# About the Plumgrid Platform The PLUMgrid Platform is a software-only solution that provides a rich set of distributed network functions such as routers, switches, NAT, IPAM, DHCP, and it also supports security policies, end-to-end encryption, and third party Layer 4-7 service insertion. # Overview This charm is responsible for configuring a node as a PLUMgrid Gateway. Once deployed the charm triggers the necessary services for a PLUMgrid Gateway and configures the IO Visor kernel module as a PLUMgrid Software Gateway. It also configures additional interfaces on the node for external connectivity. # Usage Instructions on using the charm: juju deploy neutron-api juju deploy neutron-api-plumgrid juju deploy plumgrid-director juju deploy nova-compute juju deploy plumgrid-edge juju deploy plumgrid-gateway juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-api-plumgrid juju add-relation neutron-api-plumgrid plumgrid-director juju add-relation plumgrid-director plumgrid-edge juju add-relation nova-compute plumgrid-edge juju add-relation plumgrid-director plumgrid-gateway For plumgrid-gateway to work make the configuration in the neutron-api, neutron-api-plumgrid, plumgrid-director and plumgrid-edge charms as specified in the configuration section below. ## Known Limitations and Issues This charm currently doesn't support Ubuntu 16.04. # Configuration Example Config plumgrid-gateway: external-interfaces: '{"node01":"eth5,eth2","node02":"eth4,eth8"}' install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable' install_keys: 'null' plumgrid-edge: install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable' install_keys: 'null' plumgrid-director: plumgrid-virtual-ip: "" install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable' install_keys: 'null' neutron-api-plumgrid: install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable' install_keys: 'null' enable-metadata: False neutron-api: neutron-plugin: "plumgrid" plumgrid-virtual-ip: "" The "external-interfaces" config parameter should be the interfaces that will provide external connectivity on each of the gateway nodes. Should be provided as a json in a string with hostname and interface names. Provide the source repo path for PLUMgrid Debs in 'install_sources' and the corresponding keys in 'install_keys'. The virtual IP passed on in the neutron-api charm has to be same as the one passed in the plumgrid-director charm. # Contact Information Bilal Baqar Javeria Khan Junaid Ali