
1991 lines
86 KiB

# Copyright 2013, 2014 IBM Corp.
Doing PowerVC initialize work, including image, instance sync.
import math
import time
import sys
from socket import inet_aton
from eventlet import greenthread
import nova
import powervc.common.config as cfg
from nova import notifications
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import manager
from nova import compute
from nova import conductor
from nova import network
from nova import block_device
from nova.db import api as db_api
from nova.image import glance
from nova.compute import flavors
from nova.compute import task_states
from nova.compute import vm_states
from oslo.utils import importutils
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from oslo.utils import timeutils
from nova.openstack.common import loopingcall
from nova.openstack.common.loopingcall import LoopingCallDone
from oslo.serialization import jsonutils
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import instance as instance_obj
from nova.objects import base as obj_base
from powervc.nova.driver.compute import computes
from powervc.nova.driver.compute import constants
from powervc.nova.driver.compute import task_states as pvc_task_states
from powervc.nova.driver.virt.powervc.sync import flavorsync
from powervc import utils
from powervc.common import utils as utills
from powervc.common.gettextutils import _
from powervc.common.client import delegate as ctx_delegate
from powervc.common import messaging
from oslo.messaging.notify import listener
from oslo.messaging import target
from oslo.messaging import transport
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PowerVCCloudManager(manager.Manager):
def __init__(self, compute_driver=None, *args, **kwargs):
Load configuration options and connect to PowerVC.
:param compute_driver: the fully qualified name of the compute Driver
that will be used with this manager
super(PowerVCCloudManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# This needs to be defined in new .conf file.
compute_driver = CONF.powervc.powervc_driver
LOG.info(_("Loading compute driver '%s'") % compute_driver)
self.driver = importutils.import_object_ns(
'powervc.nova.driver.virt', compute_driver, None)
except ImportError as e:
LOG.error(_("Unable to load the PowerVC driver: %s") % (e))
# Defer update local vm when powervc vm ids in spawning status
self.defer_update_local_vm_in_spawning_ids = []
# The variable used to cache the volume data
self.cache_volume = utills.VolumeCache(self.driver)
self.compute_api = compute.API()
self.network_api = network.API()
self.conductor_api = conductor.API()
self._default_image = None
# Have to import here instead of at the top, otherwise
# there is no way to write UT for the manager.
from powervc.common.client import factory as clients
keystone = clients.LOCAL.keystone
orig_ctx = nova.context.get_admin_context()
orig_ctx.project_id = keystone.tenant_id
orig_ctx.user_id = keystone.user_id
ctx = ctx_delegate.context_dynamic_auth_token(orig_ctx, keystone)
self.project_id = CONF.powervc.admin_tenant_name
scg_list = utills.get_utils().validate_scgs()
if not scg_list:
LOG.error(_('Nova-powervc service terminated, Invalid Storage'
' Connectivity Group specified.'))
self.scg_id_list = [scg.id for scg in scg_list]
self._staging_cache = utills.StagingCache()
# Initialize the compute manager
self.compute_manager = computes.ComputeServiceManager(self.driver,
# Check if necessary services are ready.
# Keep track of instances in need of a sync. Instances are 'marked'
# as needing to be synced for various reasons such as being in an
# unexpected state when we get a notification about the instance from
# PowerVC. The keys are the PowerVC instance IDs, not the local
# instance IDs.
self.sync_instances = {}
# Keep track of whether or not we need to sync all instances on the
# next instance sync interval.
self.full_instance_sync_required = False
# Synchronize the public flavors from PowerVC
# Synchronize instances from PowerVC
# Listen for out-of-band PowerVC changes
# Listen for local changes, to update the correct
# host/node/hostname information when we defer scheduling
# to powerVC. Currently needed for live migration and resize.
# Set up periodic polling to sync instances
# and flavor sync.
def _check_services(self, ctx):
Check if other necessary services are ready.
params = {}
filters = {}
filters['limit'] = CONF.powervc.image_limit
params['filters'] = filters
glance.get_default_image_service().detail(ctx, **params)
except Exception, e:
# Just give an error, so the user can start
# the glance.
# Don't exit, because the glance might be starting.
LOG.error(_("Glance service is not ready. " + str(e)))
def _synchronize_instances(self, ctx):
Called to synchronize instances on boot.
Check instances fetched from PowerVC,
if it is not in OpenStack, then insert it,
if it is already in OpenStack, then update it.
:param: ctx The security context
LOG.info(_("Initial instance sync. starts."))
# Some counters to record instances modified.
count_new_instances = 0
count_updated_instances = 0
count_deleted_instances = 0
count_error = 0
# Get both lists from local DB and PowerVC
pvc_instances = self.driver.list_instances()
local_instances = self._get_all_local_instances(ctx)
except Exception, e:
# No point to do any following step, if error happens above.
count_error += 1
pvc_instances = []
local_instances = []
LOG.error(_("Failed to setup a synchronization. " + str(e)))
# Sync. from PowerVC ---> local nova DB,
# to insert new instances and update existing instances
LOG.info(_("Initial instance sync: pvc -> local"))
for instance in pvc_instances:
A sample of returned instance from PowerVC:
# Convert an object to dictionary,
# because some filed names has spaces.
pvc_instance = instance.__dict__
LOG.info(_("Processing PVC instance: %s") % pvc_instance['id'])
matched_instances = self.\
_get_local_instance_by_pvc_id(ctx, pvc_instance['id'])
if len(matched_instances) == 0:
# Not found, and insert into local DB
if self._add_local_instance(ctx, pvc_instance):
count_new_instances += 1
except Exception, e:
count_error += 1
LOG.error(_("Insert a new PVC instance failed."
+ str(pvc_instance)
+ ", " + str(e)))
# Found
if len(matched_instances) > 1:
LOG.error(_("More than one instance in DB "
"match one PowerVC instance: "
+ pvc_instance['id']))
if self._update_local_instance(ctx,
count_updated_instances += 1
except Exception, e:
count_error += 1
LOG.error(_("Update a PVC instance failed. "
+ str(pvc_instance)
+ ", " + str(e)))
# Sync. from local nova DB ---> PowerVC,
# to remove invalid instances that are not in pvc anymore.
LOG.info(_("Initial instance sync: local -> pvc"))
for local_instance in local_instances:
LOG.info(_("Processing local instance: %s") % local_instance['id'])
if not self._is_valid_pvc_instance(ctx,
# If it is not valid in pvc, also delete form the local.
if self._remove_local_instance(ctx,
count_deleted_instances += 1
except Exception, e:
count_error += 1
LOG.error(_("Delete a PVC instance failed. "
+ str(local_instance)
+ ", " + str(e)))
Initial instance sync. result:
[ %(insert)s inserted,
%(update)s updated,
%(delete)s deleted ]
Error: %(error)s
""" %
{'insert': count_new_instances,
'update': count_updated_instances,
'delete': count_deleted_instances,
'error': count_error}))
def _get_all_local_instances(self, context):
""" Get all instances for a PowerVC."""
