Support ubuntu16.04 and ubuntu14.04 in one ISO file

Change-Id: I13747aa19a7786b732a60d65a9922b452f1a9c88
Signed-off-by: chenshuai <>
This commit is contained in:
chenshuai 2016-07-15 04:14:19 -04:00
parent ecab37e199
commit 3cad9c1ad9
2 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"repos": "$getVar('repo_name', '')"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
"name": "$hostname",
"hostname": "$hostname",
"profile": "$profile",
"gateway": "$gateway",
#import simplejson as json
#set nameservers = json.dumps($nameservers, encoding='utf-8')
"name_servers": $nameservers,
#set search_path = ' '.join($search_path)
"name_servers_search": "$search_path",
"proxy": "$getVar('http_proxy', '')",
#set networks = $networks
#set rekeyed = {}
#set promic_nic = ""
#for $nic, $val in $networks.iteritems():
#set ip_key = '-'.join(('ipaddress', $nic))
#set netmask_key = '-'.join(('netmask', $nic))
#set mgmt_key = '-'.join(('management', $nic))
#set static_key = '-'.join(('static', $nic))
#set $rekeyed[$ip_key] = $val.ip
#set $rekeyed[$netmask_key] = $val.netmask
#set $rekeyed[$static_key] = True
#set dns_key = '-'.join(('dnsname', $nic))
#if $val.is_mgmt
#set $rekeyed[$dns_key] = $dns
#if '.' in $dns
#set $dns_name, $dns_domain = $dns.split('.', 1)
#set $dns_nic = '%s-%s.%s' % ($dns_name, $nic, $dns_domain)
#set $dns_nic = '%s-%s' % ($dns, $nic)
#end if
#set $rekeyed[$dns_key] = $dns_nic
#end if
#if $val.is_promiscuous:
#set promic_nic = $nic
#end if
#if $val.is_mgmt:
#set mac_key = '-'.join(('macaddress', $nic))
#set $rekeyed[$mac_key] = $mac
#end if
#end for
#set nic_info = json.dumps($rekeyed, encoding='utf-8')
#set partition_config = ''
#for k, v in $partition.iteritems():
#set path = ''
#if v['vol_percentage']:
#set $path = k + ' ' + str(v['vol_percentage']) + '%'
#set $path = k + ' ' + str(v['vol_size'])
#end if
#set partition_config = ';'.join((partition_config, $path))
#end for
#set partition_config = partition_config[1:]
#import crypt
#set $password = crypt.crypt($server_credentials.password, "az")
#set no_proxy = ','.join($getVar('no_proxy', []))
"username": "$server_credentials.username",
"password": "$password",
"promisc_nics": "$promic_nic",
"partition": "$partition_config",
"https_proxy": "$getVar('https_proxy', '')",
"ntp_server": "$ntp_server",
"timezone": "$timezone",
"ignore_proxy": "$no_proxy",
"local_repo": "$getVar('local_repo', '')",
"disk_num": "1"