# midonet #### Table of Contents 1. [Overview - What is the midonet module?](#overview) 2. [Module Description - What does the module do?](#module-description) 3. [Setup - The basics of getting started with midonet](#setup) 4. [Implementation - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing](#usage) 5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) 6. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development) 6. [Contributors - Those with commits](#contributors) ## Overview This Puppet module is maintained by [Midokura](http://www.midokura.com) and is used to flexibly configure and manage all MidoNet components. To understand all MidoNet components and how they relate to each other, check out the [MidoNet Reference Architecture](http://docs.midonet.org/docs/latest/reference-architecture/content/index.html). ## Module Description The midonet module is a thorough attempt to make Puppet capable of managing the entirety of MidoNet. This includes manifests to provision both open source and enterprise components: * MidoNet Cluster (formerly known as the MidoNet API) * MidoNet CLI * MidoNet Agent (also known as Midolman) * MEM * MEM Insights Uplink configuration for gateway nodes is also set up through the use of this module. Currently both static and BGP uplinks are supported. This module is tested in combination with other modules needed to build and leverage a MidoNet installation. ## Setup **What the neutron module affects:** * [MidoNet](https://www.midonet.org/), which replaces the default plugin for Neutron. ### Prerequisites To use this module correctly, the following dependencies have to be met: * Have the gems `faraday` and `multipart-post` installed correctly (if using Puppet 4.x use the `gem` executable from Puppet's main path) * Have a working Zookeeper & Cassandra setup ### Installing midonet ```shell puppet module install midonet-midonet ``` ### Beginning with midonet A very basic installation of MidoNet on a controller node looks like the following: ```puppet include ::midonet::repository class { '::midonet::cluster': zookeeper_hosts => [ { 'ip' => '' } ], cassandra_servers => [ { 'ip' => '' } ], cassandra_rep_factor => '1', keystone_admin_token => 'token', keystone_host => '', } -> class { '::midonet::cli': username => 'admin', password => 'safe_password', } -> class { '::midonet::agent': controller_host => '', metadata_port => '8775', shared_secret => 'shared_secret', zookeeper_hosts => [ { 'ip' => '' } ], } ``` And on compute nodes: ```puppet include ::midonet::repository class { '::midonet::agent': controller_host => '', metadata_port => '8775', shared_secret => 'shared_secret', zookeeper_hosts => [ { 'ip' => '' } ], } ``` Afterwards on every controller/compute, the `midonet_host_registry` custom type should be used to register the node in MidoNet. On gateway nodes one should install Midolman (see above) and configure the uplink: * Use the `::midonet::gateway::static` class to configure a fake static uplink * Use the `midonet_gateway_bgp` custom type to configure the BGP uplink For examples on how to use all the classes see the manifests in the `roles` folder at `midonet/puppet-midonet_openstack`. ## Implementation ### midonet midonet is a combination of Puppet manifest and ruby code to deliver configuration and extra functionality through *types* and *providers*. ### Types #### midonet_gateway_bgp The `midonet_gateway_bgp` provider allows to configure a BGP uplink in the gateway node. ```puppet midonet_gateway_bgp { 'edge-router': ensure => present, bgp_local_as_number => '65520', bgp_advertised_networks => [ '' ], bgp_neighbors => [ { 'ip_address' => '', 'remote_asn' => '65506', 'remote_net' => '' } ], midonet_api_url => '', username => 'admin', password => 'safe_password', tenant_name => 'admin', } ``` ##### bgp_local_as_number The local AS number that this gateway will use. ##### bgp_advertised_networks An array listing all the floating IP networks that will be advertised. ##### bgp_neighbors An array of BGP peers. Each on the elements needs to have the following attributes: * `ip_address`: IP address of the BGP peer * `remote_asn`: Remote AS number * `remote_net`: Network on which the BGP peer is ##### midonet_api_url URL of the MidoNet API in the format `http://:`. ##### username Username for the `admin` user. Defaults to `admin`. ##### password Password for this user. Defaults to `admin`. ##### tenant_name Tenant name on which we want to apply the changes. Defaults to `admin`. #### midonet_host_registry The `midonet_host_registry` registers a MidoNet node through the MidoNet API. It is necessary to use this type on every node that runs Midolman. ```puppet midonet_host_registry { 'myhost': ensure => present, midonet_api_url => '', tunnelzone_name => 'tzone0' tunnelzone_type => 'gre', username => 'admin', password => 'admin', tenant_name => 'admin', underlay_ip_address => $::ipaddress, } ``` ##### midonet_api_url URL for the MidoNet API in the form of `http://:`. ##### tunnelzone_name Name of the tunnel zone where the host will be registered. Defaults to `tzone0`. ##### tunnelzone_type The type of tunnel zone. Can be set to `gre` or `vxlan`. Defaults to `gre`. ##### username Username of the `admin` user in Keystone. Defaults to `admin`. ##### password Password of the `admin` user in Keystone. Defaults to `admin`. ##### tenant_name Tenant name of the `admin` user. Defaults to `admin`. ##### underlay_ip_address IP address that will be used to as the underlay layer to create the tunnels. It will take the fact `$::ipaddress` by default. #### midonet_client_conf This type is used to manage the configuration at `/root/.midonetrc`. ```puppet midonet_client_conf { 'cli/username': value => 'admin'; } ``` This would set the `username` setting inside the `cli` section to `admin`. ## Limitations The following platforms are supported: * Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) * Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) * CentOS 7 The module has been tested in both Puppet versions `3.x` and `4.x`. Please note that if there is a dedicated analytics node provisioned with `::midonet::analytics` you will need to place a virtualhost file manually on the controller for the midonet manager to be able to reach the analytics endpoints (using `ProxyPass` is enough). ## Beaker-Rspec This module has beaker-rspec tests To run: ```shell bundle install bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance ``` ## Development The project follows for the most part the OpenStack development model. Developer documentation for the entire puppet-openstack project is at: * http://docs.openstack.org/developer/puppet-openstack-guide/ Check out current bugs or open new ones on JIRA project: https://midonet.atlassian.net/projects/PUP Feel free to assign an empty one to yourself! Contributors ------------ The github [contributor graph](https://github.com/openstack/puppet-midonet/graphs/contributors).