
286 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from ord.client import rpcapi
from ord.common import exceptions as exc
from ord.common import utils
from ord.common.utils import ErrorCode
from ord.db import api as db_api
from ord.i18n import _
from ord.openstack.common import log
from oslo_config import cfg
from pecan import expose
from urllib2 import HTTPError
import datetime
import json
import oslo_messaging as messaging
import urllib2
import uuid
import webob
import webob.exc
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
orm_opts = [
help='Endpoint to rds_listener ')
opts = [
opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='orm',
title='Options for the orm service')
CONF.register_opts(orm_opts, opt_group)
class ListenerQueueHandler(object):
def __init__(self):
super(ListenerQueueHandler, self).__init__()
def invoke_listener_rpc(self, ctxt, payload):
LOG.debug(" ----- message from Engine -----")
LOG.debug(" Payload: %s \n ctxt: %s " % (str(payload), str(ctxt)))
LOG.debug(" -------------------------------")
listener_response_body = {}
listener_response_body = json.loads(payload)
LOG.debug(" Payload to RDS Listener %s " % listener_response_body)
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
rds_url = CONF.orm.rds_listener_endpoint
req = urllib2.Request(rds_url, # nosec
args = {}
template_status_id = None
if 'rds-listener' in listener_response_body:
error_code = (listener_response_body['rds-listener']
error_msg = (listener_response_body['rds-listener']
args['error_msg'] = error_msg
args['error_code'] = error_code
template_status_id = (listener_response_body['rds-listener']
status_code = None
LOG.info('Connecting to RDS at %s' % rds_url)
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # nosec
status = utils.STATUS_RDS_SUCCESS
if resp is not None:
status_code = resp.getcode()
except (HTTPError, Exception) as e:
status = utils.STATUS_RDS_ERROR
if "getcode" in dir(e):
status_code = e.getcode()
raise exc.RDSListenerHTTPError(error_msg=error_msg,
except ValueError as e:
status = utils.STATUS_RDS_ERROR
LOG.error('Error while parsing input payload %r', e)
except Exception as ex:
status = utils.STATUS_RDS_ERROR
LOG.error('Error while calling RDS Listener %r', ex)
LOG.info('RDS Listener status %s ' % status)
LOG.info('RDS Listener status code %s ' % status_code)
db_api.update_target_data(template_status_id, status, **args)
class NotifierController(object):
def __init__(self):
super(NotifierController, self).__init__()
self._rpcapi = rpcapi.RpcAPI()
def _prepare_response_message(self, kwargs, target_data,
status, error_msg=None, error_code=None):
LOG.debug("Create response body with status %s \
code %s " % (status, error_code))
LOG.debug("message-body %r " % kwargs)
response_body = kwargs
response_body['status'] = status
if error_code is not None:
response_body['error_msg'] = error_msg
response_body['error_code'] = error_code
return response_body
def _validate_request(self, kwargs):
error_code = None
error_msg = None
template = db_api.retrieve_template(kwargs['request_id'])
LOG.debug('Template from DB Call %r ' % template)
template_target = None
if template is not None:
template_target = db_api.retrieve_target(kwargs['request_id'])
LOG.debug('Template target from DB Call %r ' % template_target)
if template is not None:
if template_target['status'] == \
error_code = ErrorCode.ORD_002.value
error_msg = ErrorCode.tostring(error_code)
elif kwargs.get('resource-template-name') == \
template_target.get('resource_template_name') and \
(template_target.get('status') == utils.STATUS_SUBMITTED or
template_target.get('resource_operation') ==
error_code = ErrorCode.ORD_001.value
error_msg = ErrorCode.tostring(error_code)
return error_code, error_msg
def _persist_notification_record(self, kwargs):
LOG.debug("Persist Template record to database")
kwargs['time_stamp'] = str(datetime.datetime.now())
error_code, error_msg = self._validate_request(kwargs)
if error_code is not None:
response = self._prepare_response_message(kwargs,
status='Not Submitted',
return response
response = self._prepare_response_message(kwargs,
return response
def _validate_input_request(self, payload):
for key in payload:
if " " in payload.get(key):
LOG.debug('Input payload contain white spaces %s' %
msg = _('%s contains white spaces') % key
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
def ord_notifier(self, **args):
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound
@ord_notifier.when(method='GET', template='json')
def ord_notifier_status(self, **vals):
template_id = vals.get('Id')
payload = {}
LOG.debug('Request for check Status by Id %s ' % template_id)
template = db_api.retrieve_template(template_id)
if template is not None:
template_target = db_api.retrieve_target(template_id)
payload = utils.create_rds_payload(template, template_target)
LOG.debug('Payload for check Status by Id:%s is:%s'
% (template_id, payload))
return payload
@ord_notifier.when(method='POST', template='json')
def ord_notifier_POST(self, **vals):
vals = vals['ord-notifier']
request_id = vals.get('request-id')
if request_id is None:
msg = _("A valid request_id parameter is required")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
# FIXME we don't process this field. So why for it here?
resource_type = vals.get('resource-type')
if resource_type is None:
msg = _("A valid resource_type parameter is required")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
# FIXME we support specific set of operation. We must check
# that received operation is in support list.
resource_operation = vals.get('operation')
if resource_operation is None:
msg = _("A valid resource_operation parameter is required")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
resource_name = vals.get('resource-template-name')
if resource_name is None:
msg = _("A valid resource-template-name parameter is required")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
# FIXME: why is this needed?
template_version = vals.get('resource-template-version')
# FIXME: we can handle only 'hot' or 'ansible' values here
# Everything else must be rejected here.
template_type = vals.get('resource-template-type')
if template_type is None:
template_type = utils.TEMPLATE_TYPE_HEAT
status_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
region = vals.get('region')
if region is None:
msg = _("A valid region is required")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
elif region != CONF.region:
msg = _("Invalid region specified")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
resource_id = ''
if 'resource-id' in vals:
resource_id = vals.get('resource-id')
kwargs = {
'request_id': str(request_id),
'resource_id': resource_id,
'template_type': template_type,
'resource_operation': resource_operation,
'resource_name': resource_name,
'resource_type': resource_type,
'resource_template_version': template_version,
'template_status_id': status_id,
'status': utils.STATUS_SUBMITTED,
'region': region
LOG.debug('Payload to DB call %r ' % kwargs)
db_response = self._persist_notification_record(kwargs=kwargs)
response = {}
vals['status'] = db_response['status']
if 'error_code' in db_response:
vals['error-code'] = db_response['error_code']
vals['error-msg'] = db_response['error_msg']
response['ord-notifier-response'] = vals
if 'error_code' not in db_response:
LOG.debug("----- message to Engine -----")
LOG.debug(" message: %s \nstatus_id: %s" %
(str(kwargs), str(status_id)))
payload = str(kwargs)
ctxt = {'request_id': kwargs.get('request_id')}
self._rpcapi.invoke_notifier_rpc(ctxt, payload)
except messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure:
LOG.error("Fail to deliver message")
LOG.debug("Template submission to DB failed with %s "
% db_response['error_msg'])
LOG.debug("Message to engine is not triggered")
return response