# Copyright 2017 MDSLAB - University of Messina # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. try: # allow iotronic api to run also with python3 import _pickle as cpickle except Exception: # allow iotronic api to run also with python2.7 import pickle as cpickle from iotronic.common import exception, designate from iotronic.common import neutron from iotronic.common import states from iotronic.conductor.provisioner import Provisioner from iotronic import objects from iotronic.objects import base as objects_base from iotronic.wamp import wampmessage as wm from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging import random import socket LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) serializer = objects_base.IotronicObjectSerializer() Port = list() # Method to compare two versions. # Return 1 if v2 is smaller, # -1 if v1 is smaller, # 0 if equal def versionCompare(v1, v2): v1_list = v1.split(".")[:3] v2_list = v2.split(".")[:3] i = 0 while (i < len(v1_list)): # v2 > v1 if int(v2_list[i]) > int(v1_list[i]): return -1 # v1 > v1 if int(v1_list[i]) > int(v2_list[i]): return 1 i += 1 # v2 == v1 return 0 def get_best_agent(ctx): agents = objects.WampAgent.list(ctx, filters={'online': True}) LOG.debug('found %d Agent(s).', len(agents)) agent = random.choice(agents) LOG.debug('Selected agent: %s', agent.hostname) return agent.hostname def random_public_port(): return random.randint(50001, 59999) def manage_result(res, wamp_rpc_call, board_uuid): if res.result == wm.SUCCESS: return res.message elif res.result == wm.WARNING: LOG.warning('Warning in the execution of %s on %s', wamp_rpc_call, board_uuid) return res.message elif res.result == wm.ERROR: LOG.error('Error in the execution of %s on %s: %s', wamp_rpc_call, board_uuid, res.message) raise exception.ErrorExecutionOnBoard(call=wamp_rpc_call, board=board_uuid, error=res.message) return res.message def create_record_dns_webservice(ctx, board, webs_name, board_dns, zone): agent = objects.WampAgent.get_by_hostname(ctx, board.agent) wsurl = agent.wsurl w_host = wsurl.split("//")[1].split(":")[0] ip = socket.gethostbyname(w_host) LOG.debug('Create dns record %s for board %s', webs_name + "." + board_dns + "." + zone, board.uuid) LOG.debug('using %s %s %s', webs_name + "." + board_dns, ip, zone) designate.create_record(webs_name + "." + board_dns, ip, zone) def create_record_dns(ctx, board, board_dns, zone): agent = objects.WampAgent.get_by_hostname(ctx, board.agent) wsurl = agent.wsurl w_host = wsurl.split("//")[1].split(":")[0] ip = socket.gethostbyname(w_host) LOG.debug('Create dns record %s for board %s', board_dns + "." + zone, board.uuid) LOG.debug('using %s %s %s', board_dns, ip, zone) designate.create_record(board_dns, ip, zone) LOG.debug('Configure Web Proxy on WampAgent %s (%s) for board %s', board.agent, ip, board.uuid) class ConductorEndpoint(object): def __init__(self, ragent): transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF) self.target = oslo_messaging.Target() self.wamp_agent_client = oslo_messaging.RPCClient(transport, self.target) self.wamp_agent_client = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(timeout=120, topic='s4t') self.ragent = ragent def echo(self, ctx, data): LOG.info("ECHO: %s" % data) return data def registration(self, ctx, code, session_num): LOG.debug('Received registration from %s with session %s', code, session_num) try: board = objects.Board.get_by_code(ctx, code) except Exception as exc: msg = exc.message % {'board': code} LOG.error(msg) return wm.WampError(msg).serialize() try: old_ses = objects.SessionWP(ctx) old_ses = old_ses.get_session_by_board_uuid(ctx, board.uuid, valid=True) old_ses.valid = False old_ses.save() except Exception: LOG.debug('valid session for %s not found', board.uuid) session_data = {'board_id': board.id, 'board_uuid': board.uuid, 'session_id': session_num} session = objects.SessionWP(ctx, **session_data) session.create() if not board.status == states.REGISTERED: msg = "board with code %(board)s " \ "already registered" % {'board': code} LOG.warning((msg)) board.status = states.OFFLINE board.save() LOG.debug('sending this conf %s', board.config) wmessage = wm.WampSuccess(board.config) return wmessage.serialize() board.agent = get_best_agent(ctx) agent = objects.WampAgent.get_by_hostname(ctx, board.agent) prov = Provisioner(board) prov.conf_registration_agent(self.ragent.wsurl) prov.conf_main_agent(agent.wsurl) loc = objects.Location.list_by_board_uuid(ctx, board.uuid)[0] prov.conf_location(loc) board.config = prov.get_config() board.status = states.OFFLINE board.save() LOG.debug('sending this conf %s', board.config) wmessage = wm.WampSuccess(board.config) return wmessage.serialize() def destroy_board(self, ctx, board_id): LOG.info('Destroying board with id %s', board_id) board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, board_id) result = None if board.is_online(): prov = Provisioner() prov.conf_clean() p = prov.get_config() LOG.debug('sending this conf %s', p) try: result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_id, 'destroyBoard', (p,)) except exception: return exception board.destroy() if result: result = manage_result(result, 'destroyBoard', board_id) LOG.debug(result) return result return def update_board(self, ctx, board_obj): board = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, board_obj) LOG.debug('Updating board %s', board.name) board.save() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, board) def create_board(self, ctx, board_obj, location_obj): new_board = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, board_obj) LOG.debug('Creating board %s', new_board.name) new_location = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, location_obj) new_board.create() new_location.board_id = new_board.id new_location.create() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, new_board) def execute_on_board(self, ctx, board_uuid, wamp_rpc_call, wamp_rpc_args): LOG.debug('Executing \"%s\" on the board: %s', wamp_rpc_call, board_uuid) board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) # session should be taken from board, not from the object session = objects.SessionWP.get_session_by_board_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) full_wamp_call = 'iotronic.' + \ session.session_id + "." + \ board.uuid + "." + wamp_rpc_call # check the session; it rise an excpetion if session miss if not board.is_online(): raise exception.BoardNotConnected(board=board.uuid) req_data = { 'destination_uuid': board_uuid, 'type': objects.request.BOARD, 'status': objects.request.PENDING, 'action': wamp_rpc_call } req = objects.Request(ctx, **req_data) req.create() res_data = { 'board_uuid': board_uuid, 'request_uuid': req.uuid, 'result': objects.result.RUNNING, 'message': "" } res = objects.Result(ctx, **res_data) res.create() cctx = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(server=board.agent) # for previous LR version (to be removed asap) if (versionCompare(board.lr_version, "0.4.9") == -1): response = cctx.call(ctx, 's4t_invoke_wamp', wamp_rpc_call=full_wamp_call, data=wamp_rpc_args) else: response = cctx.call(ctx, 's4t_invoke_wamp', wamp_rpc_call=full_wamp_call, req_uuid=req.uuid, data=wamp_rpc_args) response = wm.deserialize(response) if (response.result != wm.RUNNING): res.result = response.result res.message = response.message res.save() req.status = objects.request.COMPLETED req.save() return response def action_board(self, ctx, board_uuid, action, params): LOG.info('Calling action %s, into the board %s with params %s', action, board_uuid, params) board = objects.Board.get(ctx, board_uuid) if not board.is_online(): raise exception.BoardNotConnected(board=board.uuid) objects.board.is_valid_action(action) try: result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, action, (params,)) except exception: return exception result = manage_result(result, action, board_uuid) LOG.debug(result) return result def destroy_plugin(self, ctx, plugin_id): LOG.info('Destroying plugin with id %s', plugin_id) plugin = objects.Plugin.get_by_uuid(ctx, plugin_id) plugin.destroy() return def update_plugin(self, ctx, plugin_obj): plugin = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, plugin_obj) LOG.debug('Updating plugin %s', plugin.name) plugin.save() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, plugin) def create_plugin(self, ctx, plugin_obj): new_plugin = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, plugin_obj) LOG.debug('Creating plugin %s', new_plugin.name) new_plugin.code = cpickle.dumps(new_plugin.code, 0).decode() new_plugin.create() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, new_plugin) def inject_plugin(self, ctx, plugin_uuid, board_uuid, onboot): LOG.info('Injecting plugin with id %s into the board %s', plugin_uuid, board_uuid) plugin = objects.Plugin.get(ctx, plugin_uuid) try: result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, 'PluginInject', (plugin, onboot)) except exception: return exception injection = None try: injection = objects.InjectionPlugin.get(ctx, board_uuid, plugin_uuid) except Exception: pass if injection: injection.status = 'updated' injection.save() else: inj_data = { 'board_uuid': board_uuid, 'plugin_uuid': plugin_uuid, 'onboot': onboot, 'status': 