NetApp eseries iscsi driver implementation

This change introduces the iscsi
driver for NetApp eseries family of storage
systems. E-series is another  storage
solution offered by NetApp.

Related-Bug: 1278567
Implements: blueprint netapp-eseries--cinder-driver
Certification results:

Change-Id: I8b55d1f1c8de12052281c7cae0c2f89a9d2c3dd1
This commit is contained in:
Navneet Singh 2013-11-25 06:29:41 +05:30
parent ebf55d5203
commit 3fd1beb85c
9 changed files with 1830 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -706,3 +706,7 @@ class FCSanLookupServiceException(CinderException):
class BrocadeZoningCliException(CinderException):
message = _("Fibre Channel Zoning CLI error: %(reason)s")
class NetAppDriverException(VolumeDriverException):
message = _("NetApp Cinder Driver exception.")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
# Copyright (c) 2014 NetApp, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Tests for NetApp e-series iscsi volume driver.
import json
import mock
import re
import requests
from cinder import exception
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder import test
from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import common
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.options import netapp_basicauth_opts
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.options import netapp_eseries_opts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_configuration():
configuration = conf.Configuration(None)
return configuration
class FakeEseriesResponse(object):
"""Fake response to requests."""
def __init__(self, code=None, text=None):
self.status_code = code
self.text = text
def json(self):
return json.loads(self.text)
class FakeEseriesServerHandler(object):
"""HTTP handler that fakes enough stuff to allow the driver to run."""
def do_GET(self, path, params, data, headers):
"""Respond to a GET request."""
response = FakeEseriesResponse()
if "/devmgr/vn" not in path:
response.status_code = 404
(__, ___, path) = path.partition("/devmgr/vn")
if re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volumes$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[{"extremeProtection": false,
"pitBaseVolume": false,
"dssMaxSegmentSize": 131072,
"totalSizeInBytes": "2126008832", "raidLevel": "raid6",
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023C73400000AAA52D11677",
"listOfMappings": [], "sectorOffset": "6",
"id": "0200000060080E500023C73400000AAA52D11677",
"wwn": "60080E500023C73400000AAA52D11677",
"capacity": "2126008832", "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
"label": "repos_0006", "volumeFull": false,
"blkSize": 512, "volumeCopyTarget": false,
"preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000002",
"currentManager": "070000000000000000000002",
"applicationTagOwned": true, "status": "optimal",
"segmentSize": 131072, "volumeUse":
"freeRepositoryVolume", "action": "none",
"name": "repos_0006", "worldWideName":
"60080E500023C73400000AAA52D11677", "currentControllerId"
: "070000000000000000000002",
"protectionInformationCapable": false, "mapped": false,
"reconPriority": 1, "protectionType": "type0Protection"}
{"extremeProtection": false, "pitBaseVolume": true,
"dssMaxSegmentSize": 131072,
"totalSizeInBytes": "2147483648", "raidLevel": "raid6",
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"listOfMappings": [], "sectorOffset": "15",
"id": "0200000060080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"wwn": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"capacity": "2147483648", "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
"label": "bdm-vc-test-1", "volumeFull": false,
"blkSize": 512, "volumeCopyTarget": false,
"preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"currentManager": "070000000000000000000001",
"applicationTagOwned": false, "status": "optimal",
"segmentSize": 131072, "volumeUse": "standardVolume",
"action": "none", "preferredManager":
"070000000000000000000001", "volumeHandle": 15,
"offline": false, "preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled": false,
"dssPreallocEnabled": false, "name": "bdm-vc-test-1",
"worldWideName": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"currentControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"protectionInformationCapable": false, "mapped": false,
"reconPriority": 1, "protectionType":
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volumes/[0-9A-Za-z]+$",
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"extremeProtection": false,
"pitBaseVolume": true,
"dssMaxSegmentSize": 131072,
"totalSizeInBytes": "2147483648", "raidLevel": "raid6",
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"listOfMappings": [], "sectorOffset": "15",
"id": "0200000060080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"wwn": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"capacity": "2147483648", "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
"label": "bdm-vc-test-1", "volumeFull": false,
"blkSize": 512, "volumeCopyTarget": false,
"preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"currentManager": "070000000000000000000001",
"applicationTagOwned": false, "status": "optimal",
"segmentSize": 131072, "volumeUse": "standardVolume",
"action": "none", "preferredManager":
"070000000000000000000001", "volumeHandle": 15,
"offline": false, "preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled": false,
"dssPreallocEnabled": false, "name": "bdm-vc-test-1",
"worldWideName": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"currentControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"protectionInformationCapable": false, "mapped": false,
"reconPriority": 1, "protectionType":
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/hardware-inventory$",
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """
{"iscsiPorts": [{"controllerId":
"070000000000000000000002", "ipv4Enabled": true,
"ipv4Data": {"ipv4Address":
"", "ipv4AddressConfigMethod": "configStatic",
"ipv4VlanId": {"isEnabled": false, "value": 0},
"ipv4AddressData": {"ipv4Address": "",
"ipv4SubnetMask": "", "configState":
"configured", "ipv4GatewayAddress": ""}},
"tcpListenPort": 3260,
"interfaceRef": "2202040000000000000000000000000000000000"
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/hosts$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[{"isSAControlled": false,
: false, "label": "stlrx300s7-55", "isLargeBlockFormatHost":
false, "clusterRef": "8500000060080E500023C7340036035F515B78FC",
"protectionInformationCapableAccessMethod": false,
"ports": [], "hostRef":
"8400000060080E500023C73400300381515BFBA3", "hostTypeIndex": 6,
"hostSidePorts": [{"label": "NewStore", "type": "iscsi",
"address": ""}]}]"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/host-types$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[{
"id" : "4",
"code" : "AIX",
"name" : "AIX",
"index" : 4
}, {
"id" : "5",
"code" : "IRX",
"name" : "IRX",
"index" : 5
}, {
"id" : "6",
"code" : "LNX",
"name" : "Linux",
"index" : 6
