from __future__ import absolute_import # Copyright 2013, 2014 IBM Corp. import logging import sys from cinder import exception from oslo_log import log as cinderLogging from cinder.volume.driver import VolumeDriver from cinderclient.exceptions import NotFound from oslo.config import cfg from powervc.common import config from powervc.common import constants as common_constants from powervc.common.gettextutils import _ from powervc.volume.manager import constants from powervc.volume.driver import service volume_driver_opts = [ # Ignore delete errors so an exception is not thrown during a # delete. When set to true, this allows the volume to be deleted # on the hosting OS even if an exception occurs. When set to false, # exceptions during delete prevent the volume from being deleted # on the hosting OS. cfg.BoolOpt('volume_driver_ignore_delete_error', default=False) ] CONF = config.CONF CONF.register_opts(volume_driver_opts, group='powervc') LOG = cinderLogging.getLogger(__name__) def _load_power_config(argv): """ Loads the powervc config. """ # Cinder is typically started with the --config-file option. # This prevents the default config files from loading since # the olso config code will only load those # config files as specified on the command line. # If the cinder is started with the # --config-file option then append our powervc.conf file to # the command line so it gets loaded as well. for arg in argv: if arg == '--config-file' or arg.startswith('--config-file='): argv[len(argv):] = ["--config-file"] + \ [cfg.find_config_files(project='powervc', prog='powervc')[0]] break config.parse_power_config(argv, 'cinder') _load_power_config(sys.argv) # must load powervc config before importing factory when # called with import utils for a driver from powervc.common.client import factory class PowerVCDriver(VolumeDriver): """ Implements the cinder volume driver for powerVC """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PowerVCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.INFO) self._service = service.PowerVCService() if not service.PowerVCService._client: service.PowerVCService._client = factory.POWERVC.new_client(str( common_constants.SERVICE_TYPES.volume)) def check_for_setup_error(self): """ Checks for setup errors. Nothing to do for powervc. """ pass def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """ Allow connection to connector and return connection info. In the PowerVC cinder driver, it does not need to be implemented. """ LOG.debug("Enter - initialize_connection") return {'driver_volume_type': '', 'data': {}} LOG.debug("Exit - initialize_connection") def validate_connector(self, connector): """ Fail if connector doesn't contain all the data needed by driver. In the PowerVC cinder driver, it does not need to be implemented. """ return True def terminate_connection(self, volume_ref, connector, force): """Do nothing since connection is not used""" pass def create_export(self, context, volume): """ Exports the volume. Nothing to do for powervc """ pass def accept_transfer(self, context, volume_ref, new_user, new_project): """ Accept a volume that has been offered for transfer. Nothing to do for powervc """ pass def create_cloned_volume(self, volume_ref, srcvol_ref): """ Clone a volume from an existing volume. Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume_ref, image_service, image_id): """ Copy a glance image to a volume. Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta): """ Upload an exsiting volume into powervc as a glance image Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def create_snapshot(self, snapshot_ref): """ Create a snapshot. Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_ref): """ Delete a snapshot. Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot_ref): """ Create a volume from the snapshot. Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """ Extend a volume size. Currently not supported by powervc. Add stub to pass tempest. """ pass def create_volume(self, volume): """ Creates a volume with the specified volume attributes :returns: a dictionary of updates to the volume db, for example adding metadata """"Creating volume with volume: %s."), volume) size = getattr(volume, 'size', None) display_name = getattr(volume, 'display_name', None) display_description = getattr(volume, 'display_description', None) volume_type_obj = getattr(volume, 'volume_type', None) metadatas = getattr(volume, 'volume_metadata', None) meta = {} if metadatas: # Use map() to get a list of 'key', 'value' tuple # dict() can convert a list of tuple to dict obj meta = dict(map(lambda m: (getattr(m, 'key'), getattr(m, 'value')), metadatas)) if (size is None): raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason='size is None')"Creating volume %s of size %sG."), self._get_vol_name(volume), size) volume_data_updates = self._service.create_volume(, size=size, display_name=display_name, display_description=display_description, metadata=meta, volume_type=getattr(volume_type_obj, 'id', None)) return volume_data_updates def delete_volume(self, volume): """ Deletes the specfied volume from powervc """ try:"Deleting volume %s."), self._get_vol_name(volume)) pvc_volume_id = None for metaDataItem in volume.volume_metadata: if metaDataItem.key == constants.LOCAL_PVC_PREFIX + 'id': pvc_volume_id = metaDataItem.value break if pvc_volume_id is not None: self._service.delete_volume(pvc_volume_id) else: LOG.warning(_("Volume metadata does not " "contain a powervc volume identifier.")) except NotFound: LOG.debug(_("Volume id %s was already deleted on powervc"), pvc_volume_id)"Volume %s deleted."), self._get_vol_name(volume)) except Exception as e: if CONF.powervc.volume_driver_ignore_delete_error: LOG.error(_("Volume %s deleted, however the following " "error occurred " "which prevented the backing volume in PowerVC " "from being deleted: %s"), self._get_vol_name(volume), str(e)) else: raise def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """ Makes sure the volume is exported. Nothing to do for powervc """ pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): """ Removes the export. Nothing to do for powervc """ pass def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """ Gets the volume statistics for this driver. Cinder periodically calls this to get the latest volume stats. The stats are stored in the instance attribute called _stats """ if refresh: self._update_volume_status() return self._stats def _update_volume_status(self): """ Retrieve volumes stats info from powervc. For now just make something up """ LOG.debug(_("Getting volume stats from powervc")) # get accessible storage providers list sp_list = self._list_storage_providers() free_capacity_gb = 0 total_capacity_gb = 0 for sp in sp_list: free_capacity_gb += getattr(sp, 'free_capacity_gb', 0) total_capacity_gb += getattr(sp, 'total_capacity_gb', 0) data = {} data["volume_backend_name"] = constants.POWERVC_VOLUME_BACKEND data["vendor_name"] = 'IBM' data["driver_version"] = 1.0 data["storage_protocol"] = 'Openstack' data['total_capacity_gb'] = total_capacity_gb data['free_capacity_gb'] = free_capacity_gb data['reserved_percentage'] = 0 data['QoS_support'] = False self._stats = data LOG.debug(self._stats) def _list_storage_providers(self): return self._service.list_storage_providers() def _get_vol_name(self, volume): """ Returns the name of the volume or its id """ name = getattr(volume, 'display_name', None) if name: return name else: return def attach_volume(self, context, volume, instance_uuid, host_name, mountpoint): """Callback for volume attached to instance or host.""" # wait for volume to be attached self._service.attach_volume(context, volume, instance_uuid, host_name, mountpoint) def detach_volume(self, context, volume, attachment): """Callback for volume detached.""" # wait for volume to be detached self._service.detach_volume(context, volume)