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# Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
ML2 Mechanism Driver for Cisco DFA platforms.
import eventlet
from oslo.config import cfg
from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc
from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
from neutron.common import topics
from neutron.extensions import portbindings
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.plugins.ml2.common import exceptions as ml2_exc
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_api as api
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import cfg_profile_db_v2
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import cisco_dfa_rest
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import config
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import constants as dfa_const
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import dfa_exceptions as dexc
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import dfa_instance_api
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import dfa_mech_driver_rpc as drpc
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import project_events
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import projects_cache_db_v2
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SubnetObj(object):
"""Represents a subnet object.
The information in the object will be used when creating a subnet on
the DCNM.
def __init__(self, subnet):
self.allocation_pools = subnet['allocation_pools']
self.host_routes = subnet['host_routes']
self.cidr = subnet['cidr']
self.id = subnet['id']
self.name = subnet['name']
self.enable_dhcp = subnet['enable_dhcp']
self.network_id = subnet['network_id']
self.tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id']
self.dns_nameservers = subnet['dns_nameservers']
self.gateway_ip = subnet['gateway_ip']
self.ip_version = subnet['ip_version']
self.shared = subnet['shared']
class NetworkObj(object):
"""Represents a network object.
The information in this object will be used when creating a network on
the DCNM.
def __init__(self, net, segid, cfgp=None):
self.provider__segmentation_id = segid
self.tenant_id = net['tenant_id']
self.name = net['name']
self.config_profile = cfgp
self.id = net['id']
class CiscoDfaMechanismDriver(api.MechanismDriver):
"""Cisco DFA ML2 Mechanism Driver."""
def initialize(self):
# Initialize the config
self._dfa_cfg = config.CiscoDFAConfig().dfa_cfg
# Initialize DCNM client.
self._dcnm_client = cisco_dfa_rest.DFARESTClient()
# Initialize project creation/deletion events object.
# This will be used to get notification from keystone when
# a tenant (i.e. project) is created or deleted.
self._keys = project_events.EventsHandler('keystone',
# Spawn a task, to process notification queue for keystone events.
# Initialize nova client wrapper. It will be used to get more
# information for an instance.
self._inst_api = dfa_instance_api.DFAInstanceAPI(cfg)
# Initialize mechanism driver RPC.
# Initialize project info object.
self.projects_cache_db_v2 = projects_cache_db_v2.ProjectsInfoCache()
self._ctask_sleep_interval = 60
def _get_agent_topic(self):
"""Read the mech_driver_agent section from the config file."""
mech_drvr_rpc = self._dfa_cfg.get('mech_driver_rpc')
if mech_drvr_rpc is None:
self._agent_topic = ''
self._mech_drv_topic = ''
for val in mech_drvr_rpc:
if len(val) > 0:
if val.split(':')[0] != dfa_const.CISCO_DFA_MECH_DRVR_NAME:
self._mech_drv_topic = val.split(':')[1]
self._agent_topic = val.split(':')[2]
except IndexError:
emsg = _('No topics is defined for %s mechanism driver')
LOG.error(emsg % dfa_const.CISCO_DFA_MECH_DRVR_NAME)
def _setup_mechdrv_rpc(self):
"""Setup RPC for this mechanism driver."""
if not self._agent_topic or not self._mech_drv_topic:
LOG.debug('Mechanism Driver notifer is not initialized')
self.dfa_notifier = drpc.MechDriversAgentNotifierApi(topics.AGENT,
self.endpoints = [drpc.RpcCallbacks(self.dfa_notifier)]
self.topic = self._mech_drv_topic
self.conn = n_rpc.create_connection(new=True)
self.conn.create_consumer(self.topic, self.endpoints, fanout=False)
def _process_keystone_events(self):
"""Task to process notification from keystone.