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-groups$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[]"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-images$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[]"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/storage-pools$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[ {"protectionInformationCapabilities":
{"protectionInformationCapable": true, "protectionType":
"type2Protection"}, "raidLevel": "raidDiskPool", "reserved1":
"000000000000000000000000", "reserved2": "", "isInaccessible":
false, "label": "DDP", "state": "complete", "usage":
"standard", "offline": false, "drawerLossProtection": false,
"trayLossProtection": false, "securityType": "capable",
"volumeGroupRef": "0400000060080E500023BB3400001F9F52CECC3F",
"driveBlockFormat": "__UNDEFINED", "usedSpace": "81604378624",
"volumeGroupData": {"type": "diskPool", "diskPoolData":
{"criticalReconstructPriority": "highest",
"poolUtilizationState": "utilizationOptimal",
"reconstructionReservedDriveCountCurrent": 3, "allocGranularity":
"4294967296", "degradedReconstructPriority": "high",
"backgroundOperationPriority": "low",
"reconstructionReservedAmt": "897111293952", "unusableCapacity":
"0", "reconstructionReservedDriveCount": 1,
"poolUtilizationWarningThreshold": 50,
"poolUtilizationCriticalThreshold": 85}}, "spindleSpeed": 10000,
"worldWideName": "60080E500023BB3400001F9F52CECC3F",
"spindleSpeedMatch": true, "totalRaidedSpace": "17273253317836",
"sequenceNum": 2, "protectionInformationCapable": false}]"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[ {"freePoolSpace": 11142431623168,
"driveCount": 24,
"hostSparesUsed": 0, "id":
"hotSpareSizeAsString": "0", "wwn":
"60080E500023C73400000000515AF323", "parameters":
{"minVolSize": 1048576, "maxSnapshotsPerBase": 16,
"maxDrives": 192, "maxVolumes": 512, "maxVolumesPerGroup":
256, "maxMirrors": 0, "maxMappingsPerVolume": 1,
"maxMappableLuns": 256, "maxVolCopys": 511,
256}, "hotSpareCount": 0, "hostSpareCountInStandby": 0,
"status": "needsattn", "trayCount": 1,
"usedPoolSpaceAsString": "5313000380416",
"ip2": "", "ip1": "",
"freePoolSpaceAsString": "11142431623168",
"types": "SAS",
"name": "stle2600-7_8", "hotSpareSize": 0,
5313000380416, "driveTypes": ["sas"],
"unconfiguredSpaceByDriveType": {},
"unconfiguredSpaceAsStrings": "0", "model": "2650",
"unconfiguredSpace": 0}]"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"freePoolSpace": 11142431623168,
"driveCount": 24,
"hostSparesUsed": 0, "id":
"hotSpareSizeAsString": "0", "wwn":
"60080E500023C73400000000515AF323", "parameters":
{"minVolSize": 1048576, "maxSnapshotsPerBase": 16,
"maxDrives": 192, "maxVolumes": 512, "maxVolumesPerGroup":
256, "maxMirrors": 0, "maxMappingsPerVolume": 1,
"maxMappableLuns": 256, "maxVolCopys": 511,
256}, "hotSpareCount": 0, "hostSpareCountInStandby": 0,
"status": "needsattn", "trayCount": 1,
"usedPoolSpaceAsString": "5313000380416",
"ip2": "", "ip1": "",
"freePoolSpaceAsString": "11142431623168",
"types": "SAS",
"name": "stle2600-7_8", "hotSpareSize": 0,
5313000380416, "driveTypes": ["sas"],
"unconfiguredSpaceByDriveType": {},
"unconfiguredSpaceAsStrings": "0", "model": "2650",
"unconfiguredSpace": 0}"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volume-copy-jobs"
"/[0-9a-zA-Z]+$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"status": "complete",
"cloneCopy": true, "pgRef":
"3300000060080E500023C73400000ACA52D29454", "volcopyHandle":49160
, "idleTargetWriteProt": true, "copyPriority": "priority2",
"volcopyRef": "1800000060080E500023C73400000ACF52D29466",
"worldWideName": "60080E500023C73400000ACF52D29466",
"copyCompleteTime": "0", "sourceVolume":
"3500000060080E500023C73400000ACE52D29462", "currentManager":
"070000000000000000000002", "copyStartTime": "1389551671",
"reserved1": "00000000", "targetVolume":
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volume-mappings$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """[
"lun": 0,
"ssid": 16384,
"perms": 15,
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293",
"type": "all",
"mapRef": "8400000060080E500023C73400300381515BFBA3"
# Unknown API
response.status_code = 500
return response
def do_POST(self, path, params, data, headers):
"""Respond to a POST request."""
response = FakeEseriesResponse()
if "/devmgr/vn" not in path:
response.status_code = 404
data = json.loads(data) if data else None
(__, ___, path) = path.partition("/devmgr/vn")
if re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volumes$", path):
response.status_code = 200
text_json = json.loads("""
{"extremeProtection": false, "pitBaseVolume": true,
"dssMaxSegmentSize": 131072,
"totalSizeInBytes": "1073741824", "raidLevel": "raid6",
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293",
"listOfMappings": [], "sectorOffset": "15",
"id": "0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293",
"wwn": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"capacity": "2147483648", "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
"label": "CFDXJ67BLJH25DXCZFZD4NSF54",
"volumeFull": false,
"blkSize": 512, "volumeCopyTarget": false,
"preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"currentManager": "070000000000000000000001",
"applicationTagOwned": false, "status": "optimal",
"segmentSize": 131072, "volumeUse": "standardVolume",
"action": "none", "preferredManager":
"070000000000000000000001", "volumeHandle": 15,
"offline": false, "preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled": false,
"dssPreallocEnabled": false, "name": "bdm-vc-test-1",
"worldWideName": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"currentControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"protectionInformationCapable": false, "mapped": false,
"reconPriority": 1, "protectionType":
text_json['label'] = data['name']
text_json['name'] = data['name']
text_json['volumeRef'] = data['name']
text_json['id'] = data['name']
response.text = json.dumps(text_json)
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volume-mappings$", path):
response.status_code = 200
text_json = json.loads("""
"lun": 0,
"ssid": 16384,
"perms": 15,
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293",
"type": "all",
"mapRef": "8400000060080E500023C73400300381515BFBA3"
text_json['volumeRef'] = data['mappableObjectId']
text_json['mapRef'] = data['targetId']
response.text = json.dumps(text_json)
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/hosts$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"isSAControlled": false,
: false, "label": "stlrx300s7-55", "isLargeBlockFormatHost":
false, "clusterRef": "8500000060080E500023C7340036035F515B78FC",
"protectionInformationCapableAccessMethod": false,
"ports": [], "hostRef":
"8400000060080E500023C73400300381515BFBA3", "hostTypeIndex": 10,
"hostSidePorts": [{"label": "NewStore", "type": "iscsi",
"address": ""}]}"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-groups$", path):
response.status_code = 200
text_json = json.loads("""{"status": "optimal",
