
689 lines
25 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Intel, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import os
import flask
import requests
from requests import auth
from six.moves import http_client
from valence.api import link
from valence.common import constants
from valence.common import exception
from valence.common import utils
from valence import config as cfg
from valence.redfish import tree
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def update_service_root():
resp = send_request(cfg.redfish_base_ext)
SERVICE_ROOT = resp.json()
def get_rfs_url(serviceext):
# Strip slash to make sure all input with/without slash
redfish_base_ext = cfg.redfish_base_ext.strip("/")
serviceext = serviceext.strip("/")
# Check whether serviceext statswith redfish_base_ext "redfish/v1", if yes,
# use it as relative_url, otherwise add "redfish/v1" before it.
if serviceext.startswith(redfish_base_ext):
relative_url = serviceext
relative_url = os.path.normpath(
"/".join([redfish_base_ext, serviceext]))
return requests.compat.urljoin(cfg.podm_url, relative_url)
def get_base_resource_url(resource, update_services=False):
if update_services or not SERVICE_ROOT:
LOG.debug("Updating service root...")
resource_url = SERVICE_ROOT[resource][""]
return resource_url
def send_request(resource, method="GET", **kwargs):
# The verify=false param in the request should be removed eventually
url = get_rfs_url(resource)
httpuser = cfg.podm_user
httppwd = cfg.podm_password
resp = None
resp = requests.request(method, url, verify=False,
httpuser, httppwd),
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
return resp
def filter_chassis(jsonContent, filterCondition):
returnMembers = []
members = jsonContent['Members']
for member in members:
resource = member['']
resp = send_request(resource)
member_detail = resp.json()
chassisType = member_detail['ChassisType']
if chassisType == filterCondition:
return returnMembers
def list_racks(filters={}, show_detail=False):
chassis_url = get_base_resource_url("Chassis")
resp = send_request(chassis_url)
json_content = resp.json()
raw_racks = filter_chassis(json_content, "Rack")
racks = []
filterPassed = True
for rack in raw_racks:
if any(filters):
filterPassed = utils.match_conditions(rack, filters)
if not filterPassed:
rack_info = {}
rack_id = rack["Id"]
rack_name = rack["Name"]
rack_systems = get_systems_in_chassis(rack)
rack_info.update({"id": rack_id, "name": rack_name,
"systems": rack_systems})
if show_detail:
manufacturer = rack["Manufacturer"]
model = rack["Model"]
description = rack["Description"]
serial_number = rack["SerialNumber"]
rack_info.update({"manufacturer": manufacturer,
"model": model,
"description": description,
"serial_number": serial_number})
return racks
def show_rack(rack_id):
return list_racks({"Id": rack_id}, show_detail=True)
def get_systems_in_chassis(chassis, total_systems=[]):
for chassis_link in chassis["Links"]["Contains"]:
resp = send_request(chassis_link[""])
chassis = resp.json()
total_systems = get_systems_in_chassis(chassis, total_systems)
for system_link in chassis["Links"]["ComputerSystems"]:
resp = send_request(system_link[""])
system = resp.json()
if system["UUID"] not in total_systems:
return total_systems
def pod_status(pod_url, username, password):
resp = requests.get(pod_url,
auth=auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if resp.status_code == http_client.OK:
return constants.PODM_STATUS_ONLINE
return constants.PODM_STATUS_OFFLINE
except requests.RequestException:
return constants.PODM_STATUS_OFFLINE
def urls2list(url):
# This will extract the url values from inside Members
resp = send_request(url)
respdata = resp.json()
if 'Members' in respdata:
return [u[''] for u in respdata['Members']]
return []
def system_cpu_details(system_url):
cpucnt = 0
cpuarch = ""
cpumodel = ""
cpulist = urls2list(system_url + '/Processors')
for lnk in cpulist:"Processing CPU %s" % lnk)
resp = send_request(lnk)
respdata = resp.json()
# Check if CPU data is populated. It also may have NULL values
cpucnt += utils.extract_val(respdata, "TotalCores", 0)
cpuarch = utils.extract_val(respdata, "InstructionSet", "")
cpumodel = utils.extract_val(respdata, "Model", "")
LOG.debug(" Cpu details %s: %d: %s: %s "
% (system_url, cpucnt, cpuarch, cpumodel))
return {"cores": str(cpucnt), "arch": cpuarch, "model": cpumodel}
def system_ram_details(system_url):
# this extracts the RAM and returns as dictionary
resp = send_request(system_url)
respjson = resp.json()
ram = utils.extract_val(respjson,
