
158 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
This script can help clear out selected rabbitmq queues and helps to
ensure that *only* transient queues are cleared (vs notifications queues
which should not be cleared due to side-effects this causes when those
queues are cleared).
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Taken from a *liberty* capture of the output of `rabbitmqctl list_queues`
QUEUE_ROOTS = tuple([
('cells.intercell.broadcast', True),
('cells.intercell.response', True),
('cells.intercell.targeted', True),
('cells.', True),
('cells_fanout', True),
('cert', False),
('cinder-backup', False),
('cinder-scheduler', False),
('compute', False),
('conductor', False),
('console', False),
('consoleauth', False),
('dhcp_agent', False),
('engine', False),
('heat-engine-listener', False),
('l3_agent', False),
('q-agent-notifier-dvr-update', False),
('q-agent-notifier-network-update', False),
('q-agent-notifier-port-delete', False),
('q-agent-notifier-port-update', False),
('q-agent-notifier-security_group-update', False),
('q-agent-notifier-tunnel-delete', False),
('q-agent-notifier-tunnel-update', False),
('q-l3-plugin', False),
('q-plugin', False),
# All reply queues should be ok to purge as they will either
# just timeout or retry (or that's the desired goal).
('reply_', True),
('scheduler', False),
# Most queues get either '${root}_fanout.*' related queues or
# '${root}.some_uuid' or '${root}.some_hostname' formats so these will
# capture all of those as these will be appended to the root and will
# match if they are a prefix of a queue name.
AUTO_PREFIX_SUFFIXES = tuple(["_fanout", "."])
def prompt_for_purge(queue_count):
input = ""
while input == "":
input = raw_input("Purge %s queues? " % (queue_count))
input = input.lower().strip()
if input not in ('yes', 'no', 'y', 'n'):
print("Please enter one of 'yes' or 'no'")
input = ""
if input in ['yes', 'y']:
return True
return False
def should_purge_queue(queue_name, size):
for r, is_prefix in QUEUE_ROOTS:
if r == queue_name:
# Don't delete the roots themselves...
return False
# Otherwise check if we should try a bunch of prefix or just
# check the prefix itself...
if is_prefix and queue_name.startswith(r):
return True
for prefix_suffix in AUTO_PREFIX_SUFFIXES:
if queue_name.startswith(r + prefix_suffix):
return True
return False
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dry_run",
action='store_true', default=False,
help="simulate purge commands but do not"
" actually run them")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--ensure_gone",
action='append', default=[],
help="ensure named queue is purged",
parser.add_argument("-n", "--no_prompt",
action='store_true', default=False,
help="skip being prompted before purging")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username",
help=("purge via a connection"
" using given username (default=%(default)s)"),
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password",
help=("purge via a connection using"
" given password (default=%(default)s)"),
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.getuid() != 0:
# We can't run rabbitmqctl or rabbitmqadmin without root
# so make sure we have it...
print("This program must be ran as root!", file=sys.stderr)
# This tries to get the list queues output and then parses it to
# try to figure out why queues we should try to clear, this is not
# a formal (sadly it appears there is none) so this may break
# at some point in the future...
stdout = subprocess.check_output(['rabbitmqctl', 'list_queues'])
# The first line is expected to be 'Listing queues ...'
lines = stdout.splitlines()
first_line = lines[0]
if first_line != "Listing queues ...":
print("First line of the output of `rabbitmqctl list_queues`"
" was not as expected, avoiding further damage by exiting"
" early!", file=sys.stderr)
goodbye_queues = []
queues = sorted(lines[1:])
if queues:
print("There are %s queues..." % (len(queues)))
for i, line in enumerate(queues):
queue_name, str_size = line.split()
if (queue_name in args.ensure_gone
or should_purge_queue(queue_name, int(str_size))):
print("%s. %s (purging)" % (i + 1, queue_name))
print("%s. %s (not purging)" % (i + 1, queue_name))
if not args.dry_run and goodbye_queues:
if not args.no_prompt:
if not prompt_for_purge(len(goodbye_queues)):
print("Executing %s purges, please wait..." % (len(goodbye_queues)))
for queue_name in goodbye_queues:
purge_cmd = [
'rabbitmqadmin', 'purge', 'queue', 'name=%s' % queue_name,
if args.username:
purge_cmd.extend(['-u', args.username])
if args.password:
purge_cmd.extend(['-p', args.password])
if __name__ == '__main__':