"autoDeleteLimit": 0,
"maxRepositoryCapacity": "-65536", "rollbackStatus": "none"
, "unusableRepositoryCapacity": "0", "pitGroupRef":
"3300000060080E500023C7340000098D5294AC9A", "clusterSize":
65536, "label": "C6JICISVHNG2TFZX4XB5ZWL7O",
"476187142128128", "repositoryVolume":
"fullWarnThreshold": 99, "repFullPolicy": "purgepit",
"action": "none", "rollbackPriority": "medium",
"creationPendingStatus": "none", "consistencyGroupRef":
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "volumeHandle":
49153, "consistencyGroup": false, "baseVolume":
text_json['label'] = data['name']
text_json['name'] = data['name']
text_json['pitGroupRef'] = data['name']
text_json['id'] = data['name']
text_json['baseVolume'] = data['baseMappableObjectId']
response.text = json.dumps(text_json)
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-images$", path):
response.status_code = 200
text_json = json.loads("""{"status": "optimal",
"pitCapacity": "2147483648",
"pitTimestamp": "1389315375", "pitGroupRef":
"3300000060080E500023C7340000098D5294AC9A", "creationMethod":
"user", "repositoryCapacityUtilization": "2818048",
"activeCOW": true, "isRollbackSource": false, "pitRef":
"pitSequenceNumber": "19"}""")
text_json['label'] = data['groupId']
text_json['name'] = data['groupId']
text_json['id'] = data['groupId']
text_json['pitGroupRef'] = data['groupId']
response.text = json.dumps(text_json)
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-volumes$",
response.status_code = 200
text_json = json.loads("""{"unusableRepositoryCapacity": "0",
"-1", "worldWideName": "60080E500023BB3400001FAD52CEF2F5",
"boundToPIT": true, "wwn":
"60080E500023BB3400001FAD52CEF2F5", "id":
"baseVol": "0200000060080E500023BB3400001FA352CECCAE",
"label": "bdm-pv-1", "volumeFull": false,
"preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000001", "offline":
false, "viewSequenceNumber": "10", "status": "optimal",
"viewRef": "3500000060080E500023BB3400001FAD52CEF2F5",
"mapped": false, "accessMode": "readOnly", "viewTime":
"1389315613", "repositoryVolume":
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "preferredManager":
"070000000000000000000001", "volumeHandle": 16385,
"currentManager": "070000000000000000000001",
"maxRepositoryCapacity": "0", "name": "bdm-pv-1",
"fullWarnThreshold": 0, "currentControllerId":
"070000000000000000000001", "basePIT":
"3400000060080E500023BB3400631F335294A5A8", "clusterSize":
0, "mgmtClientAttribute": 0}""")
text_json['label'] = data['name']
text_json['name'] = data['name']
text_json['id'] = data['name']
text_json['basePIT'] = data['snapshotImageId']
text_json['baseVol'] = data['baseMappableObjectId']
response.text = json.dumps(text_json)
elif re.match("^/storage-systems$", path):
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"freePoolSpace": "17055871480319",
"driveCount": 24,
"wwn": "60080E500023C73400000000515AF323", "id": "1",
"hotSpareSizeAsString": "0", "hostSparesUsed": 0, "types": "",
"hostSpareCountInStandby": 0, "status": "optimal", "trayCount":
1, "usedPoolSpaceAsString": "37452115456", "ip2":
"", "ip1": "",
"freePoolSpaceAsString": "17055871480319", "hotSpareCount": 0,
"hotSpareSize": "0", "name": "stle2600-7_8", "usedPoolSpace":
"37452115456", "driveTypes": ["sas"],
"unconfiguredSpaceByDriveType": {}, "unconfiguredSpaceAsStrings":
"0", "model": "2650", "unconfiguredSpace": "0"}"""
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+$",
response.status_code = 200
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volume-copy-jobs$",
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"status": "complete", "cloneCopy": true,
"3300000060080E500023C73400000ACA52D29454", "volcopyHandle":49160
, "idleTargetWriteProt": true, "copyPriority": "priority2",
"volcopyRef": "1800000060080E500023C73400000ACF52D29466",
"worldWideName": "60080E500023C73400000ACF52D29466",
"copyCompleteTime": "0", "sourceVolume":
"3500000060080E500023C73400000ACE52D29462", "currentManager":
"070000000000000000000002", "copyStartTime": "1389551671",
"reserved1": "00000000", "targetVolume":
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volumes/[0-9A-Za-z]+$",
response.status_code = 200
response.text = """{"extremeProtection": false,
"pitBaseVolume": true,
"dssMaxSegmentSize": 131072,
"totalSizeInBytes": "1073741824", "raidLevel": "raid6",
"volumeRef": "0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293",
"listOfMappings": [], "sectorOffset": "15",
"id": "0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293",
"wwn": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"capacity": "2147483648", "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
"label": "rename",
"volumeFull": false,
"blkSize": 512, "volumeCopyTarget": false,
"preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"currentManager": "070000000000000000000001",
"applicationTagOwned": false, "status": "optimal",
"segmentSize": 131072, "volumeUse": "standardVolume",
"action": "none", "preferredManager":
"070000000000000000000001", "volumeHandle": 15,
"offline": false, "preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled": false,
"dssPreallocEnabled": false, "name": "bdm-vc-test-1",
"worldWideName": "60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2",
"currentControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
"protectionInformationCapable": false, "mapped": false,
"reconPriority": 1, "protectionType":
# Unknown API
response.status_code = 500
return response
def do_DELETE(self, path, params, data, headers):
"""Respond to a DELETE request."""
response = FakeEseriesResponse()
if "/devmgr/vn" not in path:
response.status_code = 500
(__, ___, path) = path.partition("/devmgr/vn")
if re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-images"
"/[0-9A-Za-z]+$", path):
code = 204
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-groups"
"/[0-9A-Za-z]+$", path):
code = 204
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/snapshot-volumes"
"/[0-9A-Za-z]+$", path):
code = 204
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volume-copy-jobs"
"/[0-9A-Za-z]+$", path):
code = 204
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volumes"
"/[0-9A-Za-z]+$", path):
code = 204
elif re.match("^/storage-systems/[0-9a-zA-Z]+/volume-mappings/"
"[0-9a-zA-Z]+$", path):
code = 204
code = 500
response.status_code = code
return response
class FakeEseriesHTTPSession(object):
"""A fake requests.Session for netapp tests.
def __init__(self):
self.handler = FakeEseriesServerHandler()
def request(self, method, url, params, data, headers, timeout, verify):
address = ''
(__, ___, path) = url.partition(address)
if method.upper() == 'GET':
return self.handler.do_GET(path, params, data, headers)
elif method.upper() == 'POST':
return self.handler.do_POST(path, params, data, headers)
elif method.upper() == 'DELETE':
return self.handler.do_DELETE(path, params, data, headers)
raise exception.Invalid()
class NetAppEseriesIscsiDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
"""Test case for NetApp e-series iscsi driver."""