"MemorySummary/TotalSystemMemoryGiB", "0")
return str(ram)
def system_network_details(system_url):
# this extracts the total nw interfaces and returns as a string
resp = send_request(system_url + "/EthernetInterfaces")
respbody = resp.json()
nwi = str(utils.extract_val(respbody, "Members@odata.count", "0"))
LOG.debug(" Total NW for node %s : %s " % (system_url, nwi))
return nwi
def system_storage_details(system_url):
# this extracts the RAM and returns as dictionary
storagecnt = 0
hddlist = urls2list(system_url + "/SimpleStorage")
for lnk in hddlist:
resp = send_request(lnk)
respbody = resp.json()
devices = utils.extract_val(respbody, "Devices")
if not devices:
for device in devices:
if "CapacityBytes" in device:
if device["CapacityBytes"] is not None:
storagecnt += device["CapacityBytes"]
LOG.debug("Total storage for system %s : %d " % (system_url, storagecnt))
# to convert Bytes in to GB. Divide by 1073741824
BYTES_PER_GB = 1073741824
return str(storagecnt / BYTES_PER_GB).split(".")[0]
def systems_list(filters={}):
# list of nodes with hardware details needed for flavor creation
lst_systems = []
systems_url = get_base_resource_url("Systems")
systemurllist = urls2list(systems_url)
podmtree = build_hierarchy_tree()
for lnk in systemurllist:
filterPassed = True
resp = send_request(lnk)
system = resp.json()
if any(filters):
filterPassed = utils.match_conditions(system, filters)
if not filterPassed:
system_id = lnk.split("/")[-1]
system_uuid = system['UUID']
system_name = system['Name']
system_description = system['Description']
system_health = system['Status']['Health']
system_location = podmtree.getPath(lnk)
cpu = system_cpu_details(lnk)
ram = system_ram_details(lnk)
network = system_network_details(lnk)
storage = system_storage_details(lnk)
system = {"Name": system_name, "id": system_id,
"Description": system_description,
"cpu": cpu, "ram": ram, "storage": storage,
"network": network, "location": system_location,
"uuid": system_uuid, "health": system_health}
# filter based on RAM, CPU, NETWORK..etc
if 'ram' in filters:
filterPassed = (True
if int(ram) >= int(filters['ram'])
else False)
# filter based on RAM, CPU, NETWORK..etc
if 'nw' in filters:
filterPassed = (True
if int(network) >= int(filters['network'])
else False)
# filter based on RAM, CPU, NETWORK..etc
if 'storage' in filters:
filterPassed = (True
if int(storage) >= int(filters['storage'])
else False)
if filterPassed:
return lst_systems
def get_chassis_list():
chassis_url = get_base_resource_url("Chassis")
chassis_lnk_lst = urls2list(chassis_url)
lst_chassis = []
for clnk in chassis_lnk_lst:
resp = send_request(clnk)
data = resp.json()
if "Links" in data:
contains = []
containedby = {}
computersystems = []
linksdata = data["Links"]
if "Contains" in linksdata and linksdata["Contains"]:
for c in linksdata["Contains"]:
if "ContainedBy" in linksdata and linksdata["ContainedBy"]:
odata = linksdata["ContainedBy"]['']
containedby = odata.split("/")[-1]
if "ComputerSystems" in linksdata and linksdata["ComputerSystems"]:
for c in linksdata["ComputerSystems"]:
name = data["ChassisType"] + ":" + data["Id"]
c = {"name": name,
"ChassisType": data["ChassisType"],
"ChassisID": data["Id"],
"Contains": contains,
"ContainedBy": containedby,
"ComputerSystems": computersystems}
return lst_chassis
def get_systembyid(systemid):
return systems_list({"Id": systemid})
def show_cpu_details(cpu_url):
"""Get processor details .
:param cpu_url: relative redfish url to processor,
e.g /redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/1.
:returns: dict of processor detail.
resp = send_request(cpu_url)
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
# Raise exception if don't find processor
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
respdata = resp.json()
cpu_details = {
"instruction_set": respdata["InstructionSet"],
"model": respdata["Model"],
"speed_mhz": respdata["MaxSpeedMHz"],
"total_core": respdata["TotalCores"]
return cpu_details
def show_ram_details(ram_url):
"""Get memory details .
:param ram_url: relative redfish url to memory,
e.g /redfish/v1/Systems/1/Memory/1.
:returns: dict of memory detail.
resp = send_request(ram_url)
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
# Raise exception if don't find memory
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
respdata = resp.json()
ram_details = {
"data_width_bit": respdata["DataWidthBits"],
"speed_mhz": respdata["OperatingSpeedMHz"],
"total_memory_mb": respdata["CapacityMiB"]
return ram_details
def show_network_details(network_url):
"""Get network interface details .
