
48 lines
1.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $1 sys_password
# $2 public ip eth0
source /onvm/scripts/ini-config
eval $(parse_yaml '/onvm/conf/nodes.conf.yml' 'leap_')
# Install git in case it has not been installed.
apt-get update
apt-get -qqy install git python-dev python-pip
git clone /opt/monasca-agent
cd /opt/monasca-agent
# Make sure few required things installed first
pip install "requests>=2.9.1"
pip install "psutil>=3.4.2"
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
echo 'Setting up agent by running monasca-setup...'
monasca-setup --username $leap_agent_user \
--password $leap_agent_pw \
--project_name kiloeyes \
--system_only --keystone_url "${leap_auth_uri}/v3"
echo 'Configuring supervisor.conf file...'
iniset /etc/monasca/agent/supervisor.conf inet_http_server port 'localhost:9001'
rm -r -f /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d/vcenter.yaml
# The following section is to prepare for manual installation
#mkdir -p /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d
#cp agent.yaml.template /etc/monasca/agent/agent.yaml
# Get the plugin configuration files
#for key in cpu disk load memory network; do
# cp conf.d/$key.yaml /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d
service monasca-agent restart
echo 'Agent install is now complete!'