filters = {'deleted': False, 'architecture': constants.PPC64}
db_matches = db.instance_get_all_by_filters(context, filters)
local_pvc_instances = []
for local_instance in db_matches:
if self._is_pvc_instance(context, local_instance):
return local_pvc_instances
def _get_local_instance_by_pvc_id(self, context, pvcid):
""" Get a local instance by a PowerVC uuid."""
filters = {'deleted': False, 'metadata': {constants.PVC_ID: pvcid}}
db_matches = db.instance_get_all_by_filters(context, filters)
return db_matches
def _sync_existing_instance(self, context, local_instance, pvc_instance):
"""Update a local instance with a PowerVC instance."""
base_options, unused_image, unused_flavor = \
self._translate_pvc_instance(context, pvc_instance, local_instance)
# In order to support the rename function in the Hosting OS, we will
# avoid the name of the instance is updated.
# In this situation, the name of the same instance will be different in
# the hosting OS and PowerVC.
base_options['display_name'] = local_instance.get('display_name')
self.compute_api.update(context, local_instance, **base_options)
# Try to link network with instance if we haven't.
self._fix_instance_nw_info(context, local_instance)
def _translate_pvc_instance(self, ctx, pvc_instance, db_instance=None):
"""Map fields in a PowerVC instance to a local instance."""
def epoch_to_date(seconds_since_epoch):
Converts a string or floating containing the number of seconds
since the epoch, to a date object. If the given seconds are None
the method returns an object with now().
:returns: the date from the seconds or now
if not seconds_since_epoch:
return timeutils.utcnow()
# try directly parse by iso format time as PowerVC return
# already formatted isotime. By issue 166750
return timeutils.parse_isotime(seconds_since_epoch)
# If failed to parse by iso format time, then parse by
# seconds_since_epoch
time_str = time.strftime(timeutils._ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT,
return timeutils.parse_strtime(
time_str, fmt=timeutils._ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT)
image = self._get_image_from_instance(ctx, pvc_instance, db_instance)
flavor = self._get_flavor_from_instance(ctx, pvc_instance, db_instance)
# Use the instance properties from PowerVC to be accurate
if pvc_instance.get('vcpus') is not None:
vcpus = int(math.ceil(float(pvc_instance.get('vcpus'))))
vcpus = flavor.get('vcpus')
if pvc_instance.get('memory_mb') is not None:
memory_mb = pvc_instance.get('memory_mb')
memory_mb = flavor.get('memory_mb')
if pvc_instance.get('root_gb') is not None:
root_gb = pvc_instance.get('root_gb')
root_gb = flavor.get('root_gb')
if pvc_instance.get('ephemeral_gb') is not None:
ephemeral_gb = pvc_instance.get('ephemeral_gb')
ephemeral_gb = flavor.get('ephemeral_gb')
# need to set the root_device_name for the volume attachment auto
# assigned device name purpose
root_device_name = self._get_instance_root_device_name(pvc_instance,
address4 = pvc_instance['accessIPv4']
# Has to be a valid IP, or null
except Exception:
LOG.debug(_("null for addressIPv4"))
address4 = None
launched_at = epoch_to_date(pvc_instance.get('launched_at'))
scheduled_at = epoch_to_date(pvc_instance.get('scheduled_at'))
# We need to make sure hostname is a string
hostname = pvc_instance['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname']
if hostname is None:
hostname = ''
if db_instance:
# Get metadata from db_instance
# If it is a dict, leave as it is
# If it is a list, convert the list to dict
metadata = db_instance.get('metadata', {})
# Sometimes the instance's metadata will be a list
# Convert the metadata list to metadata dict
if isinstance(metadata, list):
meta_dict = {}
for entry in metadata:
key = entry.get('key', None)
value = entry.get('value', None)
if key and value:
meta_dict[key] = value
metadata = meta_dict
metadata = {}
# Copy the powervc specified properties into metadata
metadata = utils.fill_metadata_dict_by_pvc_instance(metadata,
ins = {
'image_ref': image['id'],
'launch_time': launched_at,
'launched_at': launched_at,
'scheduled_at': scheduled_at,
'memory_mb': memory_mb,
'vcpus': vcpus,
'root_gb': root_gb,
'ephemeral_gb': ephemeral_gb,
'display_name': pvc_instance['name'],
'display_description': pvc_instance['name'],
'locked': False,
'instance_type_id': flavor['id'],
'progress': 0,
'metadata': metadata,
'architecture': constants.PPC64,
'host': utils.normalize_host(pvc_instance['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']),
'launched_on': pvc_instance['hostId'],
'hostname': hostname,
'node': pvc_instance['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname'],
'access_ip_v4': address4,
'root_device_name': root_device_name,
'vm_state': pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:vm_state'],
'task_state': None,
'power_state': pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:power_state']}
# Get user/tenant from context when importing a new instance not in DB
if not db_instance:
# NOTE(boden): can raise if invalid staging user or project
uid, pid = self._staging_cache.get_staging_user_and_project(True)
ins['project_id'] = pid
ins['user_id'] = uid
# Only update the System_metadata when the new instance is inserted
ins['system_metadata'] = flavors.save_flavor_info(dict(), flavor)
# Get user and project from the DB entry
ins['user_id'] = db_instance.get('user_id')
ins['project_id'] = db_instance.get('project_id')
# Need to update the system metadate when the flavor of
# the instance changes
sys_meta = flavors.extract_flavor(db_instance)
instance_type_id = sys_meta['id']
if instance_type_id != flavor['id']:
ins['system_metadata'] = flavors.\
save_flavor_info(sys_meta, flavor)
return (ins, image, flavor)
def _insert_pvc_instance(self, ctx, pvc_instance):
""" Translate PowerVC instance into OpenStack instance and insert."""
if pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:vm_state'] == vm_states.ERROR:
pvc_host = pvc_instance.get(constants.HOST_PROP_NAME)
pvc_hypervisor = pvc_instance.get(constants.HYPERVISOR_PROP_NAME)
if pvc_host is None or pvc_hypervisor is None:
LOG.debug(_("The instance: %s is in the Error State and no "
"associated host or hypervisor. Skip to sync" %
ins, image, flavor = self._translate_pvc_instance(ctx, pvc_instance)
security_group_map = self.\
_get_security_group_for_instance(ctx, pvc_instance)
new_instance = instance_obj.Instance()
block_device_map = [block_device.create_image_bdm(image['id'])]
db_instance = self.compute_api.\
# The API creates the instance in the BUIDING state, but this
# instance is actually already built most likely, so we update
# the state to whatever the state is in PowerVC.
db_instance = self.compute_api.update(
ctx, db_instance,
# Fix the network info.
local_port_ids = self.driver._service.\
# If neutron agent has synced ports, then go ahead to fix the network,
# otherwise wait for the next full update.
if local_port_ids and len(local_port_ids) > 0:
self._fix_instance_nw_info(ctx, db_instance)
# Send notification about instance creation due to sync operation
self.notifier, ctx, db_instance, 'create.sync', network_info={},
system_metadata={}, extra_usage_info={})