volume = {'id': '114774fb-e15a-4fae-8ee2-c9723e3645ef', 'size': 1,
'volume_name': 'lun1',
'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'lun1',
'id': '114774fb-e15a-4fae-8ee2-c9723e3645ef',
'provider_auth': 'provider a b', 'project_id': 'project',
'display_name': None, 'display_description': 'lun1',
'volume_type_id': None}
snapshot = {'id': '17928122-553b-4da9-9737-e5c3dcd97f75',
'volume_id': '114774fb-e15a-4fae-8ee2-c9723e3645ef',
'size': 2, 'volume_name': 'lun1',
'volume_size': 2, 'project_id': 'project',
'display_name': None, 'display_description': 'lun1',
'volume_type_id': None}
volume_sec = {'id': 'b6c01641-8955-4917-a5e3-077147478575',
'size': 2, 'volume_name': 'lun1',
'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'lun1',
'id': 'b6c01641-8955-4917-a5e3-077147478575',
'provider_auth': None, 'project_id': 'project',
'display_name': None, 'display_description': 'lun1',
'volume_type_id': None}
volume_clone = {'id': 'b4b24b27-c716-4647-b66d-8b93ead770a5', 'size': 3,
'volume_name': 'lun1',
'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'cl_sm',
'id': 'b4b24b27-c716-4647-b66d-8b93ead770a5',
'provider_auth': None,
'project_id': 'project', 'display_name': None,
'display_description': 'lun1',
'volume_type_id': None}
volume_clone_large = {'id': 'f6ef5bf5-e24f-4cbb-b4c4-11d631d6e553',
'size': 6, 'volume_name': 'lun1',
'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'cl_lg',
'id': 'f6ef5bf5-e24f-4cbb-b4c4-11d631d6e553',
'provider_auth': None,
'project_id': 'project', 'display_name': None,
'display_description': 'lun1',
'volume_type_id': None}
connector = {'initiator': ''}
def setUp(self):
super(NetAppEseriesIscsiDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
def _custom_setup(self):
configuration = self._set_config(create_configuration())
self.driver = common.NetAppDriver(configuration=configuration)
requests.Session = mock.Mock(wraps=FakeEseriesHTTPSession)
def _set_config(self, configuration):
configuration.netapp_storage_family = 'eseries'
configuration.netapp_storage_protocol = 'iscsi'
configuration.netapp_transport_type = 'http'
configuration.netapp_server_hostname = ''
configuration.netapp_server_port = '80'
configuration.netapp_webservice_path = '/devmgr/vn'
configuration.netapp_controller_ips = ','
configuration.netapp_sa_password = 'pass1234'
configuration.netapp_login = 'rw'
configuration.netapp_password = 'rw'
configuration.netapp_storage_pools = 'DDP'
return configuration
def test_embedded_mode(self):
configuration = self._set_config(create_configuration())
configuration.netapp_controller_ips = ','
driver = common.NetAppDriver(configuration=configuration)
def test_check_system_pwd_not_sync(self):
def list_system():
if getattr(self, 'test_count', None):
self.test_count = 1
return {'status': 'passwordoutofsync'}
return {'status': 'needsAttention'}
self.driver._client.list_storage_system = mock.Mock(wraps=list_system)
result = self.driver._check_storage_system()
def test_connect(self):
def test_create_destroy(self):
def test_create_vol_snapshot_destroy(self):
self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.volume_sec, self.snapshot)
def test_map_unmap(self):
connection_info = self.driver.initialize_connection(self.volume,
self.assertEqual(connection_info['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')
properties = connection_info.get('data')
self.assertIsNotNone(properties, 'Target portal is none')
self.driver.terminate_connection(self.volume, self.connector)
def test_cloned_volume_destroy(self):
self.driver.create_cloned_volume(self.snapshot, self.volume)
def test_map_by_creating_host(self):
connector_new = {'initiator': ''}
connection_info = self.driver.initialize_connection(self.volume,
self.assertEqual(connection_info['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')
properties = connection_info.get('data')
self.assertIsNotNone(properties, 'Target portal is none')
def test_vol_stats(self):
def test_create_vol_snapshot_diff_size_resize(self):
self.volume_clone, self.snapshot)
def test_create_vol_snapshot_diff_size_subclone(self):
self.volume_clone_large, self.snapshot)

View File

@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ netapp_unified_plugin_registry =\
}, 'eseries':
@ -53,7 +57,8 @@ netapp_unified_plugin_registry =\
netapp_family_default =\
'ontap_cluster': 'nfs',
'ontap_7mode': 'nfs'
'ontap_7mode': 'nfs',
'eseries': 'iscsi'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
# Copyright (c) 2014 NetApp, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Client classes for web services.
import json
import requests
import urlparse
from cinder import exception
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebserviceClient(object):
"""Base client for e-series web services."""
def __init__(self, scheme, host, port, service_path, username,
password, **kwargs):
self._validate_params(scheme, host, port)
self._create_endpoint(scheme, host, port, service_path)
self._username = username
self._password = password
def _validate_params(self, scheme, host, port):
"""Does some basic validation for web service params."""
if host is None or port is None or scheme is None:
msg = _("One of the required inputs from host, port"
" or scheme not found.")
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_("Invalid transport type."))
def _create_endpoint(self, scheme, host, port, service_path):
"""Creates end point url for the service."""
netloc = '%s:%s' % (host, port)
self._endpoint = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, service_path,
None, None, None))
def _init_connection(self):
"""Do client specific set up for session and connection pooling."""
self.conn = requests.Session()
if self._username and self._password:
self.conn.auth = (self._username, self._password)
def invoke_service(self, method='GET', url=None, params=None, data=None,
headers=None, timeout=None, verify=False):
url = url or self._endpoint
response = self.conn.request(method, url, params, data,
headers=headers, timeout=timeout,
# Catching error conditions other than the perceived ones.
# Helps propagating only known exceptions back to the caller.
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception(_("Unexpected error while invoking web service."
" Error - %s."), e)
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(
_("Invoking web service failed."))
return response
def _eval_response(self, response):
"""Evaluates response before passing result to invoker."""
class RestClient(WebserviceClient):
"""REST client specific to e-series storage service."""
def __init__(self, scheme, host, port, service_path, username,
password, **kwargs):
super(RestClient, self).__init__(scheme, host, port, service_path,
username, password, **kwargs)
kwargs = kwargs or {}
self._system_id = kwargs.get('system_id')
self._content_type = kwargs.get('content_type') or 'json'
def set_system_id(self, system_id):
"""Set the storage system id."""
self._system_id = system_id
def get_system_id(self):
"""Get the storage system id."""
return getattr(self, '_system_id', None)
def _get_resource_url(self, path, use_system=True, **kwargs):
"""Creates end point url for rest service."""
kwargs = kwargs or {}
if use_system:
if not self._system_id:
raise exception.NotFound(_('Storage system id not set.'))
kwargs['system-id'] = self._system_id
path = path.format(**kwargs)
if not self._endpoint.endswith('/'):
self._endpoint = '%s/' % self._endpoint
return urlparse.urljoin(self._endpoint, path.lstrip('/'))
def _invoke(self, method, path, data=None, use_system=True,
timeout=None, verify=False, **kwargs):
"""Invokes end point for resource on path."""
params = {'m': method, 'p': path, 'd': data, 'sys': use_system,
't': timeout, 'v': verify, 'k': kwargs}
LOG.debug(_("Invoking rest with method: %(m)s, path: %(p)s,"
" data: %(d)s, use_system: %(sys)s, timeout: %(t)s,"
" verify: %(v)s, kwargs: %(k)s.") % (params))
url = self._get_resource_url(path, use_system, **kwargs)
if self._content_type == 'json':
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
data = json.dumps(data) if data else None
res = self.invoke_service(method, url, data=data,
timeout=timeout, verify=verify)
return res.json() if res.text else None
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(
_("Content type not supported."))
def _eval_response(self, response):
"""Evaluates response before passing result to invoker."""
super(RestClient, self)._eval_response(response)
status_code = int(response.status_code)
# codes >= 300 are not ok and to be treated as errors
if status_code >= 300:
# Response code 422 returns error code and message
if status_code == 422:
msg = _("Response error - %s.") % response.text
msg = _("Response error code - %s.") % status_code
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg)
def create_volume(self, pool, label, size, unit='gb', seg_size=0):
"""Creates volume on array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes"
data = {'poolId': pool, 'name': label, 'sizeUnit': unit,
'size': int(size), 'segSize': seg_size}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def delete_volume(self, object_id):
"""Deletes given volume from array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def list_volumes(self):
"""Lists all volumes in storage array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def list_volume(self, object_id):
"""List given volume from array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('GET', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def update_volume(self, object_id, label):
"""Renames given volume in array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}"
data = {'name': label}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data, **{'object-id': object_id})
def get_volume_mappings(self):
"""Creates volume mapping on array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-mappings"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def create_volume_mapping(self, object_id, target_id, lun):
"""Creates volume mapping on array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-mappings"
data = {'mappableObjectId': object_id, 'targetId': target_id,
'lun': lun}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def delete_volume_mapping(self, map_object_id):
"""Deletes given volume mapping from array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-mappings/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': map_object_id})
def list_hardware_inventory(self):
"""Lists objects in the hardware inventory."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/hardware-inventory"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def list_hosts(self):
"""Lists host objects in the system."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/hosts"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def create_host(self, label, host_type, ports=None, group_id=None):
"""Creates host on array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/hosts"
data = {'name': label, 'hostType': host_type}
data.setdefault('groupId', group_id) if group_id else None
data.setdefault('ports', ports) if ports else None
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def create_host_with_port(self, label, host_type, port_id,
port_label, port_type='iscsi', group_id=None):
"""Creates host on array with given port information."""
