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# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Provides iLO management interface. Talks to the iLO management engine
over RIBCL scripting language
import re
import urllib2
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import six
'ON': 'Yes',
'OFF': 'No',
class IloError(Exception):
"""Base Exception
This exception is used when a problem is encountered in
executing an operation on the iLO.
def __init__(self, message, errorcode=None):
super(IloError, self).__init__(message)
class IloClientInternalError(IloError):
"""Internal Error from IloClient
This exception is raised when iLO client library fails to
communicate properly with the iLO.
def __init__(self, message, errorcode=None):
super(IloError, self).__init__(message)
class IloCommandNotSupportedError(IloError):
"""Command not supported on the platform.
This exception is raised when iLO client library fails to
communicate properly with the iLO
def __init__(self, message, errorcode=None):
super(IloError, self).__init__(message)
class IloLoginFailError(IloError):
"""iLO Login Failed.
This exception is used to communicate a login failure to
the caller.
messages = ['User login name was not found',
'Login failed', 'Login credentials rejected']
statuses = [0x005f, 0x000a]
class IloConnectionError(IloError):
"""Cannot connect to iLO.
This exception is used to communicate an HTTP connection
error from the iLO to the caller.
def __init__(self, message):
super(IloConnectionError, self).__init__(message)
class IloInvalidInputError(IloError):
"""Invalid Input passed
This exception is used when invalid inputs are passed to
the APIs exposed by this module.
def __init__(self, message):
super(IloInvalidInputError, self).__init__(message)
class IloClient:
"""iLO class for RIBCL interface for iLO.
This class provides an OO interface for retrieving information
and managing iLO. This class currently uses RIBCL scripting
language to talk to the iLO. It implements the same interface in
python as described in HP iLO 4 Scripting and Command Line Guide.
def __init__(self, host, login, password, timeout=60, port=443): = host
self.login = login
self.password = password
self.timeout = timeout
self.port = port
def _request_ilo(self, root):
"""Send RIBCL XML data to iLO.
This function sends the XML request to the ILO and
receives the output from ILO.
:raises: IloConnectionError() if unable to send the request.
if self.port:
urlstr = 'https://%s:%d/ribcl' % (, self.port)
urlstr = 'https://%s/ribcl' % (
xml = self._serialize_xml(root)
req = urllib2.Request(url=urlstr, data=xml)
req.add_header("Content-length", len(xml))
data = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
except (ValueError, urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError) as e:
raise IloConnectionError(e)
return data
def _create_dynamic_xml(self, cmdname, tag_name, mode, subelements=None):
"""Create RIBCL XML to send to iLO.
This function creates the dynamic xml required to be sent
to the ILO for all the APIs.
:param cmdname: the API which needs to be implemented.
:param tag_name: the tag info under which ILO has defined
the particular API.
:param mode: 'read' or 'write'
:param subelements: dictionary containing subelements of the
particular API tree.
:returns: the etree.Element for the root of the RIBCL XML
root = etree.Element('RIBCL', VERSION="2.0")
login = etree.SubElement(
root, 'LOGIN', USER_LOGIN=self.login, PASSWORD=self.password)
tagname = etree.SubElement(login, tag_name, MODE=mode)
subelements = subelements or {}
etree.SubElement(tagname, cmdname)
if six.PY2:
root_iterator = root.getiterator(cmdname)
root_iterator = root.iter(cmdname)
for cmd in root_iterator:
for key, value in subelements.items():
cmd.set(key, value)
return root
def _serialize_xml(self, root):
"""Serialize XML data into string
It serializes the dynamic xml created and converts
it to a string. This is done before sending the
xml to the ILO.
:param root: root of the dynamic xml.
if hasattr(etree, 'tostringlist'):
xml = '\r\n'.join(etree.tostringlist(root)) + '\r\n'
xml = etree.tostring(root) + '\r\n'
return xml
def _parse_output(self, xml_response):
"""Parse the response XML from iLO.
This function parses the output received from ILO.
As the output contains multiple XMLs, it extracts
one xml at a time and loops over till all the xmls
in the response are exhausted.
It returns the data to APIs either in dictionary
format or as the string.
It creates the dictionary only if the Ilo response
contains the data under the requested RIBCL command.
