package com.mirantis.plugins.murano; import com.mirantis.plugins.murano.client.OpenstackClient; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor; import hudson.tasks.Notifier; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.ListBoxModel; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationController; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationControllerBuilder; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Service; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.Config; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.ConfigBuilder; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.DefaultKubernetesClient; import okhttp3.ConnectionSpec; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.openstack4j.connectors.httpclient.HttpCommand; import org.openstack4j.core.transport.HttpMethod; import org.openstack4j.core.transport.HttpRequest; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import*; import; import java.util.*; /** * Main Jenkins plugin class that acts as a PostBuilder */ public class MuranoBuilder extends Notifier { private String serverUrl; private String username; private String password; private String tenantName; private String dockerImage; private String flavor; private String keypairs; private String clusterName; private String slaveCount; private String gatewayCount; @DataBoundConstructor public MuranoBuilder(String serverUrl, String username, String password, String tenantName, String clusterName, String dockerRegistry, String flavor, String keypairs, String dockerImage, String slaveCount, String gatewayCount) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.tenantName = tenantName; this.dockerImage = dockerImage; this.clusterName = clusterName; this.flavor = flavor; this.keypairs = keypairs; this.slaveCount = slaveCount; this.gatewayCount = gatewayCount; } public String getServerUrl() { return serverUrl; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public String getTenantName() { return tenantName; } public String getDockerImage() { return dockerImage; } public String getFlavor() { return flavor; } public String getClusterName() { return clusterName; } public String getGatewayCount() { return gatewayCount; } public String getSlaveCount() { return slaveCount; } /** * Postbuild implementation, gets the parameters from the values filled in the Jenkins * Configuration. * * It the uses the Environment name to check if the environment exists and if it does, uses the * same environment to deploy the image. This also assumes that a build solution is available that * pushes the Jenkins build to dockerhub or whatever Docker registry has been configured. Thats out * of scope of this plugin to build the Docker image. * * If there is no environment available, it will build the K8S environment and then use it to * deploy the image. * * @param build The Build object from Jenkins * @param launcher The Launcher * @param listener Listener for Logging events * @return whether the post-build was successful * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Replace the image so that $BUILD_NUMBER is replaced with an actual image. This is because // we tag the docker images with the build numbers String image = Util.replaceMacro(this.dockerImage, build.getEnvironment(listener)); OpenstackClient client = new OpenstackClient(serverUrl, username, password, tenantName); if (!client.authenticate()) { listener.getLogger().println("Cannot connect to Openstack server. Pls check configuration"); return false; } // Get the UI Definition for Kubernetes. This is hardcoded based on the K8S Definition in Murano // TODO: See if this can be changed dynamically String token = client.getOSClient().getAccess().getToken().getId(); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.builder().method(HttpMethod.GET) .endpoint(serverUrl + ":9292") .path("/v3/artifacts/murano/v1/f07d4447-d479-401d-86f2-902f3e260f60/ui_definition/download") // K8S cluster id .header("X-Auth-Token", token) .build(); HttpCommand command = HttpCommand.create(request); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { response = command.execute(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();; return false; } if (response == null) { listener.getLogger().println("Error getting response for UI definition"); return false; } StringBuffer jsonString = new StringBuffer(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( response.getEntity().getContent())); //Print the raw output of murano api from the server String output; while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) { jsonString.append(output + "\n"); } } catch(Exception ex) { listener.getLogger().println("Error getting output for UI definition"); return false; } // Fill in the templates according to the jenkins job // TODO: Could be done only if the image needs to be created. Otehrwise its a waste of resouces. Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); String appTemplate = ""; ConfigurationSection sections = new ConfigurationSection(); Map templates = new HashMap(); Map> values = (Map>) yaml.load(jsonString.toString()); for (String key : values.keySet()) { System.out.println(key); if (key.equals("Forms")) { List formElements = (ArrayList)values.get(key); for (Map type: formElements) { String typeName = (String)type.keySet().toArray()[0]; // gets the form types like : appConfiguration, instanceConfiguration etc Map> fields = (HashMap>) type.get(typeName); List fieldArr = (ArrayList)fields.get("fields"); sections.addSection(typeName, fieldArr); } } else if (key.equals("Application")) { System.out.println("Application section : "); Map applicationTemplate = (Map)values.get(key); appTemplate = "{" + getApplicationJsonTemplate(applicationTemplate) + "}"; } else if (key.equals("Templates")) { System.out.println("Templates"); Map templateMap = values.get(key); for(String templateName: templateMap.keySet()) { Object templateValue = templateMap.get(templateName); if (templateValue instanceof Map) { Map internalTemplateHash = (Map) templateValue; //String templateExpanded = "{" + getApplicationJsonTemplate(internalTemplateHash) + "}"; templates.put(templateName, internalTemplateHash); } } } } String envId = checkIfDeploymentExists(token, this.clusterName); if (envId == null) { listener.getLogger().println("Creating new enviroment"); // No Environment, create the cluster String filledTemplate = fillTemplatesForKubernetes(templates, appTemplate, build.getId(), this.flavor, this.keypairs); // Create Env envId = this.createEnvironment(token, this.clusterName); // Create Session String sessionId = this.createEnvironmentSession(token, envId); // Add App to Environment addApplicationToEnvironment(token, envId, sessionId, filledTemplate); // Deploy deployEnvironment(token, envId, sessionId); listener.getLogger().println("Waiting for Deployment to finish..."); if (!isDeploymentSuccess(token, envId)) { listener.getLogger().println("Taking longer to deploy, please check the murano console"); return false; } listener.getLogger().println("Deployed K8S"); } // Get the Floating IP to deploy the image String kubeMasterAddress = null; try { kubeMasterAddress = getFloatingIp(token, envId); kubeMasterAddress = "http://" + kubeMasterAddress + ":8080"; // By default the mirantis instance runs on 8080 } catch(Exception ex) { listener.getLogger().println("Error getting Floating ip"); return false; } return deployImage(kubeMasterAddress, this.clusterName, image, listener.getLogger()); } /** * Loop around to see if the deployment is a success. This waits for about 10 secs 300 times hoping that * it finishes. This all depends on teh number of nodes and the speed of the boxes. But seems sufficient. * * @param token Environment Token * @param envId Environemnt Id * @return whether the deployment is a success */ private boolean isDeploymentSuccess(String token, String envId) { boolean status = false; for (int i=0; i<300; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(10000); String payload = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments/" + envId + "/deployments", HttpMethod.GET, token, null, null); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject deployments = (JSONObject) parser.parse(payload); JSONArray deploymentList = (JSONArray) deployments.get("deployments"); JSONObject thisDeployment = (JSONObject) deploymentList.get(0); if ("success".equals((String) thisDeployment.get("state"))) { status = true; break; } } catch (ParseException pe) { System.out.println("position: " + pe.getPosition()); System.out.println(pe); } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; break; } } return status; } // ServiceName is the same as Cluster Name private boolean deployImage(String floatingIp, String serviceName, String image, PrintStream logger) { Config config = new ConfigBuilder() .withMasterUrl(floatingIp) .withNamespace("default") // Use