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# Copyright 2013 IBM Corporation
# Copyright 2015-2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This represents the low layer message framing portion of IPMI"""
from itertools import chain
import os
import socket
import struct
import threading
import pyghmi.constants as const
import pyghmi.exceptions as exc
import as sel
import pyghmi.ipmi.fru as fru
import pyghmi.ipmi.oem.generic as genericoem
from pyghmi.ipmi.oem.lookup import get_oem_handler
import pyghmi.ipmi.private.util as util
from pyghmi.ipmi import sdr
from pyghmi.ipmi.private import session
except ImportError:
session = None
from pyghmi.ipmi.private import localsession
except ImportError:
localsession = None
range = xrange
except NameError:
except NameError:
buffer = memoryview
boot_devices = {
'net': 4,
'network': 4,
'pxe': 4,
'hd': 8,
'safe': 0xc,
'cd': 0x14,
'cdrom': 0x14,
'optical': 0x14,
'dvd': 0x14,
'floppy': 0x3c,
'usb': 0x3c,
'default': 0x0,
'setup': 0x18,
'bios': 0x18,
'f1': 0x18,
1: 'network',
2: 'hd',
3: 'safe',
5: 'optical',
6: 'setup',
15: 'floppy',
0: 'default'
power_states = {
"off": 0,
"on": 1,
"reset": 3,
"diag": 4,
"softoff": 5,
"shutdown": 5,
# NOTE(jbjohnso): -1 is not a valid direct boot state,
# but here for convenience of 'in' statement
"boot": -1,
def select_simplesession():
global session
import pyghmi.ipmi.private.simplesession as session
def _mask_to_cidr(mask):
maskn = struct.unpack_from('>I', mask)[0]
cidr = 32
while maskn & 0b1 == 0 and cidr > 0:
cidr -= 1
maskn >>= 1
return cidr
def _cidr_to_mask(prefix):
return struct.pack('>I', 2 ** prefix - 1 << (32 - prefix))
class Housekeeper(threading.Thread):
"""A Maintenance thread for housekeeping
Long lived use of pyghmi may warrant some recurring asynchronous behavior.
This stock thread provides a simple minimal context for these housekeeping
tasks to run in. To use, do 'pyghmi.ipmi.command.Maintenance().start()'
and from that point forward, pyghmi should execute any needed ongoing
tasks automatically as needed. This is an alternative to calling
wait_for_rsp or eventloop in a thread of the callers design.
def run(self):
class Command(object):
"""Send IPMI commands to BMCs.
This object represents a persistent session to an IPMI device (bmc) and
allows the caller to reuse a single session to issue multiple commands.
This class can be used in a synchronous (wait for answer and return) or
asynchronous fashion (return immediately and provide responses by
callbacks). Synchronous mode is the default behavior.
For asynchronous mode, simply pass in a callback function. It is
recommended to pass in an instance method to callback and ignore the
callback_args parameter. However, callback_args can optionally be populated
if desired.
:param bmc: hostname or ip address of the BMC (default is local)
:param userid: username to use to connect (default to no user)
:param password: password to connect to the BMC (defaults to no password)
:param onlogon: function to run when logon completes in an asynchronous
fashion. This will result in a greenthread behavior.
:param kg: Optional parameter to use if BMC has a particular Kg configured
:param verifycallback: For OEM extensions that use HTTPS, this function
will be used to evaluate the certificate.
:param keepalive: If False, then an idle connection will logout rather
than keepalive unless held open by console or ongoing
def __init__(self, bmc=None, userid=None, password=None, port=623,
onlogon=None, kg=None, privlevel=None, verifycallback=None,
keepalive=True, **kwargs):
# TODO(jbjohnso): accept tuples and lists of each parameter for mass
# operations without pushing the async complexities up the stack
self.onlogon = onlogon
self.bmc = bmc
self._sdrcachedir = None
self._sdr = None
self._oem = None
self._oemknown = False
self._netchannel = None
self._ipv6support = None
self.certverify = verifycallback
self.kwargs = kwargs
if bmc is None:
self.ipmi_session = localsession.Session()
elif onlogon is not None:
self.ipmi_session = session.Session(bmc=bmc,
# induce one iteration of the loop, now that we would be
# prepared for it in theory
self.ipmi_session = session.Session(bmc=bmc,
def set_sdr_cachedir(self, path):
"""Register use of a directory for SDR cache.
Takes the given directory and uses it to persist SDR cache run to run.
This can greatly improve performance across runs.
:param path:
self._sdrcachedir = path
def register_key_handler(self, callback, type='tls'):
"""Assign a verification handler for a public key
When the library attempts to communicate with the management target
using a non-IPMI protocol, it will try to verify a key. This
allows a caller to register a key handler for accepting or rejecting
a public key/certificate. The callback will be passed the peer public
key or certificate.
:param callback: The function to call with public key/certificate
:param type: Whether the callback is meant to handle 'tls' or 'ssh',
defaults to 'tls'
if type == 'tls':
self.certverify = callback
def logged(self, response):
self.onlogon(response, self)
self.onlogon = None
def eventloop(cls):
while True:
def wait_for_rsp(cls, timeout):
"""Delay for no longer than timeout for next response.
This acts like a sleep that exits on activity.
:param timeout: Maximum number of seconds before returning
return session.Session.wait_for_rsp(timeout=timeout)
def _get_device_id(self):
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x01)
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'], code=response['code'])
return {
'device_id': response['data'][0],
'device_revision': response['data'][1] & 0b1111,
'manufacturer_id': struct.unpack(
'<I', struct.pack('3B', *response['data'][6:9]) + b'\x00')[0],
'product_id': struct.unpack(
'<H', struct.pack('2B', *response['data'][9:11]))[0],
'firmware_version': '{0}.{1}{2}'.format(
response['data'][2] & 0b1111111,
response['data'][3] >> 4 & 0b1111,
response['data'][3] & 0b1111)
def oem_init(self):
"""Initialize the command object for OEM capabilities
A number of capabilities are either totally OEM defined or
else augmented somehow by knowledge of the OEM. This
method does an interrogation to identify the OEM.
if self._oemknown:
if self.bmc is None:
self._oem = genericoem.OEMHandler(None, None)
self._oemknown = True
self._oem, self._oemknown = get_oem_handler(self._get_device_id(),
def get_bootdev(self):
"""Get current boot device override information.
Provides the current requested boot device. Be aware that not all IPMI
devices support this. Even in BMCs that claim to, occasionally the
BIOS or UEFI fail to honor it. This is usually only applicable to the
next reboot.
:raises: IpmiException on an error.
:returns: dict --The response will be provided in the return as a dict
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0, command=9, data=(5, 0, 0))
# interpret response per 'get system boot options'
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
# this should only be invoked for get system boot option complying to
# ipmi spec and targeting the 'boot flags' parameter
assert (response['command'] == 9
and response['netfn'] == 1
and response['data'][0] == 1
and (response['data'][1] & 0b1111111) == 5)
if (response['data'][1] & 0b10000000
or not response['data'][2] & 0b10000000):
return {'bootdev': 'default', 'persistent': True}
else: # will consult data2 of the boot flags parameter for the data
persistent = False
uefimode = False
if response['data'][2] & 0b1000000:
persistent = True
if response['data'][2] & 0b100000:
uefimode = True
bootnum = (response['data'][3] & 0b111100) >> 2
bootdev = boot_devices.get(bootnum)
if bootdev:
return {'bootdev': bootdev,
'persistent': persistent,
'uefimode': uefimode}
return {'bootdev': bootnum,
'persistent': persistent,
'uefimode': uefimode}
def reseat_bay(self, bay):
"""Request the reseat of a bay
Request the enclosure manager to reseat the system in a particular
:param bay: The bay identifier to reseat
def set_power(self, powerstate, wait=False, bridge_request=None):
"""Request power state change (helper)
:param powerstate:
* on -- Request system turn on
* off -- Request system turn off without waiting
for OS to shutdown
* shutdown -- Have system request OS proper
* reset -- Request system reset without waiting for
* boot -- If system is off, then 'on', else 'reset'
:param wait: If True, do not return until system actually completes
requested state change for 300 seconds.