port = {'type': port_type, 'port': port_id, 'label': port_label}
return self.create_host(label, host_type, [port], group_id)
def list_host_types(self):
"""Lists host types in storage system."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/host-types"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def list_snapshot_groups(self):
"""Lists snapshot groups."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-groups"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def create_snapshot_group(self, label, object_id, storage_pool_id,
repo_percent=99, warn_thres=99, auto_del_limit=0,
"""Creates snapshot group on array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-groups"
data = {'baseMappableObjectId': object_id, 'name': label,
'storagePoolId': storage_pool_id,
'repositoryPercentage': repo_percent,
'warningThreshold': warn_thres,
'autoDeleteLimit': auto_del_limit, 'fullPolicy': full_policy}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def delete_snapshot_group(self, object_id):
"""Deletes given snapshot group from array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-groups/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def create_snapshot_image(self, group_id):
"""Creates snapshot image in snapshot group."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-images"
data = {'groupId': group_id}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def delete_snapshot_image(self, object_id):
"""Deletes given snapshot image in snapshot group."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-images/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def list_snapshot_images(self):
"""Lists snapshot images."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-images"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def create_snapshot_volume(self, image_id, label, base_object_id,
repo_percent=99, full_thres=99,
"""Creates snapshot volume."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-volumes"
data = {'snapshotImageId': image_id, 'fullThreshold': full_thres,
'storagePoolId': storage_pool_id,
'name': label, 'viewMode': view_mode,
'repositoryPercentage': repo_percent,
'baseMappableObjectId': base_object_id,
'repositoryPoolId': storage_pool_id}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def delete_snapshot_volume(self, object_id):
"""Deletes given snapshot volume."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/snapshot-volumes/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def list_storage_pools(self):
"""Lists storage pools in the array."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/storage-pools"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def list_storage_systems(self):
"""Lists managed storage systems registered with web service."""
path = "/storage-systems"
return self._invoke('GET', path, use_system=False)
def list_storage_system(self):
"""List current storage system registered with web service."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}"
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def register_storage_system(self, controller_addresses, password=None,
"""Registers storage system with web service."""
path = "/storage-systems"
data = {'controllerAddresses': controller_addresses}
data.setdefault('wwn', wwn) if wwn else None
data.setdefault('password', password) if password else None
return self._invoke('POST', path, data, use_system=False)
def update_stored_system_password(self, password):
"""Update array password stored on web service."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}"
data = {'storedPassword': password}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def create_volume_copy_job(self, src_id, tgt_id, priority='priority4',
"""Creates a volume copy job."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-copy-jobs"
data = {'sourceId': src_id, 'targetId': tgt_id,
'copyPriority': priority,
'targetWriteProtected': tgt_wrt_protected}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data)
def control_volume_copy_job(self, obj_id, control='start'):
"""Controls a volume copy job."""
path = ("/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-copy-jobs-control"
return self._invoke('PUT', path, **{'object-id': obj_id,
'String': control})
def list_vol_copy_job(self, object_id):
"""List volume copy job."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-copy-jobs/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('GET', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def delete_vol_copy_job(self, object_id):
"""Delete volume copy job."""
path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volume-copy-jobs/{object-id}"
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': object_id})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
# Copyright (c) 2014 NetApp, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
iSCSI driver for NetApp E-series storage systems.
import socket
import time
import uuid
from oslo.config import cfg
from cinder import exception
from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder import units
from cinder.volume import driver
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import client
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.options import netapp_basicauth_opts
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.options import netapp_connection_opts
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.options import netapp_eseries_opts
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.options import netapp_transport_opts
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Driver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
"""Executes commands relating to Volumes."""
VERSION = "1.0.0"
required_flags = ['netapp_server_hostname', 'netapp_controller_ips',
'netapp_login', 'netapp_password',
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Driver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._objects = {'disk_pool_refs': [],
'volumes': {'label_ref': {}, 'ref_vol': {}},
'snapshots': {'label_ref': {}, 'ref_snap': {}}}
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Any initialization the volume driver does while starting."""
self._client = client.RestClient(
def _check_flags(self):
"""Ensure that the flags we care about are set."""
required_flags = self.required_flags
for flag in required_flags:
if not getattr(self.configuration, flag, None):
msg = _('%s is not set.') % flag
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
def check_for_setup_error(self):
def _check_mode_get_or_register_storage_system(self):
"""Does validity checks for storage system registry and health."""
def _resolve_host(host):
ip = utils.resolve_hostname(host)
return ip
except socket.gaierror as e:
LOG.error(_('Error resolving host %(host)s. Error - %(e)s.')
% {'host': host, 'e': e})
return None
ips = self.configuration.netapp_controller_ips
ips = [i.strip() for i in ips.split(",")]
ips = [x for x in ips if _resolve_host(x)]
host = utils.resolve_hostname(
if not ips:
msg = _('Controller ips not valid after resolution.')
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)
if host in ips:'Embedded mode detected.'))
system = self._client.list_storage_systems()[0]
else:'Proxy mode detected.'))
system = self._client.register_storage_system(
ips, password=self.configuration.netapp_sa_password)
def _check_storage_system(self):
"""Checks whether system is registered and has good status."""
system = self._client.list_storage_system()
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
msg = _("System with controller addresses [%s] is not"
" registered with web service.") % self.configuration.netapp_controller_ips)
password_not_in_sync = False
if system.get('status', '').lower() == 'passwordoutofsync':
password_not_in_sync = True
new_pwd = self.configuration.netapp_sa_password
sa_comm_timeout = 60
comm_time = 0
while True:
system = self._client.list_storage_system()
status = system.get('status', '').lower()
# wait if array not contacted or
# password was not in sync previously.
if ((status == 'nevercontacted') or
(password_not_in_sync and status == 'passwordoutofsync')):'Waiting for web service array communication.'))
comm_time = comm_time + self.SLEEP_SECS
if comm_time >= sa_comm_timeout:
msg = _("Failure in communication between web service and"
" array. Waited %s seconds. Verify array"
" configuration parameters.")
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg %
msg_dict = {'id': system.get('id'), 'status': status}
if (status == 'passwordoutofsync' or status == 'notsupported' or
status == 'offline'):
msg = _("System %(id)s found with bad status - %(status)s.")
