Greetings! I have been truly amazed by our accomplishments of the last six months and I wish to continue this momentum. As such I am announcing my candidacy and self nomination for the position of Ironic PTL. I promise to continue the application of irony. This past cycle has been very eye opening for me and has taught me a lot about the community at large and the challenges they face. My passion has not wavered and I wish to continue enhancing ironic's capabilities. Operators are central to our community, and we need to continue enhancements that help operators but at the same time we need to revisit our old ideas and plans. In a sense we have already started to do this and we need to continue it. Efforts such as splitting iPXE out of PXE make lots of sense and better enables mixed hardware and even architecture fleets to co-exist. My vision for this next cycle is to setup ironic to become the the defacto API driven hardware provisioning toolkit. This will naturally mean some more work and we will need to continue with our momentum and focus on enablement and performance enhancements to improve the user experience. Thank you for your consideration. Julia Kreger (TheJulia)