
410 lines
15 KiB

# Creates notification templates from a StackTach.v2 mysql database.
# (as always, best to do this in a venv)
# You'll need the mysql connector:
# pip install mysql-connector-python --allow-external mysql-connector-python
# pip install --pre notification_utils
# pip install dateutil
import datetime
import json
import re
import sys
import dateutil.parser
import mysql.connector
import notification_utils as nu
class DateTimeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
encoded_object = list(obj.timetuple())[0:7]
elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
encoded_object = (obj.days, obj.seconds, obj.microseconds)
encoded_object = json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
return encoded_object
def get_all_events(cnx, date_range, next_range):
# Get all the events (including EOD .exists) for a day
query = ("SELECT stacktach_rawdata.when AS d, "
"stacktach_rawdata.event as event, "
"stacktach_rawdata.json AS rawjson "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata "
"WHERE (stacktach_rawdata.when BETWEEN %f AND %f) "
"ORDER BY stacktach_rawdata.when" % date_range)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
payloads = []
for when, event, rawjson in cursor:
hwhen = nu.dt_from_decimal(when)
queue, full = json.loads(rawjson)
payload = full['payload']
if event == 'compute.instance.exists':
astart = dateutil.parser.parse(payload['audit_period_beginning'])
aend = dateutil.parser.parse(payload['audit_period_ending'])
# Ignore these EOD events, they're in tomorrow's batch.
if (astart.time() == datetime.time.min and
aend.time() == datetime.time.min):
# print "EOD .exists at: %s (%s -> %s)" % (hwhen, astart, aend)
payloads.append((hwhen, full))
query = ("SELECT stacktach_rawdata.when AS d, "
"stacktach_rawdata.json AS rawjson "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata "
"WHERE (stacktach_rawdata.when BETWEEN %f AND %f) "
"AND stacktach_rawdata.event='compute.instance.exists' "
"ORDER BY stacktach_rawdata.when" % next_range)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
for when, rawjson in cursor:
hwhen = nu.dt_from_decimal(when)
queue, full = json.loads(rawjson)
payload = full['payload']
astart = dateutil.parser.parse(payload['audit_period_beginning'])
aend = dateutil.parser.parse(payload['audit_period_ending'])
# Ignore these EOD events, they're in tomorrow's batch.
if (astart.time() != datetime.time.min or
aend.time() != datetime.time.min):
# print "Instant .exists at: %s (%s -> %s)" % (hwhen, astart, aend)
payloads.append((hwhen, full))
print "%d events for time period" % (len(payloads), )
return payloads
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='password',
cursor = cnx.cursor()
query = ("SELECT min(stacktach_rawdata.when) AS mindate, "
"MAX(stacktach_rawdata.when) AS maxdate "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata")
mindate, maxdate = list(cursor)[0]
oldest = nu.dt_from_decimal(mindate)
newest = nu.dt_from_decimal(maxdate)
print "Events from %s to %s" % (oldest, newest)
start_of_full_day = oldest.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
end_of_full_day = oldest.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59,
start_of_full_day = start_of_full_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
end_of_full_day = end_of_full_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
start_of_next_day = start_of_full_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
end_of_next_day = end_of_full_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
print "Extracting from %s to %s" % (start_of_full_day, end_of_full_day)
if end_of_full_day > newest:
print "Not enough events to get a full day."
date_range = (nu.dt_to_decimal(start_of_full_day),
next_range = (nu.dt_to_decimal(start_of_next_day),
query = ("SELECT DISTINCT(stacktach_rawdata.request_id) AS req "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata "
"WHERE stacktach_rawdata.when BETWEEN %f AND %f" % date_range)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
req = [r[0] for r in cursor]
print "%d unique requests" % len(req)
query = ("SELECT DISTINCT(stacktach_rawdata.event) AS event "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata "
"WHERE stacktach_rawdata.when BETWEEN %f AND %f" % date_range)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
events = [event[0] for event in cursor]
print "%d unique events" % len(events)
operations = [
patterns = {} # {stream_type: {stream_length: first stream seen like this}}
for r in req:
query = ("SELECT instance, stacktach_rawdata.when AS generated, "
" event, json "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata "
"WHERE request_id='%s' "
"ORDER BY stacktach_rawdata.when" % (r, ))
cursor = cnx.cursor()
stream = []
stream_type = None
for uuid, when, event, rawjson in cursor:
if event in operations:
if not stream_type:
stream_type = event
queue, full = json.loads(rawjson)
stream.append((when, uuid, event, full))
if not stream_type:
pattern = patterns.get(stream_type, {})
length = len(stream)
if pattern.get(length) is not None:
continue # seen one like this before ...
pattern[length] = stream
patterns[stream_type] = pattern
def placeholder(value, original, context, key, template, parent):
# value = "this is some [[[[FOO_%d]]]] string"
# original = ""
# template = "[[[[FOO_%d]]]]"
# key = "ip"
# Context = { key : { original: num }}
mappings = context.get(key, {})
index = mappings.get(original)
if index is None:
index = len(mappings)
mappings[original] = index
context[key] = mappings
value = value % index
return value, index
def _replace_list(data, index):
def _inner(value):
data[index] = value
return _inner
def _replace_dict_value(data, key):
def _inner(value):
data[key] = value
return _inner
def _replace_dict_key(data, value, old_key):
def _inner(key):
del data[old_key]
data[key] = value
return _inner
uuid_regex = re.compile(r"[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-"
r"[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}", re.IGNORECASE)
xuuid_regex = re.compile(r"[0-9a-f]{32}", re.IGNORECASE)
v4_regex = re.compile(r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}")
v6_regex = re.compile("([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}", re.IGNORECASE)
dt_regex = re.compile(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}"
dt1_regex = re.compile(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}"
dt2_regex = re.compile(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}"
