
87 lines
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class packstack::nova::compute::libvirt ()
# Ensure Firewall changes happen before libvirt service start
# preventing a clash with rules being set by libvirt
Firewall <| |> -> Class['::nova::compute::libvirt']
$libvirt_vnc_bind_host = hiera('CONFIG_IP_VERSION') ? {
'ipv6' => '::0',
default => '',
# TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used
$libvirt_virt_type = hiera('CONFIG_NOVA_LIBVIRT_VIRT_TYPE')
if $libvirt_virt_type == 'kvm' {
# Workaround for bad /dev/kvm permissions
file { '/dev/kvm':
owner => 'root',
group => 'kvm',
mode => '666',
# We have to fix the permissions after the installation has been done
# and before the service is started.
Package <| title == 'libvirt' |> ->
File['/dev/kvm'] ->
Service <| title == 'libvirt' |>
$migrate_transport = hiera('CONFIG_NOVA_COMPUTE_MIGRATE_PROTOCOL')
if $migrate_transport == 'ssh' {
$client_extraparams = {
no_verify => 1,
keyfile => '/etc/nova/ssh/nova_migration_key',
} else {
$client_extraparams = {}
class { '::nova::migration::libvirt':
transport => $migrate_transport,
client_user => 'nova',
client_extraparams => $client_extraparams,
require => Class['::nova::compute::libvirt']
class { '::nova::compute::libvirt':
libvirt_virt_type => $libvirt_virt_type,
vncserver_listen => $libvirt_vnc_bind_host,
migration_support => true,
libvirt_inject_partition => '-1',
# Remove libvirt's default network (usually virbr0) as it's unnecessary and
# can be confusing
exec {'virsh-net-destroy-default':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/virsh net-list | grep default',
command => '/usr/bin/virsh net-destroy default',
require => Service['libvirt'],
exec {'virsh-net-undefine-default':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/virsh net-list --inactive | grep default',
command => '/usr/bin/virsh net-undefine default',
require => Exec['virsh-net-destroy-default'],
$libvirt_debug = hiera('CONFIG_DEBUG_MODE')
if $libvirt_debug {
file_line { '/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf log_filters':
path => '/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf',
line => 'log_filters = "1:libvirt 1:qemu 1:conf 1:security 3:event 3:json 3:file 1:util"',
match => 'log_filters =',
notify => Service['libvirt'],
file_line { '/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf log_outputs':
path => '/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf',
line => 'log_outputs = "1:file:/var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log"',
match => 'log_outputs =',
notify => Service['libvirt'],