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg % msg_dict)"System %(id)s has %(status)s status.") % msg_dict)
return True
def _populate_system_objects(self):
"""Get all system objects into cache."""
for vol in self._client.list_volumes():
for sn in self._client.list_snapshot_groups():
for image in self._client.list_snapshot_images():
def _cache_allowed_disk_pool_refs(self):
"""Caches disk pools refs as per pools configured by user."""
d_pools = self.configuration.netapp_storage_pools'Configured storage pools %s.'), d_pools)
pools = [x.strip().lower() if x else None for x in d_pools.split(',')]
for pool in self._client.list_storage_pools():
if (pool.get('raidLevel') == 'raidDiskPool'
and pool['label'].lower() in pools):
def _cache_volume(self, obj):
"""Caches volumes for further reference."""
if (obj.get('volumeUse') == 'standardVolume' and obj.get('label')
and obj.get('volumeRef')):
= obj['volumeRef']
self._objects['volumes']['ref_vol'][obj['volumeRef']] = obj
def _cache_snap_grp(self, obj):
"""Caches snapshot groups."""
if (obj.get('label') and obj.get('pitGroupRef') and
obj.get('baseVolume') in self._objects['volumes']['ref_vol']):
self._objects['snapshots']['label_ref'][obj['label']] =\
self._objects['snapshots']['ref_snap'][obj['pitGroupRef']] = obj
def _cache_snap_img(self, image):
"""Caches snapshot image under corresponding snapshot group."""
group_id = image.get('pitGroupRef')
sn_gp = self._objects['snapshots']['ref_snap']
if group_id in sn_gp:
sn_gp[group_id]['images'] = sn_gp[group_id].get('images') or []
def _cache_vol_mapping(self, mapping):
"""Caches volume mapping in volume object."""
vol_id = mapping['volumeRef']
volume = self._objects['volumes']['ref_vol'][vol_id]
volume['listOfMappings'] = volume.get('listOfMappings') or []
def _del_volume_frm_cache(self, label):
"""Deletes volume from cache."""
vol_id = self._objects['volumes']['label_ref'].get(label)
if vol_id:
self._objects['volumes']['ref_vol'].pop(vol_id, True)
LOG.debug(_("Volume %s not cached."), label)
def _del_snapshot_frm_cache(self, obj_name):
"""Deletes snapshot group from cache."""
snap_id = self._objects['snapshots']['label_ref'].get(obj_name)
if snap_id:
self._objects['snapshots']['ref_snap'].pop(snap_id, True)
LOG.debug(_("Snapshot %s not cached."), obj_name)
def _del_vol_mapping_frm_cache(self, mapping):
"""Deletes volume mapping under cached volume."""
vol_id = mapping['volumeRef']
volume = self._objects['volumes']['ref_vol'].get(vol_id) or {}
mappings = volume.get('listOfMappings') or []
except ValueError:
LOG.debug(_("Mapping with id %s already removed."),
def _get_volume(self, uid):
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uid)
return self._get_cached_volume(label)
except KeyError:
for vol in self._client.list_volumes():
if vol.get('label') == label:
return self._get_cached_volume(label)
def _get_cached_volume(self, label):
vol_id = self._objects['volumes']['label_ref'][label]
return self._objects['volumes']['ref_vol'][vol_id]
def _get_cached_snapshot_grp(self, uid):
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uid)
snap_id = self._objects['snapshots']['label_ref'][label]
return self._objects['snapshots']['ref_snap'][snap_id]
def _get_cached_snap_grp_image(self, uid):
group = self._get_cached_snapshot_grp(uid)
images = group.get('images')
if images:
sorted_imgs = sorted(images, key=lambda x: x['pitTimestamp'])
return sorted_imgs[0]
msg = _("No pit image found in snapshot group %s.") % group['label']
raise exception.NotFound(msg)
def _is_volume_containing_snaps(self, label):
"""Checks if volume contains snapshot groups."""
vol_id = self._objects['volumes']['label_ref'].get(label)
snp_grps = self._objects['snapshots']['ref_snap'].values()
for snap in snp_grps:
if snap['baseVolume'] == vol_id:
return True
return False
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Creates a volume."""
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(volume['id'])
size_gb = int(volume['size'])
vol = self._create_volume(label, size_gb)
def _create_volume(self, label, size_gb):
"""Creates volume with given label and size."""
avl_pools = self._get_sorted_avl_storage_pools(size_gb)
for pool in avl_pools:
vol = self._client.create_volume(pool['volumeGroupRef'],
label, size_gb)"Created volume with label %s."), label)
return vol
except exception.NetAppDriverException as e:
LOG.error(_("Error creating volume. Msg - %s."), e)
msg = _("Failure creating volume %s.")
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg % label)
def _get_sorted_avl_storage_pools(self, size_gb):
"""Returns storage pools sorted on available capacity."""
size = size_gb * units.GiB
pools = self._client.list_storage_pools()
sorted_pools = sorted(pools, key=lambda x:
(int(x.get('totalRaidedSpace', 0))
- int(x.get('usedSpace', 0))), reverse=True)
avl_pools = [x for x in sorted_pools
if (x['volumeGroupRef'] in
self._objects['disk_pool_refs']) and
(int(x.get('totalRaidedSpace', 0)) -
int(x.get('usedSpace', 0) >= size))]
if not avl_pools:
msg = _("No storage pool found with available capacity %s.")
exception.NotFound(msg % size_gb)
return avl_pools
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(volume['id'])
size = volume['size']
dst_vol = self._create_volume(label, size)
src_vol = None
src_vol = self._create_snapshot_volume(snapshot['id'])
self._copy_volume_high_prior_readonly(src_vol, dst_vol)
self._cache_volume(dst_vol)"Created volume with label %s."), label)
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
if src_vol:
except exception.NetAppDriverException as e:
LOG.error(_("Failure deleting snap vol. Error: %s."), e)
LOG.warn(_("Snapshot volume not found."))
def _create_snapshot_volume(self, snapshot_id):
"""Creates snapshot volume for given group with snapshot_id."""
group = self._get_cached_snapshot_grp(snapshot_id)
LOG.debug(_("Creating snap vol for group %s"), group['label'])
image = self._get_cached_snap_grp_image(snapshot_id)
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uuid.uuid4())
capacity = int(image['pitCapacity']) / units.GiB
storage_pools = self._get_sorted_avl_storage_pools(capacity)
s_id = storage_pools[0]['volumeGroupRef']
return self._client.create_snapshot_volume(image['pitRef'], label,
group['baseVolume'], s_id)
def _copy_volume_high_prior_readonly(self, src_vol, dst_vol):
"""Copies src volume to dest volume.""""Copying src vol %(src)s to dest vol %(dst)s.")
% {'src': src_vol['label'], 'dst': dst_vol['label']})
job = None
job = self._client.create_volume_copy_job(src_vol['id'],
while True:
j_st = self._client.list_vol_copy_job(job['volcopyRef'])
if (j_st['status'] == 'inProgress' or j_st['status'] ==
'pending' or j_st['status'] == 'unknown'):
if (j_st['status'] == 'failed' or j_st['status'] == 'halted'):
LOG.error(_("Vol copy job status %s."), j_st['status'])
msg = _("Vol copy job for dest %s failed.")\
% dst_vol['label']
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg)"Vol copy job completed for dest %s.")