If a non-zero number, adjust the wait time to the
requested number of seconds
:param bridge_request: The target slave address and channel number for
the bridge request.
:raises: IpmiException on an error
:returns: dict -- A dict describing the response retrieved
if hasattr(self._oem, 'set_power'):
return self._oem.set_power(powerstate,
if hasattr(self._oem, 'process_power_state'):
powerstate = self._oem.process_power_state(
powerstate, bridge_request=bridge_request)
if powerstate not in power_states:
raise exc.InvalidParameterValue(
"Unknown power state %s requested" % powerstate)
newpowerstate = powerstate
oldpowerstate = self._get_power_state(bridge_request=bridge_request)
if oldpowerstate == newpowerstate:
return {'powerstate': oldpowerstate}
if newpowerstate == 'boot':
newpowerstate = 'on' if oldpowerstate == 'off' else 'reset'
response = self.raw_command(
netfn=0, command=2, data=[power_states[newpowerstate]],
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
lastresponse = {'pendingpowerstate': newpowerstate}
waitattempts = 300
if not isinstance(wait, bool):
waitattempts = wait
if wait and newpowerstate in ('on', 'off', 'shutdown', 'softoff'):
if newpowerstate in ('softoff', 'shutdown'):
waitpowerstate = 'off'
waitpowerstate = newpowerstate
currpowerstate = None
while currpowerstate != waitpowerstate and waitattempts > 0:
currpowerstate = self._get_power_state(
waitattempts -= 1
if currpowerstate != waitpowerstate:
raise exc.IpmiException(
"System did not accomplish power state change")
return {'powerstate': currpowerstate}
return lastresponse
def _get_power_state(self, delay_xmit=None, bridge_request=None):
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0, command=1, delay_xmit=delay_xmit,
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
assert (response['command'] == 1 and response['netfn'] == 1)
curr_power_state = 'on' if (response['data'][0] & 1) else 'off'
return curr_power_state
def get_video_launchdata(self):
"""Get data required to launch a remote video session to target.
This is a highly proprietary scenario, the return data may vary greatly
host to host. The return should be a dict describing the type of data
and the data. For example {'jnlp': jnlpstring}
return self._oem.get_video_launchdata()
def reset_bmc(self):
"""Do a cold reset in BMC"""
response = self.raw_command(netfn=6, command=2, retry=False)
if response and 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
def set_bootdev(self,
"""Set boot device to use on next reboot (helper)
:param bootdev:
*network -- Request network boot
*hd -- Boot from hard drive
*safe -- Boot from hard drive, requesting 'safe mode'
*optical -- boot from CD/DVD/BD drive
*setup -- Boot into setup utility
*default -- remove any IPMI directed boot device
:param persist: If true, ask that system firmware use this device
beyond next boot. Be aware many systems do not honor
:param uefiboot: If true, request UEFI boot explicitly. Strictly
speaking, the spec sugests that if not set, the system
should BIOS boot and offers no "don't care" option.
In practice, this flag not being set does not preclude
UEFI boot on any system I've encountered.
:raises: IpmiException on an error.
:returns: dict or True -- If callback is not provided, the response
if bootdev not in boot_devices:
return {'error': "Unknown bootdevice %s requested" % bootdev}
bootdevnum = boot_devices[bootdev]
# first, we disable timer by way of set system boot options,
# then move on to set chassis capabilities
# Set System Boot Options is netfn=0, command=8, data
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0, command=8, data=(3, 8))
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
bootflags = 0x80
if uefiboot:
bootflags |= 1 << 5
if persist:
bootflags |= 1 << 6
if bootdevnum == 0:
bootflags = 0
data = (5, bootflags, bootdevnum, 0, 0, 0)
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0, command=8, data=data)
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
return {'bootdev': bootdev}
def xraw_command(self, netfn, command, bridge_request=(), data=(),
delay_xmit=None, retry=True, timeout=None, rslun=0):
"""Send raw ipmi command to BMC, raising exception on error
This is identical to raw_command, except it raises exceptions
on IPMI errors and returns data as a buffer. This is the recommend
function to use. The response['data'] being a buffer allows
traditional indexed access as well as works nicely with
struct.unpack_from when certain data is coming back.
:param netfn: Net function number
:param command: Command value
:param bridge_request: The target slave address and channel number for
the bridge request.
:param data: Command data as a tuple or list
:param retry: Whether to retry this particular payload or not, defaults
to true.
:param timeout: A custom time to wait for initial reply, useful for
a slow command. This may interfere with retry logic.
:returns: dict -- The response from IPMI device
rsp = self.ipmi_session.raw_command(netfn=netfn, command=command,
data=data, delay_xmit=delay_xmit,
retry=retry, timeout=timeout,
if 'error' in rsp:
raise exc.IpmiException(rsp['error'], rsp['code'])
rsp['data'] = buffer(rsp['data'])
return rsp
def get_diagnostic_data(self, savefile, progress=None, autosuffix=False):
if os.path.exists(savefile) and not os.path.isdir(savefile):
raise exc.InvalidParameterValue(
'Not allowed to overwrite existing file: {0}'.format(
return self._oem.get_diagnostic_data(savefile, progress, autosuffix)
def get_description(self):
"""Get physical attributes for the system, e.g. for GUI use
:returns: dict -- dict containing attributes, 'height' is for
how many U tall, 'slot' for what slot in a blade enclosure
or 0 if not blade, for example.
return self._oem.get_description()
def raw_command(self, netfn, command, bridge_request=(), data=(),
delay_xmit=None, retry=True, timeout=None, rslun=0):
"""Send raw ipmi command to BMC
This allows arbitrary IPMI bytes to be issued. This is commonly used
for certain vendor specific commands.
Example: ipmicmd.raw_command(netfn=0,command=4,data=(5))
:param netfn: Net function number
:param command: Command value
:param bridge_request: The target slave address and channel number for
the bridge request.
:param data: Command data as a tuple or list
:param retry: Whether or not to retry command if no response received.
Defaults to True
:param timeout: A custom amount of time to wait for initial reply
:returns: dict -- The response from IPMI device
rsp = self.ipmi_session.raw_command(netfn=netfn, command=command,
data=data, delay_xmit=delay_xmit,
retry=retry, timeout=timeout,
return rsp
def get_power(self, bridge_request=None):
"""Get current power state of the managed system
The response, if successful, should contain 'powerstate' key and
either 'on' or 'off' to indicate current state.
:param bridge_request: The target slave address and channel number for
the bridge request.
