
304 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo.config import cfg
import requests
from neutron.openstack.common import jsonutils
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco.dfa import dfa_exceptions as dexc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DFARESTClient(object):
"""DFA client class that provides APIs to interact with DCNM."""
def __init__(self):
self._ip = cfg.CONF.ml2_cisco_dfa.dcnm_ip
self._user = cfg.CONF.ml2_cisco_dfa.dcnm_user
self._pwd = cfg.CONF.ml2_cisco_dfa.dcnm_password
if (not self._ip) or (not self._user) or (not self._pwd):
msg = _("[DFARESTClient] Input DCNM IP, user name or password"
"parameter is not specified")
raise ValueError(msg)
# url timeout: 10 seconds
# urls
net_url = 'http://%s/' % self._ip
net_url += 'rest/auto-config/organizations/%s/partitions/%s/networks'
self._create_network_url = net_url
cfg_url = 'http://%s/rest/auto-config/profiles' % self._ip
self._cfg_profile_list_url = cfg_url
cfg_url += '/%s'
self._cfg_profile_get_url = cfg_url
self._org_url = 'http://%s/rest/auto-config/organizations' % self._ip
tmp_url = 'http://%s/rest/auto-config/organizations/' % self._ip
tmp_url += '%s/partitions'
self._create_part_url = tmp_url
self._del_org_url = self._org_url + '/%s'
self._del_part = self._org_url + '/%s/partitions/%s'
self._del_network_url = (self._org_url +
self._login_url = 'http://%s/rest/logon' % (self._ip)
self._logout_url = 'http://%s/rest/logout' % (self._ip)
self._exp_time = 100000
self._resp_ok = 200
def _create_network(self, network_info):
"""Send create network request to DCNM.
:network_info: network parameters to be created on DCNM
url = self._create_network_url % (network_info['partitionName'],
payload = network_info
LOG.info(_('url %(url)s payload %(payload)s'),
{'url': url, 'payload': payload})
return (self._send_request('POST', url, payload, 'network'))
def _config_profile_get(self, thisprofile):
"""Get information of a config profile from DCNM.
:thisprofile: network config profile in request
url = self._cfg_profile_get_url % (thisprofile)
payload = {}
res = self._send_request('GET', url, payload, 'config-profile')
return res.json()
def _config_profile_list(self):
"""Get list of supported config profile from DCNM."""
url = self._cfg_profile_list_url
payload = {}
res = self._send_request('GET', url, payload, 'config-profile')
return res.json()
def _create_org(self, name, desc):
"""Create organization on the DCNM.
:name: Name of organization
:desc: Description of organization
url = self._org_url
payload = {
"organizationName": name,
"description": name if len(desc) == 0 else desc,
"orchestrationSource": "Openstack Controller"}
return (self._send_request('POST', url, payload, 'organization'))
def _create_partition(self, org_name, part_name, desc):
"""Send Create partition request to the DCNM.
:org_name: name of organization
:part_name: name of partition
:desc: description of partition
url = self._create_part_url % (org_name)
payload = {
"partitionName": part_name,
"description": part_name if len(desc) == 0 else desc,
"organizationName": org_name}
return (self._send_request('POST', url, payload, 'partition'))
def _delete_org(self, org_name):
"""Send organization delete request to DCNM.
:org_name: name of organization to be deleted
url = self._del_org_url % (org_name)
self._send_request('DELETE', url, '', 'organization')
def _delete_partition(self, org_name, partition_name):
"""Send partition delete request to DCNM.
:partition_name: name of partition to be deleted
url = self._del_part % (org_name, partition_name)
self._send_request('DELETE', url, '', 'partition')
def _delete_network(self, network_info):
"""Send network delete request to DCNM.