# Remove an instance that is not in pvc anymore from local DB.
# TODO: This is not being used. Do we need to worry about deleting metadata
# separately in _unregister_instance?
def _destroy_local_instance(self, ctx, local_instance):
# Get all metadata
metadata = self.compute_api.get_instance_metadata(ctx, local_instance)
# Delete all metadata
for item in metadata.keys():
delete_instance_metadata(ctx, local_instance, item)
# Delete instance, actually it just marks records deleted
self.compute_api.delete(ctx, local_instance)
def sync_volume_attachment(self, ctx, pvc_instance_id, local_instance):
"""Sync volume attachment information in BDM"""
# Since PowerVC server resp does not contain this info, it is needed
# now to retrieve it through sending another rest api to list
# volume attachments.
attachments = self.driver.list_os_attachments(pvc_instance_id)
attached_volume_ids = []
attached_devices = []
for attachment in attachments:
# Each instance has a default volume,
# which is not what we want to show
if attachment.device != '/dev/sda':
block_device_map = {}
vol_id = self.cache_volume.get_by_id(attachment.id)
if vol_id:
block_device_map['volume_id'] = vol_id
LOG.info(_("No cinder volume for powervc volume: "
"%s" % attachment.id))
block_device_map['volume_id'] = constants.INVALID_VOLUME_ID
block_device_map['device_name'] = attachment.device
block_device_map['instance_uuid'] = local_instance['uuid']
block_device_map['connection_info'] = jsonutils.dumps(
{"": {},
"connection_info": {"driver_volume_type": "",
"data": ""}
block_device_map['source_type'] = 'volume'
block_device_map['destination_type'] = 'volume'
# Removing the BDMs are not in powervc
leftover_bdms = []
primitive_instance = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(local_instance)
local_attachments = self.conductor_api.\
block_device_mapping_get_all_by_instance(ctx, primitive_instance)
for local_attachment in local_attachments:
if not self._is_volume_type(local_attachment):
local_volume_id = local_attachment['volume_id']
if local_volume_id in attached_volume_ids:
# this volume is still attached
if local_volume_id == constants.INVALID_VOLUME_ID:
# for invalid volume id, just check the device_name
local_device_name = local_attachment['device_name']
if local_device_name in attached_devices:
# this volume is still attached even it's
# volume id is not valid
LOG.info(_("retain the volume with device name: %s, "
"although it's volume id is not valid "
"yet" % local_device_name))
for deleted_bdm in leftover_bdms:
LOG.info(_("Removing Block Device Mapping for: "
"%s") % deleted_bdm)
db_api.block_device_mapping_destroy(ctx, deleted_bdm['id'])
LOG.info(_("Removed Block Device Mapping"))
def _is_volume_type(self, block_device_mapping):
Test a block_device_mapping is a volume or not
:param block_device_mapping: block_device_mapping instance to
be tested
if block_device_mapping.get('volume_id') is None:
return False
return True
def _unregister_instance(self, ctx, local_instance, force_delete=False):
Unregister the instance from the local database. This does not use the
compute API which would send an RPC to have the instance deleted. The
instance has already been removed from PowerVC so we just send our
own notifications locally and remove it from the database.
:param ctx: The security context
:param local_instance: The instance dict
:param force_delete: If True, the instance will be deleted even if the
task state is set to 'deleting'.
LOG.debug(_('Enter to unregister instance of %s .') % local_instance)
# If the instance does not exist then ignore
if not local_instance:
LOG.debug(_('Instance does not exist locally'))
LOG.debug(_('Exit to unregister instance of %s .')
% local_instance)
instance_ref = local_instance
# If the task state is not set to deleting, set it.
# If set, then go ahead and delete, which means last time,
# sth. went wrong when actually delete it.
if local_instance.get('task_state') != task_states.DELETING:
# Update the state and send notification for the updated state
old_ref, instance_ref = db_api.instance_update_and_get_original(
ctx, local_instance.get('uuid'),
{'task_state': task_states.DELETING, 'progress': 0})
notifications.send_update(ctx, old_ref, instance_ref,
LOG.debug(_("Sent a notification for the updated state of %s,"
"event type is %s")
% (instance_ref.get('uuid'), 'powervc'))
# Delete the instance from the local database
db_api.instance_destroy(ctx, local_instance.get('uuid'))
except Exception:
LOG.warning(_("Removing PowerVC instance %s in nova failed."),
# delete network resource
# transfer db object to nova instance obj to meet latest community
# change
if not isinstance(local_instance, obj_base.NovaObject):
local_instance = \
self.network_api.deallocate_for_instance(ctx, local_instance)
# Send notification about instance deletion due to sync operation
self.notifier, ctx, instance_ref, 'delete.sync', network_info={},
system_metadata={}, extra_usage_info={})
LOG.debug(_('Send a notification about instance deletion of %s,'
'event type is %s')
% (instance_ref.get('uuid'), 'delete.sync'))
LOG.debug(_('Exit to unregister instance of %s .')
% local_instance.get('uuid'))
def _is_pvc_instance(self, ctx, local_instance):
Check to see if a local instance is synchronized from PowerVC.
If not, return False
# Get the uuid of pvc from the local instance.
metadata = self.compute_api.get_instance_metadata(ctx, local_instance)
return (constants.PVC_ID in metadata)
def _is_valid_pvc_instance(self, ctx, local_instance, pvc_instances):
Check to see if a local instance is in the PowerVC list.
If not, return False
# Get the uuid of pvc from the local instance.
metadata = self.compute_api.get_instance_metadata(ctx, local_instance)
if constants.PVC_ID not in metadata:
return False
local_uuid = metadata[constants.PVC_ID]
found = False
for instance in pvc_instances:
uuid = instance.id
if local_uuid == uuid:
found = True
return found
def _get_image_from_instance(self, ctx, pvc_instance, db_instance=None):
Get the corresponding image with a PowerVC instance.
:param ctx: The security context
:param pvc_instance: The VM instance from the PowerVC
:param db_instance: The VM instance in the local database,
if it does not exist, set as None.