:returns: dict -- {'powerstate': value}
if hasattr(self._oem, 'get_power'):
return {'powerstate': self._oem.get_power(
return {'powerstate': self._get_power_state(
def set_identify(self, on=True, duration=None):
"""Request identify light
Request the identify light to turn off, on for a duration,
or on indefinitely. Other than error exceptions,
:param on: Set to True to force on or False to force off
:param duration: Set if wanting to request turn on for a duration
rather than indefinitely on
self._oem.set_identify(on, duration)
except exc.UnsupportedFunctionality:
if duration is not None:
duration = int(duration)
if duration > 255:
duration = 255
if duration < 0:
duration = 0
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0, command=4, data=[duration])
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
forceon = 0
if on:
forceon = 1
if self.ipmi_session.ipmiversion < 2.0:
# ipmi 1.5 made due with just one byte, make best effort
# to imitate indefinite as close as possible
identifydata = [255 * forceon]
identifydata = [0, forceon]
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0, command=4, data=identifydata)
if 'error' in response:
raise exc.IpmiException(response['error'])
def init_sdr(self):
"""Initialize SDR
Do the appropriate action to have a relevant sensor description
repository for the current management controller
# For now, return current sdr if it exists and still connected
# future, check SDR timestamp for continued relevance
# further future, optionally support a cache directory/file
# to store cached copies for given device id, product id, mfg id,
# sdr timestamp, our data version revision, aux firmware revision,
# and oem defined field
if self._sdr is None:
if hasattr(self._oem, 'init_sdr'):
self._sdr = self._oem.init_sdr()
self._sdr = sdr.SDR(self, self._sdrcachedir)
return self._sdr
def get_event_constants(self):
return self._oem.get_oem_event_const()
def get_event_log(self, clear=False):
"""Retrieve the log of events, optionally clearing
The contents of the SEL are returned as an iterable. Timestamps
are given as local time, ISO 8601 (whether the target has an accurate
clock or not). Timestamps may be omitted for events that cannot be
given a timestamp, leaving only the raw timecode to provide relative
time information. clear set to true will result in the log being
cleared as it is returned. This allows an atomic fetch and clear
behavior so that no log entries will be lost between the fetch and
clear actions. There is no 'clear_event_log' function to encourage
users to create code that is not at risk for losing events.
:param clear: Whether to remove the SEL entries from the target BMC
return sel.EventHandler(self.init_sdr(), self).fetch_sel(self, clear)
def decode_pet(self, specifictrap, petdata):
"""Decode PET to an event
In IPMI, the alert format are PET alerts. It is a particular set of
data put into an SNMPv1 trap and sent. It bears no small resemblence
to the SEL entries. This function takes data that would have been
received by an SNMP trap handler, and provides an event decode, similar
to one entry of get_event_log.
:param specifictrap: The specific trap, as either a bytearray or int
:param petdata: An iterable of the octet data of varbind for
:returns: A dict event similar to one iteration of get_event_log
return sel.EventHandler(self.init_sdr(), self).decode_pet(specifictrap,
def get_inventory_descriptions(self):
"""Retrieve list of things that could be inventoried
This permits a caller to examine the available items
without actually causing the inventory data to be gathered. It
returns an iterable of string descriptions
yield "System"
for fruid in sorted(self._sdr.fru):
yield self._sdr.fru[fruid].fru_name
for compname in self._oem.get_oem_inventory_descriptions():
yield compname
def get_inventory_of_component(self, component):
"""Retrieve inventory of a component
Retrieve detailed inventory information for only the requested
if component == 'System':
return self._get_zero_fru()
for fruid in self._sdr.fru:
if self._sdr.fru[fruid].fru_name == component:
return self._oem.process_fru(fru.FRU(
ipmicmd=self, fruid=fruid,
sdr=self._sdr.fru[fruid]).info, component)
return self._oem.get_inventory_of_component(component)
def _get_zero_fru(self):
# Add some fields returned by get device ID command to FRU 0
# Also rename them to something more in line with FRU 0 field naming
# standards
device_id = self._get_device_id()
device_id['Device ID'] = device_id.pop('device_id')
device_id['Device Revision'] = device_id.pop('device_revision')
device_id['Manufacturer ID'] = device_id.pop('manufacturer_id')
device_id['Product ID'] = device_id.pop('product_id')
zerofru = fru.FRU(ipmicmd=self).info
if zerofru is None:
zerofru = {}
zerofru = self._oem.process_zero_fru(zerofru)
# If uuid is not returned in OEM processing,
# then it is expected that a manufacturer matches SMBIOS to IPMI
# get system uuid return data.
if 'UUID' not in zerofru:
guiddata = self.raw_command(netfn=6, command=0x37)
if 'error' not in guiddata:
zerofru['UUID'] = util.\
return zerofru
def get_inventory(self):
"""Retrieve inventory of system
Retrieve inventory of the targeted system. This frequently includes
serial numbers, sometimes hardware addresses, sometimes memory modules
This function will retrieve whatever the underlying platform provides
and apply some structure. Iterating over the return yields tuples
of a name for the inventoried item and dictionary of descriptions
or None for items not present.
yield ("System", self._get_zero_fru())
for fruid in sorted(self._sdr.fru):
fruinf = fru.FRU(
ipmicmd=self, fruid=fruid, sdr=self._sdr.fru[fruid]).info
if fruinf is not None:
fruinf = self._oem.process_fru(fruinf,
# check the fruinf again as the oem process may return None
if fruinf:
yield (self._sdr.fru[fruid].fru_name, fruinf)
for componentpair in self._oem.get_oem_inventory():
yield componentpair
def get_leds(self):
"""Get LED status information
This provides a detailed view of the LEDs of the managed system.
return self._oem.get_leds()
def get_ntp_enabled(self):
return self._oem.get_ntp_enabled()
def set_ntp_enabled(self, enable):
return self._oem.set_ntp_enabled(enable)
def get_ntp_servers(self):
return self._oem.get_ntp_servers()
def set_ntp_server(self, server, index=0):
return self._oem.set_ntp_server(server, index)
def get_health(self):
"""Summarize health of managed system
This provides a summary of the health of the managed system.
It additionally provides an iterable list of reasons for
warning, critical, or failed assessments.
