
244 lines
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Executable File

from orm.services.customer_manager.cms_rest.logic.error_base import ErrorStatus
from orm.services.customer_manager.cms_rest.model.Model import Model
from orm.common.orm_common.utils.cross_api_utils import (get_regions_of_group,
from pecan import conf
import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes
class Region(Model):
"""network model the region
name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
type = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, default="single", mandatory=False)
status = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
error_message = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
def __init__(self, name="", type="single", users=[], status="",
"""Create a new region.
:param name: region name
:param type: region type
:param quotas: quotas ( array of Quota)
:param users: array of users of specific region
:param status: status of creation
:param error_message: error message if status is error
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.users = users
self.status = status
if error_message:
self.error_message = error_message
class RoleAssignment(Model):
roles = wsme.wsattr([str], mandatory=True)
project = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
domain_name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
def __init__(self, status="", domain="", project="", roles=[]):
self.domain_name = domain
self.project = project
self.roles = roles
def validate_model(self):
if self.project and self.domain_name:
raise ErrorStatus(400,
"Found both project and domain_name tag used. "
"Only one can be specified for role assignment.")
if len(set(self.roles)) != len(self.roles):
raise ErrorStatus(400,
"Duplicate role in roles tag found ")
class Group(Model):
"""group entity with all it's related data
description = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
status = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
domain_name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
uuid = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
enabled = wsme.wsattr(bool, mandatory=True)
regions = wsme.wsattr([Region], mandatory=False)
def __init__(self, description="", name="", enabled=False,
regions=[], status="", domain_name='default', uuid=None):
"""Create a new Group.
:param description: Server name
:param status: status of creation
self.description = description
self.name = name
self.status = status
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.enabled = enabled
self.regions = regions
if uuid is not None:
self.uuid = uuid
def validate_model(self, context=None):
"""this function check if the group model meet the demands
:param context: i.e. 'create 'update'
:return: none
if context == "update":
for region in self.regions:
if region.type == "group":
raise ErrorStatus(400,
"region type is invalid for update, "
" \'group\' can be only in create")
def handle_region_group(self):
regions_to_add = []
# get copy of it to be able to delete from the origin
for region in self.regions[:]:
if region.type == "group":
group_regions = self.get_regions_for_group(region.name)
if not group_regions:
raise ErrorStatus(
404, 'Group {} Not found'.format(region.name))
# remove duplicates if exist
def get_regions_for_group(self, group_name):
regions = get_regions_of_group(group_name)
return regions
class GroupResult(Model):
id = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
updated = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
created = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
links = wsme.wsattr({str: str}, mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, id, links={}, updated=None, created=None):
self.id = id
if updated:
self.updated = updated
elif created:
self.created = created
self.links = links
class GroupResultWrapper(Model):
transaction_id = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
group = wsme.wsattr(GroupResult, mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, transaction_id, id, links, updated, created):
group_result = GroupResult(id, links, updated, created)
self.transaction_id = transaction_id
self.group = group_result
""" GroupSummary is a DataObject and contains all the fields
defined in GroupSummary structure.
class GroupSummary(Model):
name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text)
id = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text)
description = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text)
domain_name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text)
enabled = wsme.wsattr(bool, mandatory=True)
status = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True)
regions = wsme.wsattr([str], mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, name='', id='', description='',
status="", enabled=True, domain_name='default', regions=[]):
self.name = name
self.id = id
self.description = description
self.enabled = enabled
self.status = status
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.regions = regions
def from_db_model(sql_group):
regions = [region.region.name for region in
sql_group.group_regions if
region.region_id != -1]
group = GroupSummary()
group.id = sql_group.uuid
group.name = sql_group.name
group.description = sql_group.description
group.enabled = bool(sql_group.enabled)
group.domain_name = sql_group.domain_name
group.regions = regions
return group
class GroupSummaryResponse(Model):
groups = wsme.wsattr([GroupSummary], mandatory=True)
def __init__(self):
self.groups = []
class RegionResult(Model):
id = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
added = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
links = wsme.wsattr({str: str}, mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, id, added=None, links={}):
self.id = id
self.added = added
self.links = links
class RegionResultWrapper(Model):
transaction_id = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
regions = wsme.wsattr([RegionResult], mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, transaction_id, regions):
regions_result = [RegionResult(region['id'],
region['links']) for region in regions]
self.transaction_id = transaction_id
self.regions = regions_result
class RoleResult(Model):
roles = wsme.wsattr([str], mandatory=True)
project = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
domain_name = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=False)
def __init__(self, roles, project="", domain=""):
self.roles = roles
if project:
self.project = project
if domain:
self.domain_name = domain
class RoleResultWrapper(Model):
transaction_id = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
roles = wsme.wsattr([RoleResult], mandatory=True)
links = wsme.wsattr({str: str}, mandatory=True)
created = wsme.wsattr(wsme.types.text, mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, transaction_id, roles, links, created):
roles_result = [RoleResult(role['roles'],
domain=role['domain']) for role in roles]
self.roles = roles_result
self.transaction_id = transaction_id
self.links = links
self.created = created