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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib.plugins import directory
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from gbpservice.neutron.extensions import driver_proxy_group as pg_ext
from gbpservice.neutron.extensions import group_policy
from import exceptions as exc
from import plumber_base
from import(
common as common)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TrafficStitchingPlumber(plumber_base.NodePlumberBase):
"""Traffic Stitching Plumber (TScP).
uses the GBP underlying constructs in order to guarantee a correct traffic
flow across services from their provider to the consumer and vice versa.
The output of the plumbing operations will be either the creation or
deletion of a set of Service Targets, which effectively result in creation
of Policy Targets exposed to the specific Node Driver for its own use.
In addition to that, TScP will create a set of L2Ps and/or PTGs that are
"stitched" together and host the actual service PTs. The proxy_group
extension is a requirement for this plumber to work.
def initialize(self):
self._gbp_plugin = None
self._sc_plugin = None
# Verify that proxy_group extension is loaded
if pg_ext.PROXY_GROUP not in cfg.CONF.group_policy.extension_drivers:
LOG.error("proxy_group GBP driver extension is mandatory for "
"traffic stitching plumber.")
raise exc.GroupPolicyDeploymentError()
def gbp_plugin(self):
if not self._gbp_plugin:
self._gbp_plugin = directory.get_plugin("GROUP_POLICY")
return self._gbp_plugin
def sc_plugin(self):
if not self._sc_plugin:
self._sc_plugin = directory.get_plugin("SERVICECHAIN")
return self._sc_plugin
def plug_services(self, context, deployment):
if deployment:
provider = deployment[0]['context'].provider
management = deployment[0]['context'].management
# Sorted from provider (N) to consumer (0)
# TODO(ivar): validate number of interfaces per service per service
# type is as expected
for part in deployment:
info = part['plumbing_info']
if not info:
part_context = part['context']
# Management PT can be created immediately
context, part_context, info.get('management', []),
management, 'management')
# Create proper PTs based on the service type
jump_ptg = None"Plumbing service of type '%s'",
if info['plumbing_type'] == common.PLUMBING_TYPE_ENDPOINT:
# No stitching needed, only provider side PT is created.
# overriding PT name in order to keep port security up
# for this kind of service.
node = part_context.current_node
instance = part_context.instance
for provider_info in info.get('provider', []):
provider_info['name'] = ("tscp_endpoint_service_%s_%s"
% (node['id'][:5], instance['id'][:5]))
context, part_context, info.get('provider', []),
provider, 'provider')
elif info['plumbing_type'] == common.PLUMBING_TYPE_GATEWAY:
# L3 stitching needed, provider and consumer side PTs are
# created. One proxy_gateway is needed in consumer side
jump_ptg = self._create_l3_jump_group(
context, provider, part['context'].current_position)
# On provider side, this service is the default gateway
info['provider'][0]['group_default_gateway'] = True
context, part_context, info['provider'],
provider, 'provider')
# On consumer side, this service is the proxy gateway
info['consumer'][0]['proxy_gateway'] = True
context, part_context, info['consumer'], jump_ptg,
elif info['plumbing_type'] == common.PLUMBING_TYPE_TRANSPARENT:
# L2 stitching needed, provider and consumer side PTs are
# created
context, part_context, info.get('provider', []),
provider, 'provider')
jump_ptg = self._create_l2_jump_group(
context, provider, part['context'].current_position)
context, part_context, info['consumer'],
jump_ptg, 'consumer')
LOG.warning("Unsupported plumbing type %s",
# Replace current "provider" with jump ptg if needed
provider = jump_ptg or provider
def unplug_services(self, context, deployment):
# Sorted from provider (0) to consumer (N)
if not deployment:
provider = deployment[0]['context'].provider
for part in deployment:
self._delete_service_targets(context, part)
# Delete jump PTGs
jump_ptgs = []
while provider['proxy_group_id']:
proxy = self.gbp_plugin.get_policy_target_group(
context, provider['proxy_group_id'])
except group_policy.PolicyTargetGroupNotFound as ex:
# If this proxy doesn't exist, then subsequent ones won't too
provider = proxy
for jump_ptg in reversed(jump_ptgs):
context, jump_ptg['id'])
except group_policy.PolicyTargetGroupNotFound as ex:
def _create_l3_jump_group(self, context, proxied, position):
return self._create_jump_group(
context, proxied, position, pg_ext.PROXY_TYPE_L3)
def _create_l2_jump_group(self, context, proxied, position):
return self._create_jump_group(
context, proxied, position, pg_ext.PROXY_TYPE_L2)
def _create_jump_group(self, context, proxied, position, type):
data = {
"name": (TSCP_RESOURCE_PREFIX + str(position) + "_" +
"description": "Implicitly created stitching group",
"l2_policy_id": None,
"proxied_group_id": proxied['id'],
"proxy_type": type,
"proxy_group_id": constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,
"network_service_policy_id": None,
"service_management": False
return self.gbp_plugin.create_policy_target_group(
context, {'policy_target_group': data})
def _create_service_target(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['extra_data'] = {'proxy_gateway': False,
'group_default_gateway': False}
super(TrafficStitchingPlumber, self)._create_service_target(
*args, **kwargs)