summary = {'badreadings': [], 'health': const.Health.Ok}
fallbackreadings = []
fallbackreadings = self._oem.get_health(summary)
for reading in self.get_sensor_data():
if != const.Health.Ok:
summary['health'] |=
except exc.BypassGenericBehavior:
if not summary['badreadings']:
summary['badreadings'] = fallbackreadings
return summary
def get_sensor_reading(self, sensorname):
"""Get a sensor reading by name
Returns a single decoded sensor reading per the name
passed in
:param sensorname: Name of the desired sensor
:returns: sdr.SensorReading object
for sensor in self._sdr.get_sensor_numbers():
if self._sdr.sensors[sensor].name == sensorname:
currsensor = self._sdr.sensors[sensor]
rsp = self.raw_command(command=0x2d, netfn=4,
if 'error' in rsp:
raise exc.IpmiException(rsp['error'], rsp['code'])
return self._sdr.sensors[sensor].decode_sensor_reading(
self, rsp['data'])
return self._oem.get_sensor_reading(sensorname)
def _fetch_lancfg_param(self, channel, param, prefixlen=False):
"""Internal helper for fetching lan cfg parameters
If the parameter revison != 0x11, bail. Further, if 4 bytes, return
string with ipv4. If 6 bytes, colon delimited hex (mac address). If
one byte, return the int value
fetchcmd = bytearray((channel, param, 0, 0))
fetched = self.xraw_command(0xc, 2, data=fetchcmd)
except exc.IpmiException as ie:
if ie.ipmicode == 0x80:
return None
fetchdata = fetched['data']
if bytearray(fetchdata)[0] != 17:
return None
if len(fetchdata) == 5: # IPv4 address
if prefixlen:
return _mask_to_cidr(fetchdata[1:])
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(fetchdata[1:])
if ip == '':
return None
return ip
elif len(fetchdata) == 7: # MAC address
mac = '{0:02x}:{1:02x}:{2:02x}:{3:02x}:{4:02x}:{5:02x}'.format(
if mac == '00:00:00:00:00:00':
return None
return mac
elif len(fetchdata) == 2:
return bytearray(fetchdata)[1]
raise Exception("Unrecognized data format " + repr(fetchdata))
def get_extended_bmc_configuration(self):
return self._oem.get_extended_bmc_configuration()
def get_bmc_configuration(self):
return self._oem.get_bmc_configuration()
def set_bmc_configuration(self, changeset):
return self._oem.set_bmc_configuration(changeset)
def clear_bmc_configuration(self):
return self._oem.clear_bmc_configuration()
def get_system_configuration(self, hideadvanced=True):
return self._oem.get_system_configuration(hideadvanced)
def set_system_configuration(self, changeset):
return self._oem.set_system_configuration(changeset)
def clear_system_configuration(self):
"""Clear the Bios/UEFI configuration
This requests the system revert to factory default settings
def set_net6_configuration(self, static_addresses=None, static_gateway=None, channel=None):
if static_addresses is None and static_gateway is None:
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
if static_addresses is not None:
i = 0
for va in static_addresses:
if '/' in va:
va, plen = va.split('/', 1)
plen = '64'
plen = int(plen)
vab = bytearray(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, va))
cmddata = bytearray([channel, 56, 0, 0x80]) + vab + bytearray([plen, 0])
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
if static_gateway is not None:
gwb = bytearray(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, static_gateway))
cmddata = bytearray([channel, 65]) + gwb
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
def get_net6_configuration(self, channel=None):
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
retdata = {}
ip6a = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=(channel, 56, 0, 0))
ip6d = bytearray(ip6a['data'])
if ip6d[0] != 0x11:
raise Exception('Unsupported reply')
if ip6d[2] & 0x80 == 0x80:
ip6b = ip6d[3:19]
ip6addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, ip6b)
plen = ip6d[19]
retdata['static_addrs'] = ['{}/{}'.format(ip6addr, plen)]
ip6g = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=(channel, 65, 0, 0))
ip6gd = bytearray(ip6g['data'])
if ip6gd[0] != 0x11:
raise Exception('Unsupported reply')
gwa = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, ip6gd[1:17])
retdata['static_gateway'] = gwa
return retdata
def set_net_configuration(self, ipv4_address=None, ipv4_configuration=None,
ipv4_gateway=None, channel=None):
"""Set network configuration data.
Apply desired network configuration data, leaving unspecified
parameters alone.
:param ipv4_address: CIDR notation for IP address and netmask
Example: ''
:param ipv4_configuration: Method to use to configure the network.
'DHCP' or 'Static'.
:param ipv4_gateway: IP address of gateway to use.
:param channel: LAN channel to configure, defaults to autodetect
if (ipv4_address is None and ipv4_configuration is None
and ipv4_gateway is None):
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
if ipv4_configuration is not None:
cmddata = [channel, 4, 0]
if ipv4_configuration.lower() == 'dhcp':
cmddata[-1] = 2
elif ipv4_configuration.lower() == 'static':
cmddata[-1] = 1
raise Exception('Unrecognized ipv4cfg parameter {0}'.format(
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
if ipv4_address is not None:
netmask = None
if '/' in ipv4_address:
ipv4_address, prefix = ipv4_address.split('/')
netmask = _cidr_to_mask(int(prefix))
cmddata = bytearray((channel, 3)) + socket.inet_aton(ipv4_address)
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
if netmask is not None:
cmddata = bytearray((channel, 6)) + netmask
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
if ipv4_gateway is not None:
cmddata = bytearray((channel, 12)) + socket.inet_aton(ipv4_gateway)
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
def get_storage_configuration(self):
""""Get storage configuration data
Retrieves the storage configuration from the target. Data is given
about disks, pools, and volumes. When referencing something, use the
relevant 'cfgpath' attribute to describe it. It is not guaranteed that
cfgpath will be consistent version to version, so a lookup is suggested
in end user applications.
:return: A object describing current config
return self._oem.get_storage_configuration()
def clear_storage_arrays(self):
"""Remove all array and dependent volumes from the system
def remove_storage_configuration(self, cfgspec):
"""Remove specified storage configuration from controller.
:param cfgspec: A describing what to remove
return self._oem.remove_storage_configuration(cfgspec)
def apply_storage_configuration(self, cfgspec=None):
"""Evaluate a configuration for validity
This will check if configuration is currently available and, if given,
whether the specified cfgspec can be applied.
:param cfgspec: A describing desired oonfig
return self._oem.apply_storage_configuration(cfgspec)
def check_storage_configuration(self, cfgspec=None):
"""Evaluate a configuration for validity
This will check if configuration is currently available and, if given,
whether the specified cfgspec can be applied.
:param cfgspec: A describing desired oonfig
return self._oem.check_storage_configuration(cfgspec)
def get_net_configuration(self, channel=None, gateway_macs=True):
"""Get network configuration data
Retrieve network configuration from the target
:param channel: Channel to configure, defaults to None for 'autodetect'
:param gateway_macs: Whether to retrieve mac addresses for gateways
:returns: A dictionary of network configuration data
# support for huawei 2288H server
if hasattr(self._oem, 'get_oem_net_configuration'):
return self._oem.get_oem_net_configuration()
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
retdata = {}
v4addr = self._fetch_lancfg_param(channel, 3)
if v4addr is None:
retdata['ipv4_address'] = None
v4masklen = self._fetch_lancfg_param(channel, 6, prefixlen=True)
retdata['ipv4_address'] = '{0}/{1}'.format(v4addr, v4masklen)
v4cfgmethods = {
0: 'Unspecified',
1: 'Static',
2: 'DHCP',
3: 'BIOS',
4: 'Other',
retdata['ipv4_configuration'] = v4cfgmethods[self._fetch_lancfg_param(
channel, 4)]
retdata['mac_address'] = self._fetch_lancfg_param(channel, 5)
retdata['ipv4_gateway'] = self._fetch_lancfg_param(channel, 12)
retdata['ipv4_backup_gateway'] = self._fetch_lancfg_param(channel, 14)
if gateway_macs:
retdata['ipv4_gateway_mac'] = self._fetch_lancfg_param(channel, 13)
retdata['ipv4_backup_gateway_mac'] = self._fetch_lancfg_param(
channel, 15)
self._oem.add_extra_net_configuration(retdata, channel)
return retdata
def get_sensor_data(self):
"""Get sensor reading objects
Iterates sensor reading objects pertaining to the currently
managed BMC.
:returns: Iterator of sdr.SensorReading objects
for sensor in self._sdr.get_sensor_numbers():
currsensor = self._sdr.sensors[sensor]
rsp = self.raw_command(command=0x2d, netfn=4,
if 'error' in rsp:
if rsp['code'] == 203: # Sensor does not exist, optional dev
raise exc.IpmiException(rsp['error'], code=rsp['code'])
yield self._sdr.sensors[sensor].\
decode_sensor_reading(self, rsp['data'])
for reading in self._oem.get_sensor_data():
yield reading
def get_sensor_descriptions(self):
"""Get available sensor names
Iterates over the available sensor descriptions
:returns: Iterator of dicts describing each sensor
for sensor in self._sdr.get_sensor_numbers():
yield {'name': self._sdr.sensors[sensor].name,
'type': self._sdr.sensors[sensor].sensor_type}
for sensor in self._oem.get_sensor_descriptions():
yield sensor
def get_network_channel(self):
"""Get a reasonable 'default' network channel.