default namespace .build(); // Redo the dance till the cleartext is setup with kubernetes libraries. // TODO: This is fixed in DefaultKubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient(config); ArrayList specs = new ArrayList(); specs.add(ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT); OkHttpClient httpClient = client.getHttpClient().newBuilder().connectionSpecs(specs).build(); client = new DefaultKubernetesClient(httpClient, config); Service service =; if (service == null) { // There is no service, create one with port on 9999 targeting 8080 internally logger.println("There is no service named: " + serviceName + ", Creating one"); HashMap labels = new HashMap(); labels.put("server", "javawebapp"); withNewMetadata().withName(serviceName).endMetadata(). withNewSpec(). addNewPort().withPort(9999).withNewTargetPort().withIntVal(8080).endTargetPort().endPort(). withSelector(labels). withType("NodePort"). endSpec(). done(); service =; if (service == null) { logger.print("Still cannot create servce, Aborting"); return false; } } else { logger.println("Obtained Service with name: " + serviceName); } // Create the RC logger.print("Creating Replication Controller now"); ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers().withName(serviceName + "-rc").get(); if (rc == null) { logger.println("No RC Found with name: " + serviceName + "-rc, Creating one"); rc = new ReplicationControllerBuilder(). withNewMetadata().withName(serviceName + "-rc").addToLabels("server", "javawebapp").endMetadata(). withNewSpec().withReplicas(1). withNewTemplate(). withNewMetadata().addToLabels("server", "javawebapp").endMetadata(). withNewSpec(). addNewContainer().withName(serviceName).withImage(image). addNewPort().withContainerPort(8080).endPort(). endContainer(). endSpec(). endTemplate(). endSpec(). build(); client.replicationControllers().create(rc); logger.println("Created image with: " + image); } else { logger.println("RC Found with name: " + serviceName + "-rc, updating with new image"); client.replicationControllers(). withName(serviceName + "-rc"). rolling().updateImage(image); logger.println("Updated image to : " + image); } return true; } /* Standard output is of form [{"gatewayCount": 1, "gatewayNodes": [{"instance": {"availabilityZone": "nova", "openstackId": "184c7bca-b757-429e-8565-96a4b32927c8", "name": "$", "securityGroupName": null, "image": "ubuntu14.04-x64-kubernetes", "assignFloatingIp": true, "floatingIpAddress": "", "keyname": "Raja_macbookpro", "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "name": null, "package": "io.murano", "type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance", "_actions": {}, "id": "ed3fc4457be3056cf500fcd216dbf25c"}, "ipAddresses": ["", ""], "flavor": "m1.medium", "networks": {"useFlatNetwork": false, "primaryNetwork": null, "useEnvironmentNetwork": true, "customNetworks": []}, "sharedIps": []}, "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "name": null, "package": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster", "type": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesGatewayNode", "_actions": {}, "id": "b8b3ebc3dd3cce4deed702c48c9475bf"}}], "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "status": "ready", "name": null, "package": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster", "type": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster", "_actions": {"e7c2d5b5cf8291fdb0149188f2b8b9ee_scaleNodesUp": {"enabled": true, "name": "scaleNodesUp"}, "e7c2d5b5cf8291fdb0149188f2b8b9ee_scaleGatewaysDown": {"enabled": true, "name": "scaleGatewaysDown"}, "e7c2d5b5cf8291fdb0149188f2b8b9ee_scaleGatewaysUp": {"enabled": true, "name": "scaleGatewaysUp"}, "e7c2d5b5cf8291fdb0149188f2b8b9ee_exportConfig": {"enabled": true, "name": "exportConfig"}, "e7c2d5b5cf8291fdb0149188f2b8b9ee_scaleNodesDown": {"enabled": true, "name": "scaleNodesDown"}}, "id": "e7c2d5b5cf8291fdb0149188f2b8b9ee"}, "serviceEndpoints": [], "nodeCount": 