
1012 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Spanish National Research Council
# Copyright 2015 LIP - INDIGO-DataCloud
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import json
import os
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from ooi import exception
from ooi.log import log as logging
from ooi.openstack import helpers as os_helpers
from ooi import utils
import webob.exc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _resolve_id(base_url, resource_url):
"""Gets the resource id from a base URL.
:param base_url: application or request url (normally absolute)
:param resource_url: absolute or relative resource url
:returns: a tuple with the calculated base url and resource id
if not base_url.endswith('/'):
base_url = base_url + '/'
full_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, resource_url)
parts = urlparse.urlsplit(full_url)
base_parts = parts[0:2] + (os.path.dirname(parts[2]),) + parts[3:]
return urlparse.urlunsplit(base_parts), os.path.basename(parts[2])
def get_id_with_kind(req, resource_url, kind=None):
"""Resolves the resource URL and tries to match it with the kind.
:param req: current request
:param resource_url: absolute or relative resource url
:returns: a tuple with a base url and a resource id
:raises ooi.exception.Invalid: if resource does not match kind
res_base, res_id = _resolve_id(req.url, resource_url)
if kind:
kind_base, kind_id = _resolve_id(req.application_url, kind.location)
if kind_base != res_base:
raise exception.Invalid("Expecting %s resource" % kind_base)
return res_base, res_id
def exception_from_response(response):
"""Convert an OpenStack V2 Fault into a webob exception.
Since we are calling the OpenStack API we should process the Faults
produced by them. Extract the Fault information according to [1] and
convert it back to a webob exception.
[1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/v2/faults.html
:param response: a webob.Response containing an exception
:returns: a webob.exc.exception object
exceptions = {
400: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest,
401: webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized,
403: webob.exc.HTTPForbidden,
404: webob.exc.HTTPNotFound,
405: webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed,
406: webob.exc.HTTPNotAcceptable,
409: webob.exc.HTTPConflict,
413: webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge,
415: webob.exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType,
429: webob.exc.HTTPTooManyRequests,
501: webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented,
503: webob.exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable,
message = ('Unexpected API Error. Please report this at '
'http://bugs.launchpad.net/ooi/ and attach the ooi '
'API log if possible.')
code = response.status_int
exc = exceptions.get(code, webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError)
if code in exceptions:
message = response.json_body.popitem()[1].get("message")
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Unknown error happenened processing response %s"
% response)
exc = webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError
LOG.error("Nova returned an internal server error %s"
% response)
return exc(explanation=message)
class BaseHelper(object):
"""Base helper to interact with nova API."""
def __init__(self, app, openstack_version):
self.app = app
self.openstack_version = openstack_version
def _get_req(self, req, method,
"""Return a new Request object to interact with OpenStack.
This method will create a new request starting with the same WSGI
environment as the original request, prepared to interact with
OpenStack. Namely, it will override the script name to match the
OpenStack version. It will also override the path, content_type and
body of the request, if any of those keyword arguments are passed.
:param req: the original request
:param path: new path for the request
:param content_type: new content type for the request, defaults to
"application/json" if not specified
:param body: new body for the request
:param query_string: query string for the request, defaults to an empty
query if not specified
:returns: a Request object
if hasattr(self, 'neutron_endpoint'):
server = self.neutron_endpoint
environ = copy.copy(req.environ)
if "HTTP_X-Auth-Token" not in environ:
env_token = req.environ["keystone.token_auth"]
token = env_token.get_auth_ref(None)['auth_token']
environ = {"HTTP_X-Auth-Token": token}
except Exception:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized
new_req = webob.Request.blank(path=path,
environ=environ, base_url=server)
new_req = webob.Request(copy.copy(req.environ))
new_req.script_name = self.openstack_version
new_req.query_string = query_string
new_req.method = method
if path is not None:
new_req.path_info = path
if content_type is not None:
new_req.content_type = content_type
if body is not None:
new_req.body = utils.utf8(body)
return new_req
def get_from_response(response, element, default):
"""Get a JSON element from a valid response or raise an exception.
