
457 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from bileanclient.common import utils
import bileanclient.exc as exc
from bileanclient.openstack.common._i18n import _
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<id>', help="ID of user to show.")
def do_user_show(bc, args):
"""Show detailed information for a user."""
fields = {'user_id':}
user = bc.users.get(**fields)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('User not found: %s') %
formatters = {
'status_reason': utils.text_wrap_formatter,
utils.print_dict(user.to_dict(), formatters=formatters)
@utils.arg('-s', '--show-deleted', default=False, action="store_true",
help=_('Include soft-deleted users in the user listing.'))
@utils.arg('-f', '--filters', metavar='<KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>',
help=_('Filter parameters to apply on returned users. '
'This can be specified multiple times, or once with '
'parameters separated by a semicolon.'),
@utils.arg('-l', '--limit', metavar='<LIMIT>',
help=_('Limit the number of users returned.'))
@utils.arg('-m', '--marker', metavar='<ID>',
help=_('Only return users that appear after the given user ID.'))
@utils.arg('-k', '--sort-keys', metavar='<KEY1;KEY2...>',
help=_('List of keys for sorting the returned users. '
'This can be specified multiple times or once with keys '
'separated by semicolons. Valid sorting keys include '
'"balance", "status", "created_at", "updated_at".'),
@utils.arg('-d', '--sort-dir', metavar='[asc|desc]',
help=_('Sorting direction (either "asc" or "desc") for the sorting '
def do_user_list(bc, args):
"""List users."""
kwargs = {}
fields = ['id', 'name', 'balance', 'credit', 'rate', 'status']
sort_keys = ['name', 'balance', 'status', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
sortby_index = 3
if args:
kwargs = {'limit': args.limit,
'marker': args.marker,
'filters': utils.format_parameters(args.filters),
'show_deleted': args.show_deleted}
if args.sort_keys:
keys = []
for k in args.sort_keys:
if ';' in k:
for key in keys:
if key not in sort_keys:
err = _("Sorting key '%(key)s' not one of the supported "
"keys: %(keys)s") % {'key': key, "keys": sort_keys}
raise exc.CommandError(err)
kwargs['sort_keys'] = keys
sortby_index = None
if args.sort_dir:
if args.sort_dir not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise exc.CommandError(_("Sorting direction must be one of "
"'asc' and 'desc'"))
kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
users = bc.users.list(**kwargs)
utils.print_list(users, fields, sortby_index=sortby_index)
help='Id of user to recharge.')
@utils.arg('-v', '--value',
help='Value of money to recharge for user.')
def do_user_recharge(bc, args):
"""Recharge for a user."""
kwargs = {'recharge': {'value': args.value}}
user = bc.users.action(, **kwargs)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('User not found: %s') %
formatters = {
'status_reason': utils.text_wrap_formatter,
utils.print_dict(user.to_dict(), formatters=formatters)
help='Id of user to attach policy.')
help='Id of policy to attach to user.')
def do_user_attach_policy(bc, args):
"""Attach a specified policy to user."""
kwargs = {'attach_policy': {'policy': args.policy}}
user = bc.users.action(, **kwargs)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('User not found: %s') %
formatters = {
'status_reason': utils.text_wrap_formatter,
utils.print_dict(user.to_dict(), formatters=formatters)
@utils.arg('-s', '--show-deleted', default=False, action="store_true",
help=_('Include soft-deleted rules in the rule listing.'))
@utils.arg('-f', '--filters', metavar='<KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>',
help=_('Filter parameters to apply on returned rules. '
'This can be specified multiple times, or once with '
'parameters separated by a semicolon.'),
@utils.arg('-l', '--limit', metavar='<LIMIT>',
help=_('Limit the number of rules returned.'))
@utils.arg('-m', '--marker', metavar='<ID>',
help=_('Only return rules that appear after the given rule ID.'))