:returns: the image of the instance
rtn = None
# Try to get the PowerVC image id from the PowerVC instance
pvc_instance_image_uuid = ''
pvc_image = pvc_instance.get('image', '')
if pvc_image != '':
pvc_instance_image_uuid = pvc_image.get('id', '')
# Handle with the situation that the instance has already been
# in the local database
if db_instance is not None:
if 'image_ref' in db_instance:
# If the image is deleted in the Hosting OS,
# the image will not be deleted physically and just be marked
# as 'deleted'.
# So we can get the corresponding image although it is deleted.
local_image = glance.\
show(ctx, db_instance.get('image_ref'))
except Exception as exc:
# This exception is used to handle with the situation
# that the glance service is crashed.
# Return the image as image_reference.
LOG.warning("Fail to get the local image: %s"
% db_instance.get('image_ref'))
LOG.warning("Getting the exception: %s." % str(exc))
local_image = {}
local_image['id'] = db_instance.get('image_ref')
return local_image
rtn = self._get_image_from_local_db(local_image,
if rtn is not None:
return rtn
glance_images = self._list_local_images(ctx)
for image in glance_images:
rtn = self._get_image_from_local_db(image, pvc_instance_image_uuid)
if rtn is not None:
if rtn is None:
rtn = self.get_default_image(ctx)
return rtn
def _get_image_from_local_db(self, image, pvc_instance_image_uuid):
This method is used to get the local image with the specified
PowerVC image UUID
:param image: the image from the local database
:pvc_instance_image_uuid: the UUID of the PowerVC image
:returns: if there is a proper image in the local database,
return this image, else return None
rtn = None
local_image_pvc_uuid = None
if 'properties' in image and 'powervc_uuid' in image['properties']:
local_image_pvc_uuid = image['properties']['powervc_uuid']
if pvc_instance_image_uuid != '' and \
pvc_instance_image_uuid == local_image_pvc_uuid:
LOG.info("Get the image %s from the local database."
% image['id'])
rtn = image
return rtn
def _list_local_images(self, ctx):
This method is used to list all the local images.
:param ctx: The security context
:returns : if the local glance service is active,
return the image list, else return {}
params = {}
filters = {}
filters['limit'] = CONF.powervc.image_limit
params['filters'] = filters
glance_images = glance.\
get_default_image_service().detail(ctx, **params)
except Exception as exc:
LOG.warning("Get the exception %s during listing the images"
% str(exc))
return {}
return glance_images
def _get_flavor_from_instance(self, ctx, pvc_instance, db_instance=None):
Get the local flavor through the PowerVC instance
rtn = None
# Get the flavorid from the PowerVC instance
pvc_flavor = pvc_instance['flavor']
pvc_flavor_id = pvc_flavor['id']
if db_instance is not None:
# Handle the stituation that the instance is deployed
# through the hosting OS
# Get the flavor id of the db instance
instance_type_id = db_instance['instance_type_id']
# Get the db instance flavor
db_instance_flavor = self._get_local_flavor(ctx, instance_type_id)
# Get the PowerVC VM instance flavor
pvc_flavor = self.driver.get_pvc_flavor_by_flavor_id(pvc_flavor_id)
# Check whether the instance has been resized
pvc_flavor_dict = pvc_flavor.__dict__
if (db_instance_flavor['memory_mb'] ==
pvc_flavor_dict['ram'] and
db_instance_flavor['vcpus'] ==
pvc_flavor_dict['vcpus'] and
db_instance_flavor['root_gb'] ==
pvc_flavor_dict['disk'] and
db_instance_flavor['ephemeral_gb'] ==
pvc_flavor_dict.get('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral', 0)):
return db_instance_flavor
if rtn is None:
LOG.debug(_("Get flavor from pvc"))
local_flavorid = CONF.powervc.flavor_prefix + pvc_flavor_id
rtn = self._get_pvc_flavor(ctx, pvc_flavor_id, local_flavorid)
if rtn is None:
# Get the default flavor
rtn = flavors.get_default_flavor()
return rtn
def _get_local_flavor(self, ctx, flavor_id):
Try to get the local flavor.
This method is used to handle with the situation that
the VM instance is deployed with the local flavor
through the hosting machine
rtn = None
flv = flavors.get_flavor(flavor_id, ctx)
rtn = flv
except Exception:
LOG.info(_("Return None from _get_local_flavor and "
"exception caught"))
return rtn
def _get_pvc_flavor(self, ctx, pvc_flavor_id, local_flavorid):
Try to get the sync PowerVC flavor.
This method is used to handle with the situation that
the VM instance is deployed with the PowerVC flavor
through the hosting machine or the VM instance is synced
from the PowerVC.
rtn = None
rtn = flavors.get_flavor_by_flavor_id(local_flavorid, ctx)
except Exception:
# PowerVC instance is created with private flavor which is not
# synced
LOG.info(_("PowerVC instance is created with private flavor "
"which is not synced"))
if rtn is None:
pvc_flavor = self.driver.\
if pvc_flavor is not None:
pvc_flavor_dict = pvc_flavor.__dict__
memory = pvc_flavor_dict['ram']
vcpus = pvc_flavor_dict['vcpus']
root_gb = pvc_flavor_dict['disk']
ephemeral_gb = pvc_flavor_dict.get(
'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral', 0)
p_filter = {'min_memory_mb': memory,
'min_root_gb': root_gb,
'is_public': True,
'disabled': False}
rtns = flavors.get_all_flavors(ctx,
# The PowerVC driver will not sync the dynamic
# flavor. When the PowerVC instance is created by
# the dynamic flavor and we can not get the similar
# flavor, we will return the first flavor which the
# memory, cpu and disk of is bigger than the
# dynamic flavor
for key in rtns.keys():
if memory <= rtns[key].get('memory_mb')\
and vcpus <= rtns[key].get('vcpus')\
and root_gb <= rtns[key].get('root_gb')\
and ephemeral_gb <= rtns[key].\
if rtns[key]['name'].find('PVC') != -1:
rtn = rtns[key]
LOG.info(_("Return the first public "
"PowerVC flavor that fits "
"into the resource "
"instance instead"), rtn)
if rtn is None:
for key in rtns.keys():
if memory <= rtns[key].get('memory_mb')\
and vcpus <= rtns[key].get('vcpus')\
and root_gb <= rtns[key].\
and ephemeral_gb <= rtns[key].\
rtn = rtns[key]
LOG.info(_("Return the"
"first public "
"PowerVC flavor"
" that fits "
"into the resource "
"instance instead"), rtn)
except Exception:
if rtn is None:
# Get the default flavor when can not get the
# corresponding flavor with the specified
# PowerVC instance
LOG.info("Get the default flavor")
rtn = flavors.get_default_flavor()
return rtn
# FIXME: get a security group, shall we map the security group?
def _get_security_group_for_instance(self, ctx, pvc_instance):
return ['default']
def _create_local_listeners(self, ctx):
"""Listen for local(OpenStack) compute node notifications."""
LOG.debug("Enter _create_local_listeners method")
trans = transport.get_transport(cfg.AMQP_OPENSTACK_CONF)
targets = [
target.Target(exchange='nova', topic='notifications')
endpoint = messaging.NotificationEndpoint(log=LOG, sec_context=ctx)
# Instance state changes
# Instance creation
endpoints = [
LOG.debug("Starting to listen...... ")
local_nova_listener = listener.\
get_notification_listener(trans, targets, endpoints,
LOG.debug("Exit _create_local_listeners method")
def _create_powervc_listeners(self, ctx):
"""Listen for out-of-band changes made in PowerVC.
