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from oslo_config import cfg
dpm_group = cfg.OptGroup('dpm',
title='DPM options',
The IBM z13 system generation (and IBM LinuxONE) introduced a new
administrative mode named "Dynamic Partition Manager" (DPM) that allows for
managing the firmware-based logical partition hypervisor (PR/SM) with the
dynamic capabilities known from software-based hypervisors. A z13 or LinuxONE
machine is termed CPC (Central Processor Complex). Its management access point
is the z Systems HMC (Hardware Management Console) which exposes a Web Services
API that is used by the Nova driver for DPM and by the Neutron agent for DPM.
One HMC can manage multiple CPCs.
DPM config options for the Nova compute service (one for each OpenStack
hypervisor host) specify the target CPC, the HMC managing it, and limits on the
resource usage on the target CPC. These limits ensure that only a subset of the
target CPC is used for the OpenStack hypervisor host. To use the Nova driver
for DPM, the `[DEFAULT].compute_driver` config option needs to be set to the
value `dpm.DPMDriver`.
cfg.StrOpt('hmc', default='', required=True, help="""
Hostname or IP address of the HMC that manages the target CPC"""),
cfg.StrOpt('hmc_username', default='', required=True, help="""
User name for connection to the HMC"""),
cfg.StrOpt('hmc_password', default='', required=True, help="""
Password for connection to the HMC"""),
cfg.StrOpt('host', default='', required=True, help="""
Name of the OpenStack hypervisor host"""),
cfg.StrOpt('cpc_object_id', help="""
Object-id of the target CPC"""),
cfg.IntOpt('max_processors', help="""
Maximum number of shared physical IFL processors on the target CPC that can
be used for this OpenStack hypervisor host"""),
cfg.IntOpt('max_memory', help="""
Maximum amount of memory (in MiB) on the target CPC that can be used for
this OpenStack hypervisor host"""),
cfg.IntOpt('max_instances', help="""
Maximum number of instances (partitions) that can be created for this
OpenStack hypervisor host"""),
cfg.StrOpt('physical_storage_adapter_mappings', help="""
Physical storage adapter with port details for hba creation""")
def register_opts(conf):
conf.register_opts(ALL_DPM_OPTS, group=dpm_group)
def list_opts():
return [(dpm_group, ALL_DPM_OPTS)]