@utils.arg('-k', '--sort-keys', metavar='<KEY1;KEY2...>',
help=_('List of keys for sorting the returned rules. '
'This can be specified multiple times or once with keys '
'separated by semicolons. Valid sorting keys include '
'"balance", "status", "created_at", "updated_at".'),
@utils.arg('-d', '--sort-dir', metavar='[asc|desc]',
help=_('Sorting direction (either "asc" or "desc") for the sorting '
def do_rule_list(bc, args):
"""List rules."""
kwargs = {}
fields = ['id', 'name', 'type', 'created_at']
sort_keys = ['name', 'type', 'created_at']
sortby_index = None if args.sort_keys else 1
if args:
kwargs = {'limit': args.limit,
'marker': args.marker,
'filters': utils.format_parameters(args.filters),
'show_deleted': args.show_deleted}
if args.sort_keys:
keys = []
for k in args.sort_keys:
if ';' in k:
for key in keys:
if key not in sort_keys:
err = _("Sorting key '%(key)s' not one of the supported "
"keys: %(keys)s") % {'key': key, "keys": sort_keys}
raise exc.CommandError(err)
kwargs['sort_keys'] = keys
if args.sort_dir:
if args.sort_dir not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise exc.CommandError(_("Sorting direction must be one of "
"'asc' and 'desc'"))
kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
rules = bc.rules.list(**kwargs)
utils.print_list(rules, fields, sortby_index=sortby_index)
@utils.arg('-s', '--spec-file', metavar='<SPEC FILE>', required=True,
help=_('The spec file used to create the rule.'))
@utils.arg('-M', '--metadata', metavar='<KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>',
help=_('Metadata values to be attached to the rule. '
'This can be specified multiple times, or once with '
'key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.'),
@utils.arg('name', metavar='<PROFILE_NAME>',
help=_('Name of the rule to create.'))
def do_rule_create(bc, args):
"""Create a rule."""
spec = utils.get_spec_content(args.spec_file)
type_name = spec.get('type', None)
type_version = spec.get('version', None)
properties = spec.get('properties', None)
if type_name is None:
raise exc.CommandError(_("Missing 'type' key in spec file."))
if type_version is None:
raise exc.CommandError(_("Missing 'version' key in spec file."))
if properties is None:
raise exc.CommandError(_("Missing 'properties' key in spec file."))
params = {
'rule': {
'spec': spec,
'metadata': utils.format_parameters(args.metadata),
rule = bc.rules.create(**params)
_show_rule(bc, rule=rule)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<RULE>',
help=_('ID of rule to show.'))
def do_rule_show(bc, args):
"""Show the rule details."""
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<RULE>', nargs='+',
help=_('ID of rule(s) to delete.'))
def do_rule_delete(bc, args):
"""Delete rule(s)."""
failure_count = 0
for rid in
except Exception as ex:
failure_count += 1
if failure_count > 0:
msg = _('Failed to delete some of the specified rule(s).')
raise exc.CommandError(msg)
print('Rule deleted: %s' %
def _show_rule(bc, rule=None, rule_id=None):
if rule is None:
rule = bc.rules.get(rule_id)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('Rule not found: %s') % rule_id)
formatters = {
'metadata': utils.json_formatter,
formatters['spec'] = utils.nested_dict_formatter(
['type', 'version', 'properties'],
['property', 'value'])
utils.print_dict(rule.to_dict(), formatters=formatters)
@utils.arg('-s', '--show-deleted', default=False, action="store_true",
help=_('Include soft-deleted policies in the policy listing.'))
@utils.arg('-f', '--filters', metavar='<KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>',
help=_('Filter parameters to apply on returned policies. '
'This can be specified multiple times, or once with '
'parameters separated by a semicolon.'),
@utils.arg('-l', '--limit', metavar='<LIMIT>',
help=_('Limit the number of policies returned.'))
@utils.arg('-m', '--marker', metavar='<ID>',
help=_('Only return policies that appear after the given '
'policy ID.'))
@utils.arg('-k', '--sort-keys', metavar='<KEY1;KEY2...>',
help=_('List of keys for sorting the returned policies. '
'This can be specified multiple times or once with keys '
'separated by semicolons. Valid sorting keys include '
'"balance", "status", "created_at", "updated_at".'),
@utils.arg('-d', '--sort-dir', metavar='[asc|desc]',
help=_('Sorting direction (either "asc" or "desc") for the sorting '
def do_policy_list(bc, args):
"""List policies."""