If the Ilo response contains only the string,
then the string is returned back.
count = 0
xml_dict = {}
resp_message = None
xml_start_pos = []
for m in re.finditer(r"\<\?xml", xml_response):
while count < len(xml_start_pos):
if (count == len(xml_start_pos) - 1):
result = xml_response[xml_start_pos[count]:]
start = xml_start_pos[count]
end = xml_start_pos[count + 1]
result = xml_response[start:end]
result = result.strip()
message = etree.fromstring(result)
resp = self._validate_message(message)
if hasattr(resp, 'tag'):
xml_dict = self._elementtree_to_dict(resp)
elif resp is not None:
resp_message = resp
count = count + 1
if xml_dict:
return xml_dict
elif resp_message is not None:
return resp_message
def _elementtree_to_dict(self, element):
"""Convert XML elementtree to dictionary.
Converts the actual response from the ILO for an API
to the dictionary.
node = dict()
text = getattr(element, 'text')
if text is not None:
text = text.strip()
if len(text) != 0:
node['text'] = text
node.update(element.items()) # element's attributes
child_nodes = {}
for child in element: # element's children
child_nodes.setdefault(child.tag, []).append(
# convert all single-element lists into non-lists
for key, value in child_nodes.items():
if len(value) == 1:
child_nodes[key] = value[0]
return node
def _validate_message(self, message):
"""Validate XML response from iLO.
This function validates the XML response to see
if the exit status is 0 or not in the response.
If the status is non-zero it raises exception.
if message.tag != 'RIBCL':
# the true case shall be unreachable for response
# XML from Ilo as all messages are tagged with RIBCL
# but still raise an exception if any invalid
# XML response is returned by Ilo. Set status to some
# arbitary non-zero value.
status = -1
raise IloClientInternalError(message, status)
for child in message:
if child.tag != 'RESPONSE':
return message
status = int(child.get('STATUS'), 16)
msg = child.get('MESSAGE')
if status == 0 and msg != 'No error':
return msg
if status != 0:
if 'syntax error' in msg:
for cmd in BOOT_MODE_CMDS:
if cmd in msg:
msg = "%s not supported on this platform." % cmd
raise IloCommandNotSupportedError(msg, status)
raise IloClientInternalError(msg, status)
if (status in IloLoginFailError.statuses or
msg in IloLoginFailError.messages):
raise IloLoginFailError(msg, status)
raise IloError(msg, status)
def _execute_command(self, create_command, tag_info, mode, dic={}):
"""Execute a command on the iLO.
Common infrastructure used by all APIs to send/get
response from ILO.
xml = self._create_dynamic_xml(
create_command, tag_info, mode, dic)
d = self._request_ilo(xml)
data = self._parse_output(d)
return data
def get_all_licenses(self):
"""Retrieve license type, key, installation date, etc."""
data = self._execute_command('GET_ALL_LICENSES', 'RIB_INFO', 'read')
d = {}
for key, val in data['GET_ALL_LICENSES']['LICENSE'].items():
if isinstance(val, dict):
d[key] = data['GET_ALL_LICENSES']['LICENSE'][key]['VALUE']
return d
def get_host_power_status(self):
"""Request the power state of the server."""
data = self._execute_command(
return data['GET_HOST_POWER']['HOST_POWER']
def get_one_time_boot(self):
"""Retrieves the current setting for the one time boot."""
data = self._execute_command(
return data['ONE_TIME_BOOT']['BOOT_TYPE']['VALUE']
def get_vm_status(self, device='FLOPPY'):
"""Returns the virtual media drive status."""
dic = {'DEVICE': device.upper()}
data = self._execute_command(
'GET_VM_STATUS', 'RIB_INFO', 'read', dic)
return data['GET_VM_STATUS']
def reset_server(self):
"""Resets the server."""
data = self._execute_command('RESET_SERVER', 'SERVER_INFO', 'write')
return data
def press_pwr_btn(self):
"""Simulates a physical press of the server power button."""
data = self._execute_command('PRESS_PWR_BTN', 'SERVER_INFO', 'write')
return data
def hold_pwr_btn(self):
"""Simulate a physical press and hold of the server power button."""
dic = {'TOGGLE': 'NO'}
data = self._execute_command(
'HOLD_PWR_BTN', 'SERVER_INFO', 'write', dic)
return data
def set_host_power(self, power):
"""Toggle the power button of server.
