)
type readCloser struct {
func (readCloser) Close() error {
//cannot put this func inside CallAPI; golang disallow nested func
return nil
//CheckStatusCode compares http response header StatusCode against expected
//statuses. Primary function is to ensure StatusCode is in the 20x (return nil).
//Ok: 200. Created: 201. Accepted: 202. No Content: 204.
//Otherwise return error message.
func CheckHttpResponseStatusCode(resp *http.Response) error {
switch resp.StatusCode {
case 200, 201, 202, 204:
return nil
case 400:
return errors.New("Error: response == 400 bad request")
case 401:
return errors.New("Error: response == 401 unauthorised")
case 403:
return errors.New("Error: response == 403 forbidden")
case 404:
return errors.New("Error: response == 404 not found")
case 405:
return errors.New("Error: response == 405 method not allowed")
case 409:
return errors.New("Error: response == 409 conflict")
case 413:
return errors.New("Error: response == 413 over limit")
case 415:
return errors.New("Error: response == 415 bad media type")
case 422:
return errors.New("Error: response == 422 unprocessable")
case 429:
return errors.New("Error: response == 429 too many request")
case 500:
return errors.New("Error: response == 500 instance fault / server err")
case 501:
return errors.New("Error: response == 501 not implemented")
case 503:
return errors.New("Error: response == 503 service unavailable")
return errors.New("Error: unexpected response status code")