% dst_vol['label'])
if job:
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
LOG.warn(_("Failure deleting job %s."), job['volcopyRef'])
LOG.warn(_('Volume copy job for src vol %s not found.'),
src_vol['id'])'Copy job to dest vol %s completed.'), dst_vol['label'])
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
snapshot = {'id': uuid.uuid4(), 'volume_id': src_vref['id']}
self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
LOG.warn(_("Failure deleting temp snapshot %s."),
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a volume."""
vol = self._get_volume(volume['id'])
except KeyError:"Volume %s already deleted."), volume['id'])
def _delete_volume(self, label):
"""Deletes an array volume."""
vol_id = self._objects['volumes']['label_ref'].get(label)
if vol_id:
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Creates a snapshot."""
snap_grp, snap_image = None, None
snapshot_name = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(snapshot['id'])
vol = self._get_volume(snapshot['volume_id'])
vol_size_gb = int(vol['totalSizeInBytes']) / units.GiB
pools = self._get_sorted_avl_storage_pools(vol_size_gb)
snap_grp = self._client.create_snapshot_group(
snapshot_name, vol['volumeRef'], pools[0]['volumeGroupRef'])
snap_image = self._client.create_snapshot_image(
self._cache_snap_img(snap_image)"Created snap grp with label %s."), snapshot_name)
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
if snap_image is None and snap_grp:
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Deletes a snapshot."""
snap_grp = self._get_cached_snapshot_grp(snapshot['id'])
except KeyError:
LOG.warn(_("Snapshot %s already deleted.") % snapshot['id'])
snapshot_name = snap_grp['label']
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Synchronously recreates an export for a volume."""
def create_export(self, context, volume):
"""Exports the volume."""
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Removes an export for a volume."""
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Allow connection to connector and return connection info."""
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
vol = self._get_volume(volume['id'])
iscsi_det = self._get_iscsi_service_details()
mapping = self._map_volume_to_host(vol, initiator_name)
lun_id = mapping['lun']
msg = _("Mapped volume %(id)s to the initiator %(initiator_name)s.")
msg_fmt = {'id': volume['id'], 'initiator_name': initiator_name}
LOG.debug(msg % msg_fmt)
msg = _("Successfully fetched target details for volume %(id)s and "
"initiator %(initiator_name)s.")
LOG.debug(msg % msg_fmt)
properties = {}
properties['target_discovered'] = False
properties['target_portal'] = '%s:%s' % (iscsi_det['ip'],
properties['target_iqn'] = iscsi_det['iqn']
properties['target_lun'] = lun_id
properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
auth = volume['provider_auth']
if auth:
(auth_method, auth_username, auth_secret) = auth.split()
properties['auth_method'] = auth_method
properties['auth_username'] = auth_username
properties['auth_password'] = auth_secret
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
'data': properties,
def _get_iscsi_service_details(self):
"""Gets iscsi iqn, ip and port information."""
hw_inventory = self._client.list_hardware_inventory()
iscsi_ports = hw_inventory.get('iscsiPorts')
if iscsi_ports:
for port in iscsi_ports:
if (port.get('ipv4Enabled') and port.get('iqn') and
port.get('ipv4Data') and
port['ipv4Data'].get('ipv4AddressData') and
.get('ipv4Address') and port['ipv4Data']
== 'configured'):
iscsi_det = {}
iscsi_det['ip'] =\
iscsi_det['iqn'] = port['iqn']
iscsi_det['tcp_port'] = port.get('tcpListenPort', '3260')
return iscsi_det
msg = _('No good iscsi portal information found for %s.')
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(
msg % self._client.get_system_id())
def _map_volume_to_host(self, vol, initiator):
"""Maps the e-series volume to host with initiator."""
host = self._get_or_create_host(initiator)
lun = self._get_free_lun(host)
return self._client.create_volume_mapping(vol['volumeRef'],
host['hostRef'], lun)
def _get_or_create_host(self, port_id, host_type='linux'):
"""Fetch or create a host by given port."""
return self._get_host_with_port(port_id, host_type)
except exception.NotFound as e:
LOG.warn(_("Message - %s."), e.msg)
return self._create_host(port_id, host_type)
def _get_host_with_port(self, port_id, host_type='linux'):
"""Gets or creates a host with given port id."""
hosts = self._client.list_hosts()
ht_def = self._get_host_type_definition(host_type)
for host in hosts:
if (host.get('hostTypeIndex') == ht_def.get('index')
and host.get('hostSidePorts')):
ports = host.get('hostSidePorts')
for port in ports:
if (port.get('type') == 'iscsi'
and port.get('address') == port_id):
return host
msg = _("Host with port %(port)s and type %(type)s not found.")
raise exception.NotFound(msg % {'port': port_id, 'type': host_type})
def _create_host(self, port_id, host_type='linux'):
"""Creates host on system with given initiator as port_id.""""Creating host with port %s."), port_id)
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uuid.uuid4())
port_label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uuid.uuid4())
host_type = self._get_host_type_definition(host_type)
return self._client.create_host_with_port(label, host_type,
port_id, port_label)
def _get_host_type_definition(self, host_type='linux'):
"""Gets supported host type if available on storage system."""
host_types = self._client.list_host_types()
for ht in host_types:
if ht.get('name', 'unknown').lower() == host_type.lower():
return ht
raise exception.NotFound(_("Host type %s not supported.") % host_type)
def _get_free_lun(self, host):
"""Gets free lun for given host."""
luns = self._get_vol_mapping_for_host_frm_array(host['hostRef'])
used_luns = set(map(lambda lun: int(lun['lun']), luns))
for lun in xrange(self.MAX_LUNS_PER_HOST):
if lun not in used_luns:
return lun
msg = _("No free luns. Host might exceeded max luns.")
raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg)
def _get_vol_mapping_for_host_frm_array(self, host_ref):
"""Gets all volume mappings for given host from array."""
mappings = self._client.get_volume_mappings()
host_maps = filter(lambda x: x.get('mapRef') == host_ref, mappings)
return host_maps
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
"""Disallow connection from connector."""
vol = self._get_volume(volume['id'])
host = self._get_host_with_port(connector['initiator'])
mapping = self._get_cached_vol_mapping_for_host(vol, host)
def _get_cached_vol_mapping_for_host(self, volume, host):
"""Gets cached volume mapping for given host."""
mappings = volume.get('listOfMappings') or []
for mapping in mappings:
if mapping.get('mapRef') == host['hostRef']:
return mapping
msg = _("Mapping not found for %(vol)s to host %(ht)s.")
raise exception.NotFound(msg % {'vol': volume['volumeRef'],
'ht': host['hostRef']})
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Return the current state of the volume service."""
if refresh:
return self._stats
def _update_volume_stats(self):
"""Update volume statistics."""
