ansible>=2.0.0 six>=1.9.0 jinja2>=2.8 networkx>=1.10 PyYAML>=3.1.0 jsonschema>=2.0.0,<3.0.0,!=2.5.0 requests>=2.8.1,!=2.9.0 # Apache-2.0 enum34;python_version=='2.7' or python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='3.3' mock>=1.2 pbr>=1.6 # if you want to use riak backend then # riak>=2.1 # if you want to use sql backend then peewee >= 2.8.0 # if you want to use sql + postgresql then # psycopg2>=2.5 # psycogreen>=1.0 # if you want to use lua computable inputs # lupa>=1.2 # if you want to use complex version check in repositories semantic_version>=2.3.1 # plugins stevedore>=1.5.0 #zerorpc doesnt consume messages with >13.0.2, need to debug pyzmq==13.0.2 zerorpc>=0.5.2 # Packages beyond this comment are not in OS Global Requirements bunch>=1.0.1 click>=6.2 dictdiffer>=0.4.0 Fabric>=1.10.2 gevent>=1.0.2 ply>=3.8 pydotplus>=2.0.2 wrapt>=1.7.0