:partition_name: name of partition to be deleted
org_name = network_info.get('organizationName', '')
part_name = network_info.get('partitionName', '')
segment_id = network_info['segmentId']
url = self._del_network_url % (org_name, part_name, segment_id)
self._send_request('DELETE', url, '', 'network')
def _login(self):
"""Login request to DCNM."""
url_login = self._login_url
expiration_time = self._exp_time
payload = {'expirationTime': expiration_time}
self._req_headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'}
res = requests.post(url_login,
auth=(self._user, self._pwd),
session_id = ''
if res and res.status_code == self._resp_ok:
session_id = res.json().get('Dcnm-Token')
self._req_headers.update({'Dcnm-Token': session_id})
def _logout(self):
"""Logout request to DCNM."""
url_logout = self._logout_url
def _send_request(self, operation, url, payload, desc):
"""Send request to DCNM."""
res = None
payload_json = None
if payload and payload != '':
payload_json = jsonutils.dumps(payload)
desc_lookup = {'POST': ' creation', 'PUT': ' update',
'DELETE': ' deletion', 'GET': ' get'}
res = requests.request(operation, url, data=payload_json,
desc += desc_lookup.get(operation, operation.lower())
LOG.info(_("DCNM-send_request: %(desc)s %(url)s %(pld)s"),
{'desc': desc, 'url': url, 'pld': payload})
except (requests.HTTPError, requests.Timeout,
requests.ConnectionError) as e:
LOG.exception(_('Error during request'))
raise dexc.DFAClientRequestFailed(reason=e)
return res
def _check_for_supported_profile(self, thisprofile):
"""Filter those profiles that are not currently supported."""
return (thisprofile.endswith('Ipv4TfProfile') or
thisprofile.endswith('Ipv4EfProfile') or
'defaultNetworkL2Profile' in thisprofile)
def config_profile_list(self):
"""Return config profile list from DCNM."""
profile_list = []
these_profiles = []
these_profiles = self._config_profile_list()
profile_list = [q for p in these_profiles for q in
if self._check_for_supported_profile(q)]
return profile_list
def config_profile_fwding_mode_get(self, profile_name):
"""Return forwarding mode of given config profile."""
profile_params = self._config_profile_get(profile_name)
fwd_cli = 'fabric forwarding mode proxy-gateway'
if fwd_cli in profile_params['configCommands']:
return 'proxy-gateway'
return 'anycast-gateway'
def create_network(self, tenant_name, network, subnet):
"""Create network on the DCNM.
:tenant_name: name of tenant the network belongs to
:network: network parameters
:subnet: subnet parameters of the network
network_info = {}
seg_id = str(network.provider__segmentation_id)
subnet_ip_mask = subnet.cidr.split('/')
gw_ip = subnet.gateway_ip
cfg_args = [
"$segmentId=" + seg_id,
"$netMaskLength=" + subnet_ip_mask[1],
"$gatewayIpAddress=" + gw_ip,
"$networkName=" + network.name,
"$vrfName=" + tenant_name + ':' + tenant_name
cfg_args = ';'.join(cfg_args)
ip_range = ','.join(["%s-%s" % (p['start'], p['end']) for p in
dhcp_scopes = {'ipRange': ip_range,
'subnet': subnet.cidr,
'gateway': gw_ip}
network_info = {"segmentId": seg_id,
"vlanId": "0",
"mobilityDomainId": "None",
"profileName": network.config_profile,
"networkName": network.name,
"configArg": cfg_args,
"organizationName": tenant_name,
"partitionName": tenant_name,
"description": network.name,
"dhcpScope": dhcp_scopes}
LOG.debug("Create %s network in DCNM." % network_info)
def delete_network(self, tenant_name, network):
"""Delete network on the DCNM.
:tenant_name: name of tenant the network belongs to
:network: object that contains network parameters
network_info = {}
seg_id = network.provider__segmentation_id
network_info = {
'organizationName': tenant_name,
'partitionName': tenant_name,
'segmentId': seg_id,
LOG.debug("Delete %s network in DCNM." % network_info)
def delete_tenant(self, tenant_name):
"""Delete tenant on the DCNM.
:tenant_name: name of tenant to be deleted.
self._delete_partition(tenant_name, tenant_name)
def create_project(self, org_name, desc=None):
"""Create project on the DCNM.
:org_name: name of organization to be created
:desc: string that describes organization
desc = desc or org_name
self._create_org(org_name, desc)
self._create_partition(org_name, org_name, desc)