Any changes made directly in PowerVC will be reflected in the local OS.
:param: ctx The security context
LOG.debug("Enter _create_powervc_listeners method")
trans = transport.get_transport(cfg.AMQP_POWERVC_CONF)
targets = [
target.Target(exchange='nova', topic='notifications')
endpoint = messaging.NotificationEndpoint(log=LOG, sec_context=ctx)
# Instance creation
# onboarding end
# Instance deletion
# Instance state changes
# Instance volume attach/detach event handling
endpoints = [
LOG.debug("Starting to listen...... ")
pvc_nova_listener = listener.\
get_notification_listener(trans, targets, endpoints,
LOG.debug("Exit _create_powervc_listeners method")
def _handle_local_instance_create(self,
"""Handle local deployment completed messages sent from the
hosting OS. This is need so we can tell the hosting OS
to sync the latest state from PowerVC. Once a deployment
completes in PowerVC the instances go into activating task
state. We want to make sure we reflect this as soon as it
happens and based on timing its best to check when we report
back from spawn thus sending the completed event.
:param: context The security context
:param: ctxt message context
:param: event_type message event type
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
hosting_id = payload.get('instance_id')
# Attempt to get the local instance.
instance = None
instance = db.instance_get_by_uuid(context, hosting_id)
except exception.InstanceNotFound:
LOG.debug(_("Local Instance %s Not Found") % hosting_id)
# Get the PVC instance
pvcid = self.driver._get_pvcid_from_metadata(instance)
powervc_instance = self.driver.get_instance(pvcid)
if powervc_instance:
self._update_state(context, instance, powervc_instance, pvcid,
LOG.debug(_('PowerVC instance could not be found'))
def _handle_local_deferred_host_updates(self,
"""Handle live migration completed messages sent from PowerVC.
:param: context The security context
:param: ctxt message context
:param: event_type message event type
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
hosting_id = self._pre_process_message(payload)
# Attempt to get the local instance.
instance = None
instance = db.instance_get_by_uuid(context, hosting_id)
except exception.InstanceNotFound:
LOG.debug(_("Local Instance %s Not Found") % hosting_id)
# See if the instance is deferring host scheduling.
# If it is exit immediately.
if not self.driver._check_defer_placement(instance):
LOG.debug(_("Local Instance %s did not defer scheduling")
% hosting_id)
# Get the PVC instance
pvcid = self.driver._get_pvcid_from_metadata(instance)
if pvcid is not None:
if instance:
# Convert to primative format from db object
instance = jsonutils.to_primitive(instance)
self.driver.update_instance_host(context, instance)
except Exception:
LOG.debug(_('Problem updating local instance host '
'information, instance: %s') % instance['id'])
LOG.debug(_('Tried to update instance host value but the'
' instance could not be found in PowerVC'))
def _handle_powervc_instance_create(self,
"""Handle instance create messages sent from PowerVC.
:param: context The security context
:param: ctxt message context
:param: event_type message event type
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
powervc_instance_id = self._pre_process_message(payload)
# Check for matching local instance
matched_instances = self._get_local_instance_by_pvc_id(
context, powervc_instance_id)
# If the instance already exists locally then ignore
if len(matched_instances) > 0:
LOG.debug(_('Instance already exists locally'))
# Get the newly added PowerVC instance and add it to the local OS
instance = self.driver.get_instance(powervc_instance_id)
# Filter out the instance in scg that is not specified in conf
instance_scg_id = instance.storage_connectivity_group_id
our_scg_id_list = [scg.id for scg
in utills.get_utils().get_our_scg_list()]
if instance_scg_id and instance_scg_id not in our_scg_id_list:
instance = None
if instance:
instance = instance.__dict__
self._add_local_instance(context, instance)
except Exception as e:
LOG.warning(_("Failed to insert instance due to: %s ")
% str(e))
LOG.debug(_('Tried to add newly created instance but it could not '
'be found in PowerVC'))
def _handle_powervc_instance_delete(self,
"""Handle instance delete messages sent from PowerVC.
:param: context The security context
:param: ctxt message context
:param: event_type message event type
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
powervc_instance_id = self._pre_process_message(payload)
# Check for matching local instance
matched_instances = self._get_local_instance_by_pvc_id(
context, powervc_instance_id)
# If the instance does not exist then ignore
if len(matched_instances) == 0:
LOG.debug(_('Instance does not exist locally'))
# Remove the instance from the local OS
self._remove_local_instance(context, matched_instances[0])
def _handle_powervc_instance_state(self,
"""Handle instance state changes sent from PowerVC. This includes
instance update and all other state changes caused by events like
power on, power off, resize, live migration, and snapshot.
:param: context The security context
:param: ctxt message context
:param: event_type message event type
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
powervc_instance_id = self._pre_process_message(payload)
local_instance = self.\
_get_matched_instance_by_pvc_id(context, powervc_instance_id)
if not local_instance:
powervc_instance = self.driver.get_instance(powervc_instance_id)
self._update_state(context, local_instance, powervc_instance,
powervc_instance_id, event_type)
def _handle_volume_attach_or_detach(self,
"""Handle out of band volume attach or detach event
:param: context The security context
:param: ctxt message context
:param: event_type message event type
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
powervc_instance_id = self._pre_process_message(payload)
local_instance = self.\
_get_matched_instance_by_pvc_id(context, powervc_instance_id)
if not local_instance:
powervc_volume_id = payload.get('volume_id')
if powervc_volume_id is None:
LOG.warning(_('no valid volume for powervc instance %s') %
vol_id = self.cache_volume.get_by_id(powervc_volume_id)
if vol_id is None:
# get the local volume info and cache it
LOG.debug(_("Get the local volume info for powervc volume with id:"
" %s") % powervc_volume_id)
local_volume_id = self.driver.\
LOG.debug(_("Finished to get the local volume info for powervc "
"volume with id: %s") % powervc_volume_id)
if local_volume_id is None:
# continue to process, just log warning
LOG.warning(_('volume does not exist locally for remote '
'volume: %s') % powervc_volume_id)
self.cache_volume.set_by_id(powervc_volume_id, local_volume_id)
self.sync_volume_attachment(context, powervc_instance_id,
def _pre_process_message(self, payload):
"""Logging the event type and return the instance id of the nova server
instance in the event
:param: payload The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
:returns instance id triggering the event
instance_id = payload.get('instance_id')
return instance_id
def _get_matched_instance_by_pvc_id(self, context, pvc_id):
Get the desired local instance from the powervc instance id, if no
matched local instance, then return None, if more than one matched
local instances, then log a warning message, only return the first one
:param: message The AMQP message sent from OpenStack (dictionary)
:returns the matched local instance for remote instance in powervc
# Get the matching local instance
matched_instances = self._get_local_instance_by_pvc_id(
context, pvc_id)
# If the instance does not exist locally then ignore
if len(matched_instances) == 0:
LOG.info(_("Instance with powervc id %s does not exist "
"locally") % pvc_id)
return None
# Warn if more than one local instance matches the PowerVC instance
if len(matched_instances) > 1:
LOG.warning(_('More than one instance in DB '
'match one PowerVC instance: %s' %
# TODO: We should do something about this but scheduling a sync
# won't help since that does nothing to remove duplicate local
# instances.
# Get the PowerVC instance so we can compare it to the local instance
return matched_instances[0]
def _update_state(self, context, local_instance, powervc_instance,
powervc_instance_id, event_type):
Utility method for updatng an instance for local and
powervc based messages.
