Automatic upload of needed image files to glance for tempest tests

This change adds an automated upload of the needed (here just a standard
cirros) images for the tempest integration tests.

Change-Id: I95e8c01703822c4adc6d1fbf369fc6fa1115406b
This commit is contained in:
Jan Klare 2014-06-13 15:32:59 +02:00
parent 2debea8459
commit 1d5758fbee
3 changed files with 39 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -38,12 +38,14 @@ default['openstack']['integration-test'] = {
'image1' => {
'name' => 'cirros',
'id' => nil,
'flavor' => 1
'flavor' => 1,
'source' => ''
'image2' => {
'name' => 'cirros',
'id' => nil,
'flavor' => 1
'flavor' => 1,
'source' => ''

View File

@ -82,17 +82,26 @@ git '/opt/tempest' do
%w{image1 image2}.each do |img|
image_name = node['openstack']['integration-test'][img]['name']
admin_user = node['openstack']['identity']['admin_user']
admin_tenant = node['openstack']['identity']['admin_tenant_name']
openstack_image_image img do
identity_user admin_user
identity_pass admin_pass
identity_tenant admin_tenant
identity_uri auth_uri
image_name image_name
image_url node['openstack']['integration-test'][img]['source']
# NOTE: This has to be done in a ruby_block so it gets executed at execution
# time and not compile time (when glance does not yet exist).
ruby_block "Get and set #{img}'s ID" do
block do
admin_user = node['openstack']['identity']['admin_user']
admin_tenant = node['openstack']['identity']['admin_tenant_name']
image_name = node['openstack']['integration-test'][img]['name']
env = openstack_command_env admin_user, admin_tenant
id = image_id image_name, env
node.set['openstack']['integration-test'][img]['id'] = id
rescue RuntimeError => e
Chef::Log.error("UUID not found for Glance image #{image_name}. Error was #{e.message}")

View File

@ -99,6 +99,28 @@ describe 'openstack-integration-test::setup' do
it 'uploads image1' do
expect(chef_run).to upload_openstack_image_image('image1').with(
identity_user: 'admin',
identity_pass: 'admin',
identity_tenant: 'admin',
identity_uri: '',
image_name: 'cirros',
image_url: ''
it 'uploads image2' do
expect(chef_run).to upload_openstack_image_image('image2').with(
identity_user: 'admin',
identity_pass: 'admin',
identity_tenant: 'admin',
identity_uri: '',
image_name: 'cirros',
image_url: ''
it 'runs ruby_block for image1' do
expect(chef_run).to run_ruby_block("Get and set image1's ID")