Adding accurate docs for new bandit config

Change-Id: I19d810dfeb6cae422938465c370d015832eeb0e6
This commit is contained in:
Tim Kelsey 2016-04-04 13:13:28 +01:00
parent ad38f827c8
commit d653e969ae
1 changed files with 60 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -2,17 +2,68 @@ Configuration
Bandit is designed to be configurable and cover a wide range of needs, it may
be used as either a local developer utility or as part of a full CI/CD
pipeline. To provide for these various usage scenarios Bandit can be configured
via the 'bandit.yaml' file. Here we can choose the specific test plugins to
run, the test parameters, and the desired output report format. These choices
may be grouped into configuration profiles that can be selected at run time.
pipeline. To provide for these various usage scenarios bandit can be configured
via a `YAML <>`_ file. This file is completely optional and in
many cases not needed, it may be specified on the command line by using `-c`.
Upon startup, unless given a specific path via the command line ``-c`` option,
Bandit will search for a configuration file in the following locations:
A bandit configuration file may choose the specific test plugins to run and
override the default configurations of those tests. An example config might
look like the following:
#. Current directory
#. User home directory (usually ~/.config/ )
#. Bundled config (the bandit library config, normally site-packages)
.. code-block:: yaml
### profile may optionally select or skip tests
# (optional) list included tests here:
tests: ['B201', 'B301']
# (optional) list skipped tests here:
skips: ['B101', 'B601']
### override settings - used to set settings for plugins to non-default values
no_shell: [os.execl, os.execle, os.execlp, os.execlpe, os.execv, os.execve,
os.execvp, os.execvpe, os.spawnl, os.spawnle, os.spawnlp, os.spawnlpe,
os.spawnv, os.spawnve, os.spawnvp, os.spawnvpe, os.startfile]
shell: [os.system, os.popen, os.popen2, os.popen3, os.popen4,
popen2.popen2, popen2.popen3, popen2.popen4, popen2.Popen3,
popen2.Popen4, commands.getoutput, commands.getstatusoutput]
subprocess: [subprocess.Popen,, subprocess.check_call,
utils.execute, utils.execute_with_timeout]
If you require several sets of tests for specific tasks, then you should create
several config files and pick from them using `-c`. If you only wish to control
the specific tests that are to be run (and not their parameters) then using
`-s` or `-t` on the command line may be more appropriate.
Skipping Tests
The bandit config may contain optional lists of test IDs to either include
(`tests`) or exclude (`skips`). These lists are equivalent to using `-t` and
`-s` on the command line. If only `tests` is given then bandit will include
only those tests, effectively excluding all other tests. If only `skips`
is given then bandit will include all tests not in the skips list. If both are
given then bandit will include only tests in `tests` and then remove `skips`
from that set. It is an error to include the same test ID in both `tests` and
Note that command line options `-t`/`-s` can still be used in conjunction with
`tests` and `skips` given in a config. The result is to concatenate `-t` with
`tests` and likewise for `-s` and `skips` before working out the tests to run.
Generating a Config
Bandit ships the tool `bandit-config-generator` designed to take the leg work
out of configuration. This tool can generate a configuration file
automatically. The generated configuration will include default config blocks
for all detected test and blacklist plugins. This data can then be deleted or
edited as needed to produce a minimal config as desired. The config generator
supports `-t` and `-s` command line options to specify a list of test IDs that
should be included or excluded respectively. If no options are given then the
generated config will not include `tests` or `skips` sections (but will provide
a complete list of all test IDs for reference when editing).
Configuring Test Plugins
@ -29,100 +80,3 @@ configuration section might look like the following:
The specific content of the configuration block is determined by the plugin
test itself. See the `plugin test list <plugins/index.html>`_ for complete
information on configuring each one.
Test Profiles
Bandit defaults to running all available test plugins. However, this behavior
can be overridden by grouping tests into named sets, known as profiles, and
specifying a profile using the ``-p`` command line option. When running with a
profile only those tests explicitly listed in the chosen profile will be run.
To define a profile set, create a named entry under the 'profiles' section of
the config. For example the following defines two profiles, ``XSS`` and
.. code-block:: yaml
- jinja2_autoescape_false
- use_of_mako_templates
- hardcoded_sql_expressions
Again, test plugins are referred to using their method name. Thus in the above
example we create two profiles, the first running 'jinja2_autoescape_false' and
'use_of_mako_templates' and the second running just 'hardcoded_sql_expressions'.
Report Format Plugins
In order to integrate with various CI/CD pipelines, Bandit provides a facility
to build pluggable output formatters. A well written formatter should respect
all of the report configuration options given here, however they may also
expose their own specific configuration choices. Please see the `complete list
of formatters <formatters/index.html>`_ for details.
| Option | Description |
| TBD | |
Misc Options
The following miscellaneous options are available:
| Option | Description |
| include | Globs of files which should be analyzed, |
| | typically this will be '\*.py' and '\*.pyw'. |
| exclude_dirs | A list of strings, which if found in the path will |
| | cause files to be excluded. |
| show_progress_every | Optionally show progress every X files. |
| | If not given it will default to 50 files. |
| log_format | Optional log format string, if not given defaults |
| | to ``"[%(module)s]\\t%(levelname)s\\t%(message)s"``. |
| output_colors | Optional terminal escape sequences to display colors,|
| | if not given defaults will be used. |
Generating a default configuration
Some users might want to use a 'generic' configuration for bandit. Using
'bandit-config-generator', it is possible to generate such a configuration
without writing a whole bandit.yaml. Instead, one can write a minimal
configuration file (named 'minimal.yaml', for instance) that looks like
.. code-block:: yaml
profile_name: my-bandit-config
exclude_checkers: [assert_used, try_except_pass]
Then, it is possible to call 'bandit-config-generator' to generate a valid
.. code-block:: bash
bandit-config-generator --out my-bandit.yaml bandit.yaml minimal.yaml
Where 'bandit.yaml' is the full configuration example provided by bandit.
The following options are available:
| Option | Description |
| profile_name | The name of the profile that will be generated. |
| exclude_checkers | A list of checkers to disable. |