When configuring/examining network configuration, it's desirable to
find the correct channel. Here we run with the 'real' number of the
current channel if it is a LAN channel, otherwise it evaluates
all of the channels to find the first workable LAN channel and returns
if self._netchannel is None:
for channel in chain((0xe,), range(1, 0xc)):
rsp = self.xraw_command(
netfn=6, command=0x42, data=(channel,))
except exc.IpmiException as ie:
if ie.ipmicode == 0xcc:
# We have hit an invalid channel, move on to next
# candidate
chantype = bytearray(rsp['data'])[1]
chantype = chantype & 0b1111111
if chantype in (4, 6):
# Some implementations denote an inactive channel
# by refusing to do parameter retrieval
if channel != 0xe:
# skip checking if channel is active if we are
# actively using the channel
netfn=0xc, command=2, data=(channel, 5, 0, 0))
# If still here, the channel seems serviceable...
# However some implementations may still have
# ambiguous channel info, that will need to be
# picked up on an OEM extension...
netchan = bytearray(rsp['data'])[0]
self._netchannel = netchan & 0b1111
except exc.IpmiException:
# This means the attempt to fetch parameter 5 failed,
# therefore move on to next candidate channel
return self._netchannel
def get_alert_destination_count(self, channel=None):
"""Get the number of supported alert destinations
:param channel: Channel for alerts to be examined, defaults to current
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
rqdata = (channel, 0x11, 0, 0)
rsp = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=rqdata)
if hasattr(self._oem, 'get_alert_destination_count'):
return self._oem.get_alert_destination_count(ord(rsp['data'][1]))
return bytearray(rsp['data'])[1]
def get_alert_destination(self, destination=0, channel=None):
"""Get alert destination
Get a specified alert destination. Returns a dictionary of relevant
configuration. The following keys may be present:
acknowledge_required - Indicates whether the target expects an
acknowledge_timeout - How long it will wait for an acknowledgment
before retrying
retries - How many attempts will be made to deliver the alert to this
address_format - 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'
address - The IP address of the target
:param destination: The destination number. Defaults to 0
:param channel: The channel for alerting. Defaults to current channel
if hasattr(self._oem, 'get_alert_destination'):
return self._oem.get_alert_destination(destination, channel)
destinfo = {}
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
rqdata = (channel, 18, destination, 0)
rsp = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=rqdata)
dtype, acktimeout, retries = struct.unpack('BBB', rsp['data'][2:])
destinfo['acknowledge_required'] = dtype & 0b10000000 == 0b10000000
# Ignore destination type for now...
if destinfo['acknowledge_required']:
destinfo['acknowledge_timeout'] = acktimeout
destinfo['retries'] = retries
rqdata = (channel, 19, destination, 0)
rsp = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=rqdata)
if bytearray(rsp['data'])[2] & 0b11110000 == 0:
destinfo['address_format'] = 'ipv4'
destinfo['address'] = socket.inet_ntoa(rsp['data'][4:8])
elif bytearray(rsp['data'])[2] & 0b11110000 == 0b10000:
destinfo['address_format'] = 'ipv6'
destinfo['address'] = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6,
return destinfo
def clear_alert_destination(self, destination=0, channel=None):
"""Clear an alert destination
Remove the specified alert destination configuration.
:param destination: The destination to clear (defaults to 0)
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
'', False, 0, 0, destination, channel)
def set_alert_community(self, community, channel=None):
"""Set the community string for alerts
This configures the string the BMC will use as the community string
for PET alerts/traps.
:param community: The community string
:param channel: The LAN channel (defaults to auto detect)
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
community = community.encode('utf-8')
community += b'\x00' * (18 - len(community))
cmddata = bytearray((channel, 16))
cmddata += community
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=cmddata)
def _assure_alert_policy(self, channel, destination):
"""Make sure an alert policy exists
Each policy will be a dict with the following keys:
-'index' - The policy index number
:returns: An iterable of currently configured alert policies
# First we do a get PEF configuration parameters to get the count
# of entries. We have no guarantee that the meaningful data will
# be contiguous
rsp = self.xraw_command(netfn=4, command=0x13, data=(8, 0, 0))
numpol = bytearray(rsp['data'])[1]
desiredchandest = (channel << 4) | destination
availpolnum = None
for polnum in range(1, numpol + 1):
currpol = self.xraw_command(netfn=4, command=0x13,
data=(9, polnum, 0))
polidx, chandest = struct.unpack_from('>BB', currpol['data'][2:4])
if not polidx & 0b1000:
if availpolnum is None:
availpolnum = polnum
if chandest == desiredchandest:
return True
# If chandest did not equal desiredchandest ever, we need to use a slot
if availpolnum is None:
raise Exception("No available alert policy entry")
# 24 = 1 << 4 | 8
# 1 == set to which this rule belongs
# 8 == 0b1000, in other words, enable this policy, always send to
# indicated destination
self.xraw_command(netfn=4, command=0x12,
data=(9, availpolnum, 24,
desiredchandest, 0))
def get_alert_community(self, channel=None):
"""Get the current community string for alerts
Returns the community string that will be in SNMP traps from this
:param channel: The channel to get configuration for, autodetect by
:returns: The community string
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
rsp = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=(channel, 16, 0, 0))
return rsp['data'][1:].partition('\x00')[0]
def _supports_standard_ipv6(self):
# Supports the *standard* ipv6 commands for various things
# used to internally steer some commands to standard or OEM
# handler of commands
lanchan = self.get_network_channel()
if self._ipv6support is None:
rsp = self.raw_command(netfn=0xc, command=0x2, data=(2, lanchan,
0x32, 0, 0))
self._ipv6support = rsp['code'] == 0
return self._ipv6support
def set_alert_destination(self, ip=None, acknowledge_required=None,
acknowledge_timeout=None, retries=None,
destination=0, channel=None):
"""Configure one or more parameters of an alert destination
If any parameter is 'None' (default), that parameter is left unchanged.
Otherwise, all given parameters are set by this command.
:param ip: IP address of the destination. It is currently expected
that the calling code will handle any name lookup and
present this data as IP address.
:param acknowledge_required: Whether or not the target should expect
an acknowledgement from this alert target.
:param acknowledge_timeout: Time to wait for acknowledgement if enabled
:param retries: How many times to attempt transmit of an alert.
:param destination: Destination index, defaults to 0.
:param channel: The channel to configure the alert on. Defaults to
if hasattr(self._oem, 'set_alert_destination'):
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
if (acknowledge_required is not None
or retries is not None
or acknowledge_timeout is not None):
currtype = self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=2, data=(
channel, 18, destination, 0))
if currtype['data'][0] != b'\x11':
raise exc.PyghmiException("Unknown parameter format")
currtype = bytearray(currtype['data'][1:])
if acknowledge_required is not None:
if acknowledge_required:
currtype[1] |= 0b10000000
currtype[1] &= 0b1111111
# set PET trap destination
currtype[1] &= 0b1111000
if acknowledge_timeout is not None:
currtype[2] = acknowledge_timeout
if retries is not None:
currtype[3] = retries
destreq = bytearray((channel, 18))
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=destreq)
if ip is not None:
destdata = bytearray((channel, 19, destination))
parsedip = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip)
destdata.extend((0, 0))
except socket.error:
parsedip = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
self.xraw_command(netfn=0xc, command=1, data=destdata)
if not ip == '':
self._assure_alert_policy(channel, destination)
def get_hostname(self):
"""Get the hostname used by the BMC in various contexts
This can vary somewhat in interpretation, but generally speaking
this should be the name that shows up on UIs and in DHCP requests and
DNS registration requests, as applicable.
:return: current hostname
return self._oem.get_hostname()
except exc.UnsupportedFunctionality:
# Use the DCMI MCI field as a fallback, since it's the closest
# thing in the IPMI Spec for this
return self.get_mci()
def get_mci(self):
"""Set the management controller identifier.