This method will extract an element a JSON response (falling back to a
default value) if the response has a code of 200, otherwise it will
raise a webob.exc.exception
:param response: The webob.Response object
:param element: The element to look for in the JSON body
:param default: The default element to be returned if not found.
if response.status_int in [200, 201, 202]:
if element:
return response.json_body.get(element, default)
return response.json_body
elif response.status_int in [204]:
return []
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _make_get_request(self, req, path, parameters=None):
"""Create GET request
This method creates a GET Request instance
:param req: the incoming request
:param path: element location
:param parameters: parameters to filter results
:param tenant: include tenant in the query parameters
query_string = utils.get_query_string(parameters)
return self._get_req(req, path=path,
query_string=query_string, method="GET")
def _make_create_request(self, req, resource, parameters):
"""Create CREATE request
This method creates a CREATE Request instance
:param req: the incoming request
:param parameters: parameters with values
path = "/%s" % resource
single_resource = resource[:-1]
body = utils.make_body(single_resource, parameters)
return self._get_req(req, path=path,
body=json.dumps(body), method="POST")
def _make_delete_request(self, req, path, id):
"""Create DELETE request
This method creates a DELETE Request instance
:param req: the incoming request
:param path: element location
path = "%s/%s" % (path, id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
def _make_put_request(self, req, path, parameters):
"""Create DELETE request
This method creates a DELETE Request instance
:param req: the incoming request
:param path: element location
body = utils.make_body(None, parameters)
return self._get_req(req, path=path,
body=json.dumps(body), method="PUT")
class OpenStackHelper(BaseHelper):
"""Class to interact with the nova API."""
required = {"networks": {"occi.core.title": "label",
"occi.network.address": "cidr",
def tenant_from_req(req):
return req.environ["HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID"]
except KeyError:
raise exception.Forbidden(reason="Cannot find project ID")
def _get_index_req(self, req):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers" % tenant_id
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def index(self, req):
"""Get a list of servers for a tenant.
:param req: the incoming request
os_req = self._get_index_req(req)
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "servers", [])
def _get_delete_req(self, req, server_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s" % (tenant_id, server_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
def delete(self, req, server_id):
"""Delete a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param server_id: server id to delete
os_req = self._get_delete_req(req, server_id)
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
# FIXME(aloga): this should be handled in get_from_response, shouldn't
# it?
if response.status_int not in [204]:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_run_action_req(self, req, action, server_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s/action" % (tenant_id, server_id)
actions_map = {
"stop": {"os-stop": None},
"start": {"os-start": None},
"suspend": {"suspend": None},
"resume": {"resume": None},
"unpause": {"unpause": None},
"restart": {"reboot": {"type": "SOFT"}},
action = actions_map[action]
body = json.dumps(action)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, body=body, method="POST")
def run_action(self, req, action, server_id):
"""Run an action on a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param action: the action to run
:param server_id: server id to delete
os_req = self._get_run_action_req(req, action, server_id)
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
if response.status_int != 202:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_server_req(self, req, server_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s" % (tenant_id, server_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_server(self, req, server_id):
"""Get info from a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param server_id: server id to get info from
req = self._get_server_req(req, server_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "server", {})
def _get_create_server_req(self, req, name, image, flavor,
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers" % tenant_id
# TODO(enolfc): add here the correct metadata info
# if contextualization.public_key.scheme in obj["schemes"]:
# req_body["metadata"] = XXX
body = {"server": {
"name": name,
"imageRef": image,
"flavorRef": flavor,
if user_data is not None:
body["server"]["user_data"] = user_data
if key_name is not None:
body["server"]["key_name"] = key_name
if block_device_mapping_v2:
body["server"]["block_device_mapping_v2"] = block_device_mapping_v2
if networks:
body["server"]["networks"] = networks
return self._get_req(req,
def create_server(self, req, name, image, flavor,
user_data=None, key_name=None,
"""Create a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param name: name for the new server
:param image: image id for the new server
:param flavor: flavor id for the new server
:param user_data: user data to inject into the server
:param key_name: user public key name
req = self._get_create_server_req(
response = req.get_response(self.app)
# We only get one server
return self.get_from_response(response, "server", {})
def _get_flavors_req(self, req):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/flavors/detail" % tenant_id
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_flavors(self, req):
"""Get information from all flavors.