:param: context The security context
:param: local_instance The database local instance
:param: powervc_instance The powerVC instance
:param: powervc_instance_id The powerVC instance id
:param: event_type The original notification event type
# Warn if PowerVC instance is not found
if powervc_instance is None:
LOG.warning(_('PowerVC instance could not be found: %s' %
powervc_instance = powervc_instance.__dict__
# Get the local and PowerVC VM and task states so that we can compare
# them.
states = {
'vm_local': local_instance.get('vm_state'),
'vm_powervc': powervc_instance.get('OS-EXT-STS:vm_state'),
'task_local': local_instance.get('task_state'),
'task_powervc': powervc_instance.get('OS-EXT-STS:task_state')
# Check if the current VM and task states permit a state change
# for the given event type. If not then we stop here.
if not self._can_apply_state_update(event_type, **states):
# We can't apply the state update because the current states do not
# allow it. If the local instance is not performing a task and the
# states are not the same then we need to sync.
if states['task_local'] is None and not (
LOG.warning(_("No local task but the states don't match. "
"Scheduling a sync."))
# Get updated instance attributes
updated_instance, unused_image, unused_flavor = \
self._translate_pvc_instance(context, powervc_instance,
# In order to support the rename function in the Hosting OS, we will
# avoid the name of the instance is updated.
# In this situation, the name of the same instance will be different in
# the hosting OS and PowerVC.
updated_instance['display_name'] = local_instance.get('display_name')
# Apply the VM and task state to the updated instance properties based
# on the event type.
updated_instance = self._apply_state_to_instance_update(
event_type, updated_instance, **states)
# Call the compute API to update the local instance
instance_ref = self.compute_api.update(context, local_instance,
# Send sync notification
self._send_instance_sync_notification(context, event_type,
def _send_instance_sync_notification(self, context, event_type, instance):
Send a sync notification message based on the given event type.
:param: context The security context
:param: event_type The original notification event type
:param: instance The updated local instance
# Instance update events do not result in a sync notification
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_UPDATE:
tokens = event_type.split('.')[2:]
tokens[-1] = constants.SYNC_EVENT_SUFFIX
event = '.'.join(tokens)
LOG.debug(_('Sending instance sync notification: %s' % (event)))
compute.utils.notify_about_instance_usage(self.notifier, context,
instance, event,
def _can_apply_state_update(self, event_type, **states):
Determine if the instance state update can be applied based on the
given local and PowerVC VM and task states.
For instance update events, the instance should always be updated even
if the states haven't changed. For other events it will depend on the
current VM and task state.
:param: event_type The notification event type
:param: states VM and task states for the local and PowerVC instance
# If the local instance task state is anything other than None then
# we shouldn't interrupt, besides activating. When a deployment
# happens on PowerVC, the status is active but the task state is
# activating. We need to sync the activating task state so that
# is why its special cased.
if (states['task_local'] is not None and
states['task_local'] != 'activating'):
return False
# For instance update events the instance properties should always
# be updated.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_UPDATE:
return True
# For power_on event the local instance must be STOPPED and the
# PowerVC instance must be ACTIVE.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_POWER_ON:
return states['vm_local'] == vm_states.STOPPED and \
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.ACTIVE
# For power_off event the local instance must be ACTIVE and the
# PowerVC instance must be STOPPED.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_POWER_OFF:
return states['vm_local'] == vm_states.ACTIVE and \
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.STOPPED
# For finish_resize event the local instance must be ACTIVE or STOPPED
# and the PowerVC instance must be RESIZED.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_RESIZE:
return ((states['vm_local'] == vm_states.ACTIVE or
states['vm_local'] == vm_states.STOPPED) and
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.RESIZED)
# For resize confirm event the local instance must be RESIZED and the
# PowerVC instance must be ACTIVE or STOPPED.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_RESIZE_CONFIRM:
return (states['vm_local'] == vm_states.RESIZED and
(states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.ACTIVE or
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.STOPPED))
# For snapshot event the local instance must be ACTIVE or STOPPED and
# the PowerVC instance must be the same.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_SNAPSHOT:
return ((states['vm_local'] == vm_states.ACTIVE and
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.ACTIVE) or
(states['vm_local'] == vm_states.STOPPED and
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.STOPPED))
# For the other instance events the local instance VM state and the
# PowerVC VM state must both be ACTIVE.
return states['vm_local'] == vm_states.ACTIVE and (
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.ACTIVE)
def _instance_states_equal(self, **states):
Determine if the local and PowerVC instance states are the same.
:param: states VM and task states for the local and PowerVC instance
return states['vm_local'] == states['vm_powervc'] and (
states['task_local'] == states['task_powervc'])
def _apply_state_to_instance_update(self, event_type, updated_instance,
Apply the vm_state and task_state properties to the updated instance
properties. The new vm_state and task_state will depend on the type
of event that triggered the state change. The initial updated instance
properties include the VM state already updated to match the PowerVC
VM state and the task state set to None.
:param: event_type The notification event type
:param: updated_instance The updated instance properties from PowerVC
:param: states VM and task states for the local and PowerVC instance
# For instance updates we have to do some checks to determine if we
# should update the VM and task states.
if event_type == constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_UPDATE:
return self._apply_state_update(updated_instance, **states)
# For other event types we don't update the task state
del updated_instance['task_state']
# We only update the VM state for the following event types
vm_state_events = [constants.EVENT_INSTANCE_POWER_ON,
if event_type not in vm_state_events:
del updated_instance['vm_state']
return updated_instance
def _apply_state_update(self, updated_instance, **states):
Apply the new vm_state and task_state properties for the instance
update event.