Try the OEM command first,if False, then set it per DCMI specification
:returns: The identifier as a string
identifier = self._oem.get_oem_identifier()
if identifier:
return identifier
return self._chunkwise_dcmi_fetch(9)
def set_hostname(self, hostname):
"""Set the hostname to be used by the BMC in various contexts.
See get_hostname for details
:param hostname: The hostname to set
:return: Nothing
return self._oem.set_hostname(hostname)
except exc.UnsupportedFunctionality:
return self.set_mci(hostname)
def set_mci(self, mci):
"""Set the management controller identifier.
Try the OEM command first, if False, then set it per DCMI specification
if not isinstance(mci, bytes):
mci = mci.encode('utf8')
ret = self._oem.set_oem_identifier(mci)
if ret:
return self._chunkwise_dcmi_set(0xa, mci + b'\x00')
def get_asset_tag(self):
"""Get the system asset tag, per DCMI specification
:returns: The asset tag
if hasattr(self._oem, 'get_asset_tag'):
return self._oem.get_asset_tag()
return self._chunkwise_dcmi_fetch(6)
def set_asset_tag(self, tag):
"""Set the asset tag value
if hasattr(self._oem, 'set_asset_tag'):
return self._oem.set_asset_tag(tag)
return self._chunkwise_dcmi_set(8, tag)
def _chunkwise_dcmi_fetch(self, command):
szdata = self.xraw_command(
netfn=0x2c, command=command, data=(0xdc, 0, 0))
totalsize = bytearray(szdata['data'])[1]
chksize = 0xf
offset = 0
retstr = b''
while offset < totalsize:
if (offset + chksize) > totalsize:
chksize = totalsize - offset
chk = self.xraw_command(
netfn=0x2c, command=command, data=(0xdc, offset, chksize))
retstr += chk['data'][2:]
offset += chksize
if not isinstance(retstr, str):
retstr = retstr.decode('utf-8')
return retstr
def _chunkwise_dcmi_set(self, command, data):
chunks = [data[i:i + 15] for i in range(0, len(data), 15)]
offset = 0
for chunk in chunks:
chunk = bytearray(chunk)
cmddata = bytearray((0xdc, offset, len(chunk)))
cmddata += chunk
# set offset, otherwise the last setting will override
# the previous setting
offset += len(chunk)
self.xraw_command(netfn=0x2c, command=command, data=cmddata)
def set_channel_access(self, channel=None,
alerting=False, per_msg_auth=False,
user_level_auth=False, access_mode='always',
"""Set channel access
:param channel: number [1:7]
:param access_update_mode:
dont_change = don't set or change Channel Access
non_volatile = set non-volatile Channel Access
volatile = set volatile (active) setting of Channel Access
:param alerting: PEF Alerting Enable/Disable
True = enable PEF Alerting
False = disable PEF Alerting on this channel
(Alert Immediate command can still be used to generate alerts)
:param per_msg_auth: Per-message Authentication
True = enable
False = disable Per-message Authentication. [Authentication required to
activate any session on this channel, but authentication not
used on subsequent packets for the session.]
:param user_level_auth: User Level Authentication Enable/Disable.
True = enable User Level Authentication. All User Level commands are
to be authenticated per the Authentication Type that was
negotiated when the session was activated.
False = disable User Level Authentication. Allow User Level commands to
be executed without being authenticated.
If the option to disable User Level Command authentication is
accepted, the BMC will accept packets with Authentication Type
set to None if they contain user level commands.
For outgoing packets, the BMC returns responses with the same
Authentication Type that was used for the request.
:param access_mode: Access Mode for IPMI messaging
(PEF Alerting is enabled/disabled separately from IPMI messaging)
disabled = disabled for IPMI messaging
pre_boot = pre-boot only channel only available when system is in a
powered down state or in BIOS prior to start of boot.
always = channel always available regardless of system mode.
BIOS typically dedicates the serial connection to the BMC.
shared = same as always available, but BIOS typically leaves the
serial port available for software use.
:param privilege_update_mode: Channel Privilege Level Limit.
This value sets the maximum privilege level
that can be accepted on the specified channel.
dont_change = don't set or change channel Privilege Level Limit
non_volatile = non-volatile Privilege Level Limit according
volatile = volatile setting of Privilege Level Limit
:param privilege_level: Channel Privilege Level Limit
* reserved = unused
* callback
* user
* operator
* administrator
* proprietary = used by OEM
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
data = []
data.append(channel & 0b00001111)
access_update_modes = {
'dont_change': 0,
'non_volatile': 1,
'volatile': 2,
# 'reserved': 3
b = 0
b |= (access_update_modes[access_update_mode] << 6) & 0b11000000
if alerting:
b |= 0b00100000
if per_msg_auth:
b |= 0b00010000
if user_level_auth:
b |= 0b00001000
access_modes = {
'disabled': 0,
'pre_boot': 1,
'always': 2,
'shared': 3,
b |= access_modes[access_mode] & 0b00000111
b = 0
privilege_update_modes = {
'dont_change': 0,
'non_volatile': 1,
'volatile': 2,
# 'reserved': 3
b |= (privilege_update_modes[privilege_update_mode] << 6) & 0b11000000
privilege_levels = {
'reserved': 0,
'callback': 1,
'user': 2,
'operator': 3,
'administrator': 4,
'proprietary': 5,
# 'no_access': 0x0F,
b |= privilege_levels[privilege_level] & 0b00000111
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x40, data=data)
if 'error' in response:
raise Exception(response['error'])
return True
def get_channel_access(self, channel=None, read_mode='volatile'):
"""Get channel access
:param channel: number [1:7]
:param read_mode:
non_volatile = get non-volatile Channel Access
volatile = get present volatile (active) setting of Channel Access
:return: A Python dict with the following keys/values:
- alerting:
- per_msg_auth:
- user_level_auth:
- access_mode:{
0: 'disabled',
1: 'pre_boot',
2: 'always',
3: 'shared'
- privilege_level: {
1: 'callback',
2: 'user',
3: 'operator',
4: 'administrator',
5: 'proprietary',
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
data = []
data.append(channel & 0b00001111)
b = 0
read_modes = {
'non_volatile': 1,
'volatile': 2,
b |= (read_modes[read_mode] << 6) & 0b11000000
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x41, data=data)
if 'error' in response:
raise Exception(response['error'])
data = response['data']
if len(data) != 2:
raise Exception('expecting 2 data bytes')
r = {}
r['alerting'] = data[0] & 0b10000000 > 0
r['per_msg_auth'] = data[0] & 0b01000000 > 0
r['user_level_auth'] = data[0] & 0b00100000 > 0
access_modes = {
0: 'disabled',
1: 'pre_boot',
2: 'always',
3: 'shared'
r['access_mode'] = access_modes[data[0] & 0b00000011]
privilege_levels = {
0: 'reserved',
1: 'callback',
2: 'user',
3: 'operator',
4: 'administrator',
5: 'proprietary',
# 0x0F: 'no_access'
r['privilege_level'] = privilege_levels[data[1] & 0b00001111]
return r
def get_channel_info(self, channel=None):
"""Get channel info
:param channel: number [1:7]
no_session: channel is session-less
single: channel is single-session
multi: channel is multi-session
auto: channel is session-based (channel could alternate between
single- and multi-session operation, as can occur with a
serial/modem channel that supports connection mode auto-detect)
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
data = []
data.append(channel & 0b00001111)
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x42, data=data)
if 'error' in response:
raise Exception(response['error'])
data = response['data']
if len(data) != 9:
raise Exception('expecting 10 data bytes got: {0}'.format(data))
r = {}
r['Actual channel'] = data[0] & 0b00000111
channel_medium_types = {
0: 'reserved',
1: 'IPMB',
2: 'ICMB v1.0',
3: 'ICMB v0.9',
4: '802.3 LAN',
5: 'Asynch. Serial/Modem (RS-232)',
6: 'Other LAN',
7: 'PCI SMBus',
8: 'SMBus v1.0/1.1',
9: 'SMBus v2.0',
0x0a: 'reserved for USB 1.x',
0x0b: 'reserved for USB 2.x',
0x0c: 'System Interface (KCS, SMIC, or BT)',
# 60h-7Fh: OEM
# all other reserved
t = data[1] & 0b01111111
if t in channel_medium_types:
r['Channel Medium type'] = channel_medium_types[t]
r['Channel Medium type'] = 'OEM {:02X}'.format(t)
r['5-bit Channel IPMI Messaging Protocol Type'] = data[2] & 0b00001111
session_supports = {
0: 'no_session',
1: 'single',
2: 'multi',
3: 'auto'
r['session_support'] = session_supports[(data[3] & 0b11000000) >> 6]
r['active_session_count'] = data[3] & 0b00111111
r['Vendor ID'] = [data[4], data[5], data[6]]
r['Auxiliary Channel Info'] = [data[7], data[8]]
return r
def set_user_access(self, uid, channel=None, callback=False,
link_auth=True, ipmi_msg=True, privilege_level='user'):
"""Set user access
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param channel: number [1:7]
:param callback: User Restricted to Callback
False = User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit
parameter, below, for both callback and non-callback connections.