:param req: the incoming request
req = self._get_flavors_req(req)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "flavors", [])
def _get_flavor_req(self, req, flavor_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/flavors/%s" % (tenant_id, flavor_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_flavor(self, req, flavor_id):
"""Get information from a flavor.
:param req: the incoming request
:param flavor_id: flavor id to get info from
req = self._get_flavor_req(req, flavor_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "flavor", {})
def _get_images_req(self, req):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/images/detail" % tenant_id
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_images(self, req):
"""Get information from all images.
:param req: the incoming request
req = self._get_images_req(req)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "images", [])
def _get_image_req(self, req, image_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/images/%s" % (tenant_id, image_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_image(self, req, image_id):
"""Get information from an image.
:param req: the incoming request
:param image_id: image id to get info from
req = self._get_image_req(req, image_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "image", {})
def _get_volumes_req(self, req):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-volumes" % tenant_id
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_volumes(self, req):
req = self._get_volumes_req(req)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "volumes", [])
def _get_volume_req(self, req, volume_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-volumes/%s" % (tenant_id, volume_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_volume(self, req, volume_id):
"""Get information from a volume.
:param req: the incoming request
:param volume_id: volume id to get info from
req = self._get_volume_req(req, volume_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "volume", [])
def _get_server_volumes_link_req(self, req, server_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments" % (tenant_id, server_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_server_volumes_link(self, req, server_id):
"""Get volumes attached to a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param server_id: server id to get volumes from
req = self._get_server_volumes_link_req(req, server_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "volumeAttachments", [])
def _get_server_volumes_link_create_req(self, req, s_id, v_id, dev=None):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
body = {
"volumeAttachment": {
"volumeId": v_id
if dev is not None:
body["volumeAttachment"]["device"] = dev
path = "/%s/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments" % (tenant_id, s_id)
return self._get_req(req,
def create_server_volumes_link(self, req, server_id, vol_id, dev=None):
req = self._get_server_volumes_link_create_req(req, server_id, vol_id,
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "volumeAttachment", {})
def _get_server_volumes_link_delete_req(self, req, server_id, vol_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments/%s" % (tenant_id,
server_id, vol_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
def delete_server_volumes_link(self, req, server_id, vol_id):
req = self._get_server_volumes_link_delete_req(req, server_id, vol_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
if response.status_int not in [202]:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_floating_ips_req(self, req):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-floating-ips" % tenant_id
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_floating_ips(self, req):
"""Get floating IPs for the tenant.
:param req: the incoming request
req = self._get_floating_ips_req(req)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "floating_ips", [])
def _get_floating_ip_pools_req(self, req):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-floating-ip-pools" % tenant_id
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
def get_floating_ip_pools(self, req):
"""Get floating IP pools for the tenant.
:param req: the incoming request
req = self._get_floating_ip_pools_req(req)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "floating_ip_pools", [])
def _get_volume_delete_req(self, req, vol_id):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-volumes/%s" % (tenant_id, vol_id)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
def volume_delete(self, req, vol_id):
"""Delete a volume.
:param req: the incoming request
:param vol_id: volume id to delete
req = self._get_volume_delete_req(req, vol_id)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
# FIXME(aloga): this should be handled in get_from_response, shouldn't
# it?
if response.status_int not in [202]:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_volume_create_req(self, req, name, size):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-volumes" % tenant_id
body = {"volume": {
"display_name": name,
"size": size,
return self._get_req(req,
def volume_create(self, req, name, size):
"""Create a volume.
:param req: the incoming request
:param name: name for the new volume
:param size: size for the new volume
req = self._get_volume_create_req(req, name, size)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
# We only get one volume
return self.get_from_response(response, "volume", {})
def _get_floating_ip_allocate_req(self, req, pool=None):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-floating-ips" % tenant_id
body = {"pool": pool}
return self._get_req(req, path=path, body=json.dumps(body),
def allocate_floating_ip(self, req, pool=None):
"""Allocate a floating ip from a pool.
:param req: the incoming request
:param pool: floating ip pool to get the IP from
req = self._get_floating_ip_allocate_req(req, pool)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "floating_ip", {})
def _get_floating_ip_release_req(self, req, ip):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-floating-ips/%s" % (tenant_id, ip)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
def release_floating_ip(self, req, ip):
"""Release a floating ip.