regex_list = [(uuid_regex, "uuid", "[[[[UUID_%d]]]]"),
(xuuid_regex, "xuuid", "[[[[XUUID_%d]]]]"),
(v4_regex, "v4", "[[[[V4_%d]]]]"),
(v6_regex, "v6", "[[[[V6_%d]]]]"),
(dt_regex, "dt", "[[[[DT_%d]]]]"),
(dt1_regex, "dt", "[[[[DT_%d]]]]"),
(dt2_regex, "dt", "[[[[DT_%d]]]]"),
# Many critical keys come under many similar names. None of which
# we want in the template.
# { common_name : list of aliases }
protect = {"tenant_id": ["_context_project_id", "_context_project_name",
"_context_tenant", "tenant_id", "project_id",
"user_id": ["_context_user", "_context_user_id",
"_context_user_name", "user_id", "owner",
"user_name", "image_user_id"],
"display_name": ["display_name", "name", "display_description"],
"host": ["host",],
"hostname": ["hostname",],
"node": ["node",],
"reservation_id": ["reservation_id",],
"image_name": ["image_name", ],
"device_name": ["devname", ],
"publisher_id": ["publisher_id",]}
def scrub(context, struct, parent):
#print struct, type(struct)
if type(struct) is list:
#print "List"
to_delete = []
for index, x in enumerate(struct):
scrub(context, x, _replace_list(struct, index))
if type(x) in [unicode, str]:
if ('RAX' in x or 'rack' in x or 'rax' in x
or 'rackspace' in x):
# reverse insert order so we can safely delete later.
to_delete.insert(0, index)
for index in to_delete:
elif type(struct) is dict:
#print "Dict"
to_delete = []
for k, v in struct.iteritems():
if ('service_catalog' in k or 'connection_info' in k
or '_context_service_catalog' in k
or 'RAX' in k or 'rack' in k
or "password_info" in k
or "rax" in k or "rackspace" in k):
for watch_key, watch_list in protect.iteritems():
if k in watch_list:
struct[k] = "[[[[%s]]]]" % watch_key
scrub(context, v, _replace_dict_value(struct, k))
scrub(context, k, _replace_dict_key(struct, v, k))
for k in to_delete:
del struct[k]
elif type(struct) in [unicode, str]:
#print "Str:", struct
for regex, pkey, ptemplate in regex_list:
m =
if m:
source = struct
original = struct[m.start():m.end()]
full_template = struct[:m.start()] + ptemplate \
+ struct[m.end():]
#print "Found %s:" % pkey, source
struct, index = placeholder(full_template, original, context,
pkey, ptemplate, parent)
if pkey == 'dt':
start = context['_start_time']
time_map = context['_time_map']
now = dateutil.parser.parse(original)
time_map[ptemplate % index] = now - start
for stream_type, streams_by_len in patterns.iteritems():
for length, stream in streams_by_len.iteritems():
output = []
context = {'_time_map': {}}
for when, uuid, event, rawjson in stream:
# All datetimes will be relative to the first event's timestamp.
if not context.get('_start_time'):
context['_start_time'] = dateutil.parser.parse(
scrub(context, rawjson, None)
# output file is one large json array.
# [0] = context hints, such as
# {"time_map" : [
# {"[[[[[DT_0]]]]": (days, seconds, microseconds)}, time delta
# {"[[[[[DT_1]]]]": (days, seconds, microseconds)}, time delta
# ],
# "uuid": num (number of unique UUID's needed)
# "xuuid": num (number of unique UUID's need with no dividers)
# "v4": num (number of IP.v4 addresses needed)
# "v6": num (number of IP.v6 addresses needed)
# }
# [1..N] = stream of event templates for this operation
# where N = the number in the filename foo.blah.NUM.json
# ... that many events in this stream.
context_map = {'time_map': context['_time_map']}
for key in ['uuid', 'xuuid', 'v4', 'v6']:
context_map[key] = len(context.get(key, []))
output.insert(0, context_map)
filename = "templates/%s_%d.json" % (stream_type, length)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(output, f, cls=DateTimeEncoder, indent=4)
if 0:
timemap = output[0]['time_map']
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
this_context = {}
for k, td in timemap.iteritems():
this_context[k] = now + td
for item in output[1:]:
now.time().replace(0, 0, 0, 0)
string = json.dumps(item, cls=DateTimeEncoder)
for k, v in this_context.iteritems():
string = string.replace(k, str(v))
x = json.loads(string)
print json.dumps(x, cls=DateTimeEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
query = ("SELECT json "
"FROM stacktach_rawdata "
"WHERE event='compute.instance.exists' AND "
" stacktach_rawdata.when BETWEEN %f AND %f " % date_range)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
got = False
for rawjson, in cursor:
if got:
queue, full = json.loads(rawjson)
payload = full['payload']
if full['event_type'] == 'compute.instance.exists':
astart = dateutil.parser.parse(payload['audit_period_beginning'])
aend = dateutil.parser.parse(payload['audit_period_ending'])
if astart.time() != datetime.time.min:
if aend.time() != datetime.time.min:
context = {'_time_map': {},
'_start_time': dateutil.parser.parse(full['timestamp'])}
scrub(context, full, None)
context_map = {'time_map': context['_time_map']}
for key in ['uuid', 'xuuid', 'v4', 'v6']:
context_map[key] = len(context.get(key, []))
output = [context_map, full]
filename = "templates/eod_exists.json"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(output, f, cls=DateTimeEncoder, indent=4)
got = True