:param ram_url: relative redfish url to network interface,
e.g /redfish/v1/Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces/1.
:returns: dict of network interface detail.
resp = send_request(network_url)
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
# Raise exception if don't find network interface
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
respdata = resp.json()
network_details = {
"speed_mbps": respdata["SpeedMbps"],
"mac": respdata["MACAddress"],
"status": respdata["Status"]["State"],
"ipv4": [{
"address": ipv4["Address"],
"subnet_mask": ipv4["SubnetMask"],
"gateway": ipv4["Gateway"]
} for ipv4 in respdata["IPv4Addresses"]]
if respdata["VLANs"]:
# Get vlan info
vlan_url_list = urls2list(respdata["VLANs"][""])
network_details["vlans"] = []
for url in vlan_url_list:
vlan_info = send_request(url).json()
"vlanid": vlan_info["VLANId"],
"status": vlan_info["Status"]["State"]
return network_details
def get_node_by_id(node_index, show_detail=True):
"""Get composed node details of specific index.
:param node_index: numeric index of new composed node.
:param show_detail: show more node detail when set to True.
:returns: node detail info.
nodes_base_url = get_base_resource_url('Nodes')
node_url = os.path.normpath('/'.join([nodes_base_url, node_index]))
resp = send_request(node_url)
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
# Raise exception if don't find node
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
respdata = resp.json()
node_detail = {
"name": respdata["Name"],
"node_power_state": respdata["PowerState"],
"links": [
link.Link.make_link('self', flask.request.url_root,
'nodes/' + respdata["UUID"], '').as_dict(),
link.Link.make_link('bookmark', flask.request.url_root,
'nodes/' + respdata["UUID"], '',
if show_detail:
"index": node_index,
"description": respdata["Description"],
"node_state": respdata["ComposedNodeState"],
"boot_source": respdata["Boot"]["BootSourceOverrideTarget"],
"target_boot_source": respdata["Boot"]["BootSourceOverrideTarget"],
"health_status": respdata["Status"]["Health"],
# TODO(lin.yang): "pooled_group_id" is used to check whether
# resource can be assigned to composed node, which should be
# supported after PODM API v2.1 released.
"pooled_group_id": None,
"metadata": {
"processor": [show_cpu_details(i[""])
for i in respdata["Links"]["Processors"]],
"memory": [show_ram_details(i[""])
for i in respdata["Links"]["Memory"]],
"network": [show_network_details(i[""])
for i in respdata["Links"]["EthernetInterfaces"]]
return node_detail
def build_hierarchy_tree():
# builds the tree sturcture of the PODM data to get the location hierarchy
lst_chassis = get_chassis_list()
podmtree = tree.Tree()
podmtree.add_node("0") # Add root node
for d in lst_chassis:
podmtree.add_node(d["ChassisID"], d)
for d in lst_chassis:
containedby = d["ContainedBy"] if d["ContainedBy"] else "0"
podmtree.add_node(d["ChassisID"], d, containedby)
systems = d["ComputerSystems"]
for system in systems:
sysname = system.split("/")[-2] + ":" + system.split("/")[-1]
podmtree.add_node(system, {"name": sysname}, d["ChassisID"])
return podmtree
def compose_node(request_body):
"""Compose new node through podm api.
:param request_body: The request content to compose new node, which should
follow podm format. Valence api directly pass it to
podm right now.
:returns: The numeric index of new composed node.
# Get url of allocating resource to node
nodes_url = get_base_resource_url('Nodes')
resp = send_request(nodes_url, 'GET')
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
LOG.error('Unable to query ' + nodes_url)
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
respdata = resp.json()
allocate_url = respdata['Actions']['#ComposedNodeCollection.Allocate'][
# Allocate resource to this node
LOG.debug('Allocating Node: {0}'.format(request_body))
allocate_resp = send_request(allocate_url, 'POST',
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},
if allocate_resp.status_code != http_client.CREATED:
# Raise exception if allocation failed
raise exception.RedfishException(allocate_resp.json(),
# Allocated node successfully
# node_url -- relative redfish url e.g redfish/v1/Nodes/1
node_url = allocate_resp.headers['Location'].lstrip(cfg.podm_url)
# node_index -- numeric index of new node e.g 1
node_index = node_url.split('/')[-1]
LOG.debug('Successfully allocated node:' + node_url)
# Get url of assembling node
resp = send_request(node_url, "GET")
respdata = resp.json()
assemble_url = respdata['Actions']['#ComposedNode.Assemble']['target']
# Assemble node
LOG.debug('Assembling Node: {0}'.format(assemble_url))
assemble_resp = send_request(assemble_url, "POST")
if assemble_resp.status_code != http_client.NO_CONTENT:
# Delete node if assemble failed
raise exception.RedfishException(assemble_resp.json(),
# Assemble successfully
LOG.debug('Successfully assembled node: ' + node_url)
# Return new composed node index
return get_node_by_id(node_index)
def delete_composed_node(nodeid):
nodes_url = get_base_resource_url("Nodes")
delete_url = nodes_url + '/' + str(nodeid)
resp = send_request(delete_url, "DELETE")
if resp.status_code == http_client.NO_CONTENT:
# we should return 200 status code instead of 204, because 204 means
# 'No Content', the message in resp_dict will be ignored in that way
return exception.confirmation(
confirm_detail="This composed node has been deleted successfully.")