:param req: the incoming request
:param ip: floating ip pool to release
req = self._get_floating_ip_release_req(req, ip)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
if response.status_int != 202:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_associate_floating_ip_req(self, req, server, address):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
body = {"addFloatingIp": {"address": address}}
path = "/%s/servers/%s/action" % (tenant_id, server)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, body=json.dumps(body),
def associate_floating_ip(self, req, server, address):
"""Associate a floating ip to a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param server: the server to associate the ip to
:param address: ip to associate to the server
req = self._get_associate_floating_ip_req(req, server, address)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
if response.status_int != 202:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_remove_floating_ip_req(self, req, server, address):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
body = {"removeFloatingIp": {"address": address}}
path = "/%s/servers/%s/action" % (tenant_id, server)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, body=json.dumps(body),
def remove_floating_ip(self, req, server, address):
"""Remove a floating ip to a server.
:param req: the incoming request
:param server: the server to remove the ip from
:param address: ip to remove from the server
req = self._get_remove_floating_ip_req(req, server, address)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
if response.status_int != 202:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _get_keypair_create_req(self, req, name, public_key=None):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-keypairs" % tenant_id
body = {"keypair": {
"name": name,
if public_key:
body["keypair"]["public_key"] = public_key
return self._get_req(req,
def keypair_create(self, req, name, public_key=None):
"""Create a keypair.
:param req: the incoming request
:param name: name for the new keypair
:param public_key: public ssh key to import
req = self._get_keypair_create_req(req, name, public_key=public_key)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
return self.get_from_response(response, "keypair", {})
def _get_keypair_delete_req(self, req, name):
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/os-keypairs/%s" % (tenant_id, name)
return self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
def keypair_delete(self, req, name):
"""Delete a keypair.
:param req: the incoming request
:param name: keypair name to delete
req = self._get_keypair_delete_req(req, name)
response = req.get_response(self.app)
# FIXME(orviz) API says 204 is the normal response code but it
# is actually returning 202 (bug likely)
if response.status_int not in [202, 204]:
raise exception_from_response(response)
def _build_link(net_id, compute_id, ip, ip_id=None, mac=None, pool=None,
link = {}
link['mac'] = mac
link['pool'] = pool
link['network_id'] = net_id
link['compute_id'] = compute_id
link['ip'] = ip
link['ip_id'] = ip_id
link['state'] = os_helpers.vm_state(state)
return link
def _get_ports(self, req, compute_id):
result = []
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s/os-interface" % (tenant_id, compute_id)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path, method="GET")
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
result = self.get_from_response(response,
"interfaceAttachments", [])
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception("Interfaces can not be shown: " + e.explanation)
return result
def get_compute_net_link(self, req, compute_id, network_id,
"""Get a specific network/server link
It shows a specific link (either private or public ip)
:param req: the incoming request
:param compute_id: server id
:param network_id: network id
:param address: ip connected
s = self.get_server(req, compute_id)
pool = None
ip_id = None
server_addrs = s.get("addresses", {})
for addr_set in server_addrs.values():
for addr in addr_set:
if addr["addr"] == address:
mac = addr["OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr"]
if network_id == os_helpers.PUBLIC_NETWORK:
floating_ips = self.get_floating_ips(
for ip in floating_ips:
if address == ip['ip']:
pool = ip['pool']
ip_id = ip['id']
ports = self._get_ports(req, compute_id)
for p in ports:
if p["net_id"] == network_id:
for ip in p["fixed_ips"]:
if ip['ip_address'] == address:
ip_id = p['port_id']
return self._build_link(network_id,
raise exception.NotFound()
def list_compute_net_links(self, req):
"""Get floating IPs for the tenant.
