#!/usr/bin/env python """ TODOs - Networks: eth0, management: inherent interface on each rVM eth1, ops: 10.251.x.x/16 eth2, private: 10.252.x.x/16 eth3, public: 172.31.x.x/16 - Others: rVMs eth1 IPs [prefix]-gateway, [prefix]-chefserver, [prefix]-controller(s), [ -] # maximum 253 [prefix]-worker-1, [prefix]-worker-2(s), [ -] # maximum ~65000 DNS: dnsmasq (disable dhcpclient from overwriting /etc/resolv.conf) End-user input: (1) # of workers (default 2), (2) ssh_public_key. What user data does orchestrator store? prefix generation: gurantee uniqueness, along with a sequantially growing number? templatize all templatable configurations (environments, roles, etc), put the rest (sensitive data) in a private configuration file specific to each developer/user """ import getopt import os import sys import time import traceback from collections import OrderedDict import IPython from novaclient.v1_1.client import Client from inception.utils import cmd class Orchestrator(object): """ orchestrate all inception cloud stuff """ def __init__(self, prefix, num_workers, user='ubuntu', image='3ab46178-eaae-46f0-8c13-6aad4d62ecde', flavor=3, key_name='shared', security_groups=('default', 'ssh'), src_dir='../bin/', dst_dir='/home/ubuntu/', chefserver_filenames=('install_chefserver.sh', 'configure_knife.sh', 'setup_chef_repo.sh'), timeout=60): """ @param prefix: unique name as prefix @param num_workers: how many worker nodes you'd like @param image: default u1204-130508-gv @param flavor: default medium @param key_name: ssh public key to be injected @param security_groups: @param src_dir: location from where scripts are uploaded to servers @param dst_dir: target location of scripts on servers @param chefserver_filenames: scripts to run on chefserver @param timeout: sleep time (s) for servers to be launched """ ## args self.prefix = prefix self.num_workers = num_workers self.user = user self.image = image self.flavor = flavor self.key_name = key_name self.security_groups = security_groups self.src_dir = src_dir self.dst_dir = dst_dir self.chefserver_files = OrderedDict() for filename in chefserver_filenames: fin = open(os.path.join(self.src_dir, filename), 'r') value = fin.read() key = os.path.join(self.dst_dir, filename) self.chefserver_files[key] = value fin.close() self.timeout = timeout ## entities self.client = Client(os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'], os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'], os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']) self.chefserver = None self.gateway = None self.controller = None self.workers = [] def start(self): """ run the whole process """ try: self._create_servers() self._setup_chefserver() self._checkin_chefserver() self._deploy_vxlan_network() self._deploy_controller() self._deploy_workers() print "Your inception cloud is ready!!!" except Exception: print traceback.format_exc() self._cleanup() def _create_servers(self): """ start all VM servers: chefserver, gateway, controller, and workers, via calling Nova client API """ # launch chefserver self.chefserver = self.client.servers.create( name=self.prefix + '-chefserver', image=self.image, flavor=self.flavor, key_name=self.key_name, security_groups=self.security_groups, files=self.chefserver_files) print "%s is being created" % self.chefserver.name # launch gateway self.gateway = self.client.servers.create( name=self.prefix + '-gateway', image=self.image, flavor=self.flavor, key_name=self.key_name, security_groups=self.security_groups) print "%s is being created" % self.gateway.name # launch controller self.controller = self.client.servers.create( name=self.prefix + '-controller', image=self.image, flavor=self.flavor, key_name=self.key_name, security_groups=self.security_groups) print "%s is being created" % self.controller.name # launch workers self.workers = [] for i in xrange(self.num_workers): worker = self.client.servers.create( name=self.prefix + '-worker%s' % (i + 1), image=self.image, flavor=self.flavor, key_name=self.key_name, security_groups=self.security_groups) self.workers.append(worker) print 'name %s is being created' % worker.name print 'sleep %s seconds to wait for servers to be ready' % self.timeout time.sleep(self.timeout) def _setup_chefserver(self): """ execute uploaded scripts to install chef, config knife, upload cookbooks, roles, and environments """ self.chefserver = self.client.servers.get(self.chefserver.id) if self.chefserver.status != 'ACTIVE': raise RuntimeError('%s can not be launched' % self.chefserver.name) # get ipaddress (there is only 1 item in the dict) for network in self.chefserver.networks: ipaddress = self.chefserver.networks[network][0] # execute scripts via ssh command out, error = cmd.ssh(self.user + '@' + ipaddress, 'sudo /bin/umount /mnt') print 'out=', out, 'error=', error for key in self.chefserver_files: out, error = cmd.ssh(self.user + '@' + ipaddress, '/bin/bash ' + key, output_to_screen=True) print 'out=', out, 'error=', error def _checkin_chefserver(self): """ check-in all other VMs into chefserver (knife bootstrap), via eth0 """ def _deploy_vxlan_network(self): """ deploy VXLAN network via openvswitch cookbook for all VMs, i.e., build VXLAN tunnels with gateway as layer-2 hub and other VMs as spokes """ def _deploy_controller(self): """ deploy OpenStack controller(s) via misc cookbooks """ def _deploy_workers(self): """ deploy workers via misc cookbooks (parallelization via Python multi-threading or multi-processing) """ def _cleanup(self): """ blow up the whole inception cloud """ for server in self.client.servers: server.delete() print '%s is being deleted' % server.name def main(): """ program starting point """ try: optlist, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:n:', []) optdict = dict(optlist) prefix = optdict['-p'] if '-' in prefix: raise RuntimeError('"-" can not exist in prefix') num_workers = int(optdict['-n']) except Exception: print traceback.format_exc() usage() sys.exit(1) orchestrator = Orchestrator(prefix, num_workers) orchestrator.start() # give me a ipython shell when everything is done IPython.embed() def usage(): print """ (make sure OpenStack-related environment variables are defined) python %s -p -n """ % (__file__,) ############################################## if __name__ == "__main__": main()