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# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutron.api import extensions
from gbpservice.neutron.plugins.ml2plus import extension_overrides
# Monkeypatch Neutron to allow overriding its own extension
# descriptors. Note that extension descriptor classes cannot be
# monkeypatched directly because they are loaded explicitly by file
# name and then used immediately.
_real_get_extensions_path = extensions.get_extensions_path
def get_extensions_path(service_plugins=None):
path = _real_get_extensions_path(service_plugins)
return extension_overrides.__path__[0] + ':' + path
extensions.get_extensions_path = get_extensions_path
import sys
from neutron import context as n_context
from import local_api
def get_current_session():
i = 1
not_found = True
while not_found:
for val in sys._getframe(i).f_locals.itervalues():
if isinstance(val, n_context.Context):
ctx = val
not_found = False
i = i + 1
return ctx.session
except Exception:
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import ovo_rpc
# The following reduces the ERROR log level for a message
# which is seen when a port_update even is sent. The
# port_update is intentionally sent in the pre_commit
# phase by the apic_aim mechanism driver, but is not
# what neutron expects and hence it flags it.
ovo_rpc.LOG.error = ovo_rpc.LOG.debug
from neutron.callbacks import registry
def notify(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
if 'context' in kwargs:
session = kwargs['context'].session
session = get_current_session()
txn = None
if session:
txn = local_api.get_outer_transaction(session.transaction)
session, txn, resource, event, trigger, **kwargs)
registry.notify = notify
from neutron.callbacks import events
from neutron.callbacks import exceptions
from oslo_log import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _notify_loop(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""The notification loop."""
errors = []
callbacks = kwargs.pop('callbacks', None)
if not callbacks:
callbacks = list(registry._get_callback_manager()._callbacks[
resource].get(event, {}).items())
LOG.debug("Notify callbacks %s for %s, %s", callbacks, resource, event)
for callback_id, callback in callbacks:
callback(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
abortable_event = (
event.startswith(events.BEFORE) or
if not abortable_event:
LOG.exception("Error during notification for "
"%(callback)s %(resource)s, %(event)s",
{'callback': callback_id,
'resource': resource, 'event': event})
LOG.error("Callback %(callback)s raised %(error)s",
{'callback': callback_id, 'error': e})
errors.append(exceptions.NotificationError(callback_id, e))
return errors
original_notify_loop = registry._get_callback_manager()._notify_loop
from inspect import isclass
from inspect import isfunction
from inspect import ismethod
# The undecorated() and looks_like_a_decorator() functions have been
# borrowed from the undecorated python library since RPM or Debian
# packages are not readily available.
def looks_like_a_decorator(a):
return (
isfunction(a) or ismethod(a) or isclass(a)
def undecorated(o):
"""Remove all decorators from a function, method or class"""
# class decorator
if type(o) is type:
return o
# python2
closure = o.func_closure
except AttributeError:
# python3
closure = o.__closure__
except AttributeError:
if closure:
for cell in closure:
# avoid infinite recursion
if cell.cell_contents is o:
# check if the contents looks like a decorator; in that case
# we need to go one level down into the dream, otherwise it
# might just be a different closed-over variable, which we
# can ignore.
# Note: this favors supporting decorators defined without
# @wraps to the detriment of function/method/class closures
if looks_like_a_decorator(cell.cell_contents):
undecd = undecorated(cell.cell_contents)
if undecd:
return undecd
return o
return o
from neutron.db.quota import api as quota_api
from neutron.db.quota import driver # noqa
from neutron import quota
f = quota_api.remove_reservation
quota_api.commit_reservation = undecorated(f)
def commit_reservation(context, reservation_id):
quota_api.commit_reservation(context, reservation_id, set_dirty=False)
quota.QUOTAS.get_driver().commit_reservation = commit_reservation
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import exc_filters
exc_filters.LOG.exception = exc_filters.LOG.debug
from neutron.db import models_v2
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import db as ml2_db
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import models
from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
# REVISIT: This method gets decorated in Pike for removal in Queens. So this
# patching might need to be changed in Pike and removed in Queens.
def patched_get_locked_port_and_binding(context, port_id):
"""Get port and port binding records for update within transaction."""
LOG.debug("Using patched_get_locked_port_and_binding")
port = (context.session.query(models_v2.Port).
binding = (context.session.query(models.PortBinding).
return port, binding
except exc.NoResultFound:
return None, None
ml2_db.get_locked_port_and_binding = patched_get_locked_port_and_binding