1, "dockerRegistry": null, "masterNode": {"instance": {"availabilityZone": "nova", "openstackId": "ee92608e-8eb7-41ac-a53a-e8c5a8c107b4", "name": "$", "securityGroupName": null, "image": "ubuntu14.04-x64-kubernetes", "assignFloatingIp": true, "floatingIpAddress": "", "keyname": "Raja_macbookpro", "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "name": null, "package": "io.murano", "type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance", "_actions": {}, "id": "dabbc3a6f0fa18d781ed88369b738a90"}, "ipAddresses": ["", ""], "flavor": "m1.medium", "networks": {"useFlatNetwork": false, "primaryNetwork": null, "useEnvironmentNetwork": true, "customNetworks": []}, "sharedIps": []}, "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "name": null, "package": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster", "type": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesMasterNode", "_actions": {}, "id": "882094bb08fa2f78c0607e613d79f428"}}, "minionNodes": [{"instance": {"availabilityZone": "nova", "openstackId": "db281114-019c-4b57-9fb1-11ae7e3b4fbc", "name": "$", "securityGroupName": null, "image": "ubuntu14.04-x64-kubernetes", "assignFloatingIp": true, "floatingIpAddress": "", "keyname": "Raja_macbookpro", "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "name": null, "package": "io.murano", "type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance", "_actions": {}, "id": "f890a089cbf645f8f3599fffb6553fb6"}, "ipAddresses": ["", ""], "flavor": "m1.medium", "networks": {"useFlatNetwork": false, "primaryNetwork": null, "useEnvironmentNetwork": true, "customNetworks": []}, "sharedIps": []}, "?": {"classVersion": "0.0.0", "name": null, "package": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster", "type": "io.murano.apps.docker.kubernetes.KubernetesMinionNode", "_actions": {}, "id": "d967c9cf3c53fd1deaae4c4af2de6379"}, "exposeCAdvisor": true}], "name": "K8ST1"}] */ private String getFloatingIp(String token, String envId) throws Exception { String payload = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments/" + envId + "/services", HttpMethod.GET, token, null, null); String floatingIp = null; if (payload != null) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) parser.parse(payload); floatingIp = (String) ((JSONArray) ((JSONObject) ((JSONObject) ((JSONObject) array.get(0)).get("masterNode")). get("instance")).get("ipAddresses")).get(0); } return floatingIp; } /** * Return the Environment id if it exists * * @param token * @param name * @return */ private String checkIfDeploymentExists(String token, String name) { String payload = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments", HttpMethod.GET, token, null, null); String envId = null; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try{ Object obj = parser.parse(payload); JSONObject response = (JSONObject)obj; JSONArray environmentArray = (JSONArray) response.get("environments"); for (Object env: environmentArray) { JSONObject thisEnv = (JSONObject) env; String envName = (String) thisEnv.get("name"); if (envName.equals(name)) { envId = (String) thisEnv.get("id"); break; } } }catch(ParseException pe){ System.out.println("position: " + pe.getPosition()); System.out.println(pe); } return envId; } /** * Deploy the environment given the environment id and Session Token */ private void deployEnvironment(String token, String envId, String sessionId) { String response = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments/" + envId + "/sessions/" + sessionId + "/deploy", HttpMethod.POST, token, null, null); } /** * Add the app(K8S) to the environment * @param token * @param envId * @param sessionId * @param jsonReq */ private void addApplicationToEnvironment(String token, String envId, String sessionId, String jsonReq) { String response = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments/" + envId + "/services", HttpMethod.POST, token, jsonReq, sessionId); System.out.println("add application response : " + response); //return sessionId; } private String createEnvironmentSession(String token, String envId) { String payload = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments/" + envId + "/configure", HttpMethod.POST, token, null, null); String sessionId = ""; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try{ Object obj = parser.parse(payload); JSONObject response = (JSONObject)obj; sessionId = (String)response.get("id"); }catch(ParseException pe){ System.out.println("position: " + pe.getPosition()); System.out.println(pe); } System.out.println("Session Id : " + sessionId); return sessionId; } private String createEnvironment(String token, String envname) { String reqPayload = "{\"name\":\"" + envname + "\"}"; String payload = getResponseForJsonPost(serverUrl, 8082, "/v1/environments", HttpMethod.POST, token, reqPayload, null); String envId = ""; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try{ Object obj = parser.parse(payload); JSONObject response = (JSONObject)obj; envId = (String)response.get("id"); }catch(ParseException pe){ System.out.println("position: " + pe.getPosition()); System.out.println(pe); } System.out.println("Envid : " + envId); return envId; } /** * Main helper method to call the Murano API and return the response. Accepts both GET and POST. * * @param url Base URL to connect * @param port Which port is murano listening on * @param requestPath Path on Murano URL * @param method GET or POST * @param token Auth Token * @param jsonPayload Payload for the message * @param muranoSessionId Optional Session Id * @return Response from the Call */ private String getResponseForJsonPost(String url, int port, String requestPath, HttpMethod method, String token, String jsonPayload, String muranoSessionId) { HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.builder().method(method) .endpoint(url + ":" + port) .path(requestPath) // K8S cluster id .header("X-Auth-Token", token) .json(jsonPayload) .build(); if (muranoSessionId != null) { request.getHeaders().put("X-Configuration-Session", muranoSessionId); } if (jsonPayload != null) { request = request.toBuilder().json(jsonPayload).build(); } HttpCommand command = HttpCommand.create(request); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { response = command.execute(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();; return null; } StringBuffer jsonString = new StringBuffer(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( response.getEntity().getContent())); //Print the raw output of murano api from the server String output; while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) { jsonString.append(output + "\n"); } } catch(Exception ex) { return null; } return jsonString.toString(); } private String fillTemplatesForKubernetes(Map templates, String template, String buildId, String flavor, String keypair) { String appTemplate = template.replace("$", "Kubernetes_" + buildId); appTemplate = appTemplate.replace("$.appConfiguration.minionCount", this.slaveCount); appTemplate = appTemplate.replace("$.appConfiguration.gatewayCount", this.gatewayCount); appTemplate = appTemplate.replace("dockerRegistry", ""); // Setup KubeMaster Map masterTemplate = (Map) templates.get("masterNode"); String kubeMasterTemplate = "{" + getApplicationJsonTemplate(masterTemplate) + "}"; kubeMasterTemplate = kubeMasterTemplate.replaceAll("$.instanceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern-.*?.com", "K8sMaster" + buildId); //Name kubeMasterTemplate = kubeMasterTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.flavor", flavor); kubeMasterTemplate = kubeMasterTemplate.replace("$.appConfiguration.assignFloatingIP", "True"); kubeMasterTemplate = kubeMasterTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.keyPair", keypair); kubeMasterTemplate = kubeMasterTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.availabilityZone", "nova"); appTemplate = appTemplate.replace("\"masterNode\":\"$masterNode\"", "\"masterNode\":" + kubeMasterTemplate); // Kube Minion StringBuffer sbMinionTemplate = new StringBuffer(); String delim = ""; for(int i = 1; i<= Integer.parseInt(this.slaveCount); i++) { Map minionTemplate = (Map) templates.get("minionNode"); String kubeMinionTemplate = "{" + getApplicationJsonTemplate(minionTemplate) + "}"; kubeMinionTemplate = kubeMinionTemplate.replaceAll("\\$.instanceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern-.*?.com", "K8sMinion-" + generateUUID()); //Name kubeMinionTemplate = kubeMinionTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.flavor", flavor); kubeMinionTemplate = kubeMinionTemplate.replace("$.appConfiguration.assignFloatingIP", "True"); kubeMinionTemplate = kubeMinionTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.keyPair", keypair); kubeMinionTemplate = kubeMinionTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.availabilityZone", "nova"); sbMinionTemplate.append(delim).append(kubeMinionTemplate); delim = ","; } appTemplate = appTemplate.replace("\"minionNodes\":\"repeat($minionNode, $.appConfiguration.maxMinionCount)\"", "\"minionNodes\": [" + sbMinionTemplate.toString() + "]"); // Kube Gateway StringBuffer sbGatewayTemplate = new StringBuffer(); delim = ""; for(int i = 1; i<= Integer.parseInt(this.gatewayCount); i++) { Map gatewayTemplate = (Map) templates.get("gatewayNode"); String gatewayMinionTemplate = "{" + getApplicationJsonTemplate(gatewayTemplate ) + "}"; gatewayMinionTemplate = gatewayMinionTemplate.replaceAll("\\$.instanceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern-.