LOG.debug(_("Updating volume stats."))
self._stats = self._stats or {}
netapp_backend = 'NetApp_ESeries'
backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
self._stats["volume_backend_name"] = (
backend_name or netapp_backend)
self._stats["vendor_name"] = 'NetApp'
self._stats["driver_version"] = '1.0'
self._stats["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI'
self._stats["total_capacity_gb"] = 0
self._stats["free_capacity_gb"] = 0
self._stats["reserved_percentage"] = 0
self._stats["QoS_support"] = False
def _update_capacity(self):
"""Get free and total appliance capacity in bytes."""
tot_bytes, used_bytes = 0, 0
pools = self._client.list_storage_pools()
for pool in pools:
if pool['volumeGroupRef'] in self._objects['disk_pool_refs']:
tot_bytes = tot_bytes + int(pool.get('totalRaidedSpace', 0))
used_bytes = used_bytes + int(pool.get('usedSpace', 0))
self._stats['free_capacity_gb'] = (tot_bytes - used_bytes) / units.GiB
self._stats['total_capacity_gb'] = tot_bytes / units.GiB
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend an existing volume to the new size."""
stage_1, stage_2 = 0, 0
src_vol = self._get_volume(volume['id'])
src_label = src_vol['label']
stage_label = 'tmp-%s' % utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uuid.uuid4())
extend_vol = {'id': uuid.uuid4(), 'size': new_size}
self.create_cloned_volume(extend_vol, volume)
new_vol = self._get_volume(extend_vol['id'])
stage_1 = self._client.update_volume(src_vol['id'], stage_label)
stage_2 = self._client.update_volume(new_vol['id'], src_label)
new_vol = stage_2
self._cache_volume(stage_1)'Extended volume with label %s.'), src_label)
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
if stage_1 == 0:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
if stage_2 == 0:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self._client.update_volume(src_vol['id'], src_label)
def _garbage_collect_tmp_vols(self):
"""Removes tmp vols with no snapshots."""
if not utils.set_safe_attr(self, 'clean_job_running', True):
LOG.warn(_('Returning as clean tmp vol job already running.'))
for label in self._objects['volumes']['label_ref'].keys():
if (label.startswith('tmp-') and
not self._is_volume_containing_snaps(label)):
except exception.NetAppDriverException:
LOG.debug(_("Error deleting vol with label %s."),
utils.set_safe_attr(self, 'clean_job_running', False)

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ netapp_proxy_opts = [
help=('The storage family type used on the storage system; '
'valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP '
'operating in 7-Mode or ontap_cluster for using '
'clustered Data ONTAP.')),
'operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using '
'clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.')),
help=('The storage protocol to be used on the data path with '
@ -41,27 +41,28 @@ netapp_proxy_opts = [
netapp_connection_opts = [
help='The hostname (or IP address) for the storage system.'),
help='The hostname (or IP address) for the storage system or '
'proxy server.'),
help=('The TCP port to use for communication with ONTAPI on '
'the storage system. Traditionally, port 80 is used for '
'HTTP and port 443 is used for HTTPS; however, this '
help=('The TCP port to use for communication with the storage '
'system or proxy server. Traditionally, port 80 is used '
'for HTTP and port 443 is used for HTTPS; however, this '
'value should be changed if an alternate port has been '
'configured on the storage system.')), ]
'configured on the storage system or proxy server.')), ]
netapp_transport_opts = [
help=('The transport protocol used when communicating with '
'ONTAPI on the storage system. Valid values are http '
'or https.')), ]
'the storage system or proxy server. Valid values are '
'http or https.')), ]
netapp_basicauth_opts = [
help=('Administrative user account name used to access the '
'storage system.')),
'storage system or proxy server.')),
help=('Password for the administrative user account '
@ -133,6 +134,35 @@ netapp_img_cache_opts = [
'the value of this parameter, will be deleted from the '
'cache to create free space on the NFS share.')), ]
netapp_eseries_opts = [
help=('This option is used to specify the path to the E-Series '
'proxy application on a proxy server. The value is '
'combined with the value of the netapp_transport_type, '
'netapp_server_hostname, and netapp_server_port options '
'to create the URL used by the driver to connect to the '
'proxy application.')),
help=('This option is only utilized when the storage family '
'is configured to eseries. This option is used to '
'restrict provisioning to the specified controllers. '
'Specify the value of this option to be a comma '
'separated list of controller hostnames or IP addresses '
'to be used for provisioning.')),
help=('Password for the NetApp E-Series storage array.'),
help=('This option is used to restrict provisioning to the '
'specified storage pools. Only dynamic disk pools are '
'currently supported. Specify the value of this option to'
' be a comma separated list of disk pool names to be used'
' for provisioning.')), ]
@ -142,3 +172,4 @@ CONF.register_opts(netapp_cluster_opts)

View File

@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ This module contains common utilities to be used by one or more
NetApp drivers to achieve the desired functionality.
import base64
import binascii
import copy
import socket
import uuid
from cinder import context
from cinder import exception
@ -320,3 +323,34 @@ def check_apis_on_cluster(na_server, api_list=[]):
msg = _("Api version could not be determined.")
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
return failed_apis
def resolve_hostname(hostname):
"""Resolves host name to IP address."""
res = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, None)[0]
family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = res
return sockaddr[0]
def encode_hex_to_base32(hex_string):
"""Encodes hex to base32 bit as per RFC4648."""
bin_form = binascii.unhexlify(hex_string)
return base64.b32encode(bin_form)
def decode_base32_to_hex(base32_string):
"""Decodes base32 string to hex string."""
bin_form = base64.b32decode(base32_string)
return binascii.hexlify(bin_form)
def convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uuid_str):
"""Converts uuid to e-series compatible name format."""
uuid_base32 = encode_hex_to_base32(uuid.UUID(str(uuid_str)).hex)
return uuid_base32.strip('=')
def convert_es_fmt_to_uuid(es_label):
"""Converts e-series name format to uuid."""
es_label_b32 = es_label.ljust(32, '=')
return uuid.UUID(binascii.hexlify(base64.b32decode(es_label_b32)))

View File

@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@
# Administrative user account name used to access the storage
# system. (string value)
# system or proxy server. (string value)
# Password for the administrative user account specified in
@ -1290,17 +1290,44 @@
# function normally. (string value)
# The hostname (or IP address) for the storage system. (string
# value)
# The hostname (or IP address) for the storage system or proxy
# server. (string value)
# The TCP port to use for communication with ONTAPI on the
# storage system. Traditionally, port 80 is used for HTTP and
# port 443 is used for HTTPS; however, this value should be
# changed if an alternate port has been configured on the
# storage system. (integer value)
# The TCP port to use for communication with the storage
# system or proxy server. Traditionally, port 80 is used for
# HTTP and port 443 is used for HTTPS; however, this value
# should be changed if an alternate port has been configured
# on the storage system or proxy server. (integer value)
# This option is used to specify the path to the E-Series
# proxy application on a proxy server. The value is combined
# with the value of the netapp_transport_type,
# netapp_server_hostname, and netapp_server_port options to
# create the URL used by the driver to connect to the proxy
# application. (string value)
# This option is only utilized when the storage family is
# configured to eseries. This option is used to restrict
# provisioning to the specified controllers. Specify the value
# of this option to be a comma separated list of controller
# hostnames or IP addresses to be used for provisioning.
# (string value)
# Password for the NetApp E-Series storage array. (string
# value)
# This option is used to restrict provisioning to the
# specified storage pools. Only dynamic disk pools are
# currently supported. Specify the value of this option to be
# a comma separated list of disk pool names to be used for
# provisioning. (string value)
# If the percentage of available space for an NFS share has
# dropped below the value specified by this option, the NFS
# image cache will be cleaned. (integer value)
@ -1338,8 +1365,8 @@
# The storage family type used on the storage system; valid
# values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP operating in
# 7-Mode or ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP.
# (string value)
# 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or
# eseries for using E-Series. (string value)
# The storage protocol to be used on the data path with the
@ -1347,9 +1374,9 @@
# value)
# The transport protocol used when communicating with ONTAPI
# on the storage system. Valid values are http or https.
# (string value)
# The transport protocol used when communicating with the
# storage system or proxy server. Valid values are http or
# https. (string value)