Hello everyone, I would like to announce my candidacy to once more serve as RefStack PTL for the Pike cycle. The Ocata development cycle was short, but together, we were able to complete the implementation of adding new features allowing vendor and product registration at RefStack. These features were also successfully released on the RefStack website ( https://refstack.openstack.org/#/ ) at the end of 2016. With the ability to identify the owners and verified data used by the OpenStack Foundation for the trademark program, RefStack is now ready to implement more new features such as: data retention, centralized testing, statistical analysis of the collected result data, etc. My thanks to everyone who had been dedicated to make this happen. We could not have been able to achieve this important milestone without your effort and invaluable contribution. For the Pike cycle, our focus will be as follows: 1) Establish and implement test result data retention policy. 2) Add new features to allow vendor (customized) guidelines. 3) RefStack and refstack-client usability enhancements. I look forward to working with all of you. Thank you for your consideration! Catherine Diep