Adding a barbican-manage command

This blueprint discuss and defines a new admin command called
"barbican-manage" which interacts with Barbican service for all
management operations. The initial implementation will consolidate
several existing admin commands into it.

Change-Id: I8a69b9ed4035a1a1ff9240d1124cdc7363376ed0
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Jeff Feng 2015-12-04 16:03:59 -06:00
parent b962fa73d7
commit c55f6ffd8e
2 changed files with 217 additions and 0 deletions

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Barbican Project Specifications
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:maxdepth: 1
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.. toctree::

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Add barbican-manage command
Client Blueprint:
A new 'barbican-manage' command is introduced as Barbican admin tool. This
command interacts with Barbican service for management operations which usually
cannot be accomplished with REST APIs. This can improve usability and
extensibility in the future.
Other OpenStack services like Keystone [#]_ and Nova [#]_ also provide similar
commands for service admins.
Problem Description
Currently, Barbican uses individual admin commands for management functions.
For example, using barbican-db-manage for database migration, using
pkcs11-key-generation and pkcs11-kek-rewarp for HSM/pkcs11 related management,
etc. More new admin functions will be added in future releases. It's time to
consolidate all these individual commands under a single tool for sake of
Proposed Change
The syntax of new 'barbican-manage' command will be:
**barbican-manage** [options] *category* *action* [additional args]
*category* and *action* will be a list of subcommands that will be supported.
The initial implementation of **barbican-manage** will be just refactoring
current command code, and unify all functions into one command.
.. Note::
Existing admin commands will be continue working and will be deprecated
in future according to OpenStack standard deprecation policy [#]_
Currently we have 2 categories: *db* for database management and *hsm* for
HSM/PKCS11 management.
Category *db* replaces existing **barbican-db-manage** command:
============ ====================================================
db cleanup Remove all soft-deleted and expired secrets from DB
db restore Restore a soft-deleted secret from DB
db revision Create a new DB version file
db upgrade Upgrade to a future version DB version
db history Show changeset history
db current Show current revision for a database
============ ====================================================
Category *db* can take additional argument:
--dburl URL to the database
--from-file Secret garbage collection configuration file
Category *hsm* replaces existing **pkcs11-key-generation** and
**pkcs11-kek-rewrap** commands:
================== =================================================
hsm gen-mkek Generate HSM master key encryption key
hsm gen-mhmk Generate HSM master HMAC key
hsm rewrap-pkek Rewrap Project KEKs after rotating to a new MKEK
================== =================================================
Category *hsm* can take following additional arguments:
--library-path PKCS11 library path
--slot-id Slot ID
--passphrase PKCS11 login password
--label Key label
--length Key length
--dry-run Displays changes that will be made (Non-destructive)
.. NOTE:: --dry-run requires above 5 arguments be specified
General 'options' includes:
--help show help message
--version show command version
The command will read standard *barbican.conf* to get setting for *debug*,
*verbose* and *log_file* options.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Security impact
User has to have appropriate privilege to run command barbican-manage.
Notifications & Audit Impact
Event log can be generated for audit support.
Python and Command Line Client Impact
No impact to Barbican client and OpenStack client.
A new CLI admin command will be added, so its user guide need to be added.
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
None if existing admin commands are not used in deploying script.
There is no immediate impact to deployers even if they use existing admin
commands in script for deployment. The script need to be converted to use new
*barbican-manage* command eventually before old commands are removed according
to procedures in OpenStack standard deprecation policy.
Developer impact
Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
Work Items
Work items or tasks
- Create a new in barbican/cmd and call functions into
scripts and pkcs11_*.py
- Add unit testcases
- Add barbican-manage command script in setup.cfg
- Add user guide document for barbican-manage command
- deprecate existing command scripts. Adding deprecation warning message in
existing commands.
Unit tests will be added for all subcommands and various options.
Documentation Impact
A new barbican-manage command user guide will be added, which should include
new user guide for database migration subcommands and user guide of
pkcs11-related subcommands modified from existing
.. [#]
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