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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import cachetools
import os
import time
import uuid
from gssapi.exceptions import GSSError
from ipalib import api
from ipalib import errors
ipalib_imported = True
except ImportError:
# ipalib/ipapython are not available in PyPy yet, don't make it
# a showstopper for the tests.
ipalib_imported = False
if ipalib_imported:
from ipapython.ipautil import kinit_keytab
except ImportError:
# The import moved in freeIPA 4.5.0
from ipalib.install.kinit import kinit_keytab
except ImportError:
ipalib_imported = False
from novajoin.util import get_domain
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IPANovaJoinBase(object):
def __init__(self, backoff=0):
self.ntries = CONF.connect_retries
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
self.ntries = 1
if not ipalib_imported:
self.ccache = "MEMORY:" + str(uuid.uuid4())
os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = self.ccache
if self._ipa_client_configured() and not api.isdone('finalize'):
(hostname, realm) = self.get_host_and_realm()
kinit_keytab(str('nova/%s@%s' % (hostname, realm)),
CONF.keytab, self.ccache)
self.batch_args = list()
self.backoff = backoff
def split_principal(self, principal):
"""Split a principal into its components. Copied from IPA 4.0.0"""
service = hostname = realm = None
# Break down the principal into its component parts, which may or
# may not include the realm.
sp = principal.split('/')
if len(sp) != 2:
raise errors.MalformedServicePrincipal(reason=_('missing service'))
service = sp[0]
if len(service) == 0:
raise errors.MalformedServicePrincipal(reason=_('blank service'))
sr = sp[1].split('@')
if len(sr) > 2:
raise errors.MalformedServicePrincipal(
reason=_('unable to determine realm'))
hostname = sr[0].lower()
if len(sr) == 2:
realm = sr[1].upper()
# At some point we'll support multiple realms
if realm != api.env.realm:
raise errors.RealmMismatch()
realm = api.env.realm
# Note that realm may be None.
return (service, hostname, realm)
def split_hostname(self, hostname):
"""Split a hostname into its host and domain parts"""
parts = hostname.split('.')
domain = ('.'.join(parts[1:]) + '.').decode('UTF-8')
return (parts[0], domain)
def get_host_and_realm(self):
"""Return the hostname and IPA realm name.
IPA 4.4 introduced the requirement that the schema be
fetched when calling finalize(). This is really only used by
the ipa command-line tool but for now it is baked in.
So we have to get a TGT first but need the hostname and
realm. For now directly read the IPA config file which is
in INI format and pull those two values out and return as
a tuple.
config = SafeConfigParser()'/etc/ipa/default.conf')
hostname = config.get('global', 'host')
realm = config.get('global', 'realm')
return (hostname, realm)
def __backoff(self):
LOG.debug("Backing off %s seconds", self.backoff)
if self.backoff < 1024:
self.backoff = self.backoff * 2
def __get_connection(self):
"""Make a connection to IPA or raise an error."""
tries = 0
while (tries <= self.ntries) or (self.backoff > 0):
if self.backoff == 0:
LOG.debug("Attempt %d of %d", tries, self.ntries)
if api.Backend.rpcclient.isconnected():
# ping to force an actual connection in case there is only one
# IPA master
except (errors.CCacheError,
errors.KerberosError) as e:
LOG.debug("kinit again: %s", e)
# pylint: disable=no-member
kinit_keytab(str('nova/%s@%s' %
(, api.env.realm)),
except GSSError as e:
LOG.debug("kinit failed: %s", e)
if tries > 0 and self.backoff:
tries += 1
except errors.NetworkError:
tries += 1
if self.backoff:
def start_batch_operation(self):
"""Start a batch operation.
IPA method calls will be collected in a batch job
and submitted to IPA once all the operations have collected
by a call to _flush_batch_operation().
self.batch_args = list()
def _add_batch_operation(self, command, *args, **kw):
"""Add an IPA call to the batch operation"""
"method": command,
"params": [args, kw],
def flush_batch_operation(self):
"""Make an IPA batch call."""
if not self.batch_args:
return None
kw = {}
return self._call_ipa('batch', *self.batch_args, **kw)
def _call_ipa(self, command, *args, **kw):
"""Make an IPA call."""
if not api.Backend.rpcclient.isconnected():
if 'version' not in kw:
kw['version'] = u'2.146' # IPA v4.2.0 for compatibility
while True:
result = api.Command[command](*args, **kw)
return result
except (errors.CCacheError,
LOG.debug("Refresh authentication")
except errors.NetworkError:
if self.backoff:
def _ipa_client_configured(self):
"""Determine if the machine is an enrolled IPA client.
