Dear all, I’d like to announce my candidacy for PTL of the QA Program for the Rocky cycle. I served as PTL for QA during the Pike and Queens cycles, and I would be honoured to continue to do so in the next six months. After a few years working with the OpenStack community, I continue to find it an exceptional experience and a great opportunity for meeting and working with great people, learning and innovating. In the past cycle, we focused on providing good and stable interfaces in QA projects for everyone to use. Meanwhile, we supported the OpenStack community in the implementation of the Tempest plugin community goal. This should mean fewer headaches for everyone with Tempest plugins, and a bit more time for the QA team to focus on key areas like the gate stability and bug triage. Outside of those key areas, my priority always remains serving the community, by providing tools, support and advice. There are a few specific topics I care particularly about for the Rocky cycle: - Migration to Zuul v3: my key objective is for project teams to be able to migrate as effortless as possible, enjoy the benefits of Zuul v3 and focus on the things they want to work on. To achieve this the QA team will provide a good set of base jobs and ansible roles for everyone to re-use. During Queens we implemented base devstack and devstack-tempest jobs already; next up are multinode support and grenade, which cover most of the things that we do in Tempest legacy jobs today. - Interoperability testing: with the new add-on programs, I expect that the teams involved will need prompt support and test reviews from the QA team. - QA beyond the gate: there is a lot of quality engineering happening on OpenStack beyond the testing we do in the gate and I strive to ensure that those efforts do not happen in isolation. There is opportunity for sharing of ideas, tools, experiences - even beyond the OpenStack community, through initiatives like OpenLab and OPNVF. A QA SIG may be a good forum to make this happen. - Supporting teams working on the cold upgrade goal along with the goal champion. Thank you! Andrea Frittoli (andreaf)