True = User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit
parameter for callback connections, but is restricted to Callback
level for non-callback connections. Thus, a user can only initiate
a Callback when they 'call in' to the BMC, but once the callback
connection has been made, the user could potentially establish a
session as an Operator.
:param link_auth: User Link authentication
enable/disable (used to enable whether this
user's name and password information will be used for link
authentication, e.g. PPP CHAP) for the given channel. Link
authentication itself is a global setting for the channel and is
enabled/disabled via the serial/modem configuration parameters.
:param ipmi_msg: User IPMI Messaginge:
(used to enable/disable whether
this user's name and password information will be used for IPMI
Messaging. In this case, 'IPMI Messaging' refers to the ability to
execute generic IPMI commands that are not associated with a
particular payload type. For example, if IPMI Messaging is disabled for
a user, but that user is enabled for activatallow_authing the SOL
payload type, then IPMI commands associated with SOL and session
management, such as Get SOL Configuration Parameters and Close Session
are available, but generic IPMI commands such as Get SEL Time are
:param privilege_level:
User Privilege Limit. (Determines the maximum privilege level that the
user is allowed to switch to on the specified channel.)
* callback
* user
* operator
* administrator
* proprietary
* no_access
* custom.<name>
if hasattr(self._oem, 'oem_user_access'):
callback, privilege_level = self._oem.oem_user_access(
callback, privilege_level)
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
b = 0b10000000
if callback:
b |= 0b01000000
if link_auth:
b |= 0b00100000
if ipmi_msg:
b |= 0b00010000
b |= channel & 0b00001111
privilege_levels = {
'reserved': 0,
'callback': 1,
'user': 2,
'operator': 3,
'administrator': 4,
'proprietary': 5,
'no_access': 0x0F,
uid, channel, callback, link_auth, ipmi_msg, privilege_level)
if privilege_level.startswith('custom.'):
return True # unable to proceed with standard support
data = [b, uid & 0b00111111,
privilege_levels[privilege_level] & 0b00001111, 0]
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x43, data=data)
if 'error' in response:
raise Exception(response['error'])
# Set KVM and VMedia Allowed if is administrator
if privilege_level == 'administrator':
return True
def get_user_access(self, uid, channel=None):
"""Get user access
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param channel: number [1:7]
max_user_count = maximum number of user IDs on this channel
enabled_users = count of User ID slots presently in use
users_with_fixed_names = count of user IDs with fixed names
privilege_level: [reserved, callback, user,
operatorm administrator, proprietary, no_access]
# user access available during call-in or callback direct connection
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
data = [channel, uid]
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x44, data=data)
if 'error' in response:
raise Exception(response['error'])
data = response['data']
if len(data) != 4:
raise Exception('expecting 4 data bytes')
r = {'channel_info': {}, 'access': {}}
r['channel_info']['max_user_count'] = data[0]
r['channel_info']['enabled_users'] = data[1] & 0b00111111
r['channel_info']['users_with_fixed_names'] = data[2] & 0b00111111
r['access']['callback'] = (data[3] & 0b01000000) != 0
r['access']['link_auth'] = (data[3] & 0b00100000) != 0
r['access']['ipmi_msg'] = (data[3] & 0b00010000) != 0
oempriv = self._oem.get_user_privilege_level(uid)
if oempriv:
r['access']['privilege_level'] = oempriv
privilege_levels = {
0: 'reserved',
1: 'callback',
2: 'user',
3: 'operator',
4: 'administrator',
5: 'proprietary',
0x0F: 'no_access'
r['access']['privilege_level'] = privilege_levels[data[3] & 0b00001111]
return r
def set_user_name(self, uid, name):
"""Set user name
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param name: username (limit of 16bytes)
data = [uid]
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if len(name) > 16:
raise Exception('name must be less than or = 16 chars')
name = name.ljust(16, b'\x00')
name = bytearray(name)
# set timeout to 2s to avoid retry causing enable failure
self.xraw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x45, data=data, timeout=2)
return True
def get_user_name(self, uid, return_none_on_error=True):
"""Get user name
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param return_none_on_error: return None on error
TODO: investigate return code on error
response = self.raw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x46, data=(uid,))
if 'error' in response:
if return_none_on_error:
return None
raise Exception(response['error'])
name = None
if 'data' in response:
data = response['data']
if len(data) == 16:
# convert int array to string
n = ''.join(chr(data[i]) for i in range(0, len(data)))
# remove padded \x00 chars
n = n.rstrip("\x00")
if len(n) > 0:
name = n
return name
def set_user_password(self, uid, mode='set_password', password=None):
"""Set user password and (modes)
:param uid: id number of user. see: get_names_uid()['name']
:param mode:
disable = disable user connections
enable = enable user connections
set_password = set or ensure password
test_password = test password is correct
:param password: max 16 char string
(optional when mode is [disable or enable])
True on success
when mode = test_password, return False on bad password
mode_mask = {
'disable': 0,
'enable': 1,
'set_password': 2,
'test_password': 3
data = [uid, mode_mask[mode]]
if password:
if not isinstance(password, bytes):
password = password.encode('utf8')
if 21 > len(password) > 16:
password = password.ljust(20, b'\x00')
data[0] |= 0b10000000
elif len(password) > 20:
raise Exception('password has limit of 20 chars')
password = password.ljust(16, b'\x00')
data = self._oem.process_password(password, data)
self.xraw_command(netfn=0x06, command=0x47, data=data)
except exc.IpmiException as ie:
if mode == 'test_password':
return False
elif mode in ('enable', 'disable') and ie.ipmicode == 0xcc:
# Some BMCs see redundant calls to password disable/enable
# as invalid
return True
return True
def get_channel_max_user_count(self, channel=None):
"""Get max users in channel (helper)
:param channel: number [1:7]
:return: int -- often 16
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
access = self.get_user_access(channel=channel, uid=1)
return access['channel_info']['max_user_count']
def get_user(self, uid, channel=None):
"""Get user (helper)
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param channel: number [1:7]
name: (str)
uid: (int)
channel: (int)
callback (bool)
link_auth (bool)
ipmi_msg (bool)
privilege_level: (str)[callback, user, operatorm administrator,
proprietary, no_access]
None for 'unknown', 0 for no expiry, days to expire otherwise.