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
def list_nodes():
# list of nodes with hardware details needed for flavor creation
# TODO(lin.yang): support filter when list nodes
nodes = []
nodes_url = get_base_resource_url("Nodes")
node_url_list = urls2list(nodes_url)
for url in node_url_list:
node_index = url.split('/')[-1]
nodes.append(get_node_by_id(node_index, show_detail=False))
return nodes
def reset_node(nodeid, request):
nodes_url = get_base_resource_url("Nodes")
node_url = os.path.normpath("/".join([nodes_url, nodeid]))
resp = send_request(node_url)
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
# Raise exception if don't find node
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
node = resp.json()
action_type = request.get("Reset", {}).get("Type")
allowable_actions = node["Actions"]["#ComposedNode.Reset"][
if not action_type:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="The content of node action request is malformed. Please "
"refer to Valence api specification to correct it.")
if allowable_actions and action_type not in allowable_actions:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="Action type '{0}' is not in allowable action list "
"{1}.".format(action_type, allowable_actions))
target_url = node["Actions"]["#ComposedNode.Reset"]["target"]
action_resp = send_request(target_url, 'POST',
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},
json={"ResetType": action_type})
if action_resp.status_code != http_client.NO_CONTENT:
raise exception.RedfishException(action_resp.json(),
# Reset node successfully
LOG.debug("Post action '{0}' to node {1} successfully."
.format(action_type, target_url))
return exception.confirmation(
confirm_code="Reset Composed Node",
confirm_detail="This composed node has been set to '{0}' "
def set_boot_source(nodeid, request):
nodes_url = get_base_resource_url("Nodes")
node_url = os.path.normpath("/".join([nodes_url, nodeid]))
resp = send_request(node_url)
if resp.status_code != http_client.OK:
# Raise exception if don't find node
raise exception.RedfishException(resp.json(),
node = resp.json()
boot_enabled = request.get("Boot", {}).get("Enabled")
boot_target = request.get("Boot", {}).get("Target")
allowable_boot_target = \
if not boot_enabled or not boot_target:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="The content of set boot source request is malformed. "
"Please refer to Valence api specification to correct it.")
if boot_enabled not in ["Disabled", "Once", "Continuous"]:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="The parameter Enabled '{0}' is not in allowable list "
"['Disabled', 'Once', 'Continuous'].".format(
if allowable_boot_target and \
boot_target not in allowable_boot_target:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="The parameter Target '{0}' is not in allowable list "
action_resp = send_request(
node_url, 'PATCH', headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},
json={"Boot": {"BootSourceOverrideEnabled": boot_enabled,
"BootSourceOverrideTarget": boot_target}})
if action_resp.status_code != http_client.NO_CONTENT:
raise exception.RedfishException(action_resp.json(),
# Set boot source successfully
LOG.debug("Set boot source of composed node {0} to '{1}' with enabled "
"state '{2}' successfully."
.format(nodes_url, boot_target, boot_enabled))
return exception.confirmation(
confirm_code="Set Boot Source of Composed Node",
confirm_detail="The boot source of composed node has been set to "
"'{0}' with enabled state '{1}' successfully."
.format(boot_target, boot_enabled))
def node_action(nodeid, request):
# Only support one action in single request
if len(list(request.keys())) != 1:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="No action found or multiple actions in one single request."
" Please refer to Valence api specification to correct the"
" content of node action request.")
action = list(request.keys())[0]
# Podm support two kinds of action for composed node, assemble and reset.
# Because valence assemble node by default when compose node, so only need
# to support "Reset" action here. In case podm new version support more
# actions, use "functions" dict to drive the workflow.
functions = {"Reset": reset_node,
"Boot": set_boot_source}
if action not in functions:
raise exception.BadRequest(
detail="This node action '{0}' is unsupported. Please refer to "
"Valence api specification to correct this content of node "
"action request.".format(action))
return functions[action](nodeid, request)