
285 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Spanish National Research Council
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import copy
import json
import shlex
from six.moves import urllib
from ooi import exception
_MEDIA_TYPE_MAP = collections.OrderedDict([
('text/plain', 'text'),
('text/occi', 'header'),
('application/occi+json', 'json'),
def _quoted_split(s, separator=',', quotes='"'):
"""Splits a string considering quotes.
e.g. _quoted_split('a,"b,c",d') -> ['a', '"b,c"', 'd']
splits = []
partial = []
in_quote = None
for c in s:
if in_quote:
if c == in_quote:
in_quote = None
if c in quotes:
in_quote = c
if not in_quote and c in separator:
if partial:
partial = []
if partial:
return splits
def _split_unquote(s, separator="="):
"""Splits a string considering quotes and removing them in the result.
e.g. _split_unquote('a="b=d"') -> ['a', 'b=d']
lex = shlex.shlex(s, posix=True)
lex.commenters = ""
lex.whitespace = separator
lex.whitespace_split = True
return list(lex)
class BaseParser(object):
def __init__(self, headers, body):
self.headers = headers
self.body = body
def parse(self):
raise NotImplemented
class TextParser(BaseParser):
def parse_categories(self, headers):
kind = action = None
mixins = collections.Counter()
schemes = collections.defaultdict(list)
categories = headers["Category"]
except KeyError:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("No categories")
for ctg in _quoted_split(categories):
ll = _quoted_split(ctg, "; ")
d = {"term": ll[0]} # assumes 1st element => term's value
d.update(dict([_split_unquote(i) for i in ll[1:]]))
except ValueError:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse category")
ctg_class = d.get("class", None)
ctg_type = '%(scheme)s%(term)s' % d
if ctg_class == "kind":
if kind is not None:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Duplicated Kind")
kind = ctg_type
elif ctg_class == "action":
if action is not None:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Duplicated action")
action = ctg_type
elif ctg_class == "mixin":
mixins[ctg_type] += 1
if action and kind:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Action and kind together?")
return {
"category": kind or action,
"mixins": mixins,
"schemes": schemes,
def parse_attribute_value(self, value):
v = value.strip()
# quoted: string or bool
if v[0] == '"':
v = v.strip('"')
if v == "true":
return True
elif v == "false":
return False
return v
# unquoted: number or enum-val
return int(v)
except ValueError:
return float(v)
except ValueError:
return v
def parse_attributes(self, headers):
attrs = {}
header_attrs = headers["X-OCCI-Attribute"]
for attr in _quoted_split(header_attrs):
n, v = attr.split("=", 1)
attrs[n.strip()] = self.parse_attribute_value(v)
except ValueError:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse")
except KeyError:
return attrs
def parse_links(self, headers):
links = collections.defaultdict(list)
header_links = headers["Link"]
except KeyError:
return links
for link in _quoted_split(header_links):
ll = _quoted_split(link, "; ")
# remove the "<" and ">"
if ll[0][1] != "<" and ll[0][-1] != ">":
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse link")
link_id = ll[0][1:-1]
target_location = None
target_kind = None
attrs = {}
for attr in ll[1:]:
n, v = attr.split("=", 1)
n = n.strip().strip('"')
v = self.parse_attribute_value(v)
if n == "rel":
target_kind = v
elif n == "occi.core.target":
target_location = v
attrs[n] = v
except ValueError:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse link")
if not (target_kind and target_location):
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse link")
"target": target_location,
"attributes": attrs,
"id": link_id,
return links
def _convert_to_headers(self):
if not self.body:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("No schema found")
hdrs = collections.defaultdict(list)
for l in self.body.splitlines():
hdr, content = l.split(":", 1)
return {hdr: ','.join(hdrs[hdr]) for hdr in hdrs}
def _parse(self, headers):
obj = self.parse_categories(headers)
obj['attributes'] = self.parse_attributes(headers)
obj['links'] = self.parse_links(headers)
return obj
def parse(self):
return self._parse(self._convert_to_headers())
class HeaderParser(TextParser):
def parse(self):
return self._parse(self.headers)
class JsonParser(BaseParser):
def parse_categories(self, obj):
kind = action = None
mixins = collections.Counter()
schemes = collections.defaultdict(list)
if "kind" in obj:
sch, term = urllib.parse.urldefrag(obj["kind"])
schemes[sch + "#"].append(term)
kind = obj["kind"]
for m in obj.get("mixins", []):
mixins[m] += 1
sch, term = urllib.parse.urldefrag(m)
schemes[sch + "#"].append(term)
if "action" in obj:
action = obj["action"]
sch, term = urllib.parse.urldefrag(obj["action"])
schemes[sch + "#"].append(term)
if action and kind:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Action and kind together?")
return {
"category": kind or action,
"mixins": mixins,
"schemes": schemes,
def parse_attributes(self, obj):
if "attributes" in obj:
return copy.copy(obj["attributes"])
return {}
def parse_links(self, obj):
links = collections.defaultdict(list)
for l in obj.get("links", []):
d = {
"target": l["target"]["location"],
"attributes": copy.copy(l.get("attributes", {})),
if "id" in l:
d["id"] = l["id"]
except KeyError:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse link")
return links
def parse(self):
obj = json.loads(self.body or "")
except ValueError:
raise exception.OCCIInvalidSchema("Unable to parse JSON")
r = self.parse_categories(obj)
r['attributes'] = self.parse_attributes(obj)
r['links'] = self.parse_links(obj)
return r
"text": TextParser,
"header": HeaderParser,
"json": JsonParser,
def get_media_map():
def get_default_parsers():
def get_supported_content_types():
return _MEDIA_TYPE_MAP.keys()