*?.com", "K8sGateway-" + generateUUID()); //Name gatewayMinionTemplate = gatewayMinionTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.flavor", flavor); gatewayMinionTemplate = gatewayMinionTemplate.replace("$.appConfiguration.assignFloatingIP", "True"); gatewayMinionTemplate = gatewayMinionTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.keyPair", keypair); gatewayMinionTemplate = gatewayMinionTemplate.replace("$.instanceConfiguration.availabilityZone", "nova"); sbGatewayTemplate.append(delim).append(gatewayMinionTemplate); delim = ","; } appTemplate = appTemplate.replace("\"gatewayNodes\":\"repeat($gatewayNode, $.appConfiguration.maxGatewayCount)\"", "\"gatewayNodes\": [" + sbGatewayTemplate.toString() + "]"); return appTemplate; } private String generateUUID() { SecureRandom ng = new SecureRandom(); long MSB = 0x8000000000000000L; String str = Long.toHexString(MSB | ng.nextLong()) + Long.toHexString(MSB | ng.nextLong()); return str; } private String getApplicationJsonTemplate(Map template) { String templateStr = ""; boolean firstStr = true; for (String k : template.keySet()) { if (!firstStr) { templateStr += ","; } firstStr = false; Object v = template.get(k); if (v instanceof Map) { templateStr += "\"" + k + "\": {" + this.getApplicationJsonTemplate((Map)v) ; templateStr += "}"; } else if (v instanceof String) { String uuid = generateUUID(); if (k.equals("type")) { templateStr += "\"" + k + "\":\"" + v + "\""; templateStr += ",\"id\":\"" + uuid + "\""; }else if (k.equals("name") && (((String)v).contains("generateHostname"))) { templateStr += "\"name\":\"$.instanceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern-" + uuid + ".com\""; }else { templateStr += "\"" + k + "\":\"" + v + "\""; } } } return templateStr; } @Override public BuildStepMonitor getRequiredMonitorService() { return BuildStepMonitor.BUILD; } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor { public DescriptorImpl() { load(); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(Class aClass) { return true; } public FormValidation doCheckServerUrl(@QueryParameter String serverUrl) { if (serverUrl.length() == 0) return FormValidation.error("Please enter a server url"); if (serverUrl.indexOf("://") == -1) return FormValidation.error("Enter a url of the format http(s)://"); return FormValidation.ok(); } public FormValidation doTestConnection(@QueryParameter("serverUrl") final String serverUrl, @QueryParameter("username") final String username, @QueryParameter("password") final String password, @QueryParameter("tenantName") final String tenantName) throws IOException, ServletException { try { OpenstackClient client = new OpenstackClient(serverUrl, username, password, tenantName); if (client.authenticate()) { return FormValidation.ok("Success"); } else { return FormValidation.error("Unable to connect to server. Please check credentials"); } } catch (Exception e) { return FormValidation.error("Error: "+e.getMessage()); } } public ListBoxModel doFillFlavorItems(@QueryParameter("serverUrl") final String serverUrl, @QueryParameter("username") final String username, @QueryParameter("password") final String password, @QueryParameter("tenantName") final String tenantName) { ListBoxModel flavor = new ListBoxModel(); OpenstackClient client = new OpenstackClient(serverUrl, username, password, tenantName); client.authenticate(); // Authenticate to Openstack if (client.getOSClient() != null) { for (String fl: client.getFlavors()) { flavor.add(fl); } } return flavor; } public ListBoxModel doFillKeypairsItems(@QueryParameter("serverUrl") final String serverUrl, @QueryParameter("username") final String username, @QueryParameter("password") final String password, @QueryParameter("tenantName") final String tenantName) { ListBoxModel keypairs = new ListBoxModel(); OpenstackClient client = new OpenstackClient(serverUrl, username, password, tenantName); client.authenticate(); // Authenticate to Openstack if (client.getOSClient() != null) { for (String fl: client.getKeypairs()) { keypairs.add(fl); } } return keypairs; } /** * This human readable name is used in the configuration screen. */ public String getDisplayName() { return "Murano Kubernetes Plugin"; } } }