#!/usr/bin/python import copy import os import random import signal import tempfile SERVER_PID = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'performa.oms.pid') SERVER_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'performa.oms.srv') CLIENT_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'performa.oms.cln') UNIQUE_NAME = 'performa_omsimulator' DIR = '/tmp/performa/oslo.messaging/tools/' PYTHON = '/tmp/performa/oslo.messaging/.venv/bin/python' PATTERNS = [ r'(?P\d+) messages were sent for (?P\d+) sec', r'(?P\d+) bytes were sent for', ] TRANSFORM_FIELDS = { 'msg_sent': int, 'bytes_sent': int, 'duration': int, } def parse_output(raw): result = {} for pattern in PATTERNS: for parsed in re.finditer(pattern, raw): result.update(parsed.groupdict()) for k in result.keys(): if k in TRANSFORM_FIELDS: result[k] = TRANSFORM_FIELDS[k](result[k]) result['msg_sent_bandwidth'] = (result.get('msg_sent', 0) / result.get('duration', 1)) result['bytes_sent_bandwidth'] = (result.get('bytes_sent', 0) / result.get('duration', 1)) return result def chdir(module): try: os.chdir(DIR) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to change dir to %s: %s' % (DIR, e)) def start_daemon(module, cmd): cmd = ('daemon -n %(name)s -D %(dir)s -F %(pid)s -U -- %(cmd)s' % dict(name=UNIQUE_NAME, dir=DIR, pid=SERVER_PID, cmd=cmd)) rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd) result = dict(changed=True, rc=rc, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cmd=cmd) if rc: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to start omsimulator', **result) def stop_daemon(module): rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command('/bin/cat %s' % SERVER_PID) if rc: return rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command('pgrep -P %s' % stdout) os.kill(int(stdout), signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(2) def read_file(filename): fd = None try: fd = open(filename) return json.loads(fd.read()) except IOError: raise finally: if fd: fd.close() def transform_series(series): result = [] for k, v in series.items(): for x in v: x['name'] = k result += v return result def run(module): params = copy.deepcopy(module.params) if params['mode'] == 'notify': server_tool = 'notify-server' client_tool = 'notify-client' else: server_tool = 'rpc-server' client_tool = 'rpc-client' params['python'] = PYTHON # todo: fix topic support in omsimulator # params['topic'] = 'performa-%d' % (random.random() * 1000000) params['server_tool'] = server_tool params['client_tool'] = client_tool params['server_file'] = SERVER_FILE_NAME params['client_file'] = CLIENT_FILE_NAME server = ('%(python)s simulator.py ' # '--topic %(topic)s ' '--url %(url)s ' '--json %(server_file)s ' '%(server_tool)s ') % params client = ('%(python)s simulator.py ' # '--topic %(topic)s ' '--url=%(url)s ' '--json %(client_file)s ' '-l %(duration)s ' '%(client_tool)s ' '-p %(threads)s ') % params if params['mode'] == 'cast': client += '--is-cast True ' if params['mode'] == 'fanout': client += '--is-fanout True ' start_daemon(module, server) rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(client) if rc: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to start omsimulator', stderr=stderr, rc=rc, cmd=client) stop_daemon(module) try: client_data = read_file(CLIENT_FILE_NAME) server_data = read_file(SERVER_FILE_NAME) client_summary = client_data['summary']['client'] record = dict(start=client_summary['start'], end=client_summary['end'], client=client_summary) if 'round_trip' in client_data['summary']: round_trip_summary = client_data['summary']['round_trip'] record['round_trip'] = round_trip_summary server_summary = server_data['summary'] record['server'] = server_summary series = transform_series(client_data['series']) series.extend(transform_series(server_data['series'])) result = dict(records=[record], series=series) module.exit_json(**result) except Exception as e: msg = 'Failed to read omsimulator output: %s' % e module.fail_json(msg=msg, rc=rc, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( mode=dict(required=True, choices=['call', 'cast', 'fanout', 'notify']), url=dict(required=True), threads=dict(type='int', default=10), duration=dict(type='int', default=10), )) chdir(module) run(module) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # noqa if __name__ == '__main__': main()