Fixing readme with more accurate setup instructions.

This commit is contained in:
tonytan4ever 2014-06-25 14:08:28 -04:00
parent 9a08a876f1
commit 731e1512b0
1 changed files with 11 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -70,27 +70,32 @@ installed and running.
cluster = "localhost"
keyspace = cdn
4. For logging, find the ``[DEFAULT]`` section in
4. By using cassandra storage plugin, you will need to create the default
keyspace "cdn" on your cassandra host/cluster. So log into cqlsh,
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE cdn WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy' , 'replication_factor' : 1} ;
5. For logging, find the ``[DEFAULT]`` section in
``~/.cdn/cdn.conf`` and modify as desired::
log_file = server.log
5. Change directories back to your local copy of the repo::
6. Change directories back to your local copy of the repo::
$ cd cdn
6. Run the following so you can see the results of any changes you
7. Run the following so you can see the results of any changes you
make to the code without having to reinstall the package each time::
$ pip install -e .
7. Start the CDN server::
8. Start the CDN server::
$ cdn-server
8. Test out that CDN is working by requesting the home doc::
9. Test out that CDN is working by requesting the home doc::
$ curl -i -X GET
$ curl -i -X GET
You should get an **HTTP 200** along with some headers that will look
similar to this::