fixed merge conflicts

This commit is contained in:
amitgandhinz 2014-06-26 16:20:56 -04:00
commit 4a12a62fde
5 changed files with 13 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -70,15 +70,21 @@ installed and running.
cluster = "localhost"
keyspace = cdn
4. For logging, find the ``[DEFAULT]`` section in
4. By using cassandra storage plugin, you will need to create the default
keyspace "cdn" on your cassandra host/cluster. So log into cqlsh, do::
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE cdn WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy' , 'replication_factor' : 1} ;
5. For logging, find the ``[DEFAULT]`` section in
``~/.cdn/cdn.conf`` and modify as desired::
log_file = server.log
5. Change directories back to your local copy of the repo::
6. Change directories back to your local copy of the repo::
$ cd cdn
6. Install general requirements::
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
@ -92,15 +98,17 @@ installed and running.
$ pip install -e .
Installing the fastly client library may have issues. Copy the `` file to `README` and try again.
7. Start the CDN server::
8. Start the CDN server::
$ cdn-server
8. Test out that CDN is working by requesting the home doc::
9. Test out that CDN is working by requesting the home doc::
$ curl -i -X GET
$ curl -i -X GET
You should get an **HTTP 200** along with some headers that will look
similar to this::