The handler processes events such as creation and deletion of projects
sent by keystone.
def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
# Check if the tenant is valid.
projid = context.current.get('tenant_id')
if not self._keys.is_valid_project(projid):
# Check if network id exists in the config profile DB. If not,
# exception should be raised.
net_id = context.current.get('id')
res = cfg_profile_db_v2.get_network_profile_binding(
context._plugin_context.session, net_id)
if not res:
cfgp_id = context.current.get(dfa_const.CONFIG_PROFILE_ID)
msg = (_("Failed to create network. Config Profile id %s"
" does not exist.") % cfgp_id)
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='network', msg=msg)
# Get the project name. If project name does not exist, an exception
# will be raised.
def delete_network_postcommit(self, context):
projid = context.current.get('tenant_id')
if not self._keys.is_valid_project(projid):
segid = context.current.get('provider:segmentation_id')
tenant_name = context._plugin_context.tenant_name
net = NetworkObj(context.current, segid)
self._dcnm_client.delete_network(tenant_name, net)
except dexc.DFAClientRequestFailed as ex:
emsg = _('Failed to create network %(net)s. Error:%(err)s.')
LOG.error(emsg % {'net': net.name, 'err': ex})
raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError
def create_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
projid = context.current.get('tenant_id')
if not self._keys.is_valid_project(projid):
subnet = context.current
if subnet['name'] == 'private-subnet':
emsg = _("%s is default subnet and no need to create it in DCNM.")
LOG.info(emsg % subnet['name'])
session = context._plugin_context.session
netid = context.current['network_id']
network_entry = cfg_profile_db_v2.get_network_entry(session, netid)
tenant_name = context._plugin_context.tenant_name
segid = self.projects_cache_db_v2.get_network_segid(netid)
cfgp_name = cfg_profile_db_v2.get_config_profile_name(session, netid)
snet = SubnetObj(context.current)
net = NetworkObj(network_entry, int(segid), cfgp_name)
self._dcnm_client.create_network(tenant_name, net, snet)
except dexc.DFAClientRequestFailed as ex:
emsg = _('Failed to create network %(net)s. Error:%(err)s.')
LOG.error(emsg % {'net': net.name, 'err': ex})
raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError
def update_port_postcommit(self, context):
projid = context.current.get('tenant_id')
if not self._keys.is_valid_project(projid):
session = context._plugin_context.session
self.device_id = context.current.get('device_id').replace('-', '')
tenant_id = context.current.get('tenant_id')
netid = context.current.get('network_id')
self.inst_name = self._inst_api.get_instance_for_uuid(self.device_id,
self.fwd_mode = cfg_profile_db_v2.get_config_profile_fwd_mode(session,
self.segid = self.projects_cache_db_v2.get_network_segid(netid)
self.mac = context.current.get('mac_address')
self.ip = (context.current.get('fixed_ips')[0]['ip_address']
if context.current.get('fixed_ips') else None)
vm_info = {
'status': 'up',
'ip': self.ip,
'mac': self.mac,
'segid': self.segid,
'inst_name': self.inst_name,
'inst_uuid': self.device_id,
'host': context.current.get(portbindings.HOST_ID),
'port_id': context.current.get('id'),
'network_id': context.current.get('network_id'),
'oui_type': 'cisco',
if self.inst_name:
self.dfa_notifier.send_vm_info(context._plugin_context, vm_info)
LOG.debug("update_port_postcommit : %s" % vm_info)
def delete_port_postcommit(self, context):
session = context._plugin_context.session
self.device_id = context.current.get('device_id').replace('-', '')
tenant_id = context.current.get('tenant_id')
netid = context.current.get('network_id')
self.inst_name = self._inst_api.get_instance_for_uuid(self.device_id,
self.fwd_mode = cfg_profile_db_v2.get_config_profile_fwd_mode(session,
self.segid = self.projects_cache_db_v2.get_network_segid(netid)
self.mac = context.current.get('mac_address')
self.ip = (context.current.get('fixed_ips')[0]['ip_address']
if context.current.get('fixed_ips') else None)
vm_info = {
'status': 'down',
'ip': self.ip,
'mac': self.mac,
'segid': self.segid,
'inst_name': self.inst_name,
'inst_uuid': self.device_id,
'host': context.current.get(portbindings.HOST_ID),
'port_id': context.current.get('id'),
'network_id': context.current.get('network_id'),
'oui_type': 'cisco',
if self.inst_name:
self.dfa_notifier.send_vm_info(context._plugin_context, vm_info)
LOG.debug("delete_port_postcommit : %s" % vm_info)