Return boolean indicating whether this machine is enrolled
in IPA. This is a rather weak detection method but better
than nothing.
return os.path.exists('/etc/ipa/default.conf')
class IPAClient(IPANovaJoinBase):
# TODO(jaosorior): Make the cache time and ttl configurable
host_cache = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=512, ttl=30)
service_cache = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=512, ttl=30)
def add_host(self, hostname, ipaotp, metadata=None, image_metadata=None):
"""Add a host to IPA.
If requested in the metadata, add a host to IPA. The assumption
is that hostname is already fully-qualified.
Because this is triggered by a metadata request, which can happen
multiple times, first we try to update the OTP in the host entry
and if that fails due to NotFound the host is added.
LOG.debug('Adding ' + hostname + ' to IPA.')
if not self._ipa_client_configured():
LOG.debug('IPA is not configured')
return False
# There's no use in doing any operations if ipalib hasn't been
# imported.
if not ipalib_imported:
return True
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
if image_metadata is None:
image_metadata = {}
if hostname in self.host_cache:
LOG.debug('Host ' + hostname + ' found in cache.')
return True
params = [hostname]
hostclass = metadata.get('ipa_hostclass', '')
location = metadata.get('ipa_host_location', '')
osdistro = image_metadata.get('os_distro', '')
osver = image_metadata.get('os_version', '')
# 'description': 'IPA host for %s' % inst.display_description,
hostargs = {
'description': u'IPA host for OpenStack',
'userpassword': ipaotp.decode('UTF-8'),
'force': True # we don't have an ip addr yet so
# use force to add anyway
if hostclass:
hostargs['userclass'] = hostclass
if osdistro or osver:
hostargs['nsosversion'] = '%s %s' % (osdistro, osver)
hostargs['nsosversion'] = hostargs['nsosversion'].strip()
if location:
hostargs['nshostlocation'] = location
modargs = {
'userpassword': ipaotp.decode('UTF-8'),
self._call_ipa('host_mod', *params, **modargs)
except errors.NotFound:
self._call_ipa('host_add', *params, **hostargs)
self.host_cache[hostname] = True
except errors.DuplicateEntry:
self.host_cache[hostname] = True
except (errors.ValidationError, errors.DNSNotARecordError):
except errors.ValidationError:
# Updating the OTP on an enrolled-host is not allowed
# in IPA and really a no-op.
self.host_cache[hostname] = True
return False
return True
def add_subhost(self, hostname):
"""Add a subhost to IPA.
Servers can have multiple network interfaces, and therefore can
have multiple aliases. Moreover, they can part of a service using
a virtual host (VIP). These aliases are denoted 'subhosts',
LOG.debug('Adding subhost: ' + hostname)
if hostname not in self.host_cache:
params = [hostname]
hostargs = {'force': True}
self._add_batch_operation('host_add', *params, **hostargs)
self.host_cache[hostname] = True
LOG.debug('subhost ' + hostname + ' found in cache.')
def delete_subhost(self, hostname, batch=True):
"""Delete a subhost from IPA.
Servers can have multiple network interfaces, and therefore can
have multiple aliases. Moreover, they can part of a service using
a virtual host (VIP). These aliases are denoted 'subhosts',
LOG.debug('Deleting subhost: ' + hostname)
host_params = [hostname]
(hn, domain) = self.split_hostname(hostname)
dns_params = [domain, hn]
# If there is no DNS entry, this operation fails
host_kw = {'updatedns': False, }
dns_kw = {'del_all': True, }
if batch:
if hostname in self.host_cache:
del self.host_cache[hostname]
self._add_batch_operation('host_del', *host_params, **host_kw)
self._add_batch_operation('dnsrecord_del', *dns_params,
if hostname in self.host_cache:
del self.host_cache[hostname]
self._call_ipa('host_del', *host_params, **host_kw)
self._call_ipa('dnsrecord_del', *dns_params, **dns_kw)
except (errors.NotFound, errors.ACIError):
# Ignore DNS deletion errors
def delete_host(self, hostname, metadata=None):
"""Delete a host from IPA and remove all related DNS entries."""