'injected' } injection = objects.InjectionPlugin(ctx, **inj_data) injection.create() result = manage_result(result, 'PluginInject', board_uuid) LOG.debug(result) return result def remove_plugin(self, ctx, plugin_uuid, board_uuid): LOG.info('Removing plugin with id %s into the board %s', plugin_uuid, board_uuid) plugin = objects.Plugin.get_by_uuid(ctx, plugin_uuid) injection = objects.InjectionPlugin.get(ctx, board_uuid, plugin_uuid) try: result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, 'PluginRemove', (plugin.uuid,)) except exception: return exception result = manage_result(result, 'PluginRemove', board_uuid) LOG.debug(result) injection.destroy() return result def action_plugin(self, ctx, plugin_uuid, board_uuid, action, params): LOG.info('Calling plugin with id %s into the board %s with params %s', plugin_uuid, board_uuid, params) plugin = objects.Plugin.get(ctx, plugin_uuid) objects.plugin.is_valid_action(action) try: if objects.plugin.want_params(action): result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, action, (plugin.uuid, params)) else: result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, action, (plugin.uuid,)) except exception: return exception result = manage_result(result, action, board_uuid) LOG.debug(result) return result def create_service(self, ctx, service_obj): new_service = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, service_obj) LOG.debug('Creating service %s', new_service.name) new_service.create() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, new_service) def destroy_service(self, ctx, service_id): LOG.info('Destroying service with id %s', service_id) service = objects.Service.get_by_uuid(ctx, service_id) service.destroy() return def update_service(self, ctx, service_obj): service = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, service_obj) LOG.debug('Updating service %s', service.name) service.save() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, service) def action_service(self, ctx, service_uuid, board_uuid, action): service = objects.Service.get(ctx, service_uuid) objects.service.is_valid_action(action) if action == "ServiceEnable": LOG.info('Enabling service with id %s into the board %s', service_uuid, board_uuid) try: objects.ExposedService.get(ctx, board_uuid, service_uuid) return exception.ServiceAlreadyExposed(uuid=service_uuid) except Exception: public_port = random_public_port() res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, action, (service, public_port)) result = manage_result(res, action, board_uuid) exp_data = { 'board_uuid': board_uuid, 'service_uuid': service_uuid, 'public_port': public_port, } exposed = objects.ExposedService(ctx, **exp_data) exposed.create() LOG.debug(result) return result elif action == "ServiceDisable": LOG.info('Disabling service with id %s into the board %s', service_uuid, board_uuid) exposed = objects.ExposedService.get(ctx, board_uuid, service_uuid) res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, action, (service,)) result = manage_result(res, action, board_uuid) LOG.debug(res.message) exposed.destroy() return result elif action == "ServiceRestore": LOG.info('Restoring service with id %s into the board %s', service_uuid, board_uuid) exposed = objects.ExposedService.get(ctx, board_uuid, service_uuid) res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, action, (service, exposed.public_port)) result = manage_result(res, action, board_uuid) LOG.debug(result) return result def restore_services_on_board(self, ctx, board_uuid): LOG.info('Restoring the services into the board %s', board_uuid) exposed_list = objects.ExposedService.get_by_board_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) for exposed in exposed_list: service = objects.Service.get_by_uuid(ctx, exposed.service_uuid) self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, "ServiceRestore", (service, exposed.public_port)) return 0 def create_port_on_board(self, ctx, board_uuid, network_uuid, subnet_uuid, security_groups=None): LOG.info('Creation of a port on the board %s in the network', board_uuid) board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) port_iotronic = objects.Port(ctx) subnet_info = neutron.subnet_info(subnet_uuid) cidr = str(subnet_info['subnet']['cidr']) slash = cidr.split("/", 1)[1] try: port = neutron.add_port_to_network(board, network_uuid, subnet_uuid, security_groups) p = str(port['port']['id']) port_socat = random.randint(10000, 20000) i = 0 while i < len(Port): if Port[i] == port_socat: i = 0 port_socat = random.randint(10000, 20000) i += 1 global Port Port.insert(0, port_socat) r_tcp_port = str(port_socat) try: LOG.info('Creation of the VIF on the board') self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, "Create_VIF", (r_tcp_port,)) try: LOG.debug('starting the wamp client') cctx = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(server=board.agent) cctx.call(ctx, 'create_tap_interface', port_uuid=p, tcp_port=r_tcp_port) try: LOG.info('Updating the DB') VIF = str("iotronic" + str(r_tcp_port)) port_iotronic.VIF_name = VIF port_iotronic.uuid = port['port']['id'] port_iotronic.MAC_add = port['port']['mac_address'] port_iotronic.board_uuid = str(board_uuid) port_iotronic.network = \ port['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] port_iotronic.ip = \ port['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] port_iotronic.create() try: LOG.debug('Configuration of the VIF') self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, "Configure_VIF", (port_iotronic, slash,)) return port_iotronic except Exception: LOG.error("Error while configuring the VIF") except Exception as e: LOG.error('Error while updating the DB :' + str(e)) except Exception: LOG.error('wamp client error') except Exception: LOG.error('Error while creating the VIF') except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e)) def remove_VIF_from_board(self, ctx, board_uuid, port_uuid): LOG.info('removing the port %s from board %s', port_uuid, board_uuid) board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) port = objects.Port.get_by_uuid(ctx, port_uuid) VIF_name = str(port.VIF_name) try: self.execute_on_board(ctx, board_uuid, "Remove_VIF", (VIF_name,)) port_num = int(VIF_name[8:]) global Port Port.remove(port_num) try: LOG.info("Removing the port from Neutron " "and Iotronic databases") neutron.delete_port(board.agent, port_uuid) LOG.info("Port removed from Neutron DB") port.destroy() LOG.info("Port removed from Iotronic DB") return port except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e)) except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e)) def create_fleet(self, ctx, fleet_obj): new_fleet = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, fleet_obj) LOG.debug('Creating fleet %s', new_fleet.name) new_fleet.create() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, new_fleet) def destroy_fleet(self, ctx, fleet_id): LOG.info('Destroying fleet with id %s', fleet_id) fleet = objects.Fleet.get_by_uuid(ctx, fleet_id) fleet.destroy() return def update_fleet(self, ctx, fleet_obj): fleet = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, fleet_obj) LOG.debug('Updating fleet %s', fleet.name) fleet.save() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, fleet) def create_webservice(self, ctx, webservice_obj): newwbs = serializer.deserialize_entity(ctx, webservice_obj) LOG.debug('Creating webservice %s', newwbs.name) en_webservice = objects.enabledwebservice. \ EnabledWebservice.get_by_board_uuid(ctx, newwbs.board_uuid) full_zone_domain = en_webservice.dns + "." + en_webservice.zone dns_domain = newwbs.name + "." + full_zone_domain board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, newwbs.board_uuid) create_record_dns_webservice(ctx, board, newwbs.name, en_webservice.dns, en_webservice.zone) LOG.debug('Creating webservice with full domain %s', dns_domain) list_webs = objects.Webservice.list(ctx, filters={ 'board_uuid': newwbs.board_uuid }) list_dns = full_zone_domain + "," for webs in list_webs: dname = webs.name + "." + full_zone_domain + "," list_dns = list_dns + dname list_dns = list_dns + dns_domain try: self.execute_on_board(ctx, newwbs.board_uuid, 'ExposeWebservice', (full_zone_domain, dns_domain, newwbs.port, list_dns,)) except exception: return exception cctx = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(server=board.agent) cctx.call(ctx, 'add_redirect', board_dns=en_webservice.dns, zone=en_webservice.zone, dns=newwbs.name) cctx.call(ctx, 'reload_proxy') newwbs.create() return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, newwbs) def destroy_webservice(self, ctx, webservice_id): LOG.info('Destroying webservice with id %s', webservice_id) wbsrv = objects.Webservice.get_by_uuid(ctx, webservice_id) en_webservice = objects.enabledwebservice. \ EnabledWebservice.get_by_board_uuid(ctx, wbsrv.board_uuid) full_zone_domain = en_webservice.dns + "." + en_webservice.zone dns_domain = wbsrv.name + "." + full_zone_domain list_webs = objects.Webservice.list(ctx, filters={ 'board_uuid': wbsrv.board_uuid }) list_dns = full_zone_domain + "," for webs in list_webs: if webs.name != wbsrv.name: dname = webs.name + "." + full_zone_domain + "," list_dns = list_dns + dname list_dns = list_dns[:-1] try: # result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, wbsrv.board_uuid, 'UnexposeWebservice', (dns_domain, list_dns,)) except exception: return exception board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, wbsrv.board_uuid) if board.agent == None: raise exception.BoardInvalidStatus(uuid=board.uuid, status=board.status) cctx = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(server=board.agent) cctx.call(ctx, 'remove_redirect', board_dns=en_webservice.dns, zone=en_webservice.zone, dns=wbsrv.name) cctx.call(ctx, 'reload_proxy') wbsrv.destroy() designate.delete_record(wbsrv.name + "." + en_webservice.dns, en_webservice.zone) return def enable_webservice(self, ctx, dns, zone, email, board_uuid): board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) if board.agent == None: raise exception.BoardInvalidStatus(uuid=board.uuid, status=board.status) try: create_record_dns(ctx, board, dns, zone) except exception: return exception try: en_webservice = objects.enabledwebservice. \ EnabledWebservice.get_by_board_uuid(ctx, board.uuid) LOG.debug('Webservice data already exists for board %s', board.uuid) https_port = en_webservice.https_port http_port = en_webservice.http_port except Exception: # TO BE CHANGED https_port = random_public_port() http_port = random_public_port() en_webservice = { 'board_uuid': board.uuid, 'http_port': http_port, 'https_port': https_port, 'dns': dns, 'zone': zone } en_webservice = objects.enabledwebservice.EnabledWebservice( ctx, **en_webservice) LOG.debug('Save webservice data %s for board %s', dns + "." + zone, board.uuid) en_webservice.create() LOG.debug('Open ports on WampAgent %s for http and %s for https ' 'on board %s', http_port, https_port, board.uuid) service = objects.Service.get_by_name(ctx, 'webservice') res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board.uuid, "ServiceEnable", (service, http_port)) result = manage_result(res, "ServiceEnable", board.uuid) exp_data = { 'board_uuid': board_uuid, 'service_uuid': service.uuid, 'public_port': http_port, } exposed = objects.ExposedService(ctx, **exp_data) exposed.create() LOG.debug(result) service = objects.Service.get_by_name(ctx, 'webservice_ssl') res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board.uuid, "ServiceEnable", (service, https_port)) result = manage_result(res, "ServiceEnable", board.uuid) exp_data = { 'board_uuid': board_uuid, 'service_uuid': service.uuid, 'public_port': https_port, } exposed = objects.ExposedService(ctx, **exp_data) exposed.create() LOG.debug(result) cctx = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(server=board.agent) cctx.call(ctx, 'enable_webservice', board=dns, https_port=https_port, http_port=http_port, zone=zone) cctx.call(ctx, 'reload_proxy') LOG.debug('Configure Web Proxy on Board %s with dns %s (email: %s) ', board.uuid, dns, email) try: # result = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board.uuid, 'EnableWebService', (dns + "." + zone, email,)) except exception: return exception cctx.call(ctx, 'add_redirect', board_dns=dns, zone=zone) cctx.call(ctx, 'reload_proxy') return serializer.serialize_entity(ctx, en_webservice) def disable_webservice(self, ctx, board_uuid): LOG.info('Disabling webservice on board id %s', board_uuid) board = objects.Board.get_by_uuid(ctx, board_uuid) if board.agent == None: raise exception.BoardInvalidStatus(uuid=board.uuid, status=board.status) en_webservice = objects.enabledwebservice. \ EnabledWebservice.get_by_board_uuid(ctx, board.uuid) https_port = en_webservice.https_port http_port = en_webservice.http_port LOG.debug('Disable Webservices ports %s for http and %s for https ' 'on board %s', http_port, https_port, board.uuid) service = objects.Service.get_by_name(ctx, 'webservice') exposed = objects.ExposedService.get(ctx, board_uuid, service.uuid) res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board.uuid, "ServiceDisable", (service,)) LOG.debug(res.message) exposed.destroy() service = objects.Service.get_by_name(ctx, 'webservice_ssl') exposed = objects.ExposedService.get(ctx, board_uuid, service.uuid) res = self.execute_on_board(ctx, board.uuid, "ServiceDisable", (service,)) LOG.debug(res.message) exposed.destroy() webservice = objects.EnabledWebservice.get_by_board_uuid( ctx, board_uuid) LOG.debug('Remove dns record %s for board %s', webservice.dns, board.uuid) designate.delete_record(webservice.dns, en_webservice.zone) cctx = self.wamp_agent_client.prepare(server=board.agent) cctx.call(ctx, 'disable_webservice', board=webservice.dns) # cctx.call(ctx, 'remove_redirect', board_dns=en_webservice.dns, # zone=en_webservice.zone) cctx.call(ctx, 'reload_proxy') webservice.destroy() return