:param req: the incoming request
floating_ips = self.get_floating_ips(req)
float_list = {}
for ip in floating_ips:
if ip["instance_id"]:
float_list.update({ip['fixed_ip']: ip})
servers = self.index(req)
link_list = []
for s in servers:
ports = self._get_ports(req, s['id'])
for p in ports:
for ip in p["fixed_ips"]:
mac = p['mac_addr']
state = p["port_state"]
link = self._build_link(p["net_id"],
float_ip = float_list.get(ip['ip_address'], None)
if float_ip:
link = self._build_link(p["net_id"],
if not link_list:
for ip in floating_ips:
if ip["instance_id"]:
link = self._build_link(os_helpers.PUBLIC_NETWORK,
return link_list
def create_port(self, req, network_id, device_id):
"""Add a port to the subnet
Returns the port information
:param req: the incoming network
:param network_id: network id
:param device_id: device id
param_port = {
'net_id': network_id
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/servers/%s/os-interface" % (tenant_id, device_id)
body = utils.make_body("interfaceAttachment", param_port)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path,
body=json.dumps(body), method="POST")
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
port = self.get_from_response(response, "interfaceAttachment", {})
for ip in port["fixed_ips"]:
return self._build_link(port["net_id"],
def delete_port(self, req, compute_id, ip_id):
"""Delete a port to the subnet
Returns the port information
:param req: the incoming network
:param compute_id: compute id
:param ip_id: ip id
path = "servers/%s/os-interface" % compute_id
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/%s/%s" % (tenant_id, path, ip_id)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
return []
raise exception.LinkNotFound(
"Interface %s not found" % ip_id
def get_network_id(self, req, mac, server_id):
"""Get the Network ID from the mac port
:param req: the incoming network
:param mac: mac port
:param server_id: server id
ports = self._get_ports(req, server_id)
for p in ports:
server_mac = p['mac_addr']
if server_mac == mac:
return p['net_id']
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound
def assign_floating_ip(self, req, network_id, device_id,
"""assign floating ip to a server
:param req: the incoming request
:param network_id: network id
:param device_id: device id
# net_id it is not needed if
# there is just one port of the VM
# FIXME(jorgesece): raise an error if the first port has
# already a floating-ip
ip = self.allocate_floating_ip(req, pool)
# Add it to server
self.associate_floating_ip(req, device_id, ip["ip"])
link_public = self._build_link(
except Exception:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema()
return link_public
def _build_networks(networks):
ooi_net_list = []
for net in networks:
# TODO(jorgesece): manage IP_v6
ooi_net = {}
ooi_net["address"] = net.get("cidr", None)
ooi_net["state"] = "active"
ooi_net["id"] = net["id"]
ooi_net["name"] = net.get("label", None)
ooi_net["gateway"] = net.get("gateway", None)
return ooi_net_list
def list_networks(self, req):
"""Get a list of servers for a tenant.
:param req: the incoming request
:param parameters: parameters with tenant
path = "os-networks"
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/%s" % (tenant_id, path)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path,
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
nets = self.get_from_response(response, "networks", [])
ooi_networks = self._build_networks(nets)
pools = self.get_floating_ip_pools(req)
if pools:
net = {'id': os_helpers.PUBLIC_NETWORK,
'label': os_helpers.PUBLIC_NETWORK}
public_net = self._build_networks([net])[0]
return ooi_networks
def get_network_details(self, req, id):
"""Get info from a network.
It returns json code from the server
:param req: the incoming network
:param id: net identification
if id == os_helpers.PUBLIC_NETWORK:
net = {'id': os_helpers.PUBLIC_NETWORK,
'label': 'PUBLIC_to_associate_Floating_IPs'}
path = "os-networks/%s" % id
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/%s" % (tenant_id, path)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path,
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
net = self.get_from_response(response, "network", {})
ooi_networks = self._build_networks([net])
return ooi_networks[0]
def create_network(self, req, name, cidr,
gateway=None, ip_version=None):
"""Create a network in nova-network.
:param req: the incoming request
:param name: network resource to manage
:param cidr: parameters with values
:param gateway: gateway ip
:param ip_version: ip version
net_param = {'label': name,
'cidr': cidr,
'gateway': gateway
path = "os-networks"
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/%s" % (tenant_id, path)
body = utils.make_body('network', net_param)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path,
body=json.dumps(body), method="POST")
response = os_req.get_response(self.app)
net = self.get_from_response(
response, "network", {})
ooi_net = self._build_networks([net])
return ooi_net[0]
def delete_network(self, req, id):
"""Delete a network.
It returns json code from the server
:param req: the incoming network
:param id: net identification
:param parameters: parameters with tenant
path = "os-networks"
tenant_id = self.tenant_from_req(req)
path = "/%s/%s/%s" % (tenant_id, path, id)
os_req = self._get_req(req, path=path, method="DELETE")
return []