:param: updated_instance The updated instance properties from PowerVC
:param: states VM and task states for the local and PowerVC instance
# If the PowerVC VM state moves into or out of ERROR state then the
# local instance VM state must be updated to match.
if (states['vm_local'] == vm_states.ERROR and (
states['vm_powervc'] != vm_states.ERROR) or
(states['vm_local'] != vm_states.ERROR and
states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.ERROR)):
# The updated instance attributes already has the VM state set to
# match the PowerVC VM state.
LOG.debug(_('VM state change: %s --> %s' %
(str(states['vm_local']), str(states['vm_powervc']))))
# Otherwise remove the VM state from the update
del updated_instance['vm_state']
# If the PowerVC VM state is ACTIVE and the task state moves into or
# out of ACTIVATING then the local task state must be updated to
# match. Enforce strict control of the expected task states.
if states['vm_powervc'] == vm_states.ACTIVE and (
# Sync task state to activating.
(states['task_local'] is None and
states['task_powervc'] == pvc_task_states.ACTIVATING) or
# Sync task state from activating to None
(states['task_local'] == pvc_task_states.ACTIVATING and
states['task_powervc'] is None)):
updated_instance.update({'task_state': states['task_powervc']})
LOG.debug(_('Task state change: %s --> %s' %
# Otherwise remove the task state from the update
del updated_instance['task_state']
return updated_instance
def _schedule_instance_sync(self, powervc_instance_id):
Schedule a sync for the given PowerVC instance ID. A sync will occur
at the next instance sync interval for marked instances.
:param: powervc_instance_id The ID of the PowerVC instance that needs
to be synced.
self.sync_instances[powervc_instance_id] = True
def _remove_local_instance(self, context, local_instance,
"""Remove the local instance if it's not performing a task and
LOG.debug(_('Enter to remove local instance of %s')
% local_instance.get('uuid'))
local_task_state = local_instance.get('task_state')
local_vm_state = local_instance.get('vm_state')
LOG.debug(_('Remove local instance %(ins)s, vm_state: %(vm)s, '
'task_state: %(task)s'
% {'ins': local_instance.get('uuid'),
'vm': str(local_vm_state),
'task': str(local_task_state)}))
if (
local_vm_state == vm_states.DELETED or
local_vm_state == vm_states.SOFT_DELETED or
(local_task_state == task_states.DELETING and not force_delete)
LOG.debug(_('Skip remove local_instance,'
'Because the VM already deleted or being deleted'))
return False
if (
(local_task_state is None or
local_task_state == pvc_task_states.ACTIVATING or
(local_task_state == task_states.DELETING and
force_delete)) and
local_vm_state != vm_states.BUILDING
self._unregister_instance(context, local_instance)
LOG.debug(_('Exit to remove local instance of %s')
% local_instance.get('uuid'))
return True
LOG.debug(_('Skip remove local_instance %(ins)s from local DB, because'
'task_state is %(task_state)s, vm_state is %(vm_state)s'
% {'ins': local_instance,
'task_state': local_task_state,
'vm_state': local_vm_state}))
return False
def _add_local_instance(self, context, pvc_instance):
"""Add a new local instance if the PowerVC instance is not
performing a task or performing a 'ACTIVATING' task,
and its vm_state is not BUILDING, RESIZED,
pvc_task_state = pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:task_state']
pvc_vm_state = pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:vm_state']
if (
(pvc_task_state is None or
pvc_task_state == pvc_task_states.ACTIVATING) and
pvc_vm_state != vm_states.BUILDING and
pvc_vm_state != vm_states.RESIZED and
pvc_vm_state != vm_states.DELETED and
pvc_vm_state != vm_states.SOFT_DELETED
self._insert_pvc_instance(context, pvc_instance)
return True
LOG.debug(_('Skip add pvc_instance %(ins)s to local DB, because'
'task_state is %(task_state)s, vm_state is %(vm_state)s'
% {'ins': pvc_instance,
'task_state': pvc_task_state,
'vm_state': pvc_vm_state}))
return False
def _update_local_instance(self, context, local_instance, pvc_instance):
"""Update the local instance if both the local instance and the
PowerVC instance are not performing a task.
# Syncing RESIZED state can create problems for the local instance.
# The hosting OpenStack maintains a list of resizes initiated from
# it so users can confirm them later. Overwriting the local RESIZED
# state will cause resizes to be left in the list and never confirmed.
# Syncing the PowerVC RESIZED state will not work either. The local
# instance does not have the correct internal state to allow resize
# confirmation.
local_task_state = local_instance.get('task_state')
pvc_task_state = pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:task_state']
local_vm_state = local_instance.get('vm_state')
pvc_vm_state = pvc_instance['OS-EXT-STS:vm_state']
if (
(local_task_state is None or
local_task_state == pvc_task_states.ACTIVATING) and
pvc_task_state is None and
pvc_vm_state != vm_states.RESIZED and
local_vm_state != vm_states.RESIZED
return True
local_id = local_instance.get('uuid')
if (pvc_task_state is None and
(pvc_vm_state == vm_states.ACTIVE or
pvc_vm_state == vm_states.ERROR) and
local_task_state == task_states.SPAWNING):
# Defer update local vm when powervc vm ids in spawning status
if local_id in self.defer_update_local_vm_in_spawning_ids:
LOG.info(_('Update %(pvc_ins)s to %(local_ins)s, when'
'pvc_task_state is %(pvc_task_state)s,'
'pvc_vm_state is %(pvc_vm_state)s,'
'local_task_state is %(local_task_state)s,'
'local_vm_state is %(local_vm_state)s'
% {'pvc_ins': pvc_instance,
'local_ins': local_instance,
'pvc_task_state': pvc_task_state,
'pvc_vm_state': pvc_vm_state,
'local_task_state': local_task_state,
'local_vm_state': local_vm_state}))
# send out event for instance create finished
LOG.info(_('VM: %(uuid)s is in spawning status, defer update.'
' Just add uuid to list and will update next time.'
% {'uuid': local_id}))
return True
LOG.debug(_('Skip update %(pvc_ins)s to %(local_ins)s, because'
'pvc_task_state is %(pvc_task_state)s,'
'pvc_vm_state is %(pvc_vm_state)s,'
'local_task_state is %(local_task_state)s,'
'local_vm_state is %(local_vm_state)s'
% {'pvc_ins': pvc_instance,
'local_ins': local_instance,
'pvc_task_state': pvc_task_state,
'pvc_vm_state': pvc_vm_state,
'local_task_state': local_task_state,
'local_vm_state': local_vm_state}))
return False
def _periodic_instance_sync(self, context, instance_ids=None):
Called to synchronize instances after initial boot. This does almost
the same thing as the synchronize that happens on boot except this
function will check that the instance states meet certain requirements
before adding, removing, or updating them locally.