:param power: 'ON' or 'OFF'
if power.upper() in POWER_STATE:
dic = {'HOST_POWER': POWER_STATE[power.upper()]}
data = self._execute_command(
'SET_HOST_POWER', 'SERVER_INFO', 'write', dic)
return data
raise IloInvalidInputError(
"Invalid input. The expected input is ON or OFF.")
def set_one_time_boot(self, value):
"""Configures a single boot from a specific device."""
dic = {'value': value}
data = self._execute_command(
'SET_ONE_TIME_BOOT', 'SERVER_INFO', 'write', dic)
return data
def insert_virtual_media(self, url, device='FLOPPY'):
"""Notifies iLO of the location of a virtual media diskette image."""
dic = {
'DEVICE': device.upper(),
'IMAGE_URL': url,
data = self._execute_command(
return data
def eject_virtual_media(self, device='FLOPPY'):
"""Ejects the Virtual Media image if one is inserted."""
dic = {'DEVICE': device.upper()}
data = self._execute_command(
'EJECT_VIRTUAL_MEDIA', 'RIB_INFO', 'write', dic)
return data
def set_vm_status(self, device='FLOPPY',
boot_option='BOOT_ONCE', write_protect='YES'):
"""Sets the Virtual Media drive status
It also allows the boot options for booting from the virtual media.
dic = {'DEVICE': device.upper()}
xml = self._create_dynamic_xml(
'SET_VM_STATUS', 'RIB_INFO', 'write', dic)
if six.PY2:
child_iterator = xml.getiterator()
child_iterator = xml.iter()
for child in child_iterator:
if child.tag == 'SET_VM_STATUS':
etree.SubElement(child, 'VM_BOOT_OPTION',
etree.SubElement(child, 'VM_WRITE_PROTECT',
d = self._request_ilo(xml)
data = self._parse_output(d)
return data
def get_current_boot_mode(self):
"""Retrieves the current boot mode settings."""
data = self._execute_command(
def get_pending_boot_mode(self):
"""Retrieves the pending boot mode settings."""
data = self._execute_command(
def get_supported_boot_mode(self):
"""Retrieves the supported boot mode."""
data = self._execute_command(
def set_pending_boot_mode(self, value):
"""Configures the boot mode of the system from a specific boot mode."""
dic = {'value': value}
data = self._execute_command(
return data
def get_persistent_boot(self):
"""Retrieves the current boot mode settings."""
data = self._execute_command(
if data is not None:
return data['PERSISTENT_BOOT']['DEVICE']
def set_persistent_boot(self, values=[]):
"""Configures a boot from a specific device."""
xml = self._create_dynamic_xml(
if six.PY2:
child_iterator = xml.getiterator()
child_iterator = xml.iter()
for child in child_iterator:
for val in values:
if child.tag == 'SET_PERSISTENT_BOOT':
etree.SubElement(child, 'DEVICE', VALUE=val)
d = self._request_ilo(xml)
data = self._parse_output(d)
return data
def update_persistent_boot(self, device_type=[]):
result = self.get_persistent_boot()
boot_mode = self._check_boot_mode(result)
if boot_mode == 'bios':
device_list = []
for item in device_type:
dev = item.upper()
if dev == 'NETWORK':
nic_list = self._get_nic_boot_devices(result)
device_list += nic_list
if dev == 'HDD':
disk_list = self._get_disk_boot_devices(result)
device_list += disk_list
if device_list:
def _check_boot_mode(self, result):
if 'DESCRIPTION' in result[0]:
return 'uefi'
return 'bios'
def _get_nic_boot_devices(self, result):
nw_identifier = "NIC"
pxe_enabled = "PXE"
nic_list = []
pxe_nic_list = []
for item in result:
if nw_identifier in item["DESCRIPTION"]:
# Check if it is PXE enabled, to add it to starting of list
if pxe_enabled in item["DESCRIPTION"]:
except KeyError as e:
msg = "_get_nic_boot_devices failed with the KeyError:%s"
raise IloError((msg) % e)
all_nics = pxe_nic_list + nic_list
return all_nics
def _isDisk(self, result):
disk_identifier = ["Logical Drive", "HDD", "Storage", "LogVol"]
return any(e in result for e in disk_identifier)
def _get_disk_boot_devices(self, result):
disk_list = []
for item in result:
if self._isDisk(item["DESCRIPTION"]):
except KeyError as e:
msg = "_get_disk_boot_devices failed with the KeyError:%s"
raise IloError((msg) % e)
return disk_list