LOG.debug('Deleting ' + hostname + ' from IPA.')
if not self._ipa_client_configured():
LOG.debug('IPA is not configured')
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
# TODO(rcrit): lookup instance in nova to get metadata to see if
# the host was enrolled. For now assume yes.
params = [hostname]
kw = {
'updatedns': False,
if hostname in self.host_cache:
del self.host_cache[hostname]
self._call_ipa('host_del', *params, **kw)
except (errors.NotFound, errors.ACIError):
# Trying to delete a host that doesn't exist will raise an ACIError
# to hide whether the entry exists or not
(hn, domain) = self.split_hostname(hostname)
dns_params = [domain, hn]
dns_kw = {'del_all': True, }
self._call_ipa('dnsrecord_del', *dns_params, **dns_kw)
except (errors.NotFound, errors.ACIError):
# Ignore DNS deletion errors
def add_service(self, principal):
if principal not in self.service_cache:
(service, hostname, realm) = self.split_principal(principal)
except errors.MalformedServicePrincipal as e:
LOG.error("Unable to split principal %s: %s", principal, e)
LOG.debug('Adding service: ' + principal)
params = [principal]
service_args = {'force': True}
self._add_batch_operation('service_add', *params, **service_args)
self.service_cache[principal] = [hostname]
LOG.debug('Service ' + principal + ' found in cache.')
def service_add_host(self, service_principal, host):
"""Add a host to a service.
In IPA there is a relationship between a host and the services for
that host. The host has the right to manage keytabs and SSL
certificates for its own services. There are reasons that a host
may want to manage services for another host or service:
virtualization, load balancing, etc. In order to do this you mark
the host or service as being "managed by" another host. For services
in IPA this is done using the service-add-host API.
if host not in self.service_cache.get(service_principal, []):
LOG.debug('Adding principal ' + service_principal +
' to host ' + host)
params = [service_principal]
service_args = {'host': (host,)}
self._add_batch_operation('service_add_host', *params,
self.service_cache[service_principal] = self.service_cache.get(
service_principal, []) + [host]
LOG.debug('Host ' + host + ' managing ' + service_principal +
' found in cache.')
def service_has_hosts(self, service_principal):
"""Return True if hosts other than parent manages this service"""
LOG.debug('Checking if principal ' + service_principal + ' has hosts')
params = [service_principal]
service_args = {}
result = self._call_ipa('service_show', *params, **service_args)
except errors.NotFound:
raise KeyError
serviceresult = result['result']
(service, hostname, realm) = self.split_principal(
except errors.MalformedServicePrincipal as e:
LOG.error("Unable to split principal %s: %s", service_principal, e)
for candidate in serviceresult.get('managedby_host', []):
if candidate != hostname:
return True
return False
def host_has_services(self, service_host):
"""Return True if this host manages any services"""
LOG.debug('Checking if host ' + service_host + ' has services')
params = []
service_args = {'man_by_host': service_host}
result = self._call_ipa('service_find', *params, **service_args)
return result['count'] > 0
def delete_service(self, principal, batch=True):
LOG.debug('Deleting service: ' + principal)
params = [principal]
service_args = {}
if batch:
if principal in self.service_cache:
del self.service_cache[principal]
self._add_batch_operation('service_del', *params, **service_args)
if principal in self.service_cache:
del self.service_cache[principal]
return self._call_ipa('service_del', *params, **service_args)
def add_ip(self, hostname, floating_ip):
"""Add a floating IP to a given hostname."""
LOG.debug('In add_ip')
if not self._ipa_client_configured():
LOG.debug('IPA is not configured')
params = [{"__dns_name__": get_domain() + "."},
{"__dns_name__": hostname}]
kw = {'a_part_ip_address': floating_ip}
self._call_ipa('dnsrecord_add', *params, **kw)
except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.ValidationError):
def remove_ip(self, hostname, floating_ip):
"""Remove a floating IP from a given hostname."""
LOG.debug('In remove_ip')
if not self._ipa_client_configured():
LOG.debug('IPA is not configured')
LOG.debug('Current a no-op')