:param: context The security context
:param: instance_ids List of PowerVC instance IDs to sync
# Some counters to record instances modified
count_new_instances = 0
count_updated_instances = 0
count_deleted_instances = 0
count_errors = 0
# If a list of instance IDs is passed in then this is a targeted sync
# operation and not a full sync.
is_full_sync = not instance_ids
# If this is a full sync then reset the marked instances map, otherwise
# just remove instances we are about to update. Do this up front so
# that we minimize the likelihood of losing any instances that might
# get marked during the sync operation.
if is_full_sync:
self.sync_instances = {}
for instance_id in instance_ids:
del self.sync_instances[instance_id]
# Get both lists from local DB and PowerVC
pvc_instances = []
local_instances = []
if is_full_sync:
pvc_instances = self.driver.list_instances()
local_instances = self._get_all_local_instances(context)
for idx in instance_ids:
instance = self.driver.get_instance(idx)
except Exception, e:
LOG.warning(_('Error occured during get pvc instance \
[id:%s], %s' % (idx, e)))
# Sync. from PowerVC to local nova DB, to insert new instances and
# update existing instances.
for index, instance in enumerate(pvc_instances):
A sample of returned instance from PowerVC:
# If we are syncing a set of given PowerVC instance IDs then we
# first check if the PowerVC instance exists.If it doesn't then
# we attempt to delete the local corresponding
# instance and move on.
if not is_full_sync and instance is None:
matched_instances = self.\
for local_instance in matched_instances:
if self._remove_local_instance(context,
count_deleted_instances += 1
# Convert PowerVC instance object to dictionary
pvc_instance = instance.__dict__
matched_instances = self.\
_get_local_instance_by_pvc_id(context, pvc_instance['id'])
# If not found locally then try to add the new instance
if len(matched_instances) == 0:
if self._add_local_instance(context,
count_new_instances += 1
if len(matched_instances) > 1:
LOG.warning(_('More than one local instance matches one '
'PowerVC instance: %s' % (pvc_instance['id'])))
local_instance = matched_instances[0]
# Local instance exists so try to update it
if self._update_local_instance(context,
count_updated_instances += 1
except Exception, e:
count_errors += 1
LOG.exception(_("_periodic_instance_sync pvc to local: %s")
% e)
# Sync. from local nova DB to PowerVC, to remove invalid instances
# that are not in PowerVC anymore. This only happens during a full
# sync of all instances.
for local_instance in local_instances:
if not self._is_valid_pvc_instance(context, local_instance,
if self._remove_local_instance(context,
count_deleted_instances += 1
except Exception, e:
count_errors += 1
LOG.exception(_("_periodic_instance_sync local to pvc: %s")
% e)
Instance sync. is complete.
Full sync: %(full_sync)s
[ %(insert)s inserted,
%(update)s updated,
%(delete)s deleted]
Error: %(error)s
""" %
{'full_sync': is_full_sync,
'insert': count_new_instances,
'update': count_updated_instances,
'delete': count_deleted_instances,
'error': count_errors}))
def _start_periodic_instance_flavor_sync(self, context):
Initialize the periodic syncing of instances from PowerVC into the
local OS. The powervc_instance_sync_interval config property determines
how often the sync will occur, and the
powervc_full_instance_sync_frequency config property determines the
number of marked instance sync operations between full instance syncs.
Now this also launches flavor periodic sync.
:param: context The security context
# Enforce some minimum values for the sync interval properties
# TODO: Minimum values should at least be documented
conf_sync = CONF.powervc.instance_sync_interval
conf_full_sync = CONF.powervc.full_instance_sync_frequency
sync_interval = conf_sync if conf_sync > 10 else 10
full_sync_frequency = conf_full_sync if conf_full_sync > 2 else 2
self._instance_sync_counter = 0
# Decorator of ignoring most of exceptions except some specified
def exception_swallowed(func):
def __swallowed():
LOG.debug(_('Begin: decorator of exception_swallowed for %s' %
except LoopingCallDone, lcd:
LOG.error(_('Exception: LoopingCallDone: ' + str(lcd)))
raise lcd
except Exception, e:
LOG.error(_('Exception: Exception: ' + str(e)))
LOG.debug(_('End: decorator of exception_swallowed for %s' %
return __swallowed
def sync():
"""Called on the instance sync intervals"""
self._instance_sync_counter += 1
# Check if it's time to do a full sync
if self.full_instance_sync_required or (
self._instance_sync_counter == full_sync_frequency):
self.full_instance_sync_required = False
self._instance_sync_counter = 0
LOG.debug(_('Syncing all instances on interval'))
# If there are no marked instances to sync stop here
instance_ids = self.sync_instances.keys()
if len(instance_ids) == 0:
LOG.debug(_('No marked instances to sync.'))
LOG.debug(_('Syncing marked instances'))
self._periodic_instance_sync(context, instance_ids=instance_ids)
sync_call = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(sync)
sync_call.start(interval=sync_interval, initial_delay=sync_interval)
# Start flavor sync.
flavor_interval = CONF.powervc.flavor_sync_interval
if flavor_interval is None or flavor_interval == 0:
def sync_flavor():
fl = flavorsync.FlavorSync(self.driver,
flavor_call = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(sync_flavor)
def get_default_image(self, context):
The PowerVC Default Image is used when we can't figure out the actual
image that originated an instance in PowerVC.
We need to have an actual image reference in nova, because nova must
have an image reference in order to show the instance details, else
'nova show' will fail, so we create a generic image reference in Glance
that all PowerVC instances for whom we don't know the originating
image will use.
if self._default_image:
return self._default_image
glance_images = self._list_local_images(context)
for glance_image in glance_images:
if glance_image['name'] == CONF.powervc.powervc_default_image_name:
self._default_image = glance_image
return self._default_image
# The default image has not been created, so let's do so
LOG.info(_('Creating PowerVC Default Image in Glance repository'))
image_data = {
'is_public': True,
'name': CONF.powervc.powervc_default_image_name,
'disk_format': 'raw',
'container_format': 'ovf',
'protected': 'True',
'properties': {
self._default_image = \
glance.get_default_image_service().create(context, image_data)
return self._default_image
def _fix_instance_nw_info(self, context, instance):
Fix instance network info if necessary.
if instance.get('info_cache'):
network_info = instance.get('info_cache').get('network_info')
# network_info is a stringnized empty array.
if not network_info or network_info == u'[]':
# Empty network_info, could be missing network_info
search_opts = {'device_id': instance['uuid'],
'tenant_id': instance['project_id']}
data = self.network_api.list_ports(context, **search_opts)
ports = data.get('ports', [])
# If ports is not empty, should put that into network_info.
if ports:
nets = self.network_api.get_all(context)
# Call this will trigger info_cache update,
# which links instance with the port.
port_ids = []
for port in ports:
nw_info = self.network_api.get_instance_nw_info(context,
LOG.info("_fix_instance_nw_info" + str(nw_info))
def _get_instance_root_device_name(self, pvc_instance, db_instance):
root_device_name = '/dev/sda'
if db_instance and db_instance.get('root_device_name'):
LOG.info("root_device_name %s from local db"
% db_instance.get('root_device_name'))
return db_instance.get('root_device_name')
if not pvc_instance:
LOG.info("set root_device_name as default: %s " % root_device_name)
return root_device_name
pvc_id = pvc_instance.get('id')
if not pvc_id:
LOG.info("set root_device_name as default: %s " % root_device_name)
return root_device_name
pvc_root_device_name = self.driver.get_pvc_root_device_name(pvc_id)
if pvc_root_device_name:
root_device_name = pvc_root_device_name
LOG.info("set root_device_name as powervc boot volume device "
"name: %s " % root_device_name)
return root_device_name