
109 lines
3.8 KiB

- name: Register sources
path: "{{ zj_source.key }}"
loop: "{{ zuul_copy_output | default({}) | dict2items }}"
loop_var: zj_source
register: sources
no_log: true
# See if we're running with sudo; if so, we'll set 'become' later so
# we can copy root-owned files; if not, we'll just be able to copy
# user files.
- name: Check sudo
command: sudo -n true
failed_when: false
register: sudo_result
# TODO(andreaf) We might want to enforce that zj_source.value is a valid value
# in docs, artifacts, logs. Null case already handled.
# NOTE(andreaf) Files or folders that start with a '.' are renamed to starting
# with an '_' else they would not be visible in the logs folder once uploaded.
# Extension changes are handled later via find as we want to rename files
# included of folders specified in `zuul_copy_output` (except for logs_txt,
# which is handled here).
- name: Set source and destination for files and folders
source: "{{ zj_result.stat.path }}"
dest: "{{ zj_result.zj_source.value.split('_')[0] }}/{{ zj_result.stat.path | basename | regex_replace('^(\\..*)$', '_\\1') }}{% if zj_result.zj_source.value.endswith('_txt') %}.txt{% endif %}"
type: "{{ zj_result.zj_source.value.split('_')[0] }}"
with_items: "{{ sources.results }}"
loop_var: zj_result
- zj_result.stat.exists
- zj_result.zj_source.value
register: results
no_log: true
- name: Build a list of source, dest dictionaries
all_sources: "{{ results.results | selectattr('ansible_facts', 'defined') | map(attribute='ansible_facts') | list }}"
- name: Ensure target folders exist
become: "{{ sudo_result.rc == 0 }}"
path: "{{ stage_dir }}/{{ zj_output_dirs }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ ansible_user }}"
mode: 0755
- docs
- artifacts
- logs
loop_var: zj_output_dirs
- name: Copy files and folders to staging folder
# remote_src copy does not work recursively, synchronise is restricted by
# zuul, using command
command: cp -pRL {{ zj_source.source }} {{ stage_dir }}/{{ zj_source.dest }}
become: "{{ sudo_result.rc == 0 }}"
with_items: "{{ all_sources }}"
loop_var: zj_source
- name: Make all log files readable
state: directory
dest: "{{ stage_dir }}/logs"
mode: u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX
recurse: yes
become: "{{ sudo_result.rc == 0 }}"
# Do this in a module as looping tasks with ansible is very slow
# with large lists of files. Up to three seconds per file has been observed.
- name: Rename log files that match extensions_to_txt
extensions: "{{ extensions_to_txt }}"
rename_dir: "{{ stage_dir }}/logs"
when: extensions_to_txt is defined and extensions_to_txt is not none
- name: Collect log files
- name: Discover log files for compression
paths: "{{ stage_dir }}/logs"
recurse: true
file_type: 'file'
register: log_files_to_compress
# NOTE(andreaf) The ansible module does not support recursive archive, so
# using gzip is the only option here. The good bit is that gzip itself is
# almost idempotent, as it will not compress again files with .gz extension.
# gzip will however return 1 if any compressed file is encountered, so we
# must ignore that (there's no specific error code).
- name: Archive everything from logs
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/2241
# noqa var-spacing
shell: gzip --recursive --best {{ zj_log_file.path }} || true
chdir: "{{ stage_dir }}/logs"
with_items: "{{ log_files_to_compress.files }}"
loop_var: zj_log_file
- skip_ansible_lint
- stage_compress_logs