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
name = self.get_user_name(uid)
access = self.get_user_access(uid, channel)
expiration = self._oem.get_user_expiration(uid)
data = {'name': name, 'uid': uid, 'channel': channel,
'access': access['access'], 'expiration': expiration}
return data
def get_name_uids(self, name, channel=None):
"""get list of users (helper)
:param channel: number [1:7]
:return: list of users
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
uid_list = []
max_ids = self.get_channel_max_user_count(channel)
for uid in range(1, max_ids):
if name == self.get_user_name(uid=uid):
return uid_list
def get_users(self, channel=None):
"""get list of users and channel access information (helper)
:param channel: number [1:7]
name: (str)
uid: (int)
channel: (int)
callback (bool)
link_auth (bool)
ipmi_msg (bool)
privilege_level: (str)[callback, user, operatorm administrator,
proprietary, no_access]
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
names = {}
max_ids = self.get_channel_max_user_count(channel)
for uid in range(1, max_ids + 1):
name = self.get_user_name(uid=uid)
if self._oem.is_valid(name):
names[uid] = self.get_user(uid=uid, channel=channel)
return names
def create_user(self, uid, name, password, channel=None, callback=False,
link_auth=True, ipmi_msg=True,
"""create/ensure a user is created with provided settings (helper)
:param privilege_level:
User Privilege Limit. (Determines the maximum privilege level that
the user is allowed to switch to on the specified channel.)
* callback
* user
* operator
* administrator
* proprietary
* no_access
# current user might be trying to update.. dont disable
# set_user_password(uid, password, mode='disable')
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
self.set_user_name(uid, name)
self.set_user_password(uid, password=password)
self.set_user_password(uid, mode='enable', password=password)
self.set_user_access(uid, channel, callback=callback,
link_auth=link_auth, ipmi_msg=ipmi_msg,
return True
def user_delete(self, uid, channel=None):
"""Delete user (helper)
Note that in IPMI, user 'deletion' isn't a concept. This function
will make a best effort to provide the expected result (e.g.
web interfaces skipping names and ipmitool skipping as well.
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param channel: number [1:7]
# TODO(jjohnson2): Provide OEM extensibility to cover user deletion
if hasattr(self._oem, 'user_delete'):
self._oem.user_delete(uid, channel)
except exc.BypassGenericBehavior:
if hasattr(self._oem, 'user_delete_privilege_level'):
privilege_level = self._oem.user_delete_privilege_level()
privilege_level = 'no_access'
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_network_channel()
self.set_user_password(uid, mode='disable', password=None)
# TODO(steveweber) perhaps should set user access on all channels
# so new users dont get extra access
self.set_user_access(uid, channel=channel, callback=False,
link_auth=False, ipmi_msg=False,
# First try to set name to all \x00 explicitly
# Fix bug-174389, don't try to send \xff command,
# will cause IMM1 can't login
self.set_user_name(uid, '')
except exc.IpmiException:
return True
def disable_user(self, uid, mode):
"""Disable User
Just disable the User.
This will not disable the password or revoke privileges.
:param uid: user number [1:16]
:param mode:
disable = disable user connections
enable = enable user connections
self.set_user_password(uid, mode)
return True
def update_user(self, user):
"""Update User
Update user attributes, include name, password, access
:param user: user attributes
if 'username' in user:
self.set_user_name(uid=user['uid'], name=user['username'])
privilege_level = None
if 'privilege_level' in user:
privilege_level = user['privilege_level']
if privilege_level and privilege_level == 'no_access':
return self.upate_user_no_access(user, privilege_level)
return self.update_user_default(user, privilege_level)
def upate_user_no_access(self, user, privilege_level):
# if set to no_access, modify password first
if 'password' in user:
self.set_user_password(uid=user['uid'], password=user['password'])
self.set_user_access(uid=user['uid'], privilege_level=privilege_level)
return True
def update_user_default(self, user, privilege_level):
if privilege_level:
if 'password' in user:
self.set_user_password(uid=user['uid'], mode='enable',
if 'enabled' in user:
if user['enabled'] == 'yes':
mode = 'enable'
mode = 'disable'
self.disable_user(user['uid'], mode)
return True
def get_firmware(self, components=()):
"""Retrieve OEM Firmware information"""
mcinfo = self.xraw_command(netfn=6, command=1)
major, minor = struct.unpack('BB', mcinfo['data'][2:4])
bmcver = '{0}.{1}'.format(major, hex(minor)[2:])
return self._oem.get_oem_firmware(bmcver, components)
def get_capping_enabled(self):
"""Get PSU based power capping status
:return: True if enabled and False if disabled
return self._oem.get_oem_capping_enabled()
def set_capping_enabled(self, enable):
"""Set PSU based power capping
:param enable: True for enable and False for disable
return self._oem.set_oem_capping_enabled(enable)
def set_server_capping(self, value):
def get_server_capping(self):
return self._oem.get_oem_server_capping()
def get_remote_kvm_available(self):
"""Get remote KVM availability"""
return self._oem.get_oem_remote_kvm_available()
def get_domain_name(self):
"""Get Domain name"""
return self._oem.get_oem_domain_name()
def set_domain_name(self, name):
"""Set Domain name
:param name: domain name to be set
def get_graphical_console(self):
"""Get graphical console launcher"""
return self._oem.get_graphical_console()
def update_firmware(self, filename, data=None, progress=None, bank=None):
"""Send file to BMC to perform firmware update
:param filename: The filename to upload to the target BMC
:param data: The payload of the firmware. Default is to read from
specified filename.
:param progress: A callback that will be given a dict describing
update process. Provide if
:param bank: Indicate a target 'bank' of firmware if supported
if progress is None:
progress = lambda x: True
return self._oem.update_firmware(filename, data, progress, bank)
def attach_remote_media(self, url, username=None, password=None):
"""Attach remote media by url
Given a url, attach remote media (cd/usb image) to the target system.
:param url: URL to indicate where to find image (protocol support
varies by BMC)
:param username: Username for endpoint to use when accessing the URL.
If applicable, 'domain' would be indicated by '@' or
'\' syntax.
:param password: Password for endpoint to use when accessing the URL.
return self._oem.attach_remote_media(url, username, password)
def detach_remote_media(self):
return self._oem.detach_remote_media()
def upload_media(self, filename, progress=None, data=None):
"""Upload a file to be hosted on the target BMC
This will upload the specified data to
the BMC so that it will make it available to the system as an emulated
USB device.
:param filename: The filename to use, the basename of the parameter
will be given to the bmc.
:param progress: Optional callback for progress updates
return self._oem.upload_media(filename, progress, data)
def list_media(self):
"""List attached remote media
:returns: An iterable list of attached media
return self._oem.list_media()
def get_licenses(self):
return self._oem.get_licenses()
def delete_license(self, name):
return self._oem.delete_license(name)
def save_licenses(self, directory):
if os.path.exists(directory) and not os.path.isdir(directory):
raise exc.InvalidParameterValue(
'Not allowed to overwrite existing file: {0}'.format(
return self._oem.save_licenses(directory)
def apply_license(self, filename, progress=None, data=None):
return self._oem.apply_license(filename, progress, data)
def set_extended_privilleges(self, uid):
"""Set user extended privillege as 'KVM & VMedia Allowed'
return self._oem.set_oem_extended_privilleges(uid)