kwargs = {}
fields = ['id', 'name', 'is_default', 'created_at']
sort_keys = ['name', 'created_at']
sortby_index = None if args.sort_keys else 1
if args:
kwargs = {'limit': args.limit,
'marker': args.marker,
'filters': utils.format_parameters(args.filters),
'show_deleted': args.show_deleted}
if args.sort_keys:
keys = []
for k in args.sort_keys:
if ';' in k:
for key in keys:
if key not in sort_keys:
err = _("Sorting key '%(key)s' not one of the supported "
"keys: %(keys)s") % {'key': key, "keys": sort_keys}
raise exc.CommandError(err)
kwargs['sort_keys'] = keys
if args.sort_dir:
if args.sort_dir not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise exc.CommandError(_("Sorting direction must be one of "
"'asc' and 'desc'"))
kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
policies = bc.policies.list(**kwargs)
utils.print_list(policies, fields, sortby_index=sortby_index)
@utils.arg('name', metavar='<PROFILE_NAME>',
help=_('Name of the policy to create.'))
@utils.arg('-r', '--rule', metavar='<RULE>', nargs='+',
help=_('ID of rule(s) attached to the policy.'))
@utils.arg('-M', '--metadata', metavar='<KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>',
help=_('Metadata values to be attached to the policy. '
'This can be specified multiple times, or once with '
'key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.'),
def do_policy_create(bc, args):
"""Create a policy."""
params = {
'policy': {
'rules': args.rule,
'metadata': utils.format_parameters(args.metadata),
policy = bc.policies.create(**params)
_show_policy(bc, policy=policy)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<id>',
help='Id of policy.')
@utils.arg('-r', '--rule', metavar='<RULE>', nargs='+',
help=_('ID of rule(s) to add to the policy.'))
def do_policy_add_rules(bc, args):
kwargs = {'add_rules': {'rules': args.rule}}
policy = bc.policies.action(, **kwargs)
_show_policy(bc, policy=policy)
def _show_policy(bc, policy=None, policy_id=None):
if policy is None:
policy = bc.policies.get(policy_id)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('policy not found: %s') % policy_id)
formatters = {
'metadata': utils.json_formatter,
utils.print_dict(policy.to_dict(), formatters=formatters)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<POLICY>',
help=_('ID of policy to show.'))
def do_policy_show(bc, args):
"""Show the policy details."""
@utils.arg('-s', '--show-deleted', default=False, action="store_true",
help=_('Include soft-deleted resources in the resource listing.'))
@utils.arg('-f', '--filters', metavar='<KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>',
help=_('Filter parameters to apply on returned resources. '
'This can be specified multiple times, or once with '
'parameters separated by a semicolon.'),
@utils.arg('-l', '--limit', metavar='<LIMIT>',
help=_('Limit the number of resources returned.'))
@utils.arg('-m', '--marker', metavar='<ID>',
help=_('Only return resources that appear after the '
'given resource ID.'))
@utils.arg('-k', '--sort-keys', metavar='<KEY1;KEY2...>',
help=_('List of keys for sorting the returned resources. '
'This can be specified multiple times or once with keys '
'separated by semicolons. Valid sorting keys include '
'"user_id", "resource_type", "created_at", "updated_at".'),
@utils.arg('-d', '--sort-dir', metavar='[asc|desc]',
help=_('Sorting direction (either "asc" or "desc") for the sorting '
def do_resource_list(bc, args):
"""List resources."""
kwargs = {}
fields = ['id', 'user_id', 'resource_type', 'rule_id']
sort_keys = ['user_id', 'resource_type', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
sortby_index = 3
if args:
kwargs = {'limit': args.limit,
'marker': args.marker,
'filters': utils.format_parameters(args.filters),
'show_deleted': args.show_deleted}
if args.sort_keys:
keys = []
for k in args.sort_keys:
if ';' in k:
for key in keys:
if key not in sort_keys:
err = _("Sorting key '%(key)s' not one of the supported "
"keys: %(keys)s") % {'key': key, "keys": sort_keys}
raise exc.CommandError(err)
kwargs['sort_keys'] = keys
sortby_index = None
if args.sort_dir:
if args.sort_dir not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise exc.CommandError(_("Sorting direction must be one of "
"'asc' and 'desc'"))
kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
resources = bc.resources.list(**kwargs)
utils.print_list(resources, fields, sortby_index=sortby_index)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<id>', help="ID of resource to show.")
def do_resource_show(bc, args):
"""Show detailed information for a resource."""
fields = {'resource_id':}
resource = bc.resources.get(**fields)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('Resource not found: %s') %
formatters = {
'properties': utils.json_formatter,
utils.print_dict(resource.to_dict(), formatters=formatters)